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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 6, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the the, this is dw news lied from ballot. thousands that killed in an israeli, as strikes on central goes up. the attacks hit a un school in the city of new sara. israel says it was targeting a almost compound inside that's the u. n. c. slums. the fossil fuel industry and tonia with headers, cold, cold oil and gas companies. the gulf fathers of time is tales and suggests new tax on the profits as new data highlighted so here, reckless intent. and that was the beginning of the end for the
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nazi occupation of western europe. the 6th of june box, the 80th anniversary of the day story, the military achievements that came as a heavy cost for the of the gulf is welcome to the program. media controlled by how mos citing medical officials say at least 27 people have been killed. and thousands more wounded. it is rarely striking the central gauze and strip. there has been no confirmation yet . from the gauze health ministry, the attack hit the united nation school in the city of new sarah. the is really ami says it's conducted a strike on a homeless component inside the school as it expands operations in the central part of the straight board. this i'm now joined by the w's rebecca ridges in the
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jerusalem. rebecca, what's the latest on this strike as well? as the news, the information is slowly emerging, get how reports overnight in the early hours of the morning started appearing of about this strike saying from closing, as you say, i'm us. media are officials saying that 27 people had been killed and a strong this one was school. we've also heard from health officials at the i like the hospital saying that so the bodies including 5 children, were brought to the hospital and many more wounded. so that death toll may well rise. i've also seen a figure of 32, but it's of course impossible to verify any of these because at the moment i'm actually after that use came out israel did them consume a strike at the school. they said that between targeting quote, how much terrorist 2 operating from with in that school compound, those circle terrorists were to take it, took,
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took part in the october 7 attacks is what the military was saying that they were planning to carry out. so the attacks on idea of soldiers in the immediate future of the idea of also said that the number of steps were taken to reduce the risk of humming uninvolved civilians. now this strike follows an announcement earlier. yes . today from the israeli military saying that they will be getting a wider operation in this a central part of the gaza strip. we know that since completing their operations there earlier in the year, they have now be restarted some targeted operations in the center of this trip. and also in the north of the gaza strip, but that's certainly widening that operation in the central pop windows. the route is located and where the strike took place on the 9th. now what are the prospect of continuing ceasefire adults between hamas any so as well, the talks certainly all the hopes that was surrounding the potential breakthrough
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that was announced last week by president by know, certainly as he was dubbing at the israel, uh, the israel part of this, these piece talk so these si fi tools look to be sold once again. we've heard from the muscle a to is now honey, a yesterday saying that no talks would be even entered into. they would not consider as a side deal that did not lead to a permanent se, saw we've had time and time again from the as riley government, from prime minister benjamin netanyahu. himself that they would not go into any safe by a plan that led to a permanent se, saw without completing the military mission of uh you completely eliminating him us . so we once again phase of face this sort of stalemate that we keep saying that there is a gap that cannot be bridge between the 2 sides. and it really, really all surrounds over this concept of the permanent phase 5. so suddenly looking not very positive the at the moment talks with continuing yesterday, c,
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i a chief bill bench is also in town to continue these talks. the media is uh, the usual mediate is the top, egypt, and the us to try to so that these tools, but at the moment they are at a standstill once again. that means for that kind of it is that reporting from jose and thank you, rebecca specimen, another stock warning, a balance heating planet and the 2 new major reports that use copernicus, climate change service said last month. suppose the hottest may own right cold and the 12 consecutive months to break temperature because while the humans, whether agencies says there is now an 80 percent chance that they rise, an average global temperatures will surpass the powers prime of the quote target of $1.00 these degrees celsius within the next 5 months, you and chief, antonio guitar is called for when full tax on the profits of fossil fuel companies
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to go towards fighting climate change. climate change is the mazda of all. still specs is paid by every they people and vulnerable companies and communities. meanwhile, the golf fathers of climate scales, the fossil fuel industry, the ranking records, profits and c stuff citizens in taxpayer funded substance abuse. we cannot accept the future where the read shop with a text to the net condition bubbles, while the rest of humanity is lash by lisa, whether in livable lens, we must say for god's people, and they come to me. i'm telling you ever, terry, speaking then, a quick look. now. some of the news from the middle east conflict. indigenous and environmental groups have gathered in ecuador capital key tool to protest against the so called gas flaring in the amazon rain forest. they accuse
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state run all company. petra equals a failing to comply with a court order to shut down its gas flat. if last bone of natural gas admitted during oil production, which is hazardous to human health, the, the has blog come because they draw and has wounded 11 people in northern israel. tens of thousands of residents have already fled the region, and the attacks have increased in recent weeks, as has the pressure on israel governments to restore security. tens of thousands of also a nationalist is riley's of march through the streets of jerusalem for a controversial parade known as the flag among the annual gathering celebrates israel's capture east jerusalem. in the 1967 gold. some boxes are reported to have tons of desta arabs, an antique as long slogan that also stuff to the the
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credit and the critics usually on the bonus has been presented. they dw freedom of speech. you will see the award as an event in berlin, nevada, and who is the widow of the life rushing up position to be the legs. and the volunteer said the work of that onto corruption foundation would continue despite hospitalized state elections begin in the netherlands today, where a vote is when the legs and members of the european parliament, the 26 of the e. u. member states will cost ballots to select the own representatives. over the next 4 days, poll suggests that far right policies could gain a quarter of seats in the new parliament. and i'll correspond to jack pag now joins us from amsterdam in the netherlands. jackson, the far right project for freedom, one, a dramatic victory and national elections in the netherlands last november. what does the polls say?
