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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 7, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news life from berlin frauds promises has for your brain president divided by process. he will turn 5 digits and train troops to have defend all russian aggression. but with this increase the risk when nato named roger prince, president of demand is an ascii, has told the french parliament that europe is no longer a continental piece. and the united nations condemns. and is there any attack on a you're in school in does a enrich dozens are killed israel seriously. post targeting, how most spices the
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i'm been expanded. you welcome emmanuel. across those fonts would provide ukraine with french made fight digits. the french president says the planes will arrive by the end of the yeah, the middle, it's 2005 to jet and did service in the late 19 ninety's. and was considered one of the best combat back off of the era front, but also start training your opinion. pilots, as part of the plans, determines there's my cross latest statements are highly provocative and show his desire for direct french involvement in the ukraine. meanwhile, you printing president willing to meet the demands k as in progress right now. and the whole thoughts with my call and the zip palace later today in the last few moments and that's key address. the french parliament is visiting from this part of
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the the 80th anniversary events in his address. he told french lawmakers, europe was no longer on the continent of peace, dw, so now all it is in partisan. she gave me some more details on zalinski is addressed to french lawmakers, a wordpress incidents key, got a standing ovation heal in the french waldman today. and he, he started by tanking phones in french uh for the support for ukraine. and he thought, and some of the teams that were kind of echoed in normandy, is via the idiots. and the most of the, of the dd landings are he you know, so let's get you a final level between the hollows of world war 2 ends of a monument of the crate in population. the blockade that is in place. he said this battle for ukraine has the same extension value for your repeat, describe russia as a common enemy. and he said that this battle is really a cross roads for europe. he said we can either defend freedom or become victims of
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history. and we saw presence lensky, also touching on preston. my girls pledge to now provide a combat mid andre croft to ukraine and prayed pilots in fonts by the end of the year. he talked about it all for that and, and basically said, you know, this shows that the order is strong. i'm united by common values. so i think it was a very emotive speech to be in the us. it may not, you know about those pledges and macro and a has a recently pushed for more support for ukraine sometimes is offering feathers within nato, and the e. u is present macro aware of the risks. i think that question, but a spring also, a lot of my a lot of people would love to know what the president is really thinking, but i think it's fair to say that, you know, micro has really gone from dov to hawk on the ukraine brush real conflict these couple of very long way from this, or the conciliatory approach to russia in the early stages of the war. in recent
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and recent months, he's really up to the kind of rhetoric against, against russia. you know, he's advocate to the kind of no limits approach to countering a resting booty. and you're right along the way. he has offered a lot of for those with suggestions that with central french troops uh, could, could you know, uh, could go to ukraine. uh, sion that military traders could also hate to create a spot for possible your pin clinician i think because you don't hard line on moscow has been criticized by some your in front to see, you know, he's just extracting political mileage from this. some of accusing will kind of balkan see, i'm grad, started thing, but i think mcgraw's hard like them on what school comes with the wanting to go to that. what, you know, your needs to take responsibility for the one security needs to move away from the us security umbrella. i think mcroy styles give send people as video disrupt or trying to get your feelings to think hard about the security and back to president dimansky. what else is on his identity in france today?
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well, presently, zalinski is expected to what it basically expanding defense cooperation with fonts has basically high up on the agenda today. and as part of that presidency lensky, rebuilding. we'll visit a site of the franco children, arms company and 10. can we go key in d. s, which hasn't said cortez neal powers. now this defense group makes auditory guns, that all used to be a crane. and this fall is an announcement in france with the french defense and the sun marks the boston record noon, said the french on by the fact was, will now be for a, you know, producing much needed military equipment on ukrainian saw him that includes things in golden land equipment, but also spare me, leave it there for the moment. so if i look are in progress, thanks very much for those updates. your friends allies have already begun the, allowing it to use best in weapons to attack military targets inside russia. the
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french need their macro on has even suggested the nato troops could be deployed within ukraine to patio training emissions, for example. but natal boots on the ground and ukraine in whatever capacity would be seen as a significant escalation by russia. they've already been working together in neighboring poland. these images show ukrainian recruits being trained by french and other nato instructors in april. ukraine has long wanted such training in the side ukraine now for some 150000 fresh recruits brigade by brigade. they can then be deployed to front lines within hours if needed, rather than days or weeks. but nato boots on the ground, even those of instructors dramatically raised the stakes, potentially drawing the united states and europe more directly into the war. russia was quick to respond to the idea, 1st leak to french media news,
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much of the civilian less, regardless of whether i say a member, so for french on false, of authentic must in their research. they were present and absolutely judging the target for our on choices. so in the national photos on the ship, it's not the 1st time russia has talked, talk about ever more threatening western military aid to ukraine. and it's not the 1st time the west has changed its mind about such 8, especially in the last year and more so after moscow started cleaning more victories in recent months. western allies cross their own previous red lines with, for example, u. s. high mars mo bile rocket launchers in germany, the u. k. and the last agreed to send heavy duty tax. the u. s. gave the green light to countries wanting to send us made fighter jets, and then quietly joe biden turned $180.00 degrees and told ukraine it can hit targets inside russia with us made missile. the calls we nato's chief was already
