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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 6, 2024 10:00am-10:31am CEST

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the, the business dw news light from valid thousands killed. it is really a strike on central gaza. the attack here to you and school in the city of most say about israel says it was targeting a hamas compound insight. this german is johnson. what i've chose vows it's tough response, including deportations to politically motivated to tax and the country is security briefing comes to days in full germany hosp the euro, $22410.00 and the u. n. save slums,
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the fossil fuel industry. i'm telling you that it's cold, cold oil and gas companies because fall this of climate trials such as a new tax on the profits as you data highlights a year of reckless breaking hemorrhage. and there was the beginning of the end for the nazi occupation of western europe. the 6th of june box b, a t, a anniversary of the day historic military achievements. that's kind of the heavy price for the allies. the, i'm gonna have those as well come to the program. media are controlled by homos aside taking medical officials say that some 30 people have been killed and thousands wounded and it is rarely striking the central gauze and strip that has been no consummation yet from garza's health ministry. but on rom,
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this is just confirmed. the strikes killed dozens of people. you talk it a united nation school and the city of most that rocks is really ami, says it conducted a strike on a how much compound inside that school as it expands operations in the central part of the street. i asked the w correspondent, rebecca richardson, jerusalem to tell us more about this. they disliked as well as the news. the information is slowly emerging. get how reports overnight in the early hours of the morning started appearing of about this strikes saying from closing, as you say, i'm us, media or officials saying that 27 people had been killed in a strong this one or a school. we've also heard from health officials at the, i like the hospital saying that so as he bodies including 5 children were brought to the hospital and many more a wounded. so that death toll may well rise. i've also seen a figure of $32.00,
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but it's of course impossible to verify any of these figures at the moment. um, actually after that news came out, israel did them consume a strike at the school. they said that being targeting quote from us terrorist to operating from within that school compound, those so called terrorists were to take it took, took part in the october 7 attacks is what the military was saying that they were planning to carry out the attacks on idea of soldiers in the immediate future. the idea of also said that the number of steps were taken to reduce the risk of humming uninvolved civilians. now this strike follows an announcement earlier yesterday from the inside, the military saying that they will be getting a wider operation in this a central part of the gaza strip. we know that since completing their operations there earlier in the year, they have now be restarted. some targeted operations in the center of this trip and also in the north of the gaza strip, but that's certainly widening that operation in the central pop windows the right
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is located and where the strike took place on the 9th. now what are the prospect of continuing ceasefire adults between hamas any cell as well? the talks, certainly all the hopes that was surrounding the potential breakthrough that was announced last week by president by know, certainly as he was dubbing at the israel, the israel part of this, these piece talk. so these, the sci fi tools look to be sold once again we've heard from the muscle a to is now honey, a yesterday saying that no talks would be even entered into. they would not consider as a side deal that did not lead to a permanent se, saw we've had time and time again from the as riley government, from prime minister benjamin netanyahu. himself. but they would not go into any safe by a plan that led to a permanent se, saw without completing the military mission of you completely eliminating him off.
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so we once again phase of face this sort of stalemate that we keep saying that there is a gap that cannot be bridge between the 2 sides. and it really, really all surrounds over this concept of the permanent phase 5. so certainly looking not very positive the at the moment talks with continuing yesterday, c i a chief bill burns is also in town to continue these talk. so mediate, has the usual mediators the top egypt and the us to try to so that these tools. but at the moment they are at a standstill once again. this is rebecca, which is the reporting from jose and thank you rebecca to germany's song. so i'm has just addressed lawmakers value to strength and both security, both domestically and the book shows that he wants to allow the deforestation of asylum seekers involved in crime and terrorism. it follows the death of
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a police officer in a nice attack and ask on national as been detained in this incident, addressing the war and ukraine salts defended his decision to allow you friend, to use german weapons to strike targets inside russia. the cold, the fall arrived a f d policy, embarrassing for the alleged ties to russia and said peace negotiations. and that will not be on the table or the conference for ukraine site next week. so the set, the security is the foundation of a democratic society on is it just on this mission without security, everything is nothing but this sentence has great meaning for me here because where there's a lack of security for the fear grows, the fear of citizens among themselves fear of external threats, fear of the future, calling fear that destroys trust and confidence, god at this time. this is precisely why security is the key to everything else. and this is why i am so convinced me security is the cornerstone of our freedoms. derek,
