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tv   Conflict Zone  Deutsche Welle  June 6, 2024 5:30am-6:00am CEST

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the details it just going to be find it here. repos every weekend on d w this week around 370000000 people in the 27 countries of the you will be voting in the european solomon's elections and the run up plenty of speculation. but the far right might increase its tale of seats and exhibit great influence on how the you spends it's money or low as it passes. and what far and agreements and signs. so this takes a high and this complex home found in brussels as being plenty of nervous tension among keep politicians. we talked to 2 of them, memford vapor leader is the largest political grouping center right to europe and people's policy about his predictions, his worries and the credible leadership in your 1st viagra, euro,
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but vice president of the european commission. i'm commission of values and transparency. how crucial of coming europeans elections to democracy in new york? i have to tell you that this election, so we'll have decisive follow for the future years, and the way the life defend make business in europe. and so the selections are very crucial and this elections are necessary to protect if before right gets a big boost in the giving the elections as some of predicting what are the dangers for the you for democracy? i think that if uh, not only the far right, but the political bowers, including the new members of the following month, will destroy the unity off the european union.
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and unity for me doesn't mean that you have to agree of is every seeing, but the unity on substantial existential the important things then you will weaken . i think that it will be more of pressure on the national interest of motor pressure on also in my agenda on the you stopped interfering in to the southern states results. pay attention to the fact that all the member states subscribed to this been 3 days, for instance, is the commitment to, to respectfully the little flaw. i think that data will be more noise about and all the things that you is doing in the field of the under mentor rights. but also that might be some, some people who will want to abuse the freedom of speech to be able to shout
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a hateful comments. and these kinds of things. could we say more pressure for correct down on immigration, for instance. i thing that to by uh, having the migration but the package adopted the story, it has not finished. and i think that this will be one of the things switched off the right to move on to open again. a more pro bosco policies, less support for you might be the case. yes. up to now i knew grain. i am to not have been not happy at all because sizing ukraine needs more, more weapons, and what i munition and so on. but on the other hand, i am so disliked by the reaction of the rest on the, on the russian aggression. i knew i can imagine i am a check citizen. so that are some historical lessons in chicky. we read to come over over the last century that appeasement does not does not work.
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and that's why i'm so glad that's all we are supporting ukraine in spite of the big pressure from moscow and coming in and it's profound off the 3 it should stop the support to ukraine. your is supporting new k, but it's not enough. is it not enough? in the military sense, and that sort of accounts at the end of the day off, they don't have sovereignty over their own territory. they don't have a country today. we have to see at least 4 lines of support, but you are either. this is a key one, this is exist centrally important, critical one to support the ukraine of a sufficient amount of immunization and weapons. but we should also not oversee that. that is a huge money battery and 8 that is a huge support for the ukraine. and some of these that is
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a sustainable flow of money to ukraine, which should keep the state i'm going fulfilling the functions of the state. and i got it from my field. i think that we are doing a lot to prepare the ground for the, for the punishment of the treatise. so creating the data base of evidence of the crimes i'm tall now will collection of the, of the list of damages and these kind of things x. but the fact is, you kind is not the way the small and is not winning the war because it doesn't have the weapons and the munition it needs. and unless the west changes cost gives you credit and what it needs in terms of that military equipment. it's kind of go down, is that still a lute saying this is going to be a business? no. yes. we have to support
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a grain more in and it's in the war. but this is a legit, isn't it? that goes this. this is urgent. the whole time, and a lot of the landscape is rightly asking for more support in, in the field of military equipment, the munition and nothing's from the beginning of this, of the innovation of the west has to do more coming back to the european elections. isn't that the choose the democracy is on the threats in the you from inside and outside as never before? i have a lot of good data showing that democracy. an electro process is under pressure under the new kinds of threats, not only from outside the of go see the efforts on for i shot to convince the voters to vote for those who will stop support to ukraine. this is
