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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 7, 2024 10:00am-10:31am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news life from berlin, the you and condemns. and is there any attack on a school incentive gods? a dozens have been killed in the air strikes on the you and run school as goals girl for an investigation. israel stairs it post, targeting her boss fighters inside bolts, coming up. remembering the heroes of the day, the leaders of the us, germany in front smock, be 8. see if any of us are you up the lightnings that liberated west and europe from nazi tyranny. they on the veterans and promised ukrainian presidents and landscape that support for this country will not wait and fall and says that people tend to fight to jessica,
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you frame and crane troops to help defend off russian aggression. but when this increased the risks when they told the i'm british man, as you work in the united nations, has condemned. and is there any attack on the un run school in central? because it says the striking that these $35.00 people and wounded many more these really minute reset have carried out the strikes thought that they have most fighters involved in the october 7th, 10 our attacks goals are going for an investigation into the incident around 6000 palestinians from all navy garza, with sheltering in this form, a school and rough facility in new the rot. when it was targeted by and is really strikes this, why? what have we done for them to bomb us? we fled from place to place no unrest. school of safe with no 10 to safety and
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there is no safe place when have you. and had you met now for 3 lives up to the sounds of broken remains of people was scattered a v there a gas kind of stick stowed children, died screaming at the street, was a blood vault. my nephew was killed in the bodies of the victims killed in the attack. i lined up outside the l x. the hospital family members say the final good byes, the full, the funeral. pres, a said israel is defending its decision to strike the school. they say they were targeting members of hamas and islamic jihad who were inside. we assess
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that $20.00 to $30.00 terrace were in the compound at the time of the strike. we targeted with precision strikes on the specific classrooms on the specific classrooms. what we know, of course, we know that the terrorists were what they were doing, and inside a u. n. school, they were hiding. the compound was useful staging attacks and as a forward operating base, the united nations has condemned the attack on this shelter and gaza and acute israel of breaking international humanitarian, little dw correspondent, rebecca, to these in jerusalem i as to what age barrels the reaction has been to the un criticism. well there are, this is the latest in a growing number of attacks carried out by israel in ga, so that has been condemned by the international community. now as you heard in that report is around, maintains that it carried out this attack. we've with intelligence evidence to
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suggest that somewhere between 20 and 30 him as operatives, we using the school as a command center where they were planning further attacks on idea of targets and that they and attack was imminent. the idea of said, daniel, who gary, the spokesman for the id said last night that they were working to uh, verify. so the information before they made it public, but there is no offered no into um, no evidence of their uh there is no evidence of their evidence in relation to this attack, but they did a name last night. 9 operatives that they say were killed in this attack. we know they're around 40 people were hearing, were killed in this attack, including some women and children at, in other attacks that has been condemned. so widely. there has on a number of occasions being a coal full, as you've heard in that report, a quote for an independent investigation. but at this stage, israel, he hasn't said that it's going to carry out an independent investigation. it says that it has the evidence and it will be providing further details in the future. we
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leave it there for the moment. d w is rebecca that as reporting from jerusalem, thanks so much for that. staying in his role and prime minister benjamin netanyahu is approaching a deadline to lay out a postwar plan for guys a it was imposed by his political arrival, many guns who is threatened to quits. the government that would likely mean new elections. and these around guns is pushing a 6 point plan, which includes the establishment of multi natural civilian rule in gaza when the board is over app. let's take a look. i bought a 2 state solution, could look back. and this is gaza in ruins. after 8 months of war, but their plans to rebuild it the so called day after when the war ends. israel's biggest ally the u. s. once he's released palestinians and regional governments to take steps towards establishing an independent palestinian state side by side with israel. the 2 state solution is as old as the state of israel itself. in 1947,
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the united nations drew up a plan for israeli and palestinian nations. the territory marked here in red would be palestinian. that in grey would be, israel boone was, but those plans were dashed in 1948 british occupying forces, pulled out. and israel was founded amidst the war with its error of neighbours. hundreds of thousands of palestinians were expelled from their homes. the war and its aftermath pushed the founding of any palestinian state into the future. in 1967, another war with its neighbors left a victorious israel and control of all the land between the river jordan and the mediterranean, the beginning of its occupation of palestinian lands. starting in the 1990s, there was a diplomatic push for a long term peace deal, where israel would allow a palestinian state in exchange for security guarantees. the proposed state was already much smaller than in 1947. it would include the west bank, east, jerusalem,
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and gaza. but there are many obstacles to establishing even this diminished palestinian state. right now. israel's war time government led by prime minister benjamin netanyahu is in charge of a nation still in shock after her mazda is terror attacks of october. 7th, netanyahu has repeatedly said that an independent palestine would result in more terror attacks and has allowed to block it. and then there's the issue of israeli settlements in the west bank. these communities and outposts are illegal under international law, but receive government protection. they take up much of the land that would be part of a palestinian state. all their disagreements are also not easy to solve both sides dispute who should control water supplies. many palestinians want to write to return to homes. their families lost in 1948 in israel itself. and both sides
