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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 7, 2024 5:00pm-5:16pm CEST

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the, the you watching the daily news live from the land. joe biden calls for the defense of democracy at home and abroad. the us president was speaking during commemoration or the day landings in normandy, 80 years ago. we'll have more of joe biden speech, which comes ahead of divisive us selections later this year. also coming up, the united nations condemns. and his randy a task one of you and school in garza in which thousands were kills. israel says it was talk about splice the
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money cuz mckinnon. welcome to the program. good to have you with us. the us president joe biden has cooled on his fellow americans to defend democracy from threats at home and abroad. the us president was speaking at point to hawks in front sweat american soldiers for the pivots, full baffle during the d day invasion. 80 years ago lightens speech follows a pledge of support for ukraine and its will against russia. and it comes during a device of election race with his republican rival, donald trump. let's take a listen system more of what trip i didn't have to say as it got to her today. it's not just the honor of those who showed such a remarkable bravery on that day. june 6th, 1944. so much as the echoes of their voices to hear them. because they are somebody is, you know, some of us now. they ask us, what we,
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we do are not asking us to scale these clips. they're asking us to stay true with america stands for. we're not asking us to give a risk our lives are asking us care for others in our country for that ourselves. they're not asking us to do their job or asking us to do our job, to protect freedom of our time, to defend democracy in the state of aggression abroad and at home. the par, something better than ourselves to be part of something bigger than ourselves. that was the us president joe bite and speaking just moments ago and talked more about a job by and speech, i'm joined by the w. william blue cross here in the studio. and william a big speech and a historic location. what stood out to you from what we heard from joe biden today? it was shorter than i thought. and she didn't have any real one liners. i would really expecting some kind of, you know, take away sound bite that something very easily quotable,
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somebody like what we heard in the state of the union. we didn't hear a lot of that today. he waved in and out. we kind of heavy historian and chief with the, with the president, kind of which is something kind of become a thing for joe biden. recently, he was at the us holocaust memorial and much of his speech. there was just kind of giving a history lesson about the holocaust. so he's this has become a pattern for him of a spending a lot of his, of his talk time. literally just going through historical facts, which of course, 80 years later of since the day a bite and probably sees is very important cuz it's become, it's been so much time that it's actually important just to remind people of what actually happened that in itself is a political statement just to give the facts of what happened. and i also thought that he would be a more concrete about ukraine, but he wasn't here obviously, references to both to the threat of russia and the domestic threat of donald trump . there was some you never mentioned donald trump, but there were definitely talks about defending democracy at home and abroad. but
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there was nothing really back concrete about supporting your pay. i. it was the incident, you just kind of leading back and forth about the united states and owing a debt of gratitude to the people that fought for freedom, then in world war 2 and maintaining that legacy today. he did also speak yesterday in norman rome. indeed didn't hey, so just remind us what he said there and how those themes linked up. yeah, they're very similar speeches, although i thought yesterday was more concrete, which was the actual anniversary. june 6th of the day landings. and he talked more about the importance of alliances that the day was a good example of because it was um, it was a multi allied effort to storm those beaches and, and begin the liberation of france and then western europe. that was a clear connection to the, to the importance of nato, something that is very important for joe biden. less important to his opponent of donald trump is something that, at least on this side of atlanta, people are very worried about as they are worried about in 2016 and donald trump's 1st term survive. then. um, so yeah, the speech of are actually very similar. i thought i thought yesterday was more
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concrete. the big issue that don at that, excuse me, joe biden has he was trying to, you know, look beyond yourself. don't just think about yourself. don't be selfish. but the very heart of liberal democracy, especially america's flavor available democracy, is the individual america is a bout you, the individual protecting your rights. so it's a bit difficult for joe biden to walk this line in a country and a system that's set up to be about you the individual to try to hearken back to the sort of j f k not ask, not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country, that is a very difficult argument to make, especially in a place like united states. i what's to ask you about a sort of the focus that he did put on ukraine. but i wanted to ask you, 1st of all about the location because it was a very historic location that was chosen for this speech. and i know that we can hopefully of you as can see it behind. as we've got a picture of front to lock, can you tell us a little bit about that? yeah, i mean, this picture is really great because you can see the, the, how it gets out this cliff elevation getting out into the water,
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both sides. omaha beach, utah beach, where some of the largest bottles took place on the day the american forces, spear headed, those beaches and the germans have guns. what it now is a memorial. the germans have guns on the top of that with i could fire down a great line of sight onto those beaches and american commanders, british commanders, alec commander said we'd let that happen. so they sent these rangers out and advances army rangers and elite part of the us army, which terabyte and talked about talks about the speech you have about the rangers, bravery, and valor. and this is where the rangers really made their name or reputation that exist to this day. they also featured prominently in the black hawk down disaster and 1993 in somalia. for example, they scale these cliffs on rough, these bad weather, bad lighting conditions, under fire, and with great losses. i took the cliff and then proceeded to then go inland to extend their mission and hold that ground until more force that could could come to us to help them. and i think job,