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a very clear purpose of the russian propaganda. we also see more on the document more hayden ways of influenza seeing the europe and information space from china. we recently saw the evidence brought by the secret services that are on additions into you who do not hesitate to get paid from our enemies. so it is the combination of external pressures as an internal willingness to cooperate with those who have the whole styles. hostile plans for the, for the and there are many other factors which are threatening democracy, for instance, of the look of understandable communication visible just because saw the people are calling for health that it is a lot of fun,
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certainly to one of your responsibilities is to ensure that the democratic system is open, transparent, and protected from external interference. it isn't protected from external interference. is it because the russians have been very successful in buying you politicians, you mentioned that the people can't have trust in the system where that goes on. i would warn against the f us to absolutely, prof. dekota, information space. we should also maintain some thrust and people that they will be able to apply the critical thinking. and at least they don't know which of your politicians is being bored by that show. how can they come they have to of cause such scandal or such? such disclosures are not helping my thought. at the same time, we are doing our best to increase the level of protection of our information space
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in the sense of flex checking and supporting the end of the independent media who should be able to deliver to the people, evidence based tools. and i think that this is the only way out to defend our information space. you have the graphs and you have for right government is that uh and far right parties of the well established in your fonts in germany. they have a number to political forces. this isn't it has a far right prime minister. so back here has a fall, right? prime minister hungry is far right, is entrenched and powerful. bear already in the impala. yes. does that frighten you? it does because i see a lot of lying in the campaigns. i mean the promises. so what's frightening me as is the 3, it didn't do enough to or for the people of the
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alternative. and i think that this has to be maintained the free choice for, for the citizens. but at the same time, and i will repeat it to the side time, we should be able to explain to people what comes next. i see in politics a lot of the discussions about what happens in the boss analyzing of what we did good our successes. i don't see enough uh, care about the varies of the people who really want to know what will happen next months for next year or in 10 years time. this is what i hear from the young people when i'm traveling now from country to country. i also have,
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fortunately, a lot of opportunities to discuss with a young people they want to know, but also they want to say what the future of europe should be. and this is so my onto adult of a few of, of the few of the right. so far, right, that this, that is a hope that the maybe the new generation of voters will, will say no to it us. at the same time, we see a lot of young people being manipulated, especially as the dick duck and other platforms and young people who start to believe in those. but it's simple uh, solutions. this is also frightening me. how scared are you that to my pay? i really serious price for not having done enough to address people's concerns. oh, i fall right walks away with considerable number of increased seats. i am good
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enough to do more. that's why i am really no intensively discussing this many different partners in our member states. a movie also that the some is the media organization. so busy and use of this the organizations which should implement the new laws are finding in the law. and imagine i m s flying alarm. as i already visited, 8 countries, i will have some skype calls with all the us. i'm going to slow lucky on next week, and i am not coming to the stage. so the member states to advise who to vote for, of course, as a liberal, a little bit to the left from the center i. i would have such advice, but this is not my job here. my job is to support the member states so that they are able to organize the elections and the way that they will
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not be money related or kept chet bye. the technologies specially i have in mind deep fakes in this case. so that's my job to go to the country is the outlet, and also to explain to the general public in the country is that the we, if we admit that to be and if in both throughs era our destiny will be to live in lice, swat normal people should not want, i guess it's a novice, worried time for you, isn't it? i am quite used to it. you know, i am. i think i'm doing the most sense. an emotion that a field input for you because i'm dealing over the almost 10 years. is
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the agenda of the flaw independent justice, no independent media protection of field from the pundum into rights. and these are all, all the things which are on the threat on the threat and which raise a lot of emotions, hatred. and i a going to go to storage because you asked me bustle the question of, but i don't like the idea that it has to continue like that the society and democracy has to adapt to the new era and to keep the best sinks, the best principles of an i, i believe the 3 of them manage, but this is a very tense moment. so when we see the pulse go with
