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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 7, 2024 3:00pm-3:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from the land front of promises, military help for ukraine, president and money order. my call says he will send site to jets and trained troops to help defend off russian aggression the kremlin accuses mccomb of inflaming tensions in europe. meanwhile, ukraine's president without him, is the lensky addresses the french parliament, and he meets us presidents, joe biden, to promises he will continue to stand by you frank, the
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new cubes. mckinnon. welcome to the program. and menu and mccaul says, fronts we'll provide you trade with french made slice of jets. the french president says the planes will arrive by the end of the year, the mirage 2005 to jet entered service in the late 19 ninety's and was considered one of the best combat at croft of that era. fronts will also spelt training ukrainian pilots as part of the plans. the kremlin says my phone's late to statements a highly preventative and show his desire to direct french involvement in the war and ukraine. i mean, while ukrainian president, low demand zalinski is due to all talks with president nicole at the palace in paris. later today, he's visiting france responsive the da anniversary events. earlier, he addressed the french parliament and in his message to french little may, cuz he said, europe was no longer a consummate of peace to landscape. also praise mcclin's permits. the slight
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suggest is assigned that european values are still going strong. let's him or what do you have to say least which he agreed with really and friends come back across under the control of ukrainian pilots will prove that europe is stronger, stronger than the evil that dares to threaten europe. side of now, just as a to years ago, we can prove the power of all unity, the power of the alliance, the power of our shed ideals, east nation speeding, the aisles, dw correspondence. sonya found the call in paris. what else? the lensky told french will make his earlier. it was a preston zalinski um, you know, received a standing ovation. um the moment he entered uh the assembly enough and not a problem since parliament. and he kind of, you know, touched on some of the pins. that's what invoked during the tooth, and we'll see of the dd landings in normandy yesterday where,
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where he was also present and where, you know, wisdom the, those pay tribute to his countries upgrade for the, for not giving into russian aggression. and so, so let's kind of, you know, do 5 lives between the hollows of what to win the continuing bombardment of the ukrainian populace. he says this is actually for ukraine has the same existential value for your he describe russia as a common enemy. and you said this battle is, is essentially a crossroads. the auto piece i, i quote, we can either defend freedom or become victims of history. so this was really a very emotive speech. and the also ended by my, of course that's monitoring, pressing my calls. announcements of sending these mirage calling about a croft to to you create and training you creating pilots and fonts, which is a pretty significant announcement. absolutely. i mean, president my call has repeatedly pushed for more support. so you train hasn't to you in that have sometimes ruffled feathers in nato and within the you. is he aware
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of the risks of disposition fee? thank i think a lot of people would like to know, you know, what, he's, what he's thinking, what's going on in his mind on this. but it's true that he really and especially in recent months, has really been at the forefront of efforts to ensure up to, to riley support for ukraine. it's fair to say, i think just that he's gone from something of being a dog to a whole. the ukraine brush, real conflict, he's coming a really long way from making these conciliatory gestures to russia at the beginning of a full scale invasion and recent months. he's really up to the topic against russia, you know, advocating a kind of no limits approach to countering president booty. then you're right. he has roughened quite a few for those with suggestions of sending a french troops to ukraine, potentially sending military cleaners to ukraine as well. as of course, that has spa controversy, not just among his allies, but also his little criticism here in france, a by a, by opposition all make goes to say, you know,
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he's just grandstanding and trying to extract political mileage from the ukraine, russia conflict, but what kind of stands by this and says, this is a way to also reminds or that it needs to be wake up to the fact that it's not sufficiently um to face lee complex, right? like the russian regression. and i think he likes to style himself as a disrupt the, you know, using this to kind of get to autopay and supreme court about the security and coming up with the credible a security strategy which is less dependent on the us. that was the w. sonya salma con reporting from paris and as we just heard that from sonya, the french president is stressing the importance of decreasing europe, smell it treat dependence on the u. s. bots, us president joe biden has told the landscape, but the us will continue to stand by ukraine and has an obligation to do so. delete is amazing. and from during the day 80th anniversary events at a joint press conference by and apologized for recent delays in the us congress,
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a green military aid package of senior train. you'll so now it's the u. s. would provide an additional package of $225000000.00 to help reconstruct the countries electricity grid. his some of what he had to say is place to stay with you at a ballpark of usc, aggressions taking place. we have an obligation to be there and so i'm looking forward to having a detailed discussion here, but we're still in complete our then so continuing today and fronts to monk c. a t is on of the 3 of the day that is when allied troops landed on the beaches of normandy to begin the liberation of western europe from nazi germany. of the hosting the leaders of the us, the u. k. and ukraine. yesterday, french president, my call today gave a keynote speech in the city of bio, and that bio was the 1st french town to be liberated off to the allied landings to
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the us president joe biden, to set to make a 2nd speech. and as many days as he continues his trip to france to mock the d day anniversary biden will make his address at pond to hook up the cliff top in normandy, that american soldiers scaled into no day shifts operation. 80 years ago, the form of us president ronald reagan was the 1st to meet the pilgrimage, followed by president bill clinton. and donald trump. now, did all the reports of william through crafters here in the studio with me to talk more about these de commemorations get to see william. can you tell us how significant this is memorial ceremony in normandy is in particular, well, we're at 80, right. so if you are 21, you were storming these beaches who are a 100. now, although we've been hearing this at every major anniversary of the 70, the 75th and of the 80th. that this will be the last time of having veterans,