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our democracy are fly high on our route of law for the ones that i stopped this kind and obviously is physical. as i mentioned, it looks nice at the bonus. talk with the adjuster has given his government statement on a security, a bank, you a message, the about the security and safety of citizens, the threatened deportations, which posits legal challenges, but also politically political challenges in his coalition. right? absolutely, and he says here that the security of done the outweighs and individuals rights to protection asylum, protects them specifically. and at the same time, he's in the coalition a 3 way code as and with the ftp, the pro business read democrats and the greens until the greens. this really is and particularly those vote they're both. is this, this red line. so it will be very interesting how he wants to navigate this within
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his own coalition, whether at the end of the day this remains a political discussion, which would be very timely. since we have, you're repeating that actions just beginning, and they will take place here to sit in a few days on sunday. so at the moment we don't have the new little in phase. we didn't have a new regulation in place, but we have an interior ministry that is already active, the talking at 2 countries next to i've got this done how this could potentially happen. and we have the announcements that there will be new criminal cod to charges which will in caps to date. those so difficult is the missed motives and also new charges relating to the harassment of local politicians. anyone who actually takes responsibility in the public space because that too has become an issue here in recent weeks and months that anyone who may is anyone who runs for
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public office faces more harassment. now this features, there's also a reflection of the mood of the german population. adjust ahead of the u parliament election this weekend. of the yes, if $11.00 reflects what is being currently debated, particularly since that nice attack by and is the most extreme is someone who is rich, a southern claim was rejected. cheese from afghanistan last week, and he stopped to death a 29 year old policeman who was initially severely wounded and then died on sat to sparked such outrage and really exasperation hit in the public debate on what has to happen. it was clear politically that something must happen and it is actually quite unusual. how much a ton so it would have sold tap into public sentiment here at the same time
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stressing that he won't let to the circumstances. these events be abused. every pointing that to the fall, right? a if the policy as a measure to divide a society and that's a 20000000 people here and tell me the live with migratory background to the out integral part of the society building on democracy every single day. so he wants to single out those who are threatening this democracy as he said that go ahead. so let me say location of this. thank you very much. me say that you're welcome. let's have a look now. some of the other stories making headlines today. the crandon critic julie on the has been presented the dw freedom of speech award receiving the award at an event in berlin, nevada, who is the widow of the laser russian a position leader? like say, nevada said the web of the anti corruption foundation would continue despite her
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husband's to be as indigenous and environmental groups have gathered in ecuador was capital tito, to protest against so called gas flaring in the amazon rain for state use the stage one or the company petro, a quarter of failing to comply with the quotes or i can shop down as a gas list, if that's done of natural gas that is admitted during all production, which is hazardous to human health. that's been in other stock wondering about heating, planet into new major reports the use, copernicus, climate change service said last month was the hottest mail and re quote and the 12 consecutive months to break the temperature backwards. meanwhile, the humans, whether agencies says there's no and 80 percent shots that verizon global temperatures will surpass the powers climate accord targets of $1.00 degrees celsius within the next 5 years of the you and see if i'm telling you what that is
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called for a wind full tax on the profits of fossil fuel companies to go to was fine to in climate change. climate change is the mazda of all. still specs is paid by every they people and vulnerable companies and communities. meanwhile, the golf fathers of climate scales the fussing full industry, the ranking records, profits and c stuff citizens in taxpayer funded substance abuse. we cannot accept the future where the read shop with a text to the net condition bubbles. while the rest of humanity is less by lisa, whether in and livable lens, we must say for god's people and the economies a different. and so a way of coming to commemorate sions, events all taking place to mock the 80th anniversary of the day. what lead us, including us president joe biden, nuns,
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ukraine's problem is the landscape i do to attend today. ceremonies looking at live pictures from the home of the post, where in uh, 1944, thousands of allied soldiers came a soul to begin the liberation of western europe from nazi germany. it was the largest sea born invasion in history. and one of the brave soldiers who survived the ordeal as british veteran john roberts used london, correspondents bigot boss, tells his story. the allied landings in normandy, the beginning of the end of nazi rules. as a young marine, john wrote this fault at the front line. however, to the left, unable to the right of untroubled well being bombed along and from where we, where the whole beach became lit up. it was like fireworks non stop 5 work
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today. the veteran is 100 years old restaurant, but then he was only 20. it was only after the war that he fully understood the horrors, the extent of the destruction. i saw a pointing lot of these other 2 to over to think of. and yet our are almost getting areas again the images of disruption from ukraine for the veteran. they are terribly similar to those from his use from the 2nd world war. he is convinced that close cooperation with the nato has saved europe from war in recent decades. john robot stuffed in the navy for almost full decades. most recently as re admiral working closely with other nato troops. to my mind, nato is the most important thing that we have here appear. nation is, must stick together. at the end of world war 2. i can remember when sent you out,