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frustration, also keeping us in economic troubles. and that's the crisis water. we live in the, at all when the people have fetus, which they did not have over many decades. suddenly, i receive questions whether the people will be able to pay the bills for electricity or whether they will have money to feed their children. and these are, these are such and that are being new kinds of questions that it could be a fatal mistake not to react on it properly or from the political side because the people are in trouble. and if, when we see the, the far right is on the rice, i think they have
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a good analysis of the job. most of people, as they are responding to the, the problem is that in many ways they are lying to people that are, is a solutions. so that's why i always say we have to do. but as the democrats and if you don't do better, you'll pay a big price. well, yes, isn't it? fed politics is a difficult and speak to difficult politics, is mindful, vapor the leader of the center right here for you and people's policy. i reminded him of his own warning last year for the you risk the fall right. surge unless it got a handle on migration. and so far i suggested this happens one, 1st of all, we don't have to look on the content from a technical point of view refill immediately to the right extreme. because of all we have to surface interest of citizens and people are going to have clarity on our
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ex, donald warner. they want to know suits who are arriving. are real asylum seekers. we all the refugees and all the leave you my friends. that's fine. europe has to be tough and we have finalized and all the legislation of migration in the last, the weeks abroad about this of the easiest of horrible discussions in europe, blake, mounting each other, we now phone to come in understanding. so it's a message of yes, europe stopped speaking via solving all the problem and your move to tighten the regulations of migration moves you further to the far right. and you happy about that because it gives you a new alliance. so strengthens an old alliance. but my red line is critically a, there is no chance developed to be able to be source was refusing euro, please do so are refusing to cooperation, visual crane. and these, those who are against the roof at all in europe. the 3 basic principles which of the fundamental, from my political family as us on the part this one with respect and fees for the principal. but it wasn't always so you way. partnership with you this hardly pro
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european, certainly not for a rule of law. and these days, not pro ukraine either. that's why you were capable of being together with them for 10 years. while you know victor all bunched onto this freedom fighter against calmness and he was supposed to live road politician. he was part of the liberal party in europe, then you still kept him when it and he was and then he, most of the european peoples body. and then i myself, this group in the years ago, i expelled him from the party to make clear that enough is enough and that was enough and then decided to re exclude it to him. so he's not any more party member in the family. that's why our position is greece, crystal clear. let me use another name for showing you our p a d n a. we have the party of the on the test, he's my parenthesis or as part of you the he's now police prime. it is the he kicked out kuchinski off office and brought poland back to europe and those are roughly all back to poland. so that's a real dna you'll be and i'm proud of this. would you be a king to have your family include georgia,
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maloney the far right prime minister of it. to me i give you an on service yard guarantee trojan maloney's president of ease yard of the conservative party. i am president of suit up in people's party. they respect each other because we are both positive you just on your to people level but, you know, try to join the family if you wanted her in idaho, i the p p. i don't see this that she wants to join. i don't see a statement from her. i don't see initiative from her. she's pregnant is typically a, and that is what i respect. and i have tell you that yes, she voted in favor of the migration back to all been voted against kuchinski voted against. so i see her being reasonable on the other people level being ready to compromise them. you will be level and that is what europe needs compromise. readiness to give in to accept a common solution they'd be bring you to for what kind of danger do you think the far right poses to your well that's, that's fundamental. you know, in germany we have, for example, if the and they are one of the key politicians, i guess it's publicly this. europe must die. that is what he says or because we
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know that a big part of the right extreme are puppets of 14. they are paid by putting eastern weiss of europe and all of the new scandal on the table. so that is, it is at stake. so people must understand if they've voted for rides, for very goals. they really never solve any problem. they will increase of problems . the police needs problems, for example, that they do so by them they really never have an interest to solve sense. in concrete terms, what would a sewage to the far right mean for you or how would we notice the difference of the 1st? the 1st element is that they will not degree on solving problems again on legislation. you have to make compromises a nationalist never already and capability to compromise this. the 2nd thing is you will see that they will fall back in products and this so been live been, becomes president. the phones are things that 1st message will be i don't going to