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people with 1st hand experience. this may really be the last time we have veterans because in the next big anniversary in 5 years, and certainly in 10 years, the chances of any veterans being left alive is highly unlikely. it's not impossible. i think the average age is a 100. yeah. and said many indeed we saw that yesterday in the ceremony. i mean very old men who were very young man, when they risk their lives in storm those beaches. so it's significant from historical perspective that that those people then of course, the current politics. right. and we'll get more into this, but the current political situation always informs how we view history and given questions about us leadership in the world. given the rising threat from russia and china, this idea of renewed great power competition with joe biden will be speaking about democracy versus authoritarianism. does a lot of parallels or least parallels that leaders like to abide and we'd like to draw to the d day moment to sort of bring those issues to the for, to make their, their political points and to drive their in their, their, their policies home at this time, so many years off to world war 2,
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the day at man ration didn't have this kind of assigned side. and this kind of political significance did. they just help us understand why this has changed over the is right. so clinical leaders, ronald reagan, who is no, not shy to the camera, being the after that he was made a big rising speech again, much like today a job i them will do about freedom against the soviet union and the iron curtain. there was a lot of parallels them and that kind of what historians so you kind of set this in motion every 5 and 10 years have these big commemorative events until this very day . you said, mentioned the president biden will be speaking again later today. and tell us a little bit about where he's going to be speaking about significant and the told him that he's going to set right. point to hook, as, as you said in the top, a landmark historic area where i'm unimportant, decisive battle was, was taking place early in the d day invasion point to hockey,
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sticks out into the water and has an excellent views over both omaha beach and utah beach where american forces came ashore and the germans had guns on, on the, on this cliff to be able to fire down on, on the landing troops and the allies decided they have to neutralize these guns. and although they were heavily bombed in the days and waste moving up, so they had to make sure that they were gone. so they launch is bearing raid climbing cliffs, getting shot out all the way to try to clear these guns and ultimately with great losses. they were successful and present a buyer wants to make that point of freedom of valor, of bravery. and that's why i see like previous presidents, i have chosen this site to make his speech today, really symbolic. we'll have to leave it that william, but i will, of course, be bringing all of you. is that speech by president, by lisa and you and i will be talking about that offer. thanks so much i this is a look now. some of the other stories making news around the world and at least the same people have been injured in an explosion at a hardware store and the remain in town of boston shawnee. the victims have
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reportedly suffered various traumas and bones, and 4 of them are in a serious condition, the mayor of the city. so the incident might have been caused by a malfunction of the gas station inside the store. at least 8 people have died in the bridge co ops and believe the another 6 have been injured. local authorities are investigating what caused the collapse. they say they would know known cracks or damage. in the structure, the bridge was built for us and years ago. in an exit poll is projecting the far right freedom. policy will make significant gains in the netherlands elections. so the european parliament, the polls so suggests a sent a left alliance will win. most of the $31.00 seats being contested results for elections across the you will be announced on sunday nights and memorial is being held in the german town of manheim, for a police officer who was killed in a nice attack that last week the officer was stabbed when he intervened, as
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a man still said, attacking people at a raleigh held by an anti islam group. the attack has stopped the total of 6 people before he was shot by a police officer and detained. authorities have identified the suspect as a 25 year old man from us. got a son who came to germany 10 years ago. they say that they believe in islam is most of was behind the knife attack. they've yet to interrogate the suspect. now the killing of this police officer bias suspect to the attack of from afghanistan has re ignited the debates in germany about migration and asylum. dw reports of one cisco boost is in mannheim and has more. this has triggered a huge debate in the whole country. actually, because of the parties suspect, an islam as motive behind the crime. so the debates are primarily about how to deal with is the most extreme, this here should that be harsh? punishments should that be hospitals,
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especially regarding migrants who have come to germany and to commit crimes here? can they, can they be deported back easier to countries like syria or of gun his time with this? a ticket is coming from because these countries are considered not safe. so this is a very, very tricky question. politically, but also legally. and every case actually has to be assessed individually is francisco, is this for pushing the algebra now just 50 days until the status of the olympic games in power? as soon as possible, the countdown organizes have mounted 5 olympic rings on the cities. most famous landmark, the eiffel tower will be adorned with the eye clinic rings for the duration of the sun. the games which take place from july 26th until august. the 11th the readings are made of recycled french steel, and will be displayed on the south side of the tower as indicating the river san
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or without you are up to date. coming up next, an interview with indonesia is on bassett. it's a german am and trade tensions between the 2 countries. i'm any purpose mckinnon. i'll be back at the top of the hour with more international headlines in the meantime. thanks so much for watching vw. the learn shannon with the winning offer is available language learning. gem and has been sent to the the use all to bind
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deforestation from the supply chains of its companies is a frustrating trade partners abroad.


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