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i did try to really evoke that sense of history. didn't he use terms like the cracking of bullet and he really tried to take that picture. exactly. he what he painted the picture and if we could just and also you know, the link, he obviously did mention ukraine creating that link between 80 years ago. and today there is a will going on and in europe today. very similar to what am i knew of my call has been saying in the last 2 days. do you think that that link was made vividly enough? the people will understand the, the links between the 2 of them. yeah, i think the parallels can be clear that they're trying to make, there's been stairs been on both sides. russia, as well as, there's been so much world war to narrative being used to try to, you know, inspire people or provoke people into this conflict. and there are parallels there, there. this is the largest land battle in europe since world war 2. but of course, we're not seeing the, the full scale mobilization to fight this war. we're not seeing a direct conflict between major powers. so there are of course differences,
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and there's more division. i mean, there were divisions in world war 2 among the allies, but there's far more to data know where then utilities will improve clubs. thanks so much for that analysis to now the training president, the low demand, zalinski is also in fronts and he is due to hold talks with president my call at the elisa pallets in the power slate to today. he's of course will. so in front of paul of these d de anniversary events. now earlier he address the french columns and then his message to french will make cuz he said europe was no longer a consummate piece. sealants, he praised nicole's promise, suffice a jets as a sign that european values all still going strong. let's listen to some of what he had to say, which he, it keep it really and friends come back across under the control of ukrainian pilots will prove that europe is stronger, stronger than the evil that dares to threaten europe. now, just as 80 years ago,
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we can prove the power of all unity, the power of the alliance, the power of our shed ideals, east nation, speeding. off the w correspondence, sonya found the call, who was in paris. what else lensky told french little make his earlier? what was a precedent zalinski um, you know, received a standing ovation. um the moment he entered uh the assembly, not sonata francis parliament. and he kind of, you know, touched on some of the teams that was invoked during the tooth. and we'll see of the dd landings in normandy yesterday where, where he was also present and where, you know, wisdom the, those pay tribute to his countries up 3 for the, for not giving into russian aggression. and so the legs can kind of, you know, do 5 lives between the hollows of what, what to ones continuing bombardment of the ukrainian populace. he says this is actually for ukraine, has the same existential value for your. he described russia as
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a common enemy. and you said this battle is, is essentially a crossroads. the auto piece i, i quotes, we can either defend freedom or become victims of history. so this was really a very and will to speech. and the also ended by miles cool. so that's another change. pressing my calls announcements of sending these mirage, calling about a croft to to ukraine and training and creating pilots and fonts, which is a pretty significant announcement. absolutely. i mean, president my call has repeatedly pushed for more support. so you train hasn't to you in that have sometimes ruffled feathers in nato and within the you. is he aware of the risks of this position? do you think? i think a lot of people would like to know, you know, what, he's, what he's thinking, what's going on in his mind on this. but it's true that he really, especially in recent months, has really been at the forefront of efforts to in your, up to, to riley support for ukraine. it's fair to say,
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i think just that he's gone from something of being a dog to a whole. the ukraine brush, real conflict, he's coming really long way from making these conciliatory gestures to russia at the beginning of a full scale invasion in recent months. he's really up to the topic again, special, you know, advocating a kind of no limits approach to countering president booty. then you're right. he has roughly quite a few for those with suggestions of sending a french troops to ukraine, potentially sending military cleaners to ukraine as well. as of course, that has spa controversy, not just among his allies, but also his little criticism here in france, a by a, by opposition all make goes to say, you know, he's just grandstanding and trying to extract political mileage from the ukraine, russia conflict, but what kind of stands by this and says, this is a way to also remind you all that it needs to be wake up to the fact that it's not sufficiently um to face lee complex, right? like the russian mcglatian. and i think he likes to style himself as a disrupt uh, you know, using this to kind of get to autopay and supreme court about the security and
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coming up with the credible security strategy which is less dependent on the us. sonya selling the car reporting that from paris of the united nations has condemned and is rarely a tack on a un run school and central garza, it says the strike killed at least $35.00 people and wounded many more. is raining, military says it carried out a strike targeting how most flights those who were involved in the october, the 7th terror attacks holes on, on grow and for an investigation into the incident around $6000.00 palestinians from only because a, with sheltering in this former school unreal facility in new the right when it was targeted by in is really strikes this why. what have we done for them to bomb us? we fled from place to place. no unreal school of safe will have no tend to safety and there is no safe place when have you and had you met?
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you know, for 3 lift up to the sounds of broken remains of people was scattered a v there, a gas can inspect student children, died screaming in the street was a blood vault. my nephew was killed in the bodies of the victims killed in the attack. i lined up outside the ox hospital family members say the final good byes, the food, the funeral, pres, a said of israel is defending its decision to strike the school. they say they were targeting members of hamas and islamic jihad to inside. we assess that 20 to 30 terrace. what in the compound, at the time of the strike,
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we targeted with precision strikes on the specific classrooms on the specific classrooms. what we know, of course, we know that the terrorists were what they were doing. and inside of you and school, they were hiding. the compound was useful staging attacks and as a full what operating base the united nations has condemned. the attack on that shelter and garza and accused israel of breaking international humanitarian law. which indeed, all the news, his a reminder of our top story us president joe biden has appealed for the defense of democracy. at the sites of the day landings in normandy, he said the legacy of world war 2 veterans is what america has to stay true to what it stands for is that you are up to date to stay with us for more of all special coverage at the da, anniversary with the story of operation and what that's coming up right off to this
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new shape. i my new cubes and the content so much for watching dw, have a lovely day, the, i, sorry, so one on 6 times to please come and see more people than ever on the move worldwide in such kind. one great timing is very, very difficult to find out about time on student info. my grands the it's may, 13th, 1943.


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