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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 6, 2024 9:00pm-9:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw, dues live and from berlin tonight, remembering the heroes of the day, the leaders of the united states, germany, and france, marks of the 80th anniversary of the landings which liberated western europe from nazi tyranny. they honored the surviving veterans and ukrainian presidents the landscape. he was told that the west will not make it its support for his country, and it's more against russia. also coming up, dozens are killed and then is really your strike on central guns or the attack to the you in run school. israel says it targeted a mazda compound that was inside, and more than a 100 did an attack on the village in savanna latest killington,
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a long running conflict between the army and paramon was here. the ivory golf is good to have you with this on this thursday. leaders of the 2nd world war outlaw is have come together and northern france to mark the 80th anniversary of the day. the biggest seaborne invasion in history eventually liberated western europe from nazi tyranny. leaders today, honored surviving veterans, and they recalled the change cost and human lives of the norman, the landings, ukraine's president and told him is zalinski. he was at the commemoration today, and he was assured that western support will not weaken in his country's war against russia. the onto the deck, off the ship veterans. the law are just seaborne invasion. history returned to the
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sands of omaha beach to commemorate and reflect on that momentous day. 80 years ago, when they stormed out of landing craft or parachute it out of transport planes to turn the tide of history. while the guests of honor made it through the battle and went on to live remarkably long lives, many of their comrades in arms were killed on the beach by hitler's army. show grow, you know, to as we, that's all lift to chrome. age. so know we're ready to know of the is condemned at the going down the sun and in the morning we will remember them. we will remember that a group of us veterans received francis highest order of marriage,
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the legion of honor, from friendship president emanuel my chrome for their bravery. here you came to join your thoughts with our own soldiers and to make friends a free nation. and you all back here today at home, if i may see. green cranium president, for a lot of me is a lensky joins the other leaders gathered on the beach and thrilled at least one admirer near the us president joe biden connected deliberation of europe in the 1940s to the war and ukraine urging nato to take a lesson from the allied cooperation, but defeated nazi germany and the force of congress. the allied forces did their duty. now the question for us is, in our,
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our trial where we do ours. we're living at a time when democracy in more risk across the world. that a point since the end of world war 2 essentially pieces were storm in 1944. now we have to ask ourselves where we stand against charity against gable guides, crushing brutality of the iron fist. the number of world war 2 veterans is dwindling. that their contribution to defeating fascism will forever be remembered by history and from the memories of past conflicts to the realities of current ones. at least 37 people have been killed and it is really air strike on the united nation school in gauze that he went to. the european union have condemned. the attack that are calling for an independent inquiry is really military says with a carried out
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a precise strike targeting him off. and his womic jihad fighters involved with the october 7th attacks were hiding out in the school, around 6000 palestinians from only because a, with sheltering in this former school. an unreal facility in new the right when it was targeted by and is really strikes this why? what have we done for them to bomb us? we fled from place to place. no unreal school of safe with no 10 to safety. and there is no say the strike we targeted with precision strikes on this specific classrooms on this specific classrooms. what we know, of course, we know that the terrorists were what they were doing. and inside of you in school, they were hiding to. the compound was useful staging attacks and as a forward operating base, the united nations has condemned the attack on that shelter and gaza and acute
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israel of breaking international humanitarian law. a wearily, are we asked jonathan sour, he's a spokesperson for on the road. that's the human agency that supports palestinian refugees. we asked him if there's anything that they can do to make sure that his last fighters do not use or did not hide out on its prompt premises. basically, you know, un stuff, premises versions have to be protected at all times that, that, that, that's the end of the story. i mean, if there are any issues with a used by anybody military use by anybody in the, in this war then we, we, we rise along the course of the primary thing is we haven't, we told him about the shelter, which was sheltering. 6000 displaced people when it was heads and i really think that that's what we need to focus on right now. so the issue proportionality, i'm in the military and laura's is, is also it streams significant. some civilians over and over kind of price with the lives. ready in this war and gaza on our own stuff we,
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we've lost 192 of us now they've been killed in this war. and this is a number without prices and in the history of the much nations. so really think that's what we need to think about is about the fact that civilian casualties i just happening over and over and over in this war, including places of safety under the united nations by carnes high school system, basically pivoted from being part of education to a place of shelters for, for this place, people when this war broke out on our office invitation or warehouses. and so one of those have been used to, to provide some kind of safety. some people, as office to lift these arrival wells were not able to get enough age into the goal is a strip. and we have repeatedly colds out of breeches of the sanctity of you inside by both sides in this war. and we will continue to do so to that was jonathan saddler. he's a spokesperson for the human agency that supports palestinian refugees. all right,