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claimed jerusalem as their capital. but the city is cut off from the rest of the west bank by a wall of all these obstacles, the biggest may be the mood and israel. netanyahu maybe on popular public opinion polls show overwhelming opposition to a palestinian state. in the meantime, one idea is an international coalition that would administer guys temporarily on route to it becoming part of a palestinian state along with the west bank. and earlier i spoke to is very peace activist, get us on busking is also in also and negotiated with some us with the needs of is ready. so as a get actually back in 2011, i asked them if the 2 state solution would be dead if it's rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu continues to reject the idea of a palestinian state. you know,
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the surprising outcome of this war that we're seeing this horrible war and concepts is that the 2 state solution is back on the table. more than perhaps it's ever been before. we've been talking about a 2 state solution for more than 30 years. it is true during the last years, it seemed that it was no longer viable, but it's back on the table and increasing numbers of countries around the world which have yet to recognize the state of palestine or the state of israel or doing that. and this is going to push both israel and palestine to the table in the original framework we, we have something else that developed during this war. as we saw the creation of a regional defense alliance that defended israel on the 9th and wrong attractive. these are all opening up possibilities for a renewed discussion with the 2 state solution and turning it into something that is viable instead of the solution is back on the table, but is a back on the table a vin number and if and yahoo because he is clearly a post to it and also it appears that the majority of is varies. are also opposed
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to the plan. therefore, i ask again, based on this, it would appear that the 2 step solution in ease of am is dead. right, well i, i think we should be realistic and looked at, you know, the fact that public opinion during wartime is, is slanted. it's not accurate. it doesn't really assess what the public may think of the day after the war. right now. people are traumatized both in israel and palestine, and with regard to him just enough to know, just do nothing, you know is history. it's just a matter before he's thrown out of office in new elections or in some other way that will happen here because nothing else is blamed by the majority of his release for what led to october 7th and for the waste management of the war. since october 7th, he is the last most of his bass, and i think that a very few people think that he actually has a chance of coming back to power after we have new elections. it is 0 and the people of israel are demanding to elections administer in is government. benny guns has threatened to walk out of the government by saturday. if
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a 6 point plan for the day off the in gaza, isn't approved. you're saying that the nathan, you know, government, but the phone if he does so, or no, nothing else still has a clear majority in the government, even as guns themes the government in. but i think once guns leaves the government does, there will be even more massive demonstrations taking place in israel by the use where the public calling for and the end of this government. there are voices within the hard line called dish. and if nothing else believes that they will fare better after elections and they may bolt the government, there's going to be increased international pressure, particularly from the united states. and that nothing you know, government to accept the plan that there's nothing you have definitely been put out on the table. so the return to these are the hostages and a ceasefire. and then into the wars the united states wants and the whole world once and then to this war. so yes, i think that the increasing pressure is going to eventually lead to the fall. it was government. and this is what we and his real believing piece lead to work for.
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let's talk about uh, based on a particular of the, the 2 state solution. because a many guns has also talked about a governing alternative for gaza. and you have also suggested in a blog that you wrote for the times if he has been that it should be the palestinian authority when hum us accept this. right, i can say the posting authority, i actually said members of the opposition to the current power steering authority, mainly from the fact that party it has to be motorized by president of us. but president abbas and whose authority cannot govern god so they can send anyone to god. so it needs to be palestinians who come from gas of living. does it as well as other palestinians who are respected and have legitimacy in amongst the palestinians? no, none published in you got a body can govern garza without being looked at by the post in people. there's another form of occupation. so it really has to come from within palestine. they
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need to determine what tied to peacekeeping force can be brought to the 2 guys of probably an error lead peacekeeping force that will enable and force israel to withdraw from gaza. israel conduct remaining does or there should be clear to everyone after israel had 15 years experience of finding insurgency 11. there is no sustainable solution for is remaining gaza. does this plan assume that they wouldn't be know how moss in guys are, and therefore they would be somebody and guys i who can represent the balancing and people and gaza. this is, that does appear in let's be realistic about the semester as part of color, stadium, society, it is the palestinian peoples challenge, how to disarm from us, how to make from us into a legitimate member of the government or the apology. if i do not envision any kind of acceptable government, acceptable by the international community, acceptable by the arab states, by egypt in jordan, and saw uribe of the americans and others,
