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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 7, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from balance. france promises help for ukraine, presidents and money order. my call says he will send slice of jets and try and troops to help defend off prussian aggression. the kremlin accuses my call is in flaming tensions in europe. meanwhile, ukraine's president followed him is the lens, e addresses the french parliament, and it says that europe is noted on the continental peace. plus the united nations condemns. in his randy attack on an un scrolling garza in which thousands were killed, israel says it was targeting, how much suffices the
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new cubes mckinnon welcome to the program. and by the way, my call says france will provide ukraine with french made fights of jets. the french president says the planes will arrive by the end of the year, and there are 2000 fights, and yet to enter the service in the late 19 ninety's that was considered one of the best combat at croft of that era. francois also stopped training ukrainian pilots as pulse of its plans. the kremlin says my phone's late to statements a highly provocative and show his desire for direct french involvement in the war in ukraine. and meanwhile, you credit and president loving me is lensky is due to whole tolts with president my call at the, in these a palace and power a slate to today. he's visiting fonts as part of the day on a bus for events via he addressed the front of parliament. and then his message to
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french little may cuz he said, europe was no longer a continent of peace. the landscape also praised mcqueen's promise. a slice of jets is a sign that european values are still going strong. let's hear some more of what he had to say. least of which he agreed with the brilliant friends come back across under the control of ukrainian pilots. will prove that europe is stronger, stronger than the evil that dares to threaten europe. now, just as 18 years ago, we can prove the power of our unity, the power of the alliance, the power of our shed ideals, east nation speeding. the dw sonya family cod joins us now from paris. sonia, tell us more about what zalinski said in his speech to a french will make his earlier. it was a preston zalinski um you know, received a standing ovation. um,
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the moment he entered uh the assembly enough and not a problem since parliament. and he kind of, you know, touched on some of the teams that was invoked during the tooth. and we'll see of the dd landings in normandy yesterday where, where he was also present and where, you know, wisdom the, those pay tribute to his country's upgrade for the, for not giving into russian aggression. and so the legs can kind of, you know, do 5 lives between the hollows of what, what to ones continuing bombardment of the ukrainian populace. he says this is actually for ukraine, has the same existential value for your. he described russia as a common enemy. and you said this battle is, is essentially a crossroads. the auto piece i, i quote, we can either defend freedom or become victims of history. so this was really a very and will to speech. and the also ended by, by, of course that's monitoring, present my cause announcement of sending these raj, calling about a croft to, to ukraine and training and creating pilots and fonts, which is a pretty significant announcement. absolutely. i mean,
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president my call has repeatedly pushed for more support, so you train hasn't to you in that have sometimes ruffled feathers in nato and within the you. is he aware of the risks of disposition fee? thank i think a lot of people would like to know, you know, what, he's, what he's thinking, what's going on in his mind on this. but it's true that he really and especially in recent months, has really been at the forefront of efforts to ensure up to, to riley support for ukraine. it's fair to say, i think just that he's gone from something of being a dog to a whole. the ukraine brush, real conflict, he's coming a really long way from making these continued tree gestures to russia at the beginning of a full scale invasion and recent months. he's really up the topic against russia, you know, advocating a kind of no limits approach to countering president booty. then you're right. he has roughage quite a few for those with suggestions of sending
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a french troops to ukraine, potentially sending military cleaners to ukraine as well as of course, that has spa controversy, not just among his allies, but also has led to criticism. here in france, a by a, by opposition lawmakers to say, you know, he's just grandstanding and trying to extract political mileage from the ukraine, russia conflict, but what kind of stands by this and says, this is a way to also remind you all that it needs to be wake up to the fact that it's not sufficiently um to face lee complex, right? like the russian regression. and i think he likes to style himself as a disrupt. uh, you know, using this to kind of get to autopay and supreme court about the security and coming up with the credible a security strategy which is less dependent on the us. a give us a quick overview of what zalinski is day in france is going to look like today. when he has a really busy day, he's actually at the moment a meeting with us and by didn't know who was all the see also in from a the on here for the kind of
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a dd landing invitations that i mentioned. audio no audio to be lensky. also visited the headquarters of or a french franco german arms manufacturer key, and d, as it hasn't headquarters used. and this defense group makes artillery guns by use in ukraine, and oft about visit this, this group is amounts of it was all open a bunch of new clinton. so i think expanding defense cooperation with fonts is really high up on one's lensky agenda today. sonya, thanks so much for that update that is p w. sonya finally come reporting from paris. ukraine's allies have already begun allowing teeth to use western weapons to attack military targets inside russia. the french data, my new and my coal has even suggested that nato troops could be deployed within ukraine to carry out training missions, for example. but nato boots on the ground in ukraine in whatever capacity would be