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on board. the time has come to consider whether it will be right to lift some of those restrictions which have been in post lifting restrictions like putting nato military personnel, including military instructors in harm's way, inside ukraine to the war between isabel and her moss next and the united nations has condemned and is rarely attack when a un run school in central garza, it says the s drive came to please 35 people and wounded many more. these rarely ministry sighted cut it out to strike targeting hamas fighters involved in the october 7th debtor attacks. goals are growing for an investigation into the incident, the around 6000 palestinians from only because the, with sheltering in this form is school and rough facility in new the right when it
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was targeted by in is really strikes this why. what have we done for them to bomb us? we fled from place to place. no unrest. school is safe when have no tend to safety and there is no safe place. what have you and had you met? so you know, for 3 lift up to the sounds of broken remains, of people was scattered a be there, a gas kind of sick student children died screaming in the streets, was a blood vault. my nephew was killed trip, said the bodies of the victims killed in the attack, allowing the outside the ox hospital family members say the final good byes, the food, the funeral. pres, a said israel is defending its decision to strike the school. they say they were targeting
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members of hamas and islamic jihad, who inside we assess that 20 to 30 terrorist. what in the compound, at the time of the strike, we targeted with precision strikes on this specific classrooms on the specific classrooms. what we know, of course, we know that the terrorists were what they were doing, and inside of you and school they were hiding. the compound was useful staging attacks and as a full what operating base the united nations has condemned. the attack on that shelter and garza and accused israel of breaking international humanitarian law. the debit card responded to back of it as is in jerusalem. i asked her what israel's reaction had been due the un criticism well brush this is the latest in a growing number of attacks carried out by israel in ga,
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so that has been condemned by the international community. now as you heard in that report, israel maintains that it carried out this attack. we've with intelligence evidence to suggest that somewhere between $20.30 hm. as operatives, we using the school as a command center where they were planning further attacks on the idea of targets and that they and attack was imminent. the idea of said, daniel, who gary, the spokesman, so the idea of said last night that they were working to verify. so the information before they made it public, but their so thought no also going to um, no evidence of their uh there was no evidence of their evidence in relation to this attack, but they did a name last night. 9 operatives that they say were killed in this attack. we know they're around 40 people were hearing, were killed in this attack, including some women and children at, in other attacks that has been condemned. so widely. there has, on a number of occasions being a coal for as youth who did not report
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a quote for an independent investigation. but at this stage, israel, he hasn't said that it's going to carry out an independent investigation. it says that it has the evidence and it will be providing further details in the future. we leave it there for the moment to deduct those rebecca that as reporting from 0 to them. thanks so much for that. staying and as well, and the prime minister benjamin netanyahu is approaching a deadline to lay out a postwar plan for gaza. it was imposed by his political arrival many guns whose threatened to quit the government. that would likely mean new elections in israel guns is pushing a 6 point plan, which includes the establishment of multilateral civilian rule in gaza when the water is over. let's take a look at what a 2 state solution could look like. and this is gaza in ruins. after 8 months of war, but their plans to rebuild it the so called day after when the war ends. israel's biggest ally the u. s. once he's released palestinians and regional governments to
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take steps towards establishing an independent palestinian state side by side with israel. the 2 state solution is as old as the state of israel itself. in 1947, the united nations drew up a plan for israeli and palestinian nations. the territory marked here in red would be palestinian. that in grey would be, israel boone was, but those plans were dashed in 1948 british occupying forces, pulled out. and israel was founded amidst the war with its error of neighbours. hundreds of thousands of palestinians were expelled from their homes. the war and its aftermath pushed the founding of any palestinian state into the future. in 1967, another war with its neighbors left a victorious israel and control of all the land between the river jordan and the mediterranean, the beginning of its occupation of palestinian lands. starting in the 1990s, there was a diplomatic push for a long term peace deal,
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where israel would allow a palestinian state in exchange for security guarantees. the proposed state was already much smaller than in 1947. it would include the west bank east jerusalem and gaza but there are many obstacles to establishing even this diminished palestinian state. right now. israel's war time government led by prime minister benjamin netanyahu is in charge of a nation still in shock after him. off as tara tax of october, 7th, netanyahu has repeatedly said that an independent palestine would result in more terror attacks and has vowed to block it. and then there's the issue of israeli settlements in the west bank. these communities and outposts are illegal under international law, but receive government protection. they take up much of the land that would be part of a palestinian state. all their disagreements are also not easy to solve both sides
