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tv   Endgame for Europe  Deutsche Welle  June 6, 2024 2:15pm-3:01pm CEST

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the, the, we are all set we are watching to see all the to bring you the story behind the new, the will on about. com, biased information for free might say do 10. and
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so, reno duration is a you commission presidents in 2019 also law firm deadline and made a declaration of war van makes me a jesus, anyone who wants to help me strengthen and grow europe to help make it flourish, will have me at his or her side is a passionate fighter, like, but anyone who wants to weaken and divide europe and strip it of its values will find to be a fierce opponent. i know we thought to get another the in 2022. it's the the sub strongest economy in the you elected. it's 1st female prime minister. do your jump, maloney lead to of the right wing nationalist policy. you've got tele di talia. in her campaign speeches, she have made it clear who should call the shots in europe. the capital of italy as rome and rome should be the capital of the european union. i would like to
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bring this demand to the european parliament amazing between funder line. i'm maloney in july of 20. 23. is this how 2 opponents greece each other again and again the 2 appeared together acting like allies, as maloney moved to the center or from the lion to the right. supposedly these 2 women represent 2 opposing political visions about europe's future. a stronger, more centralized to you or a d centralized union featuring more powerful nation states. about $350000000.00 europeans will elect their representatives to the parliament from judas 6 to the 9th post predict that right wing policies will gain ground, which could significantly change the cost of the you. how much compromise can europe toner rates? what is the political red line the,
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the european nicola mentioned strasburg from m. p. 's of focusing on the final set of proposed rules and regulations before the upcoming election. these regulations will affect the lives of people across the continent. walk this last game. of course, new regulations of the habits shown such proponents confined to votes needed to post them. the different political camps must reaching agreements in a box drop it's all in the united europe has a chance to survive in the world of tomorrow. to that jessica just came cook, yours must be given the means to act anymore. you have the agency of a normal state and it's on the mind. however, alongside supporters of a strong your,
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of their own nationalist. so who many european regulations go to fall? the problem in the last years is these, the attempt to remove competence is from the nation, sir. so how are you will do you appear in the union needs? the european union is an alliance of the free nations b u opponents. so even further to the riot, initially they wanted to have bullish the e u. now they are aiming for a radical change of european policy. we have our mission. we don't want to see you and you have this bureaucratic monster with its negative effects for germany. but the confederation of european nations up to one right, left and center over at present legitimate political positions. but the more radical the storms, the less willing its proponents to compromise, done unless the like funds that have lived in west and brussels for 20 years. all
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based on your own, it's a european union is a union of 27 sovereign member states. when he states or holding elections in the ship to the right we see, and the results cast a long shadow, a full house dob. you've already had right wing victories in some large e u countries like italy, sweden, finland, and now most recently the netherlands exist. so that's the need to long. this is already having an impact with the house. in the european parliament, m. p. 's do not sold themselves by national policies, but into groups with similar political platforms. the pro european camp still has a majority consisting of the center rights liberals center left on the screen. the parliament contains 2 right wing sections. one is held right with a strong e. u. skeptics or opponents of the union. its members come mainly from fonts and germany. members of the other faction described themselves as moderately riots.
