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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 7, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the doesn't use life from berlin, from promises have for you frame, present the manual about cross as he will send 5 digits and train troops to help find off russian aggression. but with this increase, there is for nato. then roger prince president voted to me. the dimansky has told the fence parliament that europe is no longer a continent of peace. and if the united divisions condemns and is rarely a tax on your end school in gaza in which dozens of seals israel say is it was
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targeting come most fighters, the british manager, welcome emanuel macross, his front would provide you brain with french made fight digits. the french president says the planes will arrive by the end of the dodge, 2005 digit ended service in the late 19 ninety's and was considered one of the best combat aircraft of that you'd up front and also start training ukrainian pilots. as part of the plans mean value training president of all of the meat of the landscape is in progress right now and with the whole story with macro and the zip palace later today. in the last few moments and that's the address, the french parliament is visiting phones as part of the day. if the anniversary events it is address, he told frank lawmakers general was no longer
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a continent of peace. let's get most indeed others wonder if i like. i have joined him, you know, from paris. sonya, what else did dimansky have to say to lawmakers? the wordpress incidents key got a standing ovation heal in the frenchwoman today. and he, he started but tanking phones uh, in french uh for the support for ukraine. and he touched on some of the teams that will kind of echoed in normandy, is via the idiots. and the bus 3 of the dd landings the he you know, so let's get to a final level between the hollows of world war 2 ends of a monument of the crating population. the blockade that is in place. he said this back to for ukraine, has the same extension value for your repeat, describe russia as a common enemy. and he said that this battle is really a cross roads for europe. he said we can either defend freedom or become victims of history. and we saw presence lensky,
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also touching on preston. my girls pledge to now provide a combat mid andre croft to ukraine and prayed pilots in fonts by the end of the year. he talked about it all for that and, and basically said, you know, this shows that the order is strong and united by a common values. so i think it was a very emotive speech to the in the us. it may not, you know about those pledges or macro and a has a recently pushed for more support for ukraine, sometimes not feeling feathers within nato, and the e. u is present macro aware of the risks. i think that question, but it has been also a lot of why a lot of people would love to know what the president is really thinking, but i think it's fair to say that, you know, micro has really gone from dov to hawk on the ukraine brush real conflict, he's couple of very long way from this, or the conciliatory approach to russia in the early stages of the war. in recent and recent months, he's really up to the kind of rhetoric against,
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against russia. you know, he's advocated to kind of no limits approach to countering a resting booty. and you're right along the way. he has offered a lot of pay those with suggestions that with some troops, french troops, uh, could, could, you know, uh, could go to ukraine. uh, this sion that ministry traitors could also hit to create a spot for possible your pin clinician, i think because you don't hard line on moscow has been criticized by some your in from so see, you know, he's just extracting political mileage from this. some of accused him of kind of balkan c. i'm grand spending. what i think mcgraw's hard like them on what school comes with the wanting to go to that. what, you know, your needs to take responsibility for the one security needs to move away from the us security umbrella. i think mcroy styling and send people as video disrupt or trying to get your feelings to think hard about the security and back to president dimansky. what else is on his items very in front of a web presence?
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lensky is expected to basically expanding defense cooperation with fonts has basically high up on the agenda today. and as part of that presidency, lensky, rebuilding. we'll visit a site of the franco children, arms company and 10. can we go key in d. s, which hasn't said cortez neal powers. now this defense group makes auditory guns, that all used to be a crane. and this fall is an announcement in front of the french defense. and just in march, the boston record news said the french almost manufacturers will now be for, you know, producing much needed military equipment on ukrainian soil. that includes things in golden land equipment, but also spare me. leave it there for the moment. so and if i look are and better, thanks very much for those updates. thank you. the united nations as condemned and is there any attack on a human run school incentive does a it says the striking that these $35.00 people and wounded many more these really
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ministry sighted cutting down to strike, targeting, how most fighters involved in the october 7th to the attacks goals are growing for an investigation into the incident around 6000 palestinians from all navy garza, with sheltering in this former school and rough facility in new the rot. when it was targeted by and is really strikes this. why, what have we done for them to bomb us? we fled from place to place, you know, under a school of safe with no 10 to safety and there is no safe place. so you know, for 3 lift up to the sounds of broken remains. of people was scheduled a be there, a gas kind of sick, so did children died screaming in the street was a blood vault. my nephew was killed in the bodies of the victims killed in the attack. i lined up outside the l. x. the hospital
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family members say the final good byes, the full, the funeral, pres, a said israel is defending its decision to strike the school. they say they were targeting members of hamas and islamic jihad who went inside. we assessed that $20.00 to $30.00 terrace were in the compound at the time of the strike. we targeted with precision strikes on the specific classrooms on the specific classrooms. what we know, of course, we know that the terrorists were what they were doing, and inside a u. n. school, they were hiding. the compound was useful staging attacks and as a full what operating base the united nations has condemned. the attack on this
