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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 6, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news lies from valid, thousands are killed and then is really a strike on central gaza. the attack it to you when school in the city of new serat, israel says it was targeting a how mosque hometown inside that's also coming off. it was the beginning of the end for the nazi occupation of western europe. the 6th of june box, the ac is anniversary of the day historic military achievements that came at a heavy cost for the fuss and diseases fight against. den
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gave fever, not just against most cheetos, but also against the misinformation that's being spread on lock. the gulf is welcome to the program. media controlled by how most citing medical officials say that some associate people have been killed and thousands of on that . and then is really strikes in the central gaza strip. that has been no confirmation yet from gauze health industry, but the u. n. agencies. supposing palestinians has confront the strike kills thousands of people. you've talked, hit a united nation school in the city of missouri. the way the army says it conducted a strike on a homeless compound inside the school and that many of those killed. well actually how most find it. i also dw correspondence,
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rebecca written jerusalem to tell us more about the strikes as well as the news. the information is slowly emerging, get how reports overnight in the early hours of the morning started appearing of about this strikes saying from closing, as you say, i'm us. media are officials saying the 27 people had been killed and a strong this one or a school. we've also heard from health officials at the, i like the hospital saying that so the bodies including 5 children, were brought to the hospital and many more wounded. so that death toll may well rise. i've also seen a figure of 32, but it's of course impossible to verify any of these because at the moment i'm actually after that news came out, israel did then consume a strike at the school. they said that between targeting quote, how much terrorist 2 operating from with in that school compound, those circled terrorists were to take it, took, took part in the october 7 attacks is what the military was saying that they were
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planning to carry out the, the attacks on idea of soldiers in the immediate future. the idea of also said that a number of steps were taken to reduce the risk of humming uninvolved civilians. now this strike follows an announcement earlier. yes. today from the israeli military saying that they will be getting a wider operation in this a central part of the gaza strip. we know that since completing their operations there earlier in the here they have now be restarted some targeted operations in the center of this trip and also in the north of the gaza strip. but that's certainly widening that operation in the central pop windows. the route is located and where the strike took place on the 9th. now what are the prospect of continuing ceasefire adults between hamas any so as well, the talks certainly all the hopes that was surrounding the potential breakthrough that was announced last week by president by know,
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certainly as he was dubbing at the israel, uh, the israel part of this, these piece talk so these si fi tools look to be sold once again. we've heard from the muscle a to is now honey, a yesterday saying that no talks would be even entered into. they would not consider as a side deal that did not lead to a permanent se, saw we've had time and time again from the as riley government, from prime minister benjamin netanyahu. himself that they would not go into any seized by a plan that led to a permanent se, saw without completing the military mission of uh you completely eliminating him off. so we once again face of face, this sort of stalemate that we keep saying that there is a gap that cannot be bridge between the 2 sides. and it really, really all surrounds over this concept of the permanent phase 5. so certainly looking not very positive the at the moment talks with continuing yesterday, c i a chase bill beds is also in comp time to continue these talks. the media is uh,
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the usual media is the top, egypt, and the us to try to so that these tools, but at the moment they are at a standstill. once again. this is rebecca, which is the reporting from jose. and thank you, rebecca time now to have a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. an active as committee and saddam says it is the 100 people have died and in an attack on a southeastern village, the pro democracy, mcdonny resistance committees said the rapid support forces struck the village into 0 into 0 state on wednesday. more than a year of war fab between the r s f. and so don's army has now claimed some 15000 blocks or at least 4 people were killed and thousands injured. when a passenger train collided, head on with a cargo train in the city of palo beats,
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in the check with public on wednesday, authorities are still investigating the cause of the accident. the pregnant critics young, nevada, on, has been presented. the dw freedom of speech award receiving the award has an event in berlin, nevada, and who's the widow of the late russian opposition to the the other great and the volley set the work of the corruption foundation would continue despise her husband . russia's president vladimir putin has won germany over the use of its weapons by ukraine on targets inside russia. he said with mock, a quote dangerous step and ruined relations between berlin and moscow. germany recently joined the us and authorizing ukraine to hit some targets on russian territory with the long range weapons the supply you see on number with should always doing you're putting in to put with the, to just given what to and from events commemorating the idea that the anniversary
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of the day on the way. well latest, including us president joe biden, then ukraine's florida mozilla and ski i do to attend today. sermon is, which are remembering june 6th 1944. when thousands of allied soldiers stalled to show along that 50 mile stretch of the nobody coastline to begin the liberation of western europe from nazi germany. it was the largest sibling invasion in history. and one of the brave soldiers who survived the ordeal is which is the veteran john roberts w as london correspondent, bigot moss mention the allied landings in normandy, the beginning of the end of nazi rules. as a young marine, john roberts, 4th at the front line. i have until the last on able to the right love and shovel well being bombed a lot and from where we,