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that would be governed by somebody else from us is the voice of yesterday's from us as a palestinian problem and the power steering people need to determine how to integrate a legitimate islamic political parties into their governance. but it cannot be in the armed militia, within a state which is being called a sovereign state, them being recognized as such as a state. they have responsibility any, any obligation to international law, and to being of a, just and legitimate member of the community of nations. which means that they can not have an armed militia within their, the borders. or, you know, leave it there for the moment. thanks so much for joining us today is really peace activist. got a strong basque and thank you so thank you. you as president joe biden has gold on the walls to defend freedom and democracy of the 80th anniversary of the day in northern fronds. the normandy landings were the biggest c born envision in history, and they led to the eventual liberation of western europe from knobs the tyranny
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surviving veterans have been on as events mocking the anniversary. continue the onto the deck off the ship veterans. the largest seaborne invasion in history returned to the sands of omaha beach to commemorate and reflect on that momentous de 80 years ago. when they stormed out of land and craft or parachute it out of transport. planes to turn the tide of history. while the guests of honor made it through the battle and went on to live remarkably long lives of many of their comrades in arms were killed on the beach by hitler's army. show grow not old. as we lift to chrome age. so no we, we know of the is condemned at the going down the sun and in the morning we will remember then we will remember
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that a group of us veterans received frances highest order of merit. the legion of honor from french president emmanuel. i'm a chrome for their bravery. here you came to join your thoughts with our own soldiers and to make friends a free nation. and you all back here today at home. if i may say, not home, announced after the ceremony, that france would delivered mirage fighter jets to crane and train pilots to fly them in cranium, president for a load of music. lensky joins the other leaders gathered on the beach and thrilled at least one admirer near the
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us presidential by to connect the deliberation of europe. in the 1940s to the war and ukraine urging nato to take a lesson from the allied cooperation, but defeated nazi germany and the force of congress, the allied forces. indeed they did their duty. now the question for us is, in our, our trial, well, we do ours. it will let me know the time when democracy in more risk across the world. then a point since the end of world war 2 essentially beaches were storm in 1944. now we have to ask ourselves, what we stand against charity, against gable guys crushing brutality of the are. and 1st me the number of world war 2 veterans is dwindling. but their contribution to defeating fascism will forever be remembered by history. emmanuel mccaul has said, france,
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we provide you plan with the french made 5 digits, the french presidency, as the planes will arrive by the end of the year. the dodge 2500 and did service in the late 19 ninety's. and it was considered one of the best combat aircraft of that your fonts could also start training your training pilots. as part of the plans, the question of wisdom, aid and training for ukraine remains to test the subject. however, for both russia and nato, they've already been working together in neighboring poland. these images show ukrainian recruits being trained by french and other nato instructors in april. ukraine has long wanted such training in the side ukraine now for some 150000 fresh recruits brigade by brigade. they can then be deployed to front lines within hours if needed, rather than days or weeks. but nato boots on the ground, even those of instructors dramatically raise the stakes. potentially drawing the
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united states and europe more directly into the war of russia was quick to respond to the idea. first linked to french media news. much of this we must, regardless of where the members of french on false, of authentic must and their research. they were present and absolutely judging the target for our on choices. so in the national photos on this, it's not the 1st time russia has talked tough about ever more threatening western military aid to ukraine. and it's not the 1st time the west has changed its mind about such a, especially in the last year and more so after moscow started cleaning more victories in recent months. western allies cross their own previous red lines with, for example, u. s. high mars mo bile rocket launchers, germany, the u. k. and the you, wes agreed to send heavy duty tax. the u. s. gave the green light to countries wanting to send us made fighter jets,
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and then quietly joe biden turned $180.00 degrees and told ukraine it can hit targets inside russia with us made missiles, cosby. nato's chief was already on board. the time has come to consider whether it will be right to lift some of those restrictions which have been in post lifting restrictions like putting nato military personnel, including military instructors in harm's way, inside ukraine. let's bring it out. got his pundents and powers and keep the douglas on there finally got and i'm in the safe. so when you have to you fast, you print the president, semanski is addressing the french follow them. and what are we going to be shouting from to that's right. i mean, he's addressing the french bottom that somebody else in all right, behind me, as we speak right now. and of course, the speech also lensky is, comes a d off to
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a, he was present at the, to the envelopes. we have the dd landings in normandy, where he got a standing ovation. i'm going to be, it's with somebody does for his countries, a fight a to, to resist structural and, you know, to have the fact that they haven't caved in. and even though the war has now in the co dealer and we heard progressed and us biting, talking costing of ukraine struggle as, as, as you know, a fight between democracy and tyranny. and i think we're going to see zalinski kind of expand on some of these teams to be in the french follow events as well. you know, as an excuse off and warranted the boss that ukraine isn't just holding the line isn't just defending itself, but this is the forwarding line for your pulse of defending your security because he's the one that you know, person putting would not stop it to ukraine. but of course, more concretely versus zalinski is also likely to reiterate clothes, for mobility, support a moment or 2 weapons to ukraine as of forces, you know, face viewed offensive in the east, particularly calls for things like a defenses to protect the fees which are for the from the front line,