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dispute who should control water supplies. many palestinians want to write to return to homes. their families lost in 1948 in israel itself. and both sides claimed jerusalem as their capital. but the city is cut off from the rest of the west bank by a wall of all these obstacles, the biggest may be the mood and israel. netanyahu may be unpopular, but public opinion polls show over whelming opposition to a palestinian state. in the meantime, one idea is an international coalition that would administer guys a temporarily on route to becoming part of a palestinian state along with the west bank. and earlier i spoke to is fairly peas . active is getting shawn baskin is also an offer and negotiated with some us for the release of ease. ready, so it was again,
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not sending it back in 2011. i asked them if the 2 states and everything would be dead if it's barely prime minister benjamin netanyahu continues to reject the idea of a palestinian state to no domestic uprising. outcome of this is the word that we're seeing this horrible war and gaza. is that the 2 state solution is back on the table more than perhaps it's ever been before. we've been talking about a 2 state solution for more than 30 years. it is true that in the last years it seemed that it was no longer viable. but it's back on the table and increasing numbers of countries around the world which have yet to recognize the state of palestine or the state of israel or doing that. and this is going to push both israel and palestine to the table in the original framework we, we have something else that developed during this works is we solve the creation of a regional defense alliance that defended israel. i mean, i've done wrong attractive use all opening up possibilities for a renewed discussion with the 2 state solution internally. get into something that
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is bible, you know, sort of the solution is back on the table, but is it back on the table a vin number now? from yahoo because he is clearly a forced to it and also it appears that the majority of is varies. are also opposed to the plan. therefore, i ask again, based on this, it would appear that the 2 state solution in ease of an east bed. all right, well i, i think we should be realistic and looked at the fact that public opinion during wartime is, is slanted. it's not accurate. it doesn't really assess what the public may think of the day after the war right now. people are traumatized both in israel and palestine and went through documents to nothing. you know, just do nothing, you know is history. it's just a matter before he's thrown out of office in new elections or in some other way that will happen here because nothing, you know, is blamed by the majority of his release for what led to october 7th and for the waste management of the war. since october 7th, he is the last most of his bass, and i think that a very few people think that he actually has
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a chance of coming back to power after we have new elections. it is 0 and the people of israel are demanding to elections, administer in his government. benny guns has threatened to walk out of the government by saturday. if he's 6 point plan for the day off the in gaza, isn't approved. you're saying that the nathan, you know government, but the phone if he does so. no, nothing else still has a clear majority in the government, even if the guns themes, the government a but i think one's guns needs the government to be does. there will be even more massive demonstrations taking place in israel by the use where the public calling for and the ends of this government. there are voices within the hard line called dish. and if nothing else believes that they will fare better after elections, and they may bolt the government, there's going to be increased international pressure, particularly from the united states. and that nothing you know, government to accept the plan that there's nothing you know, government put out on the table. so the return of these really hostages and
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a ceasefire and then into the war is the united states wants and the whole world once. and then to this war. so yes, i think that the increasing pressure is going to eventually lead to the fall. it was government. and this is what we in israel, who believe in peace lead to work for. let's talk about uh, based on a particular of the, the 2 state solution because a, a many guns has also talked about a governing alternative for gaza. and you have also suggested in a blog that you wrote for the times if it's been that it should be the palestinian authority with hum us accept this. right, i can say the post in eco's archie, i actually said members of the opposition to the current power steering authority, mainly from the fact that party it has to be authorized by president of us. but president abbas, and hughes of orange. he cannot govern god so they can send any one to god. so it needs to be palestinians who come from tasks of live in gaza as well as other
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palestinians who are respected and they have legitimacy in amongst the palestinians . no, none published in you got a body can govern guys of without being looked at by the published in people is another form of occupation. so it really has to come from within palestine. they need to determine what tied to peacekeeping force can be brought to the 2 guys of probably an error lead peacekeeping force that will enable and force israel to withdraw from gaza. israel conduct remaining dogs are they should be clear to everyone after israel had to be team years experience of finding insurgency and 11 . there is no sustainable solution for is remaining garza does this plan assume that there will be no. how moss in guys are and therefore they will be somebody in garza who can represent the kind of thing and people in gaza. yes, celeste has not disappeared. let's be realistic about this semester. as part of the stadium society. it is the palestinian peoples challenge, how to disarm us, how to make from us and to a legitimate member of the government or the policy. the i do not envision any kind
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of acceptable government, acceptable by the international community, acceptable by the arb states by egypt and jordan, and saw your a be of the ever it's and others that would be covered by somebody from us is the voice of yesterday's from us as a palestinian problem and the palestinian people need to determine how to integrate a legitimate islamic political parties into their governance. but it cannot be in the arm to militia within a state which is being called a sovereign state. them being recognized as such as the state they have responsibility, any obligation to international law and to being of a just and legitimate member of the community of nations. which means that they do not have an armed militia within their, the borders or a lot of leave it there for the moment. thanks so much for joining us today is really peace activist. got a strong basque and thank you, sir. thank you. quarter thoughts? some other stories making news around the world. at least 8 people have died in