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they include representatives from georgia maloney's policy will publish m p 's from the p. i s policy or which citizens facing inflation high energy costs will and the flow of refugees, those offering simple solutions, come school political points and finds out in this. i like to have all the polls say that there will be a shift to the right. so this and this means that nationalism right, we can popular. so let's find some post fascists who make gains in the pro european can could become weaker log registration. we have them could to right wing m e p's, blame economic problems on you policy and want to strengthen national interests. they favor a policy of holland folders directed against migration in from, for example, selves declared french patriots. so taking to the streets in protest, boosting the standing a phone right lead,
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marine the pen. she claims migration is leading to a distance, a gratian of national identity, and says friends would be best represented in a loose confederation of states. she is calling for the election, a pet e u candidate. and that is what we must all stand behind. jordan bardello, the cable represent the voices and aspirations of millions of patriots who reject this. you're a pistol due to a sort of fun cause the situation in france is worrisome because marine the pen and her national rally party are ahead in the polls on the form that each pens nice monthly, all melisha is running for another right wing policy and the european election campaign, greek home kits, requests, it's not phone calls for reclaiming power from the you and the country from foreigners, against as long as they shouldn't in security and unrest. long live brand these days campaigns play out on social media. maxine media and car lead you candidate
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for the a if the a policy being monitored by the german domestic intelligence service is very active online. cause to radical, even for french and italian hold line is who voted to kick the a. if the out of the right wing id parliamentary group to be off, do the ac is not against your it is against the use with its bureaucracy. putting the country into debt and leading us into war keeps his videos short and simple. he avoids complexity and target says view as emotions without context. his messages cannot be verified and initially appear plausible in germany and from right wing policies have high poll really things, but i'm not, yes and government not so it should be the right wing. prime minister is very aware of how public image i am the strive that's a danger to democracy, to a tale, and you will pm, an international stability. do your jump, maloney,
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it has been head of government since october 2022. her palsy lays out a new nationalism build as traditional christian, conservative and critical of the sloane for her national interest from stats of the european community and her election campaign speeches. she made it clear, but it's really would set the tone and most allow the easier to dictate anything the capital of italy is rome, and rome should be the capital of the european union. i would like to bring this demand to the european parliament to understand why i think you're repeating the election campaign is all about climate policy migration and the future of the you. you have to look back when also the funded lion took office in 2019 the fulls of ton demik, the war into crane and the economic crisis. so you address the issues of the day,
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shift bottom of the deer, members of parliament in july, immediately after my appointment, i placed climate protection at the heart of my political program. this was the people of europe who called on us to take decisive action against climate change. it was europeans who raised their voices on the streets and at the ballot box conference. what it is for them that we are here today. and it is for them that we are presenting such an ambitious green deal for your a please. also a box of f to bundle up. we'll see on the suit. the green deal is the use um, so to the catastrophic consequences of climate change. it's stipulates an end to your apps, greenhouse gas emissions. the you wants to funnel one trillion yours into sustainable power generation effect just building insulation and new mobility concepts for the transformation of industry and societies. the green deals sets out the guidelines
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which parliament and member states all to implement. m p 's in the european pulled them and have been working since 2019 to implement from the lions climate program. one of them is french m e p a, who is a social democrats. the financial experts is looking for as the weights of finance, the climate agenda seeking. that was one that helped us out and we need money to drive ecological and social change. gu, 7, it requires astronomical amounts of public investment to prevent people from becoming unemployed and see collisions and to enable industrial transformation. in short, but we need public money on that because that's something we leeks. the idea for how to finance the green deal is to tax the rich. she wants to introduce the european taxed on welf. left. security de taxation is about social justice. who
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said, basically the very rich today are taxed much less than the middle class. and the poor is just for you, which we think is completely unjust numbers to put that. but they avoid paying taxes, even though they have the means to pay them $1200.00 or $300.00 times over. what is the, what's possible flooded and sit back from you. she says the walls at 1st, the basic consensus across the political camps on the priority of the climate program, but that consensus is now falling upon us. as this one is working today, there is an increase in the number of climate skeptics in europe. new hop. i'm really worried about that to to be you critics and right wing populace such as monthly or might be shy from from christmas all use the european climate program and predict any regulation. maximilian cause even doubts. there's an urgent need for a climate program. actual climate nonsense. they believe the world will in because it's getting warmer. it's highly invoices of joining those. critical of the plan. yeah, yeah. in june 2022. shortly before sinking officers prime minister