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but also calls for much needed munition. and of course the speech comes with the announcement by president mccall of sending those large combat to across to ukraine, which would be very welcome deals and keith. i just wonder, but there has already been some control vesee over this page. bring us up to speed to right. i mean this, this lisa spots some domestic control. vesee in fonts that have been a number of all positions all because with said that the timing of the length of the speech is when do you regret to will i'm inappropriate because it's, you know, it comes less than 40. it's all was before french. what does a go to the police to vote in your opinion, actions, and you know, raising support for ukrainians, fight against russia, boats during your defenses? this is an election campaign issue with my calls centrist, when there's almost spotty, as well as the central, if social is spotty, including it in the party platform. so i think the, the criticism here is that my, my goal is going to hijack this kind of whole stretch of the autopay in
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a campaign that he's trying to manipulate public opinion. just with this to go for the elections. i'm election where my call is likely if they'll put in full. is that correct? likely to be really trashed by the far right. natural ready, i would put also potentially be struggling to secure so i can spot. i'm in in keys . what is the view of the is from seen as a strong ally by your opinions? this is reputation is changing here more and more recently, you've seen the headlines in ukrainian media portray them as, as a strong ally, but he's fighting an uphill battle. that's because at the very beginning of the war, he broke a lot of, uh, nato tab, who is being one of the only leaders to open a dialogue with the russian leader of vladimir putin after he and dated ukraine. so he had several phone calls with him, he also took a while to visit t if unlike forest johnson of u. k. who was seen as a hero here almost. there was a word coined in ukraine. my cloning, which is
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a verb that describes looking very worried and making sure everybody knows you're very worried about a situation and then doing nothing about it. so not calling seems to be trying to change his image. he's breaking taboos in another direction among nato countries. about a month ago, she actually opened the possibility of sending french troops, boots on the ground, into ukraine. if russia crossed, what he would say would be a red line. so he said they needed to keep that option open, which angered germany for example. and now recently you've seen with the proposition of training ukrainian pilots in ukraine. he's breaking perhaps another tab man, when i'm sorry, how and where would from strain now? ukrainian soldiers as well. we really don't know at this point, there's some conflicting messaging. when my call announced the approval of the shipment of the mirage fighter jets, he said they would be trained in france. but that contradicts what we heard just
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over a week ago when reports leap, that he was already and talks with ukraine in government of training soldiers training the fighter pilots in ukraine. we even heard from the commander in chief of the training armed forces saying you already signed off on the paperwork, approving the arrival of french instructors within ukraine. so we don't know at this point if a russian threats to strike french troops in ukraine have made him shy away from that. or if he's going another route and just trying to not be public with it. of course, this would be very sensitive. france does not want russian to know the location of his troops when they're coming or if they're coming. so this is something that's being kept under wraps as well. but others say that we might hear an announcement from my call soon. whether or not the training is going to be in ukraine or in france. we leave it there for the moment. i mean, if, if in case antonia finally got in paris, thanks very much. there's now just a 50 day is onto the stock. the olympic games empower is on his ball. the calm down
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organizers have mounted 5 olympic rings on the city's most famous landmark. the, i think tom will be adorned with the iconic rings until the conclusion of the summer games, which take place from the 26th of july until the 11th of august. the rings made of recycled french. steve will be displayed on the south side of the top overlooking the rivers in that you're watching the videos here. as a reminder of the top story we are following, the un has condemned and incidentally, as striking a school run by the united nations in gaza. dozens of people have been killed and many more wounded. israel says it will start getting her modified those involved in the october 7th tenant attacks. you're watching the news coming up next off of the break and state of the news advocate. so do stay with us, and remember you can get all the latest news and updates 247 on our website that's
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at dw dot com. and don't forget our source and media handle is at the top videos. i'm british prodigy in berlin. thanks so much for watching rebecca again in about 30 minutes with no news and updates. we'll see you then to buy the
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books. we will tell you happy though, the boxes flush the story. we have a, getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use force and for the future end of stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news african next on d, w. 44. most of the ally defensive again is all me on the brink of disaster operation presented as one of the
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greatest ministry successes in history. find the c miscommunication coordination day and the tremendous cost of victory in 45 minutes on the w, the little guy. this is the 77 percent, the platform for african issues and share ideas the you know, or the side that will be a north of bridge attached and then it gets top of the applicants population is really fast and young people clearly have the solutions the future
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is 77 percent every weekend on dw the this is data medias, africa coming up on the program. south africa's elections have not yet, but the new government, but kind of process so far be seen as a win for democracy. as the ruling african national congress reaches out to the opposition in the hopes of forming a government, we hear reflections from south africans on the states of that democracy. also coming up the migrants trying to find the way to europe despite the 200000000 euro efforts to stop them. we hear from one woman in mauritania area brings brackets old.


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