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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 7, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw, and use a live from building. remembering the heroes of the day, the leaders of the united states, germany and from mock, the 80th anniversary of the landings that liberated western europe from nazi tyranny. they own a surviving veterans and promised ukrainian presidents lensky, that support for his country will not wait. was the coming of french presidents. a monument cross as paris will provide ukraine with french, made comrades planes to help send off rushes. invasion by pool. also says that from school train, ukrainian pilots plots condemnation from the un and calls for an
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independent investigation from the e. u offering is rarely attack on a un run school. in central garza, thousands were killed in the strong which israel says was targeting him off compound inside the island cycle. it's good to have you with those leaders of the 2nd world war allies have come together in northern france to mock the atm anniversary of the day. the biggest seaborne invasion in history eventually liberated western europe from nazi to renee, the latest on surviving veterans and recall the huge cost of human lives of the norman d landings, ukrainian president of the midst of lens. he attended the commemorations and was assured west as a port would not weaken in ukraine's present the day will with russia, the onto the deck, off the ship veterans val largest seaborne invasion history,
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returned to the sands of omaha beach to commemorate and reflect on that momentous de 80 years ago, when they stormed out of land and craft or parachute it out of transport planes to turn the tide of history. the while the guests of honor made it through the battle and went on to live remarkably long lives. many of their comrades in arms were killed on the beach by hitler's army. show grow, you know, to us we, that's a lift to chrome. age. so now we're ready to know what the is condemned at the going down the sun. and in the morning, we will be remembered then. we will remember that a group of us veterans received frances highest order of merit. the legion of honor
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from french president emanuel ma chrome for their bravery. here you came to join your thoughts with our own soldiers. and to make friends a free nation. and you all back here today at home. if i may say, not com announced after the ceremony that france would delivered mirage fighter jets to crane and train pilots to fly them. in cranium, president, florida, muse zalinski joined to the other leaders gathered on the beach and thrilled at least one admirer near the us. president joe biden connected deliberation of europe in the 1940s to the war and ukraine, purging nato. to take a lesson from the allied cooperation that defeated nazi germany,
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force congress. the allied forces did their duty. now the question for us is, in our, our trial, well we do ours. we're living at a time when democracy in more risk across the world. then they point, since the end of world war 2, essentially bridges were storm in 1944. now we have to ask ourselves where we stand against charity, against gable guys crushing brutality they are. and 1st the number of world war 2 veterans is dwindling. but their contribution to defeating fascism will forever be remembered by history. as we've heard a manual macross us from so i'll provide you crane with french made 5 digits. the french president says the planes will arrive by the end of the year, the fronds,
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but also stock training ukrainian pilots. and there are 2000 engines service in the late 19 ninety's and was considered one of the best combat to aircraft of the era macro had previously suggested that nato troops could be deployed with in ukraine for training sessions. the id of nathan sole, just in ukraine, in any capacity would be seen as a significant excavation in the conflict. they've already been working together in neighboring poland. these images show ukrainian recruits being trained by french and other nato instructors in april. ukraine has long wanted such training in the side ukraine now for some 150000 fresh recruits brigade by brigade. they can then be deployed to front lines within hours if needed, rather than days or weeks. but nato boots on the ground, even those of instructors dramatically raised the stakes, potentially drawing the united states and europe more directly into the war. russia
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was quick to respond to the idea. first linked to french media news, much of this we must, regardless of whether it's a, a member of a french on false, of, or 50 most in their research. they were present and absolutely legitimate targets for our on choices. so in the national photos on the it's not the 1st time rush it has talk, talk about ever more threatening western military aid to ukraine. and it's not the 1st time the west has changed its mind about such a, especially in the last year and more so after moscow started cleaning more victories in recent months. the western allies cross their own previous red lines with, for example, u. s. high mars mo bile rocket launchers, germany, the u. k and to you last agreed to send heavy duty tanks. the u. s. gave the green light to country is wanting to send us made fighter jets,
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and then quietly joe biden turned $180.00 degrees and told ukraine it can hit targets inside russia. with us made missile. the calls we nato's chief was already on board. the time has come to consider whether it will be rides, to lift some of those restrictions which have been in post lifting restrictions like putting nato military personnel, including military instructors in harm's way, inside ukraine. so united nations has condemned and is rarely attack on the you and run school in central garza. it says the extract killed at least $35.00 people and wounded many more. these really made a trace that is carried out to precise strive, targeting him off and stomach jihad. fines is involved in the october 7th terror attacks. both the you and, and the european union. a calling for an independent inquiry into the incident around 6000 palestinians from only because a,