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a bridge collapse in bolivia. another 6 have been injured. local authorities are investigating what caused the collapse. they say there were no known cracks or damage in the structure up. the bridge was been 15 years ago to nasa astronaut. so i've been buncombe to bolt the international space station after boeing star line. our caps to successfully dropped on the 2nd attempt, period 8 overcame some technical pick ups during the 1st try. this monks a major milestone for star liners 1st by that the test flight as it competes with space, it's starting to fairly astronaut to and from the space station. the 3rd visit for both astronaut a memorial is being held in the german town of money time for a police officer who was killed in a nice attack. last week, the officer was stopped running, intervened as a man started attacking people at the right hand by an antique islam group. the deco stopped the total of 6 people before he was shot by
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a police officer and detain. authorities have identified the suspect as a 25 year old mine from a, from his son came to germany 10 years ago and said, they believe an east law. mr. motive was behind the 9th attack they have yet to interrogate the suspect i'm doing now from bonham. by d, w for to francisco francisco, a solid location today in mon heim. walk us through this morning's memorial event. yeah, this day is dedicated to the police officer who died, especially here in mannheim. i'm standing on the marketplace. the scene of crime from last week actually right behind me, you can see several police officers remembering their dead colleague. they just came and before that we had a minute of silence. the germany, germany's president came here to lay down flowers with the family,
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members of the dead officer. it was actually not only a minute, but several minutes. i was standing in the middle of the crowd next to me there was a man i saw a t as in his eyes. so the moved here and my time is very slumber, as you can imagine. and the beginning of this officer by a suspected attack from afghanistan as also re ignited the debate about migration and asylum in germany. can you tell us more? yes, exactly. this has triggered a huge debate in the whole country, actually because of the parties suspect, an islam as motive behind the crime. so the debates are primarily about how to deal with is the most extra most here. should that be harsh? punishments? should that be hospitals, especially regarding migrants who have come to germany and commit crimes here?
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can they, can they be deported back easier to countries like syria or of gun his time with this? a tech out is coming from because these countries are considered not safe. so this is a very, very tricky question, politically, but also legally. and every case actually has to be assessed individually and have for this to learn more about the possible motive behind this effect. so far we can only say that they suspect an islam of motive. the tech a, as i said, came from of got his time in 2014. he was married to a german woman. he has 2 kids here. he wasn't known to the authorities and actually was considered fully integrated. so basically there are 2 big questions here. now, how did he become radicalized? how can we prevent this in the future?
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and why did this happen? and leave it there for the moment, francisco versus reporting from mannheim. thanks so much bye. or there's now just 60 days until the start of the olympic games and powers. and as bob put down down, organizers have mounted 5 olympic rings on the cities most famous landmark, the iphone, the top will be a don't with the iconic rings for the duration of the summer games, which take phase from the 26th of july until the 11th of august, the rings where to recycle the french teams will be displayed on the south side of the top overlooking the river san and watching dw news. here's a quick reminder. on the top story of your following and known across is prospect. provide ukraine with french made 5 digits. the french residents of the mid us, 2000 jets will arrive by the end of the year. he also promised french help in
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training ukrainian pilots. you're watching data of the news coming up next off to the break, especially the program on how to solve the climate crisis. remember our website dw dot com? i'm british manager in berlin. thanks so much for watching. we back again in about 30 minutes from now to then the but the
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how do we solve the climate crisis? ok to let you know about the useful political debate. to the 2024. you are viewing election of seconds a script. we need to change that. they're going to make a system which is discussed, the titian's. what do you expect from us? what from, from politics? so we have this solutions, this script on d. w to the point strong opinions,
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international perspective. israel's prime minister is under pressure to support a new space by our plan, but says that israel will keep fighting until the tara group come off has been eliminated. is israel ever more isolated? find out on to the to the point in 60 minutes on d, w, the attributes engine goal is only john impact hash. one of gemini says use a lot of stuff. everything is simply designed so i can do this, which gives me a stream freedom to me all the time. devin townsend really stays on the bu dish mice. and i mean i've never thought i'm giving up,
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but i've sometimes thought that i just can't take this anymore. but what drives them to keep going on the sound of simple stuff. on the d w the, they really have no idea how threatening some laws are for our farm is that's really doesn't work in the practice. it's very clear what politicians should do. all these things that you're familiar with to do them. obviously the hope and politicians is not very high here. forget or do you know about the usual political, the paid for the 2024. you repeat election. we flipping descript folders will be at the center of the debate and politicians will ask questions on topics shaping the election like the climate crisis. i'm brittany, i'm active in these things through.


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