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tv   Flipping the Script  Deutsche Welle  June 7, 2024 5:30am-6:01am CEST

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thanks for watching until the next time. take care the sweetens arctic region. thousands of b is the indigenous tommy people have been hurting reindeer on this land for very long time. this part of the land was for the so many people and they was leaving here, they was pushing they was hunting. so in one way, these area belongs to the some a non indigenous swedish wanted to see things different about the in general. it is
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the state which owns the land and which should regulate hunting and fishing that should be accepted as a matter of course, by everyone who lives here in hayes taxes in sweden very long simmering conflict of the hunting has reached bullying. point. the dispute should question, who owns the land of the reindeer? the use of sorry, it's a very specialty. it's september and for september, it's time for the saw me to gather together the reindeer in the mountains. uva is a member of this on the people and her family also refrained in. she's never missed
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this autumn spectacle, the photographer wants to record the, then she sees it as a way of conveying, assign the way of life to others. the rain this corral is located in remote mountain, this tower tree. as the last few days, the sony have heard it to the thousandths of rain data using mode to box quote box to helicopters. the, the 1st half of today we look is we have any more calls who has missing the mark in the ears. and so we finish the marking of the cards for this season.
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it's the last chance it's the last time. then we are starting to see and choose which animals to going to be slow through rates. then it's time to let the rest of the her to school hours for free again in the mountain. and so we opened the gate and they are running out on the mindset. and again, that is really good feeling when you can see them driving out in the that nature where they belong. to saw me here, it is prohibited hunting in the area during the carolling period to the anger of hunters whose season is just because we have a big area. so the hampton most need to be right here in the set square kilometers . i want them to listen and try to to understand
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no, just the saying that we are closing the mountain for everybody. no, we don't do that. and we want to live together side by side is vasta. we need to do is the new way, which is the best for the rain there. and those who know what's best for the rain, the east, the rain, the hood or the you will keep green sinks that prohibiting access to so much land to protect the radio is open the top. he's just got back home from you still working to the local authorities, including a time to go hunting him. that's what life is all about.
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it's a pension he inherited from his father. hey, how you all got out by hunt whenever i can. the 4 to 5 days a week between august 25th and march 15th, when hunting is permitted front of mazda 3. during that time i'm continually outdoors and i hunt an awful lot o. yeah. when i'm not hunting, i'm outside training the dogs, so then that's my lifestyle. so the natalie steve off the working choose as a problem with these 4 dogs. if his pride and joy, he, brett, them and train them to hunt the one civil war. it's in competition in atlanta. now i live with my dogs. like you would have family, it will tell you live in close proximity. the if i take them everywhere, we trained together and we hunt together and we fish together. these got it. we sleep together and attend to fly in a helicopter or travel by boat to my hunting cabin people. we share everything.
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they joined me on all my travelling and problem, not yet. i can't imagine better company. the some fact that this article coming into ha, today you walk in just going food hunting with these tools to run into many of these things like hunting grounds of limits because of the range. and that's why he has to travel fun to pursue his hobby. the credit and i fear that at some point i won't be able to find any of your good hunting ground, but instead little, my biggest fear is not being able to get out into nature anymore and the outdoors is why i live here. literally, every photo had to just on the news drive, you walk teams as of right. it is this to nation. it's gps devices to his don't so
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that he can locate them in the rough terrain. and we have to pay the same price for the hunting permit. as last year, but we're not allowed to hunt in gear. yes anymore. a d, as is one, is 51. so many communities in sweden and approximately 6 times as big as the need. since 2020, to sign the community. he has been in charge of consuming the small game hunting and fishing rice and not the regional authorities. some fee it is pioneering development. consider the dangers president of the office on the communities will follow the for saw me active just body. been back. it's a victory, any use long battle. currently he's the chairman is the key assigned the community . he's been the proud one of writing staples for 20 years.