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jo john maloney attacked funder lions claimant program during his speech in spain. as well informed them and that is mostly magical. the flux, the way of them calling its climate fund dimension is in the i thought the american maloney has again to lay out her version of a climate policy that would not affect jobs or economic growth fund. a lion reacted strategically via telling him slumped as auster in may. 2023, provided her with a template show support and that the same time use these occasions to narrow the gap for methods of climate policy. a winning strategy in the european parliament, italian m p is trying to put the brakes on climate policies that don't suit georgia, maloney if the loan is mounted and brussels is her right wing nation of this policy
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calling, nicola pul, catching me, he is one of 2 leaders of the european conservatives and reformist, o e. c o for sure. he let the successful assets a to peter legislation restricting the use of pesticides. i'm protecting bio diversity. i'm consuming news all day. if you to 5 machines a the use of pesticides. what's your name? let us note with great satisfaction that the proposal that was put to a vote, which would have massacred italian agriculture has not been passed. it must suck it off. but when i go to the yeah, not the you wants to have the use of chemical pesticides by 2030, but it's a tally in m e p as in other right wing and conservative policies rejects pulsing binding regulations like maloney coke. she is in favor of prioritizing, national over you wide interest critics. fee of up up, up member states taking up the italian approach would lead to
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a growing gap of interest leading to conflicts that cannot be resolved. one of them is m e p. o, who look from the social democrats? she says the answer to the via tele ends already seems to be rubbing off on other members of parliament. the center right is moving further to the right. it started, i caught in select, that is the fear. and we are already feeling it who lives because we have seen that a far right government in italy is already changed the positions of the european. right. and then since then to european right is becoming much more climate. the skeptical. uh it does you and rejects proposals that would have been adopted in the past. the, the 6th of all you go through g slip, i see if i choose ations are aimed at the sense of rights. that's as the conservatives. and with that, perhaps the most powerful, i mean the heads of the largest complimentary group monthly to be about in europe,
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he is the policy and parliamentary group leader of the european peoples parties, the iep. in germany, he's the deputy policy lead of the christian social union to see us here. the majority of the best complimentary group joined the right wing italians around nicola pul, cuz she needs and voted against from deadlines. pesticide restrictions is be about group reaching out to the rights and extreme rights. v by says the p has for will not clear guidelines on most of these cases, this does the, what is not acceptable. is that those who bear responsibilities here in the european parliament reject the project and such just reject the european idea of a democratic year of working together. that is the red line. that is the firewall we need to pay as you fix before the p p. there are 3 central criteria. i think the 1st everyone we work with must accept today 0 bennett structures. i want to help shape it. the 2nd is, anyone who wants to be a partner for us today must to work with ukraine was must support is a real system,
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must ensure that we support those who stand up for our values. and the 3rd principle, we must defend the rule of law. that means supporting independent media and an independent judiciary. i rolled out cooperation from my party with the a, a d, with kuchinski, with a p i, as in poland with a, with a pin in france. because these people cross those red lines, it's a clear rejection of the extreme right. so position to europe. however, that is a convergence between the interest of the p p and those of mold mold or right wing m e p's, such as the italian nationalist surround and you cannot pull catchy me. both have down played the importance of climate issues and their election campaigns. the center right is partly adopting the stones at the right wing come that even supports efforts to reverse and that to climate policy decisions, phone deadlines, green deal is on the fire. the president needs to adopt her agenda with
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a parliament shift to the right. migration has replaced climate change as the issue at the top of the priority list. how is your p and policy changing in this area under the growing influence of the running in 2020, from that lion rejected right wing politicians. the isolation, this to color seems we are convinced that each human being has a solemn dignity set can never be touched. independent with this individual does come from an obviously the extreme right has a different view but hate has never given any good advice. so we will always insist on the effect. so this, this makes you and where you,
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these makes them i read because we got him on the point where he sees that high are on the different. so what that is concern, and that is democracy. you'll have to bear with me piece of fluid her speech back in 2020 but the you still on this on the coming to sign. the migration policy will be a major point of contention in the coming years. it's a lease maloney was unequivocal on the subject during her 2022 election campaign. no, no to mess migration, no to as long as the violence yes to secure borders. responding to the pressure from her supposes, maloney tried to reach a bilateral agreement with tanisha. most of the migraines and refugees who make their way to it. so the lead from the negotiations showed us in the 11 does not have enough money to offer. and the talks were abandoned. all the while more and
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more people trust the mediterranean into europe. between 20222023. the regular entries into the continents increased by 50 percent. public perception of the issue became a challenge for governments across europe. most of the fund deadline can travel to to media in july of 2023 to sign an agreement on behalf of the e. u. a deal much like the one maloney was unable to achieve for it to the alone. she invited middle need to join her, allowing the a tele and prime minister to follow up on her 1st meeting with the 2 nation president. we will work with tanisha on an anti smuggling operational partnership. we will also increase our for the nation on search and rescue operations. as we agreed that we will cooperate on board of management and to smuggling reach on to dressing root causes in full respect of the international law. thank you very much for the, for your tireless work from that's it was the solution. very much initiatives.