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where the whole beach became lit up. it was like fireworks non stop fireworks today. the veteran is 100 years old restaurant, but then he was only 20. it was only off to the wall that he fully understood the horrors, the extent of the destruction. i saw affording losses. uh oh, no to, to, to over, to think of. and yet i was almost getting married again. the images of disruption from ukraine for the veteran. they are terribly similar to those from his hughes, from the 2nd world war. he is convinced that close cooperation with the nato has saved europe from wool in recent decades. john robert stoughton, the navy, for almost full decades. most recently as re admiral working closely with other nato troops. to my mind,
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nato is the most important thing that we have your appear, nations must stick together at the end of world war 2. i couldn't remember where to sent you out to your american speech. i'm saying that the savior of the or in the future will be for it to be together. and that's why i did not, but to leave your record to remain because it was just as the allies stuck together against germany, back then ne, to and you must be strong. and to the best account, a russia today says john roberts. so that's an escalation, like a 2 years ago can be avoided. i think it's terrible that uh, my grandson could be involved in a wall in 6 or 8 months time for 12 or one on 2. everybody said this is the war to enroll to harm himself,
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the 2nd world war general. this is determined to remind people of them for as long as he can and for more on today's commemorative events that's bringing to w correspondence in the fall. the code joins us from the city of call in the normandy sonya, what's the atmosphere that way you are with god. it feels quite festival with lots of flag, british american canadian flags fluttering everywhere. and there are lots of, you know, away from the kind of big official settlement these that are lots of smaller events breeds distorted reenactment events that are taking place 12 towns and villages in normandy. but of course, this is also very solid moment because you know, and invoking the bravery of the allied forces also means remembering the big losses that they suffered. and many of the collaborations today are taking place at 7 trees and woman man. memorial is one of the biggest has taken place of the american symmetry which contains nearly 10000 upgrades. and then another highlight today
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this afternoon will be an introduction side of many of the omaha beach beside it over by pressing role of the old omaha beach. was where american troops upload huge casualties. impressed with micro would be hosting the leaders of the us, canada, and britain of costs. but also the leaders of countries who were part of the countries that participated in in the landings. countries like australia, bedroom, denmark, of norway, poland, to name just a few. it's now the most, all i guess will be the surviving veterans, some of which we're seeing that and these live pictures right now. only 2 of them are still around. what will that ceremony look like? would you like? i think this is what makes today's commemoration, i think, especially starting up see these world war 2 veterans
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physically present that are about 200 of them who are present today of the commemoration. most of them are from the us, also from britain, canada, from fonts and a few other countries, many of them and made this long concert logic journey here despite and advanced despite the advanced age and physical difficulties. and of course, the numbers are didn't dwindling. they are, you know, the last witnesses of the war. their accounts of the bravery and the photos of, of the war are really gripping and visit or less be heard in your report audio with, with the british veteran. and i think they are seen here as some very instructive and some of the best teachers of history. so they are, you know, at the heart of discrimination, student one eligible absence. of course, no, russian officials have been invited. the anniversary takes place under the shadow of the russian invasion of ukraine. but you can't say lensky. is that how important is this for you, frank? what is he in the presence of it?
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is it has especially i think symbolic residents, you know, the, the ongoing russian invasion of ukraine which is, and it's towards your has, you know, brought back the heart of walked back to your uh, on a scale that we haven't seen since weighed more to it. cuz you know, once again jeopardize your security fall far beyond your credit score does. so i think in that sense, this remains a very symbolic of, of visit. my best sense of lensky and the russian absence is, again, not surprising. there was a bit of a controversy earlier when the organizers of the, the big amenities and said they would invite some new ranking passion reps and teachers that calls to control the see the funding press them across office went on to say they would not be inviting cross shield, but they did say that they wouldn't be commemorating russian contributions and sacrifice sacrifice as to what like victory gets with the 1st one that's on it. finally got the vote. and from this, from the city of count in normandy, many facts, as the apologies for the interruption of the audio feed,
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no interruptions. now we have dw, a reported within blue cross with us in the studio with him. what meaning does d that we zoom out from 1944. what, what meaning has the day today? i mean, this was a seminal moment in western history, right? it kind of set the course to end the war, right? it was the push to paris and then into germany to defeat nazi germany, which we are all in a way still living. and right both the, the so called rules based world order this liberal world world order that we talk about a lot because of ukraine in russian and also because of his real gaza is that was set at this time period for good and for bad. um, so we are living in a, a d day world almost almost in a way stuck in history, which has advantages and disadvantages. advantages of remembering history as the cliche expression goes, those who don't remember are doomed to repeat it. but there's also
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a lot of political risks that you know, we've heard on both sides. we hear from us president joe biden, and we'll probably hear from him today and tomorrow as well as people like flooding or putting the using rhetoric using and narrative of the day of world war 2 to their political ends today. so even though it's been 80 years and there's very little contact directly, historically speaking anymore, we're still very much living in this, in this mode of i always feel that i owe these veterans that we see uh right now i could be bone into a free germany and not into a nazi germany. why should the young people care about that day to day? that's a very important question because it was a very long time ago, right. all these events are trying to, as i said, either freeze time or try to bring that past closer to us, but there's no getting around the fact that this was a very long time ago, generations have passed. i feel like we've been saying every time is