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seen as a significant escalation by russia. they've already been working together in neighboring poland. these images show ukrainian recruits being trained by french and other nato instructors. in april. ukraine has long wanted such training in the side ukraine now for some 150000 fresh recruits brigade by brigade. they can then be deployed to front lines within hours if needed, rather than days or weeks. but nato boots on the ground, even those of instructors dramatically raise the stakes. potentially drawing the united states and europe more directly into the war in russia was quick to respond to the idea 1st linked to french media use. much of this, we in the, regardless of where the members of, for frenched on false, of authentic must in their research. they were present and absolutely judging the target for our on choices. so in the national photos on this,
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it's not the 1st time russia has talked tough about ever more threatening western military aid to ukraine. and it's not the 1st time the west has changed its mind about such 8, especially in the last year and more so after moscow started cleaning more victories in recent months. western allies cross their own previous red lines with, for example, u. s. high mars mo bile rocket launchers, germany, the u. k. and the you, wes agreed to send heavy duty tanks. the u. s. gave the green light to countries wanting to send us made fighter jets, and then quietly joe biden turned $180.00 degrees and told ukraine it can hit targets inside russia with us made missile. the calls we nato's chief was already on board. the time has come to consider whether it will be rides to lift some of those restrictions which have been in post lifting restrictions like putting nato
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military personnel, including military instructors in harm's way, inside ukraine. we can talk now to military expos, marina moran has with the will studies department at kings college london. welcome to rena. ukraine has been asking for fi subjects to well over a year now it looks like that. finally guessing them. so this must be a really good day to keep hello, i know. well, absolutely grade has been asking a lot for the fighter jackson that has happened some significant delays. and when it comes to the delivery of exit, fax, sixteen's, due to many problems associated was pilot training, was getting the logistics right greeting hungers, training, ground crews, and so on. but it looks promising as ukraine is getting a t f sixteens. it remains, however, we'll be seeing how vulnerable this will be to russian ground based error defenses
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and how ukraine is planning to integrate them into their overall operational design . okay, that is what saying it's going to be almost half a year until the train can actually use these jets in battle and it will of course, getting daily reports of russia around ping off its attack. so in general, is this too little too late? well, it seems the problem is here is that it was a very difficult logistical operation to get those gaps to ukraine, to prepare as a maintenance cruise to establish the logistical lines and so on. and so what washer will be doing certainly is using their intelligence assets in order to, to locate whereas in storage facilities, all whereas is job, so station and they will try to destroy as many jobs as they can before these jobs can take off. so it remains to be seen, how's this is going to play out and west of ukraine can essentially protect its own
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fleet of f sixteens because the cranes also lacking airy defense systems. mm hm. when the time comes though for them to be used, they could of course, be used to hit targets inside russia. so. so how do you expect ukraine to use them to attack or to defend? you will have to understand that these jets will be capable of launching air to air and air to ground missiles. what i think will be that ukraine approach, given the fact that the russians have been working well in advance. and the fact that the russians are using their electronic warfare and the air defense systems in the synchronized way for era targets. it will be a great danger for the 16th. and also for the french me, raj, jazz, if and when they arrive. so for the increase and i'm forces, it will be more about denying the air superiority to the russian air force
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and possibly preventing the russians from launching their fab's, which has been quite a significant damaging factor throughout the past month. so it was a war the french presidents and many of my call has said that fronts could be trading ukrainian pilots in ukraine. so just to clarify, does this mean the french soldiers will be on the ground in ukraine? well essentially yes, it means that french instructors should be on the ground in ukraine in order to train ukrainian pilots. and president crone has already hinted at out a couple of times and until put in has threatened to use tactical nuclear weapons. but i think at this stage, the problem here is how will friends respond frushell target souls, french instructors, even if they're not actively taking part in combat operations arena,
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will have to leave it that. but thank so much for that analysis. that's maureen, them are on from king's college london. thank you. thank you for having me to our friends continue today in france to mock the sound of the street of the day. that is when i lied. troops landed on the beaches of normandy to begin the liberation of western europe from nazi germany after hosting the leaders of the u. s. the u. k. and ukraine and normandy, yesterday, french president evaluated my call and today gave a tea note speech in the city of by a, by a was the 1st french town to be liberated off to the allied landings. and the us president joe biden is also set to make a speech his 2nd speech and as many days as he continues his trip to france to mock the d day anniversary bite and will make his address at pond to hook. that's a cliff top in normandy, that american soldiers scaled in an all day for us upper ration. the former us
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president ronald reagan was the 1st to meet that pilgrimage, followed by president bill clinton and donald trump. and now dw reports are willing to craft his head in the studio with me to talk more about these de commemorations get to see william. can you tell us how significant this year's memorial ceremony in normandy is, in particular, while we're at 80. right. so if you are 21, you were storming these beaches. you are a 100. now, although we've been hearing this at every major anniversary, the 7, the 75th, and now the 80th that this will be the last time of having veterans, people with 1st hand experience. this may really be the last time we have veterans because in the next big anniversary in 5 years, and certainly in 10 years, the chances of any veterans being left alive is highly unlikely. it's not impossible. i think the average age is a 100. yeah. and said many indeed we saw that yesterday in the ceremony. i mean