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so no go right. the saw me, the indigenous people in northern scandinavia wanted to the site was allowed to hunt and fish on their in sister lands. and when marty think that it was locked in the legal battles of the swedish states for decades and 2020 sweden supreme court ruled in his faith on the road. we haven't the right my, my relative meet him and give home, then we use describe forever the face type and have drain. do you think the better, the honest been so how could it be being stuck on the side that's ever been come when i go out hunting a c tracks. when you me for my ancestors, i took them when i go there. like he's full these motif in this is randy hood and tom tom and t office 2 is almost 90 courses to visit his to the
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area about the same in his opinion. the swedish states expropriated to saw me peoples and sister lands of the last few centuries. we never know this note is enough, is enough? yeah, never stand up ro rights. and what do we do? they become a hell of a situation. the must be he is he to continue watching green just directly threatened by the really in pain from the saw me because it doesn't and it keeps the curious saw me community the right to to him and who is a lot to hunt in the area. it also allows them to decide how many, how does the roll out on the land, and when i hear that there could be more and more regulation of hunting in the future year. yes. has decided to close the majority of its territories until september 15th and last year the winter arrived on september 30th it along with half a meter of snow and put
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a stop to hunting. it's getting worse and worse so that i hope that things don't continue to develop like this and the but i see are they will do this now. and then for the rain, do you say they want to keep hunting dogs like you're walking away from their animals that makes you walk in c rate. he says he avoids rain d. it's but occasionally includes a deep brain, dea, a protein you know, under my dogs, are trained not to chase reindeer or anything. and when i see rain here, i back off inc. no problem. i have always done my best to act responsibly in nature . you know, i always try to do what i can to help ensure that we all get along together and don't trip to harvest. the biggest piece you welcome to these dogs are on the lookout for tom. again, no trace of any. so i saw you all good. i train my dogs to wait when they find the birds beautiful. they're not
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allowed to chase the bird when it takes like now they have to stand still and come when i call him cool monday or i practice that regularly with that was or that i invented 2 to 3000 hours in each don't on the most. and on top of that, we do a lot of stamina training is threatening the total of the school to send to something school the lucky the obvious that i missed it, my shot just missed. the bird disappeared in the undergrowth behind the birch at 0 to come. i only saw it for a few seconds. what was it going to, tara, come your key isn't to consent. you and his last weekend to you. so any 6 tom again and soon as he, alas for him, it's
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a way of relaxing and you walk keeps opinion being able to roam freely out. tools is not just important to the saw me, people in the way of life. no problem eh, says we are a sweet voice. i mean we live in sweden and we pay taxes and so we sold as the state owns the land and we are the state. let me sit up, it is important for us to co exist and that we are not miserly, but generous. a small snake. now there is a not space for everyone if we are consider and respect to one another month when we thought and so you know what i think. yeah. what i'm you're welcome. i'm going doesn't want to keep up the hunt. yes. and sits often searches, tons, atomic, and up to 12000 brain decrease in the saw me. district of curious to saw me have possessed the land, use rods since 1996 font officially launch pots of swedish lapland belong to the state.
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in the midst of the grazing you realize the village of them you can look at the beautiful sorry girl up you have and sisters with sammy not match. you could look to was 9 grand father my grandfather and grandmother was following the reindeer in the area. and so these, they paused. these plays make a look the when they are going east for the winter time and then it's cost to gain when they're going west in the summer time. so in the beginning of 1900, there was some bad years for the reindeers. so a couple of families decided to be living more statute such in there and the one of these phone, 5 family who decided to settle down was my grandfather and grandmother deals
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of sony belongs to one of the 20 families in curious which still own reindeer in one cause of photography, she talked to mister traditional way of lots as a community and the some 5000 of the assignments we are up to 40000 internal still lives like cuba and her family. some of the saw me people on not anymore feeling assigned me because they are living in the situation. so they are totally in close to the my or to society. but for me it's important and i am a part of the assignment society. even if i leaving in sweet and then also have part of me is the sweetest identity but and when any body asked me, then i am assuming many non indigenous swedes. thanks to sammy
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9 times that are excessive is just one way is that the i think it's difficult for people to understand what we are talking about when we're talking about we need the area for the ranges. we are close to the nature. yes, there is still a lot of major, but we need a big part of it. so the rain is can be all over the chair. and then we've got questions. why aren't your rainbow under roads? why are you ranging from the railroads and and the, the opposite is. why are you making these roads and railroad and crossing where the rain there has walked for thousands of years.
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what is now the town to luna used to be grazing land for rain dance? what starts on my sony hut is the sweetest most the most town was founded in 1900. mine is moved here from sucking suite in search of displacing the indigenous peoples and reigned in nowadays, the majority of the towns $23000.00 inhabitants, unknown indigenous sweets including men, do not sell a bag he finds it perplexing that saw me now have the right to hold hunting licenses, it would be very strange if you have more rights, if you have been here a longer time, how soon? how suited to handle people who are coming in now and moving to sweden from the
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problem areas around the world. shouldn't just say that. i have some rights, but they don't tab. no, it's very important for them a democratic view that it had to get the same rights. and i think the problem is that people who stuck on the, they have the romantic pictures of the saw me. people always the original people with the last so with the traditional clothes and working with the reindeer, so taking care of them but but it is not true. you know, the saw me 90 percent of the saw me don't have more rights than i have and. and it just the smaller part of the saw me well reindeer owners. the 2020 cooling keeps the rain d heard assemblies the right to grant hunting licenses and incurious. they're just 20th. the
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day after the animals look around to get through in the mountains is slow today. peter, sorry, disclose the presence of the camera to reduce the participation for science for already been sent off to the albatross. the members of the assigned me community talk about the remainder for their own private consumption, the 2 of us, what's an old friend? well, how are things good? this will be, we have begun slow touring the animals on somebody. so to be brought. that's great time. it fresh me to it. last thing. investiture. oh, the reward villain. and yeah, yeah. the after a hard winter. i mean to sony is a randy heard it from a neighboring sandy settlement. he's floated to these animals which couldn't mixed