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a major anniversary. this will be the last time veterans can take parts. we're sending it again today. it might actually be true because these, these, these men are getting a to a 105 over a 100 by this point. and there's good reason that young people don't really understand it. it's just a piece of history, like so many other historical, it's all black and white. it's very black and white, literally, politically, it's black and white and literally in the pictures except here seems to be in color, but very much in black and white. we have robert caplin is famous, blurry photos landing on the beach that they blurry, not because of a pain, but because the development process of life magazine and joe biden and other players are trying to make the case, especially to young people in some way. why this still matters and, and, and that's a hard case to make, especially when we see when we're living in the here and now and the young people and other also older people are seeing destruction. and ukraine are seeing destruction and gaza. and a lot of people around the world, just remember, this is
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a western event, this shaped western history, european american history. but the world is looking at this and wondering what do, what did this fight for freedom to liberate europe? how does that mean? what does that mean for us today when we talk about the so called liberal values and the rules based order? and a lot of people are questioning the black and white and this of good versus evil, then, and a much more complicated picture today. so this is some of the more complicated issues that not only joe biden, but the political establishment in all of these countries. today, allies been, especially with germany, enemies are going to have to try to walk a fine line. well, use catch up on this, but the total western lead is attending this day. it's a, it's a day of freedom by around the well, the less and less people feel inclined to follow the footsteps of the us. right. so talk us through this culture things, right. i mean, remember at this time, much, much of the rest of the world, we're colonies to western countries and right parts of africa, parts of asia, from
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a part of that. we're also under occupation of japan, that we're former british colonies. they have very little power and say, and that's much different, 80 years later when men of these countries, rightfully so, want to see that the table. and i've said, for example, the minute security conference, say, all of these rules were made by you for you. what about us, we want to have a moment at our say table to make the system work for us and not just be the rule teachers, but also the rule makers within blue prospect. thank you very much for this analysis. and we go to indonesia now with scientists. so try a new approach in the fight against bentley fever. a disease spread by most key to us that is sometimes fatal. the idea is to breathe. mosquitoes with which carry a bacteria that makes them unable to spread the dang it feeds off results so far have been promising. bought a new front end. the battle has
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a much skepticism driven by this information on social media. dw is fed non team of long before it's from central. yep. the 3, any east freezing most. keep those special ones. this lot of a will become a little, but you almost keep those. they cannot spread, they gave you for and she'll to police boost, which do her 8 year old son got sick with think a few months ago for 3 i need is cute to stop that happening to her older son. yes, i am. wow. piano now? yeah, i want the mosquitoes around my house to be non thing viral picked up. at 1st i was annoyed, of course, because they were more mosquitoes tangled by and but in the long run for the sake of health it's okay. up and down. yeah, yeah, because we have, i'm a boy you have by these are a few shows, are distributing 7000000 most people x reversed on bits of cloth in these plastic bags completed with pallets of food. they deliver every 2 weeks to 11000 houses.
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that's less than a quarter of the city, but the need is real. indonesian hospitals 3 did 3 times as many day decreases in the 1st 5 months of this year as the same period last year. this year, 3 people died here in tomorrow. and $180.00 more became over that, most of them children, doctors here say they think they can see the results of the somewhere around well, but you almost get the program. now to talk me up, i'm looking for something that may have a huge impact on reducing dang the fever. patients from similar rec city most, they come to the hospital with mild, moderate den, get fever, a patients from other cities come with severe conditions and symptom. ally and it looked at them around the fact that yeah, that despite the fact that this program has proven successful, and so for arias,
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some people are still skeptical about the solution in the neighborhood. and some are wrong, have projected this must get the program. this why this theme are talking to locals here. the hope the accounts are missing information spread on social media. there is just the most get the scheme is the government trying to spread. thank you. or that the most of you, those give people the 2nd disease. so collaborative them saying off the there were many cases of thing, a fever and the most kiddos became more numerous, but i became afraid i was afraid that the mosquitoes would carry the thing. virus people here in to see the fuel card that will tell them otherwise. the easiest way or the 1st will buy to your program, back in 2016 to please. the number of cases is found by 77 percent. this is also home to the low, but you must get the hatching station. is lever
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a 3 f guy jump might a university can produce his millions of most people. x for ability free across indonesia. but scientists here know their work. we only succeed when people are on board. i'm thinking of villa could take us back in the most important thing is when most of the community accepts it, we can mobilize support. and i think that can enable this technology to have an impact on the community. you must have back in some model for 3, any mid smell convincing. she says her family is safer. thanks to the thank you most get those like this one. as long as i'm not john by dr. rama you down. he is with a global neglected tropical diseases program at the world. health organization enjoys us from geneva. now let's start with a little dang he background a. how would i even know if i have the disease? what are the symptoms?