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here's a look now and some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world . spain says they've, alaska, you, in court for permission to join. south africa's case accusing is real of genocide and gauze that spain is the 1st european country to take this step. it follows south africa's filing a case with the international court of justice. last year the former and talbot adviser to former us president donald trump. steve bannon has been ordered to report the prison by the 1st of july, was found to be in contempt of congress. and will now serve a 4 month sentence. bannon, you may remember defied a subpoena for the congressional committee and that investigated the january 6th attacks on the us capital one more than a 100 people, including women and children, had been killed in an attack on the village in sudan. local officials and activists are blaming the rapids support forces as the parent military group fighting the
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suit in these army. they've been doing that for the last year. they say that the forces attacked the village in jersey or a state in 2 ways. the conflict has killed some 15000 people. a i asked is student analysts last year and the address if the r s s claim that it was acting in self defense? if that claim is credible well, dollars that has said a tweet that seized for vehicles custody the calls. however, there is no proof. however, what we have see is video evidence of the iris at fight c o, around the shooting. so begins and it's not possible. they were defending themselves as they invaded in december 2023. they were that aggressive initial reports this morning has confirmed that they have attacked again in the village. we're just yesterday, over a 100 people have been killed 29 of those have be conserved with they made.
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currently right now, the iris has had the markets and have sets of check points around the village and within the village, however, reports from survivors has stated how the recess used, heavy machinery, heavy heavy weaponry to essentially shred the bodies of the certificates within the village. and that was due to an analyst about your interest. speaking with me earlier back here in europe, voters are going to the polls in the netherlands, kicking off a european union elections all across. and every member of the european union, the ballots are expected to deliver significant gains for the far right in several countries. results from 4 days of voting are due on sunday evening. one votes cost these people in, i'm saddam, and some of the 1st of the nearly 400000000 people eligible in the you to place the ballots over the next 4 days in the your
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a p and elections. most important for me is the economy or and the difference between the rich and the for the 0 of of, of the night. you know, it's, well the entire man for me is most important. i think think pen european mets are so climate change and immigration matters. so i think it's very important to foods, jobs, climate change, health security, migration, a recent euro barometer studies show. these are indeed the most important voting topics for people across the whole of the e. u vs here in the netherlands, have been doing lots of docs and the last few years, just 6 months ago, that was a national election. we saw the fall right party when the most seats for the 1st time in does history. i'm not sure expect it to be replicated again in this european parliament selections. in fact, the far right is expected to make gains across the u. the netherlands gets the t
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one seats in the european parliament. there is $720.00 in total for $27.00, e u member countries post to save the size of the elections. come make it complicated to protect. you could result one slice it is very difficult to bring together all the data from 27 member states into one projection to understand how the european parliament will look like. we will most likely on sunday and monday understand how the european parliament will look like in the future. until then we have to deal with about 15000 candidates, 600 different lists and individual candidates across europe, and about 200 to 10 parties that will enter the european parliament. these european elections will also be judged on how many pallets the cost votes, a ton i is stopping the low normally at arrived 50 percent. most e u countries will vote the weekend, and a clear picture will only a much one's own. the results a deliberate there was a correspondent jack here and he told me more about the elections from the
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netherlands. what's really interesting here in the netherlands is that all? and the reason that the far right is actually doing quite well is because it's been pushed back against some of the laws that have been brought in over the last few years. so for instance, there's a big farming community here in the netherlands that has been hit hard. they say by the green laws that have been brought in over the last few years and they've pushed the european union to have some of them. why impact nights the far right policy under get billed as the sweat to the most seats in november, those national elections, they say that they will push back against those greenville was also that they will protects the evidence from migration. the new migration deal was signed and agreed on by the governments of the european union just a few months ago. so that is something that voters all voting for interestingly here in this sort of metropolitan city of items that on a lot of the people, the i spoke to a most concerned about degree climate change about green issues and
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a voting based on not probably opposed to what you would see in the farm land of the netherlands once you leave the big cities it was decked. hey eric, i'm brent golf. i'll be back at the top of the hour with more of a news followed by the day i hope to see you then the v on the told story. i just want to point to the find it here repos every weekend on d. w. 2024 is the biggest election year in global history. and many of the several 1000000000 voters costing ballots. throwing their support behind the sole calls for.


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