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interesting. the you promise to nisha financial aid of up to 900000000 euro is the new you packed on assign them. and migration is focused on co operation with countries of refuge or trends that will though the approach follow tasks of previous agreements, such as the one with turkey in 2016 critics. note the use growing tendency to seal itself off the tendency they attribute to the continents political shift to the rights. shortly after the agreement was signed and september 2023 conditions on the italian island of land produced socco from 5 to west with ever more refugees arriving from tunisia also from the promise to help by deploying from tex the european buddha and coast guard agency, maloney insisted she would take tom x will not allow italy to become europe, refugee camp. they would all the agreements caused much discussion and brussels
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partly because parliament was most involved. tanisha have recently attracted attention for human rights violations and even rejected some you financial aid informations to be seen, whether the agreement to hold critics fee of the deal forged with whatever it takes mentality will undermine each values. when also the from the lion took office, she promised every day people, the citizens of europe would be given more ways to take pulse and efforts to shape the future of europe. to this end, you officials organize the convention in 2022, in which $800.00 randomly selected europeans came together to develop their ideas for the future of europe. at the same time it sent out large scale citizens surveys . the results of these efforts were clear. people wanted more rights with a european parliament and less nationalism the,
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the in september of 2023 in her law states of the union speech before the election funded lion took stock and outlined the possible woods that european votes has had cooled for. we've not lived europe long labeled as any election. it will be the time for people to reflect on the state of our union and the work done by those that we present them. but it would also be a time to decide on what kind of future and what kind of a europe they want. from the unit, a member of the conservative city you is comparatively progressive in have policies and supports developing that you you further. and i will always support this house and all of those want to reform the european union to make it work better for citizens. and yes, that means including
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a european convention entry to change if and where it is needed. honda lion supports for forming the e u, which would require 3 t changes since its beginning the european, the idea has been based on the comprehensive sets of treaties. every step towards grace or co operation has been based on new treaty regulations that define exactly who has won't power tracy amendments on massive interventions in a complex set of rules and require the consent of member states and the heads of government an e. you so much of government leaders is held in brussels at least 4 times a year. the e u currently has 27 member states as stipulated that the treaty agreements. that means 27 heads of governments have a stay in key european issues, such as finance,
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foreign policy. i'm security. because decisions must be unanimous agreements usually take a long time to reach the spring cagle's office. i'm not a big fan of these late night meetings, but sometimes they're necessary. yeah, because we know we can't leave here tonight without a result. because then europe would be at loggerheads and would have nothing to show for its efforts by him. um the search type of what i gave him this last one person responsible for many a long night. is victor on the right wing conservative prime minister of hungry in december 2023. he used his veto to stop you age for you. cream critic. see this located as an attempt to accept pressure on the european union. this is the state to screw with only 27 member states. where the e u to grow even further,
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the unanimity principle might well make the union ungovernable. among other things, the reform of the you with more powerful parliament, i'm the commission would mean replacing this principle with a majority principle and the nationalist among the heads of governments such as all done for hungry or maloney for its lead. oppose this change the. the turbulent crises in recent years have already saw from the rules. because ad hoc solutions when needed to react quickly. relevant tracy's were interpreted to creatively during the time to make the e, you stood united's behind from deadline, and developing, and distributing vaccines in record time. the commission has negotiated the broadest portfolio of vaccine candidates,
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so that the vaccine nations can start immediately. then the states followed suit, knowing full well they was strong together, i'm would not be able to handle the situation but so on their own. * * it was just the shots we had vaccine procurement and health policy at the you level . we never had that before. i mean, it's not in the you treaties in his 20 years as a european reports of ethic, ones that has never seems such an expansion of houses within the european union. a funder lion is pulling the strings to put it bluntly. that's what she rules over brussels, like a queen, or even the humble duffle from under founder light. and we've gotten a bigger europe. we have something like a double budget. in addition to the regular you budgets and see if we have the budget of a coven recovery fund, it means more power for the you commission,
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which controls disbursements. and then there's defense amendments and so on. now, yes, that's why even close to one. so what the what the status of war in ukraine funded lion found herself at the center of foreign and defense policy for europe. which is also not the costs of how far she under e. u. treaties. until recently, the e u commission was primarily in the administrative body, responsible for regulatory issues relating to the internal markets in the budget. how a condo takes was seen as a purely national matchup for those to the governments. and the capitals books from the lion is now standing alongside major players against russia. thanks for giving europe greater visibility on the world stage via happens. we had a systematically worked on putting together a large sanctions package cuz i'm interested in on v. and by we, i mean the european commission along with the us, the u. k. and canada. the nationalists among member states. this goes too far.