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very old men who were very young man when they were still lives in storm those beaches. so it's significant from historical perspective that that those people it and of course, the current politics, right. and we'll get more into this, but the current political situation always informs how we view history and given questions about us leadership in the world. given the rising threat from russia and china, this idea of renewed great power competition with joe biden will be speaking about democracy versus authoritarianism. there's a lot of parallels or at least parallels that leaders like to buy and we'd like to draw to the d day moment to sort of bring those issues to the for, to make their, their political points and to drive their in their, their, their policies home at this time, so many years of to world war 2, the day collaborations didn't have this kind of fun side. and this kind of political significance did they just help us understand why this has changed over the is right. so 1st of all, i think it's important to note, memory is not neutral,
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history is not neutral. these are political acts. remembering is a political act, how we remember what we remember why we remember it. the way we remember if these are all choices that are made by political liter is by historians, by pundits, by we in the media. and so it, it, our, our current moment is greatly informed. our state of history is greatly informed by our, our current moment in the years, immediately after world war 2. it was just about rebuilding europe and getting people back on their feet, burying the dead. these cemeteries are now landmarks where they become political and diplomatic places, in addition to remembering that the dead for friends and family and loved ones. and so it really wasn't until historians like to march 1984 as a time when the kind of d day events we see now really got started in terms of great fanfare. big political leaders, ronald reagan, who was no uh, not shy to the camera,
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being the after that he was made a big rising speech again, much like today as you're buying them will do about freedom against the soviet union and the iron curtain. there was a lot of parallels them and that kind of what historians are, you kind of set this in motion every 5 and 10 years have these big commemorative events until this very day. you said, mentioned that president barton will be speaking again later today. and tell us a little bit about where he's going to be speaking because that's significant. and the told him that he's going to set right. point to hook, as, as he said, in the top of a landmark historic area where i'm an important decisive battle was, was taking place early in the d day invasion point to hockey, sticks out into the water and has an excellent views over both omaha beach and utah beach, where american forces came ashore and the germans had guns on, on, on this cliff to be able to fire down on, on the landing troops and the, the allies decided they have to neutralize these guns. and although they were heavily bombed in the days and weeks moving up,
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so they had to make sure that they were gone. so they launch is daring raid climbing cliffs, getting shot out all the way to try to clear these guns and ultimately with great losses. they were successful and present a buyer wants to make that point of freedom of valor, of bravery. and that's why he liked previous presidents. i have chosen this site to make his speech today, really symbolic. we'll have to leave at the william, but i will of course, be bringing our view is that speech by president, by lisa and you and i will be talking about that off with thanks so much. i now the united nations has condemned and is riley attack on the you and run school in central garza. it says the strike killed at least $35.00 people and wounded. many mill is raining, military says it carried out a strike targeting how much spices who are involved in the october the 7th terror attacks. hold on growing for an investigation into the incident around 6000 palestinians from only because
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a was sheltering in this form. a school and rough facility in new the rot, when it was targeted by and is really strikes this, why? what have we done for them to bomb us? we fled from place to place. no unrest. school is safe when have no tend to safety and there is no safe place. when have you seen the 3 lift up to the sounds of broken remains of people was scattered a v. they're a gas kind of strict sold children. died screaming in the street was a blood vault. my nephew was killed in the bodies of the victims killed in the attack. i lined up outside the l. x. the hospital family members say the final good byes, the food, the funeral. pres, a said of israel
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is defending its decision to strike the school. they say they were targeting members of hamas and islamic jihad who went inside. we assessed that 20 to 30 terrace. what in the compound, at the time of the strike, we targeted with precision strikes on the specific classrooms on the specific classrooms. what we know, of course, we know that the terrorists were what they were doing. and inside of you and school, they were hiding. the compound was useful staging attacks and as a full what operating base the united nations has condemned. the attack on that shelter and garza and accused israel of breaking international humanitarian law. let's take a look now. some of the other stories making news around the world today. at least 8 people have died and a bridge collapse in bolivia,
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another 6 have been injured. local authorities are investigating what caused the collapse. they say that one unknown crack. so damage in the structure, the bridge was built just the scene years ago to not the afternoon. so being welcomed about the international space station off the boeing stall, line a capsule successfully ducks on its 2nd attempt that overcame some technical hiccough. during the 1st try this months, a major milestone to starline is 1st pilots with test flights. is it competes with space 6 to ferry estimates to and from the space station back on the space station . trumps for my top a steve bowden has been ordered to report prison by july. the 1st he must have a full month sentence, full contempt of congress that and defied a summons from the committee investigating the january 6th attack on the us capital . just a moral is being held in the german town of non hime, for