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you're making his speech. i'm saying that the savior of the or in the future will be for it to be together. and that's why i did not vote to leave your up. i beg you to remain because you just as the allies stuck together against germany, back then ne, to and you must be strong and to the best account, a russia today says john roberts. so that's an escalation, like a 2 years ago can be avoided. i think it's terrible that uh, my grandson could be involved in the wall in 6 or 8 months time for 12 or one on 2. everybody said this is the war to enroll to harm himself. the 2nd world war john roberts is determined to remind people of them for as long as you can for more on the data anniversary. no,
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that's now speak to the w coast bonded sonia father, who joins us now from the city of call in norman the sonya. what's the atmosphere that way you the like i had the the mood who is almost a festive, you know, the us a canadian, a british flags flickering everywhere, even in the town square right behind me. and 12, this region that of breeds in historical reading, documented bins, attended by thousands of people to mock the delighted things. but it has to be said, this is of course, a very solid moment as well because, you know, invoking the bravery of the allied troops also means remembering that he was huge losses that they suffered. and many of the sort of been ease even today are taking place at woman models and symmetries that contain uh, thousands of grades. and one of the highlights today would be the introduction ceremony that could be provided over by pressing my call at omaha beach. this is one of the 5 lending beaches we. american troops suffered huge casualties and there
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in the swords against heavily fortified german defenses. and the present macro would be hosting the leaders of britain, us and canada, of course, but also the leaders of many other countries that took part in the dd landings. so countries like um you know, australia bedroom, uh no way pulling to name just a few. now the most, all i guess of course, will be the surviving veterans, one of whom we've just seen and biggest report that this is around $200.00 of them left. what will that ceremony look like? it would do right. i think what makes the ceremony particularly pointing into the is the presence of these world war 2 veterans. that perhaps could be the last line back memorization where they are physically present since, you know, they are many of the advanced age, many have made a transatlantic flight to a despite of physical difficulties. the numbers of winning. and of course, you know, the, they remain important. they are the last witnesses of the war. of the stories of
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the day have been foss, stone from 2 generations. and in many ways that accounts which often, you know, quite visible and gripping a scene here as some of the best images of history. so they are, you know, rightly of the heart of these women patients to be as we're saving life pictures the of the ceremony getting on the way. one multiple options, of course, uh, russian officials, they have not been invited as this anniversary is taking place. of course, under the shadow of the russian invasion of you, crime, but you crime. so lensky will be joining how important is that for you? right. what do you think the presence of your credit precedent zalinski to the, at the, the, the collaborations is i think, hugely symbolic, you know, the ongoing invasion, russian invasion of your queen. now, with its told you has brought the war back to the autopay and continent on the scales that we haven't seen since world war 2 and it's jeopardize the go to the
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security fabi beyond do you quite insubordinate? so i think his presence is deeply symbolic. and russia, of course, has not been invited because of its continuing what of aggression. but the french impression of the field have said they will be come embracing as usual, with russian contributions to, to what time victory. as with the, the pundents on the finally got in the city of call in normandy, many thanks sonia. most of it has begun in the netherlands for european parliament elections over the next 4 days. millions of you citizens will be costing ballots to choose members of the new parliament elections take place every 5 years. and polls project that this year, the file rights couldn't gain significantly more seats is what the current problem entries. but it looks like centralist parties picks it in the middle of this job from red to blue hole. most you parliament seats. if projections are correct,
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the makeup would look like this. with those center seats for ranking, freeing up spots for the far right part is pictured to the right of this chart. with more than 350000000 people eligible to vote, it's this is 2nd biggest global exercise and democracy following in the us research detection. and we cannot speak to jack a power he reported to them an earlier i asked him if the far right is expected to win again as many votes as last november. and indeed, we are expecting that that fall right. policy could even take a 3rd of the seats that the netherlands gets in the european parliament, which is $31.00 seats out of the old $720.00 seats for the european parliament for across all of the use countries. as you say,
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that is this question of whether that far right success in the national election 6 months ago can be replicated here nights the people that are entering this voting size behind me will be making that decision as just on the 9 and a half size and voting size across the whole of the netherlands. and it isn't a sort of sex kaylee or regional election. hey, you can move in. your adults votes are eligible, you can move into any voting sites anywhere in the country and cost your ballot. they are making the 1st decision tomorrow island will vote, and the rest of the weekends, the other 25 countries with the european union will be costing that base. the result is coming in on sunday evening. now if the far right wins in the netherlands, is that some kind of a bell? whether could this be the 1st of many a wins for far right? potties in this european parliament election. so that's a big question. it doesn't matter what happens in each country, really,