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they feel a strong you. leadership means a lot of powerful men, the states. they do not want any you tracy reform that would give to union even more power nicola pull, cuz she need joe john malone. these mine and brussels gave an imposing press conference the day before the european parliament voted on whether to tackle changes to the you treat, she gets the whole country me and his right wing always wants to prevent this as a cost the, the possibility of being eligible usage, unimportant you issues, i'm transferring further national power to the you is unacceptable to them. the whole cups she me is in the same parliamentary group as is polish colleague side of the or smart sky. he believes
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that whether you use the game even more power. it would become a european superstate, and the poland would disappear. it can be resumed in one sentence. so we are against hijacking europe by this anti democratic anti federal project. to, to us we know into a superstate the right wing nationalist nicola, pull catchy me all sort of things. the cool issue is a simple question of direction pitching nation states against the you for our group . this battle is the mother of the budgets. this is something that we will face now in the next year, in the elections and forever. the day of the votes, parliament was being off to decide whether to follow or enough on the lion's vision
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of more europe. oh, for the right wing alliances to brook this efforts during the last few minutes to follow the decisive boots. m. e. p. o. luke and hooks, he were getting ready alongside comfortable e. u. tracy amendments. the with many of the issues on the docket. luke knew how she wants to to vote on her bills, but needed to be briefed by her team in many efforts spearheaded by her colleagues, the invalid. we will work together because i have been following economic issues such as taxation before. and so i'll say to my political group, here's what i advise you to vote for on economic and fiscal issues and vice versa. the loud estimate, the big question of the day was whether to allow the treaties to be changed, the by opening the door to move, the centralized european power. luke's also was clear, yes, to new treaties and
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a more powerful course. in my opinion, the construction of europe must always move forward. we must never give up on it. jimmy on us for a full 705 m e p is in the house headed to the same destination. the plan to retain the monthly vba leader of the conservative have voiced his support for a more powerful e u. parliament. the collapse will catch. he needs his motor rich, right weight infection and the extreme rights in parliament have come out against the initiative. the okay guys, following me, i thought are you the, the, the, the, the changes video control center isn't the media room located. it's holly above the
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m e. p. o. meetings are recorded with several cameras. the day was going to be of loosing marisol was against what stains rejected. 93, who's in favor, who's against web stains adopt it's 369 who's in favor? who's against what stains adopted for 5 full by roll. let 6369 vote is open. 369. are doing this for 3 hours. it's really, really hard. the you have to, to be very careful, very foxes. because a, you have a list and you must be very careful to don't make a mistake. you the older persons boats on the you treat scenes.
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the majority of holland is still pro european. the results for this clause adopted the parliament voted in favor of allowing changes to the treaties. it wants to defeat for an equal appeal, catchy me, but one that could be robust down the road. the boats have decided nothing in terms of contents and had only authorized that treaty negotiations could begin in principle, for the votes will take place off to the european elections and whole cups. she hopes these will kit the balance of power in his favor, according to full cost. his parliamentary group could grow from 68 to almost 90 seats. and so we think that these, this power, we can use it to, to achieve the goals. so our agenda and i know very well that the retiree and the
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location uh could be one of the biggest in the, in this parliament, the or maybe the biggest. but so i think we have this opportunity to show that the and now the european union use possible to use aiming for an alliance who's foreign policies with protect you voters and who's domestic policies would protect you month to see hope states can otherwise pursue their own interest me call i will catch, she needs parliamentary group describes itself as moderately right. suppose of georgia maloney's coalition partner. initially, the more radical league, our policy belong to the extreme right wing identity and democracy group and the european parliament. it also includes frances national riley policy and used to
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include the a f d because the representatives of the a tally and delegation different in the radicalism. it is difficult to draw a strict boundary line for co operation. this is because the european parliament center of power is expected to shift off to the election. the to right wing groups could be the big windows, the motor written right when easy, all is expected to grow. and the extreme right when id function could become parliament stud, strongest force, the pro european come with a center, right, group the liberals, the center. let's group. and the greens will likely lose seats but will still form a significant block. the right wing groups are likely to achieve a majority in parliament, but with around the corner of the seats they could coal significant disruption. further development of pan european regulations would be made more difficult and requiring more unity within the pro european come
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with the election daily, the focus among and the pieces on building future alliances. the these days lead to the mass starts work to it says things are getting serious, millions are being asked and, and what will your future the use future look like? you can see the main concern, just how many right wing extremists, those i fight against who reject europe and the concept of cooperation are there and kick these config. vba is a veteran. he has been an m e p for 20 years. ready for a decade, he's let the largest political group, the conservative e p. p. head of the election, emmy piece from his and the other part of entry groups, queued up outside his door to co ordinate the policy positions with his. ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready dimensions on and on.