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with sheltering in this former school. unreal facility in new the route when it was targeted by in is really strikes this why. what have we done for them to bomb us? we fled from place to place. no unrest, school of safe will have no tend to safety and there is no safe place when have you and had you might have seen the 3 lift up to the sounds of broken remains. of people was scattered a be there, a gas can inspect student children, died screaming in the street was a blood vault. my nephew was killed in the bodies of the victims killed in the attack, allowing the outside the ox hospital family members say the final good byes, the food, the funeral, pres, a said of israel
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is defending its decision to strike the school. they say they were targeting members of hamas and islamic jihad who went inside we assessed that 20 to 30 terrace were in the compound at the time of the strike. we targeted with precision strikes on the specific classrooms on the specific classrooms. what we know, of course, we know that the terrorists were what they were doing, and inside a u. n. school, they were hiding. the compound was useful staging attacks and as a full what operating base the united nations has condemned. the attack on this shelter and gaza and accused israel of breaking international humanitarian law. jonathan falla is a specs person to unenroll the you an agency that supports palestinian refugees. we
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asked him if there's anything the agency can do to make sure how miles fights is. don't use that premises un soft promises, dental prices have to be protected at all times that that, that, that's the end of the story. i mean, if there are any issues with a used by anybody mail that you're used by anybody um, in the, in this war then we, we, we rise along the cost of the primary thing is everybody told me about the shelter, which was sheltering 6000 displays people when it was hit and i really think that that's what we need to focus on right now. um the issue portion i would say in this most communitarian lawyers is, is also in streams significant. some civilians over and over paying the price with the lives in this war and gaza and stuff we, we've lost $192.00 of us now. they've been killed in this war. and this is a number without prizes and in the history of the much nations. so really think that's what we need to think about is about the fact that civilian casualties and i
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just happening over and over and over in this war, including places of safety under the united nations by carnes high school system, basically pivoted from being in place of education to a place of shelters for, for this place, people when this war broke out on our facilities and their warehouses. and so one of those have been used to, to provide some kind of safety. some people, the facilities arrival wells were not able to get enough age into the goals the strip. um and we have repeatedly calls out of breeches of the sanctity of you inside spite by both sides in, in this war. and we will continue to do so. jonathan followed that from unrest vacant to us left has to look now at some of the stories that making use around the world. police, a people have died in a bridge collapse in bolivia. another 6 have been injured. local authorities have yet to investigate what caused the collapse as they were no known cracks or damage . and the structure,
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the bridge was built 13 years ago. i don't know. tons for myself. ad steve bannon has been ordered to report to prison by july. first, he must so full month sentence for contempt of congress by the end to find a summons from the committee investigating the january 6th attack on the us capital to nasa astronaut have been welcomed aboard the international space station. often boeing starlight in a capsule. it's the 2nd successfully dr. on it's the 2nd attempt. it became some technical hiccups ending during the 1st trying is box. a major milestone for starline is firstly piloted test flight as it competes with space extra fairy astronauts to and from the space fisher both astronaut and the so don's i'm a chief has visited the science of an attack that killed more than a 100 people local officials say there were 2 waves of attacks on a village and just sarah states, women and children were reportedly among the victims. armies says the rapid support
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forces or are assess where to find the parent mandatory group has been battling the student needs mandatory since april 2023. so we also don analyst alba say address if the recess claim that it was acting in self defense is credible well dollars of had said a tweet that seized for vehicles cost the cost. however, there is no proof. however, what we have see is video evidence of the iris at fight c o, around the shooting civilians, and it's not possible they were defending themselves as they invaded in december 2023. they were the aggressive initial reports this morning has confirmed that they have attacked again in the village. we're just yesterday, over a 100 people have been killed 29 of those have be consistent with they made. currently right now, the iris has had the markets and have sets of check points around the village. and
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within the village, however, it reports from survivors has stated how the recess used, heavy machinery, heavy heavy weaponry to essentially shred the bodies of the certificates within the village. a type of saddam analyst alba shae addressed to speaking to us earlier. now before we go, one last question, who makes the best pizza model to find out the unintended capital bore? and as iris just hosted the world pizza and, and panada tournament of freestyle acrobatic section of the competition provided the most action. participants competed in various categories from the longest dose stretch to the best tasting products. more than a 170 shifts from all of the wells took part some even blindfolded. the competition ended with a home victory for. 6 6 that, that from us up next as europe goes to the polls,
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we ask adults, the economy and math to, to the far right. that's a business dealings in just a moment. i'm a little outside. thanks for watching. by the goal for is test one of 79 focuses everything is simply designed so i can do this which gives me extreme freedom. how does this time, jim, and champion to his commitment and the sound of the bull dogs, june 13th on d. w. 20. 24 is the biggest election year in global history. and many of the several 1000000000 voters costing ballots. throwing their support behind the so called for.


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