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up with the rain d as a curious army. his father told him the jump even though a honda has never gotten in his way, he believes that it's necessary to make many areas of limits to take on the job. you can look at our place up here. it's working place. when we don't want people to be there because it's dangerous or disputes that are being that work, what we are doing them, except if um, like an ordinary industry, we need to work with the range because we need to meet. but the most of the people are up here. they are they doing it for pleasure? that's the different. so if you compare to assure things going to work things quite easy. for me. do you posing side is so concerned about killed swedish lapland is the country's most popular in
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then to is destination turn is a centuries and this was toppled in the last 10 years. also because of the hunting possibilities needed to not send the guns to expand to resubmit, that he himself is the found that it's a to reparation business. but now the curious on the community have decided that in the future, only hunters from the region be allowed to hunt on you and sister land. the worst case scenario would be if under the saw me village suddenly the get the same rights as as, get this. and they will close down area all 3 area auster area for the local peoples. and also for the tourist, for 2 is companies. we need people to work and we to risk and taking care of that mountain, the wilderness for hunting and fishing us all 12 days later and rain
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d a had to postpone it is still processing the rain to meet after it's home for a while. he has to conduct the small costs like close randy ahead as he can no longer live from the sale of his animals. he has another job as a welder, michael most over and here it is. he thinks that the swedish state has been colonized in the land for centuries. and i will see on we didn't have so much mines power plants, roads, and other people who are out in the forest. and now they say, new mines every day following up. so nowadays of the family we kind of told the big code because we don't have the space enough because we have a really big mine in our place where we stay in the winters. so
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i think we have lost about 90 percent of the area for our family. not for my saved by not so worried about for my children's sake. if they're going to work with the brain this, where are they going to stay? this one is creating a huge on all mining coronado. the swedish state has been developing the land for centuries, building roads, electricity, pylons wind turbines, and schemes expect to risk all salt from the womb. so rein decent is like pay sony . the cases that sony don't talked about how big it's, uh, it's like asking what he has in his bank account. he gets approximately 500 euros
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for me so, so much animal to slow to house. to say, i know one creature means he can for to keep 20 of is improved. infrastructure was attracting more and more people to the funnel suite and is not the only sound. does the smell thrown in mines? it's not the only safe this. it's not the only 2 of these companies, it's everything together because the society are pushing us from all the directions and assuming we don't know in what direction look where we can go to be free to spy to other management for drink. they also feel that they need to be sent home on tuesday last name, green twenty's friend. you have the
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family has been meeting in the arctic region for generations. he shares his friends fee and help them football. and we have complete freedom a policy, we could go anywhere and we have numerous fantastic possibilities of being in the outdoor a lot of them. and i would like my son to have exactly the same opportunities that we left me in full and have done a full truck and, and meet the needs. this is in a small proportion of the sum of the population. now have all the rights and we have to try to see the light at the end of the tunnel deal. i hope that the we can only hope that the politicians finally assume responsibility and see the big picture policy on the. so i don't see at the moment we hear in the north feel neglected, you for the said, the vision general. that's the big problem you're talking said the other day as, as to prevent the
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future summary is most amazing. my concern that goes beyond anything related to hunting rights. she doesn't want the indigenous peoples way of life to be lost. or she's sonya traditional costume. the young grandchild and she speak, signed me to him, and language that was long suppressed in sweden. if i had to teach yourself tom, it was only recognized as a minority language in 2000. and these days it's offered as a subject in school. yes. it is a part of our culture and steam a big part of the so many people speak saw me. so when you don't understand what the people speaking to each other and you feel there's something missing in your heart and in your culture, in your identity, the distribution of the swedish netherlands
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mountains. and for us is just the latest manifestation of a centralized loan conflict. and the country spawn between the some of the people and non indigenous suites. the one small step for a robot vacuum. one joint leap for exploiting the ocean floor. but this time, a research team will study the possible risk 1st. in order to minimize them. we have an opportunity to, to get it right before we even start. is this true major conservation or only green washing? deep sea creek. in 15 minutes on the w, the will tell here we are happy that we are boxing
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the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use force and for the future. in the stories industries that are being discussed across the country. news africa. in 90 minutes on the w, the secret slide discovered new adventures in 362 and explore fascinating both heritage dw world heritage 360. now the only way i can be on the top is to create my own empire.
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discover stories was that just a click away. the during the destination, right. a sign house, this document trees, the subscriber name, treat this shadow as object color. these pod costs and video shed light on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the scorched post tactics, farms, and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression? today, the screen. we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism. so you don't
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feel the same way you expect and one's different things from life than your parents . i just want to pursue what that's my thoughts hired or you think your kid is 2 different risk, irresponsible, unreasonable or port is not. i want my son to the doctor. is there any alternative to the plan? we've done everything to prevent a divorce, but nothing worked. so any time you were asleep and was paying for it? asked them when generation now on the team is kind of funny. feels like there's the,
6:00 am
the this is the w news live from the remembering the heroes of the day. the leaders of the united states gemini and from smoke the 80th anniversary of the landings that liberated west in europe, from now the tyranny they on his surviving veterans and promised ukrainian presidents. the lensky that support for his country will north way and also coming up condemnation from the un and cause for an independent investigation from the offering is rarely attack on a you and run school in the central garza, dozens were killed in the strike, which israel said.


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