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obviously it matters where the votes come in and whether they get the seeds. but the key issue in the european elections is whether those far right policies from across different countries, from italy, for instance, as well, whether they can come together. i've 16, a group in the european parliament, a pun, european group of the far right policies. and there are many, many speculations about the different permutations and ways in which those, those policies could form those groups. when you look at marine depends rest of them on that send out in frogs. when you look at the problem is eventually if the joy of georgia maloney be a tale and prime minister, how will they all fit them work together? and will they be able to come to enough of an agreement to have real legislative power, perhaps blocking pilots in the next 5 years of the european union's mandates. the w corresponded object products that are reporting from amsterdam. thank you very much
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. tax to indonesia. now with scientists, a trying a new approach, the fund that goes bank. if these are the disease that is spread by most key toes and that is sometimes fatal. the idea is to breed mosquitoes, which carry a book to him that makes them on able to spread that you'd see the results so far. i've been promising boston new front in the battle has emerged skepticism, driven by this information on social media, t w's southern and him along the polls from central. yeah. fox. the 3, any history seeing mosquitoes, spatial ones. these lot of a will become more, but you almost keep those they cannot spread, then gave you for. and she'll to police boost, which do her 8 year old son got sick with think a few months ago for 3 i need is keen to stop that happening to her older son. yes, i am. i'll be adam now. yeah,
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i want the mosquitoes around my house to be non thing viral picked up with me just at 1st i was annoyed, of course because they were more mosquitoes can go by and but in the long run, for the sake of health it's okay. yep. i don't know. yeah, because they have, i'm a boy, you know, by these officials are distributing 7000000 most people ex, delivered on bits of cloth in this plastic bags completed with the pallets of food . they deliver every 2 weeks to 11000 houses. that's less than a quarter of the city, but the need is real indonesian has to be those 3 did 3 times as many day decreases in the 1st 5 months of this year as the same period last year. this year, 3 people died here in tomorrow. and $180.00 more become over that. most of them children, doctors here say they think they can see the results of the somewhere around well,
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but you almost get the program. now you can put down that may have a huge impact on reducing dang the fever patients from some a rank city most. they come to the hospital with mild, moderate den, get fever. the patients from other cities come with severe conditions and symptom of ally and it took that down to them. correct? uh, yeah. okay. despite the fact that this program has proven successful in so for our a us, some people are still skeptical about the solution in the neighborhood, and some are wrong, have projected this must get the program. this why this theme are talking to locals here. the hope to count their misinformation spread on social media. there is just the most get those scheme is the government trying to spread. thank you or that the most you those give people the 2nd disease collaborative thing off the, there were many cases of thing. a fever and the most kiddos became more numerous,
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but i became afraid i was afraid that the mosquitoes would carry the thing. virus people here in the city of fuel card that will tell them otherwise. this is where the 1st will buy to your program. back in 2016 to please. the number of cases is down by 77 percent. this is also home to the low, but you must get the hatching station. is lever a 3 f guy gemma university to produce is millions of most people. x for ability for you cross indonesia, but scientists here know their work. we only succeed when people are on board. i'm thinking of a lot of good because the book in the most important thing is when most of the community accepts it, we can mobilize support. and i think that can enable this technology to have an impact on the community back in some model for 3, i need mid, small conferencing. she says her family is safer. thanks to the thank you most.
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keep those like this one, a method from the on the news team from out of next the social conflict. so let's assume sebastian interviews 2 major e usually this don't miss that god offers invalid. thanks for watching the
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6 this week around 370000000 people in the 27 countries of the you will be bouncing in the european parliament elections. and this complex i'm found in brussels as being plenty of notice tension among keep politicians. we talk to 2 of these elections, so they'll have a decides to follow the solving of conflict. next on dw, my name is debbie. i have 3 kids. my kids. my name is steve,
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i'm on the college and that i d. age, practically. milligrams. my name is tim run so me, i like reporting, moving from one village to another. this is india is new generation. what else? a dream in the world's most populous country. what do they want to change in a society full of contrasts? the indian age. in 45 minutes on d, w, the distributor champion goal is highly john packed hash, one of 79 honest of everything is simply designed so i can do this, which gives me extreme freedom to me all the time. devin townsend really stays on the ble. dish mice, and i mean, i've never thought i'm giving up,
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but i've sometimes thought that i just can't take this anymore. what drives them to keep going? and the sound of the people you associate on d w this week around 370000000 people in the 27 countries of the you will be voting in the european parliament elections and the run up plenty of speculation. but the far right might increase its tale of seats and exhibit great influence on how the use spends its money, but low as it passes. and what foreign agreements subsides service takes a high. and there's complex phone found in brussels as being plenty of nervous tension among keep politicians. we talk to 2 of them. monford vapor leader is the largest political grouping center right here, fee and people's policy about his predictions. he's worried.


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