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a police officer who was killed in the nice attack that last week the officer was stopped when he intervened. as a man started attacking people at a raleigh, held by an empty is long group. the attack has stopped a total of 6 people before he was shot by a police officer and detained. authorities have identified the suspects as a 25 year old man from afghanistan. they came to germany 10 years ago. they say that they believed islamist votive was behind the nice attack they have yet to interrogate the suspect. killing of this police officer by suspected attack of from afghanistan, his re ignited a debate here in germany about migration and asylum. dw reports us on cisco boost is in mannheim and told us more. this has triggered a huge debate and the whole country actually because of the parties suspect, an islam is motive behind the crime. so the debates are primarily about how
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to deal with islam is extreme. this here should that be harsh punishments should that be hostile laws, especially regarding migrants who have come to germany and commit crimes here. can they, can they be deported back easier to countries like syria or of gun this time with this attack of is coming from because these countries are considered not safe. so this is a very, very tricky question politically, but also legally. and every case actually has to be assessed individually state of the report in some sense cuz they just are pushing that now the elections on the way and over the next 3 days, around 370000000 people across 27 east states will elect members of the european parliament, the netherlands kicked off the 1st day of those thing and this friday, the check for public and island, a costing balance migration of the asylum system. a leading issues for the 1st time
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in island, when many candidates are running on an empty immigration platform, preliminary polling full costs. that right leaning policies could win more seats. e white in this round of elections, and exit polls from the netherlands. but the far right freedom policy and 2nd place just behind the social democratic green alliance. and staying with your we now take a look at a piece of music that's played an important role across the continent. hovens owed to joy from his 9th symphony, and d minor has been b. e. use official on some since 1985. the beethoven's 9th symphony still touches people at the set up and dressed in french president, am unaware of my call, made an impassioned plea in favor of europe. and one of the most moving moments was the ode to joy. a piece of music that the council of europe took on assets anthem in 1972 european leaders adopted in
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1985 as the official anthem of the european union. and then still the european economic community saying that the ode to joy, symbolize the values that everyone shares, the unity in diversity. but why beethoven's 9th, the would be talking from in the day to veneers associated with the european personality and his work with something that goes beyond a purely national perspective to this day. although the delay is often performed with its original german text, the european anthem is a wordless version. so no one language has favored beethoven. symphony number 9 in d minor premier 200 years ago in vienna, it's become one of the most famous pieces of music in the world. the 9th symphony has special meaning for a country war, says ukrainian conductor looks on and lives who considers himself
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a citizen of the world. this is new. i simply, this is more than a symphony. it's become a concept in our culture as a very clear opposition to barbarism, both in the 2 bottom, but i what my new takes on beethoven himself thought of who symphony being used as an anthem for a united europe. it was the end of the feudal era on the months of pay to emotional i'll move from began and he was definitely $1.00 of the founding fathers. in today's world, he would definitely be committed. european beethoven share division, that all people should be brothers and sisters. the european anthem stands for the freedom piece and solidarity of the united. you're the, you're watching, dw, and use as a reminder about top story. and my new and my phone says fonts will provide you crane with french, made flights of jets. the french president said, then there's 2000 jets would arrive by the end of the deals. they've promised
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french health and training. ukrainian pilots time full of next to the points. and this week the show off. israel has become more isolated than ever. and then you can just mckinnon. thank you for watching the
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the, to the points. strong opinions, position international perspective. israel's prime minister is under pressure to support a new space by our plan. but says that israel will keep fighting until the terrible group come off has been eliminated. is israel ever more isolated? find out on to the to the point the next on d w. my name is debbie. i have 3 kids like 15. my name is see what model of college and that i d age category, milligrams. my name is tim,
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run sony. i like reporting, moving from one village to another. this is india is new generation. what else? a dream. in the world's most populous country. what do they want to change in a society full of contrasts? the indian age. in 45 minutes on d, w, the data groups together by chance. and they roots in the early ninety's on independence, free woman, and the mother of 10, in a strict, patriarchal children can they not us to obtain doors has been of saving the lives of heidi on his doors has ever since the chosen a waste,
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like katia and her daughter's stuff june 22nd on d. w is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu is under pressure to support a new truce and hostage release plan. the plan was tabled by the us israel's closest ally as an is really endorsed roadmap for an enduring space. fire to the conflict that has been raging since the 7th of october attack by the terror quote from us. nothing yahoo labeled the plan a non starter and insistent israel will keep fighting until her mazda is eliminated . yes, the faces increasing, push back. the international criminal courts. indictment is just one sign of rising intern.