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but i think he's a vital disease. so essentially the basic symptom is fever. and you may have to be a jarring things. but the interesting thing about thing is when you get it for the 1st time, it is very mild and it'll be color 80 percent of the cases that doesn't show much of a symptom. so you may be sick for a day or 2. your take bad as tomorrow and you, you get better around. you does not really reported. this is a challenge we have, but they're out of cases which can be very severe with the more alarming signs which comes when you have it. thank you for the 2nd time, so it is basically like a flu like symptoms with more body pain and occasionally rashes. and the fever can be high and that's, that's how you know, you may be suffering something. so the idea is to breathe different mosquitoes to replace the dang it carrying population. is this really the false is most effective way of fighting this disease? and then you, the main challenge with the dingey is that this must keep always
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a day bite. so essentially, most of our control interventions, which chevy address in the house doesn't work because this is a day bytes and it can bite you in places of luck or play in the schools and so on . so this tool, which is basically a bacteria injected into the must keep your body and the bacteria multiplies and survives and gets passed on to the next generation. the one page of the little buck here, bacteria is that it blocks the wireless within the body of the most key to and that's the report of the headset trials. and indonesia has proven that it is effective to reduce dinky by almost 77 percent. now last year, so the highest number of things, the cases ever recorded, the world how the organization is wanting. this could only be the beginning. what's driving the search now, including in areas with n. u has never been an issue. and there are several factors. one be of declared den
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. yes is the grade the 3 emergencies in december, and we are working right across the organization at all levels, including countries and regional offices. the issue here is, 1st of all, dingey is triggered. it's carried by, it's some domestic carriers to new york places where essentially be any traveler could be harboring dingey. he could take it to a new place from bad. the mosquito picks up and transmits it to other people and then drawing the locality. so it is mainly the movement of people, especially after the cold winter, there has been a moss up surge of movement of people to rest which be just fine and which has also trigger part of the problem. the 2nd issue, which is more challenging, is the climate change. so we have a records now showing that the temperatures recorded are of walmart and especially in southern rule right now they have even published a paper on the engine issue and getting ocean bad. the temperatures have risen,
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so this temperature rise favors the mosquito to breed foster. and this triggers must be adult breach foster. the wireless breach fostered within the schedule. so this all triggers the increase in getting you right now. so we are seeing an ex exceptional rate increase and actually this year we are, we are more or less going to cross the last 2 years number because we have had a large number of cases of reported in south america. but the, there is also the problem of coal infections like there are other diseases like different when you order food, you reach out to beaches. emerging in south america now are, are transmitted by the more or less to see mosquito. and this is getting recorded as dinky because the symptoms of more or less the same. so this is one of the challenge we think, okay. dr ramos that i had on the world health organization. thank you very much for sharing your expertise with us. thank you. and that's it from me
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and those team for now on their campus, mckennan will have a world news update for you at the top of the next out. don't go away. the next stop on by and environment program eco, india looks at the benefits of locally grown organic. still mister, god offers invalid for me and the whole news team here. excellent. the
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. the 2nd major difference, visionaries with a project get involved to create a future experience that
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the eco india next on dw, finally a job for jacob, it's the beginning of a new life. her situation is a novelty and cost of, of where it's nearly impossible for people with disabilities to find what jacob opportunity is. thanks to a non profit organization. she's happy and some of the, posing the whole 70 focus on europe and 60 minutes on d delta u, the this shadows these costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across up, and he employed to score supposed farms and destroyed sides. what is the legacy of
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this wide spread race as depression today? history? we need to talk about here the stories, shadows of german colonialism. the across to was ad infrastructure. the development has come at the cost of a lot, especially a variety of course. hello and welcome. i'm so if you've got the body and you're watching e, going to add into this episode. let's take a look at what are the benefits that come when we love the need to do with one thing. and the one thing that nature gives us in abundance is nutrition. much such
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notices. foods are harder to access, especially in cities compared to.


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