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buy any more of a tele and or the dodge of the german products, please only by a french proactive i do fall back into these categories. in europe, you've been a risk string and i know the idea of an open general of a free roll. and far right, success means that they are risking blues to support the will to support our cleaning and friends in this fight for freedom and full democracy. that's why it's historic such a decision. i'm sure i'm of the opinion that april grading falls then putting b continue. the next talk at this end, part of the european union is hybrid or a text. and that's why we have to do our best to step lives. we're trying to give them put support for we need to more and vis, right? extreme, maybe lose. that's clear. and there's a reason why people might turn to the right is that there's widespread discontent in europe with politics and outcomes. not just migration. report to the commission in february, talked about a broad geography of discontent. declining regions. many small cities,
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towns and rural areas have a sense of dispatch, not just limited to economic hardship, but also to have a feeling of being politically disenfranchised, socially alienated. you have sympathy with them. absolutely. i'm from a rural area. i followed one year ago for against the major reservation law. and again, some regulations against our farmers because say sad enough isn't us, we cannot, we cannot follow it any more. what are your producing is through chrissy as burden for our daily business. and they have to go to the far right. weaving them back. this our approach. that'd be, gives them a voice. i was a tech, so they need more than the voice phone thing. i, i, i, you know, i'm every weekend on the ground in athens, in bavaria all over europe. and i'm talking this pharmacy. and i know they recognize that they have people there who defend their interest. that's why we have to do so. we have to find a balanced approach and i give you another point which is what is needed. not only listening to people, that's a precondition for doing politics listening to people,
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not lecturing thing, listening to them. but the 2nd thing is also needed. you need again, leadership on your level, you need results. so don't you 56 percent of people studied 6 percent told at the end of last year cited the fight against poverty as the chief concern and public health cited by 34 percent, you know, some 73 percent. so they fit the standards of living with decline in 2024. that's not much face in europe. see commitment policies is that you're right. but 1st of all, we have to be honest. the health system was a fight against poverty. so social welfare system is based on national level. that is not you repeat responsibility, but you are right on the economic being to be have to restore the economic engine of your but to allow me to come back to this, he does have a question because look through my financial, it's my trauma is currently in the polls with his party around 17 percent in, in fonts, social is to show just doing the 16 percent in germany this moment of the time.
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that's all the to top leaders of funeral and that voice. and the last because we are lacking real leaders with the support of citizens, you talk about the threats from russia, sec. these elections has the you working up to it too late to do anything about it . i mean, without finding out the expense, or at least part of the expense, how many people would be bored by russia? how many european politicians are in the pay of the criminal spiders? and that's here. that's all for me to see this. how can people trust the elections? they don't know whether the voting for a russian pop it or somebody who's genuine. i think everybody who has a little bit of an understanding about politics know where they putting puppets are . so thanks to you over all of the things, is there strongly so that we have transparency, we know what is going on. that's good. that's, that's enough. that's an advantage of a free and open society. got it. yeah, so we did before pick to you through the secret service should be it should publish really or details i or also aust, imagine authorities now to publish everything in the bedroom. pregnant is to say
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it's public leave. you have a problem, but he's not opening the documents to give us put transparency. i'm on your side. i always call for transparency before the elections. people must know, but the speak already about this. so i think in germany and france every, they have people know that putting purpose is the right. does really well european elections. donald trump becomes president or with this, the election for the presidency in november. what kind of world are we facing, that then we are living in the new world and totally new world that gives these depression gives us an appetite about the real, the real dimension, the real historic moment we are in. so it's not business as usual. and this moment of time is serious. so i'm sure that in the majority opinion of the people in europe, they know that they have developed together the have to find a common understanding towards david. thank you very much. i think he's the
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