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people want to know where do i stand, where are we going? that's where you have a responsibility to gain beyond thoughts default and let them be about discussed how the p p will continue to position itself with fellow group member who bass. i'm it sort of the all star camera crew to lean. ready ready vba and his complementary groups dot positions from the lions closed on climate policy has led many in brussels to wonder what cooperation will look like off to the election. easy to debate. i also love to argue, i love political discussions of it, but i always want to do it in a way that doesn't tear down bridges. that allows us to still find a way to work together, you know, but she did. according to european correspondence, it becomes a vba seeking a compromise with from the lion. but there is a history behind the complicated relationship between these 2 political power
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plants isn't here. these insured is certainly a game with assign roles who could be very smart enough not to make a complete mess of things with funder lion, but could as well known that there is no love lost between the 2 of them all by neighbor has long wanted to become commission presidents and then for a long time he did not accept being passed over for the job. and that funded line received the post eyes. and since he rightly points out that you never stood for election survive and she didn't take part in the 2019 european elections in 2019 monthly, be about ready for the post of president of the commission. this was his promotional video at the time his group had received the most votes in the european election as the lead candidates of the strongest political group. he should have been elected the commission president. but the european, the heads of government rejected vba at the last minute and presented their own surprise candidate to the parliament. it was
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a scandal. many m. e p's refused to support from the lions candid or c. 5000 lawrence and boss of 2019. it was relatively close and funder line was indeed dependent on some dubious boats. however, this was mainly because the german social democrats did not vote for her, nor did most of the green line golf. so there were also some outliers among the liberals. and even among the christian democrats and on the whole slide. so both the votes in favor, 3831030 of the message by a very narrow margin. the booth at the right wing conservatives from home reading, phone, and 6. you would victory perform deadline. now in 2020 full 5 years later, it's unclear. i hope she will keep the majority votes from the right wing. come could once again play it this type of role muscle from the line. but 1st we can see that funder light and can get along very well with the right wing politicians on me
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. take georgia maloney like a 6 funder line. it's very skillful that she simply involves her and she goes to to news with maloney and says this is our deal now with them alone. you can no longer complain about her friend after all, they did it together and i suspect that she will deal with others in the same way in the shop with, oh no, no, i'm getting good. move though, have haldeman treat group elected has it's these candidates from deadline is cooling for an economic focus and future climate policy, which policy colleagues consider to be to green french m e p. a whole lot do takes the pragmatic view of fund deadlines, time and office so you can track it the difficult. she has someone who as faults, like everyone else does. but she was a true embodiment of europe in difficult times. you can, i think of the war and ukraine, i think of cove it apart from that. maybe it would be good to have a debate of young of a real debate about who should be at the head of the next commission to the s and
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a and maybe some change would also be good if it could be charged more. uh say uh, could you be finding a compromise will become more difficult regardless of who takes over the commission . it has long been the parents that the strategy of integrating the rights has also led to a shift to the right. the price, a minimal common climate policy, ceiling of the year of against migration and list which on subtracting treaty reforms, those will soon decide which part of europe will take in years to come on. the move right wing extremists, their role and tell them in the mood locates that will be and the more concessions will be needed. many of the problems europe will faced and he is to come can hardly be tackled by one country another. this means you're capable of acting and coincides with a common policy, could become more important than ever the
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this week around 370000000 people in the 27 countries of the you will be bouncing in the european parliament elections and it's complex. i'm found in brussels as being plenty of notice tension among keep politicians. we talk to 2 of these elections, so they'll have a decisive follow up via solving over conflict. in 30 minutes on the w. finally, a job for jacob, it's the beginning of
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a new life. her situation is a novelty and cost of those where it's nearly impossible for people with disabilities to find what jacob opportunity is. thanks to a non profit organization. she's happy and some alternatives to posing her whole seminar. focus on europe. in 90 minutes on d. w, the schedule issues or thoughts they will crazy. the of the the
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this is the w news life from the island western allies. remember that wild horses sacrifices the us president joe biden joins president and my new or my call in from the ceremonies mocking the ac is of the 3 of the day bite and pays tribute to surviving best friends in attendance and recalls with huge losses and codes to liberate western europe from nazi dictatorship. also coming up on the show, thousands all killed. and then it's raining as strike on central garza the attack. his a u. n. brun school in the city of those or us. israel says it was targeting
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a some us compound inside this.


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