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shelter and gaza and acute israel, of breaking international humanitarian law to the dump, no correspondence back of it as in jerusalem last, what israel's reaction has been to the un criticism. whereas this is the latest in a growing number of attacks carried out by israel in ga, so that has been condemned by the international community. now as you heard in that report is around, maintains that it carried out this attack. we've with intelligence evidence to suggest that somewhere between 20 and 30, how much the operatives were using the school as a command center where they were planning further, attacks on idea of targets and that they and attack was imminent. the idea of said, daniel, who gary, the spokesman for the id said last night that they were working to verify. so the information before they made it public, but their so thought know also going to um, no evidence of their uh there was no evidence of their evidence in relation to this
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attack, but they did a name last night. 9 operatives that they say were killed in this attack. we know they're around 40 people were hearing, were killed in this attack, including some women and children at, in other attacks that has been condemned. so widely. there has, on a number of occasions being a coal full, as you've heard in that report, a quote for an independent investigation. but at this stage, israel, he hasn't said that it's going to carry out an independent investigation. it says that it has the evidence and it will be providing further details in the future where you live at the moment. d w is rebecca editor as reporting from jerusalem. thanks so much for that question. if not, some of the stories making news around the world, at least 8 people have died in a bridge collapse in bolivia, another 6 have been injured. local authorities are investigating what caused the collapse. they say there were no known cracks or damaging the structure. the bridge
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was built 13 years ago. i do not sir astronauts have been broken double the international space station. dr. boeing style line are kept soon. successfully ducked on a 2nd attempt date overcame some technical heat drops during the 1st stride. this marks a major milestone 1st online is 1st by the to test flight as it competes with space x to fatty astronaut tour, and from the space station. the 3rd visit for both astronaut donald trump, a former top aid steve binder, and it has been order to report the prison by the 1st of july. he must have a full month's sentence for contempt of congress by then defy the summons from the committee investigating the generally 6 attacks on the us capital. the new elections are underway and over the next 3 days, around 370000000 people across 27 even states. we elect members of the european parliament. the netherlands kicked off the 1st day of working and this friday. so
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checked republic, an ireland hawk costing balance migration i'm the asylum system are leading issues for the 1st time in ireland where many candidates are running on an empty immigration platform. preliminary folding full costs. the right cleaning parties could be more seats a wide in this round of elections, and exit, pulling from the measurements, put the thought i'd feed the party in 2nd place, just behind the source of democratic reading, the lines. staying with the auto pay. now take a look at a piece of music that's played an important role across the continent, beethoven's ode to joy from his 9th symphony. indeed, mind has been the official on some since 1985 beethoven's 9th symphony still tucked his people at the set up and dressed in french president, am unaware of my call, made an impassioned plea in favor of europe. and one of the most moving moments was
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the ode to joy a piece of music that the council of europe took on assets anthem in 1972 european leaders adopted in 1985 as the official anthem of the european union. and then still the european economic community saying that the ode to joy, symbolize the values that everyone shares, the unity in diversity. but why beethoven's 9th, the would be talking from in the day to veneers associated with the european personality and his work with something that goes beyond a purely national perspective. you wish to. although the joy is often performed with its original german text, the your can anthem is a wordless version. so no one language has favored beethoven. symphony number 9 in d minor premier 200 years ago in vienna, it's become one of the most famous pieces of music in the world. the 9th symphony
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has special meaning for a country war, says ukrainian conductor, oaks on elizabeth, who considers herself a citizen of the world. this is near i simply, this is more than a symphony. it's become a concept in our culture as a very clear opposition to barbarism, both in the 2 bottom by what my new takes on details in himself have thought of who symphony being used as an anthem for a united europe. it was the end of the feudal era on the months of pay to the bush while i moved from began and he was definitely $1.00 of the founding fathers. in today's world, he would definitely be committed. european beethoven shared the vision that all people should be brothers. and sisters, the european anthem stands for the freedom piece and solidarity of the united europe. the.
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it is not just 50 days until the start of the games in paris, and as part of the town down organizes have mounted 5 olympic rings on the cities. most famous landmark, the iphone tower would be a don't with the iconic rings for the duration of the summer games. we'd stick base from the 26th of july until the 11th of august, the rings made of recycled. frank, steve, we'd be displayed on the south side of the toddler overlooking the river. se you're watching, dw is here. that reminded of our top story of this of emanuel met, cross as friends. we provide ukraine with french made fight digits. the french president said the mid us 2000 gents will arrive by the end of the year. the also from mr. french held in training to premium finance. the. you're watching the news coming up next off to the break. i look at the date and the huge cost of the week. great.
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remember, you can always find news and information 247 on our website, that's at the w dot com. and you can always check out all social media profiles, all sorts of media channels. and them is at the, the news i'm british prodigy, a belated rebecca game in about 45 minutes from now. the innovation green, the green revolution global. so listen to a lot of crime would probably be secure assignments all, subscribe to those channels every friday. subscribe to plan, it's a good the it's may, 13th, 1943.


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