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is that likely to be repeated as it is indeed we are expecting that not far right? policy could even take a 3rd of the seats, but the netherlands gets in new york in parliament, which is $31.00 seats out of the old $720.00 seats for the european parliament for across all of the use countries. as you say, that is this question of whether that far right success in the national election 6 months ago can be replicated here nights the people that are entering this voting science behind me will be making that decision as just on the 9 and a half size and voting size across the whole of the netherlands. and it isn't a sort of sex kaylee or regional election. hey, you can move in. if you're a doctor, both are eligible. you can move into any voting sites anywhere in the country and cost your ballot. they are making the 1st decision tomorrow island will vote on the rest of the weekends. the other $25.00 countries with the european union will be
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costing that base. the result is coming in on sunday evening. now if the far right wins in the netherlands, is that some kind of a bell? whether could this be the 1st of many a winds for far, right? potties in this european parliament election. so that's the big question. it, it doesn't matter what happens in each country, really, obviously it matters where the votes come in and whether they get the seats. but the key issue in the european elections is whether those far right policies from across different countries, from italy, for instance, as well, whether they can come together. i've sit in a group in new york in paul, and that's a ton european group of the far right policies. and there are many, many speculations about the different permutations and ways in which those, cuz those policies could form those groups. when you look at marine depends rest of them on that send out in frauds. when you look at the brother this eventually if
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the joy of georgia maloney be a tale in prime minister, how will they all fit to work together? and will they be able to come to enough of an agreement to have real legislative power hops, blocking power in the next 5 years of the european union's mandate. w correspondent, object products that are reporting from amsterdam. thank you very much, jack. today june the 6 marks the eighty's anniversary of the day. the day allied forces landed on the beaches of normandy from cent began the liberation of western europe from nazi jeremy events commemorating the battle. i have drawn veterans and well it is to the sides which play the pivotal role in world war 2. it was the largest seaborne invasion in history, nearly 160000 soldiers from the us, canada, the u. k and several other life nations across the english channel to gain
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a foothold in nazi occupied from. they suffered heavy losses under intense fire from german defenders. but the invasion was a success. and within a year, west of europe was liberated as what leaders are gathering in fonts to commemorate the day, the ongoing war and ukraine is costing a shadow w's. so i have found a ca, filed this report um it would be to normandy, northwest and from what, 82 years ago, over the 150000, i like troops landed in the biggest seaborne invasion ever. it was a turning point in the allied campaign to push back nazi forces on the western front. liberate fonts. defeated. let's germany in 1945. now the weight of history hangs heavily over this region. the allied flags everywhere. and nowadays, also the german flag flying along side to symbolize the autopay and reconciliation
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. not to mock the 80th anniversary of the landings, normandy is holding diesel events and commemorations meant to invoke the bravery and sacrifices of allied forces. and at the heart of these commemorations, of course, of the world war 2 veterans. this is perhaps one of the last landmarks commemorations with the will be physically present since many of them are at an advanced age. and finally, this issue, unless we have the dd landings as a major international event with dozens of heads of state and government participating, including us presidential biden of britons, king charles, but also the ukrainian president would love to meet us within scheme. there is, however, one country that is not on the guest list and that's rochelle despite that's what time, contributions and sacrifices the french reported these. he would have said that it's simply inappropriate to invites russia as it continues its lot of aggression against the queen w sonya finally come back reporting. you're watching the. the news is
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a quick reminder of all the top stories. the media controlled by hamas say at least 30 people have been killed and dustin wounded and that is really striking. the central government strict hit the school run by the united nations. israel says it's conducted a stripe on a chemist. compound insight, that's on the un secretary general. antonio gutierrez has called for a tax on the profits of fossil fuel companies to help paid for the fight against plants comes as a new report in the 8. as newer reports indicate last month was they purchased my own re, quote on the 12th straight months record. and that's it from me and the numbers the for now i have a what is update for you at the top of the don't go way up next week. take a look at the global issue of post marriage and the estimated 614000000 goals and
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women affected worldwide. that's coming up on the schedule for the piano is invalid for me. other team, thanks for the hello guys. this is the 77 percent. the platform for advocacy issues and share ideas the you know, or the side that would be a not a great to catch. and then a good topic applicants population is really fast. and young people.


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