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tv   REV  Deutsche Welle  June 7, 2024 9:15pm-9:31pm CEST

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thank you. thank you. you're watching the, the beginnings of next interview with indonesia is investigating germany as both countries plus all over trade. i'll be back at the top of the hour with mobile dues followed by the j to see you there. the goal for is john impact has one of 79 focused use as a lot of stuff. your only thing is simply designed so i can do this which gives me extreme freedom. how does this time jim and champions oh, his commitment. holly, i'm the sound of the bull dog june, says haynes d w that you use all to bind deforestation from the supply chains. if it's companies is
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a frustrating trade partners abroad. just take indonesia, which has a valuable minerals for use in tech like batteries and computer chips. it says the regulation is harming it's small farms. the spot comes as the 2 of the rushing out a free trade deal. so it does the you back down and it's environmental principles or put it risk its relationship with indonesia and potentially cut off a vital supply chain. i spoke with indonesia is on bass that to germany, asking him if they close to ceiling. a deal for us is in general uh the largest uh element which is uh, timber and from iowa. i think we are confident it is not a big problem. so i think uh all in all the question for us is that you ready or is you ready because you will be asking, are you ready to abide by the empty deforestation?
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we are always, we are any because it has to be the question, is that the will you implement u d r without discriminations for instance, uh for the the boys. okay. family by model is the only for you the oil with stringent certifications. reps. it and you know, certification. i saw i been in europe, no certifications with e file or that has received billions and billions of utilize a subsidy. are they willing to be a, you know, putting a stringent requirements? so we already you said in the tweet, europe's mature forest a dying and you lost $2200000.00 hectares of forest. like, you know, massive protests from those who scream about deforestation in the global south. why? so do you think that europe has been hypocritical on this? absolutely, absolutely. um, exactly,
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that is my question is you ready in the, in the u. d r, for instance, we've done a survey with professor from good thing on university. and in addition, new infinity that the mother idols 27 members that only half knows the 3 did we sign in 2013 members days don't really. i the and i want to be planned, sealed, and then they don't, they don't, they're not willing, they're not able to promote the product. so this is a legally binding through the menu. okay. and i do find that all members of parliament and you verified by our problem and so is a very strong, stronger than you are. and yet a rustle is no commitment to implement what is already agreed. so then the question is always from my side where you're fed treatment and you really look at it from the use position, i guess they're going to say, if we say we want, you know, environmental standards and this getting and yet let big financial institutions
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invest in companies that are coming out, deforestation, then that is going to be a must've point of hypocrisy for the use of they have to do something. yes, i smell hold as won't be effected by this. actual, everything will be fine. as long as the the you implements what has been agreed fully false because the problem is with this one holders. the big company is the big investment issue that we mentioned. they are sensitive to public image, right? that's sensitive to criticism, that's what it is to a tax way and you. so they're the one who originally have the drive was this drive to become green and sustainable? the problem with this model harder is that we have, 1st of all, around 41 percent of the 16000000 had federal fund miles of vendors and holding by a small load this small me in, oh, perfect,
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are up to 3 or 4 actors and they might not have the land title. so what was going to happen is that because of desegregation system that you put on the d r. so the big companies, they said, well okay, i'm sorry, small farmers, i'm not going to take your products. i want to be sure this coming from mile and property and um, you know, i'm sorry about you. it's not my problem because i went to sell to do you, what's your, what's your message to the new one. but the message is very simple, that your policy is not well thought out. your, your aim is to create a free, deep water stations. but you are actually killing the small holders who have nothing to do it before the stations. ok, so if you really want to be serious in this fight against you for decision of is we also have a serious you can engage us much more uh,
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robustly. okay. want to move on to to nickel. yeah. specifically, nickel indonesia is expected to meet 2 sides of the world's needs for nickel, which is obviously like the manufacturer of yeah. batteries for like a vehicle. yeah. a mobile phones and so on. but there are complexities. so the nickel price has come down quite a bit in the last 18 months. it's a very common intensive industry. it, it don't know, all of the nickel being produced is yet battery. great. so what is in the news you're doing to meet these challenges? so 1st of all, i think is to get a better smelting system. the furnace has been to okay. and in that, in that regard, we are inviting the for investors. so now we have a chinese, what are the in indonesia, we have canadians. we have for korean with the japanese and i've been working very hard to bring joyce in investors on this kind of
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a project. so brussels should have help us instead of attacking us. because in the context of a f d b to in brussel. and sheila, they are willing to allow too late the process in cuba it. so again, is the double standard. when she led the willing to process, the trauma deals and jewelry, they were willing to allow investment in training. but the initial is definitely a tech, but the world trade organization ruled in a huge favor. so just to just to dig into the state of the legs, of course, and then these are imposed a band on the exportation vehicle or so that you could support these smelting industries. and so why do i arrange an easy? all right? but the says that that's on fast and the world trade organization ruled in its favor. so what is the way to settle this dispute as time when appeals to just not being processed? yeah, number one, the question of the fact that they are claiming our data shows that we never
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actually exploded to you. that is a shipment from indonesia to one your country in one airport. but the information that i receive for this is a part that collect nicko from africa. you might want to in the future. hang on, hang on. but this, this, this, this, this nichol that came from indonesia sitting in one year of input to go and make the change. so the question is, what is the issue? you actually want the k one's to secure a strategic mentor? exactly. so i didn't know it just rick, but with us instead of you know, con, because even push the button. no, we open the opportunity for you to come and to invest in indonesia, you know, as what the chinese gallery and japanese canadians,
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the french. what's the different with the french and then brussel? it's the same stuff, but it's, it's a reality french investment ever. you hope to have a, to a german company investing in this area. so, you know, what's, what's the, what's the, what's the method? and if you have a concern about your new goal, there's not a green enough to come and assist us. we are open for your assistance. be open for you. discussions if, if you want to be part of the discussion that is inclusive non calling alice take uh, you know, uh, just this uh, you know, extend your hand so you say that he was behaving in a, as in a colonial lising model. it's uh, it's not a go now let me, does anybody else on it? i wanna dig more into what you're saying about the industrial. was it trade? imperialism? yeah. how does into these a balance? it's trade relations and the pass conflict of interest between the us,
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the in you get china. yeah. i think 1st i would like to address the number of the trade basically, trade with china. it's increasing because we have the f, the we china. now we are not increasingly heavy and what's right with the us because we signed the f b sign in the national partnership. so what is press them? if, if they say we're not open, we open to the us. we have a open relations with australia, with the rest, some countries we try not to band with we thought korea. so i think coming back to my this is you ready with the and trip, but they do you d r where the nickel. so that is the question said we want to pose. okay. so um indonesia is economy has consistently performed well, you know, like, how long have you managed to achieve that and avoid the trap that some countries are falling into cold?
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the results costs, you know, it's not just a matter of having lots of resources there for you become a develop the economy, but rather it's how you manage them. so how is indonesia managed to do that? um, digital economy is one of them. so if you look at the size of you to be to that economy, they have the beacon, they have nothing to do at all with the research that service is the 5 area media is the largest of uh, our digital economy, e commerce. uh van dyke. okay, and then also um, hotels, services and then uh for delivery by the simple but we are to enter it into a meeting people. so the delivery business is very, very big, especially during the bundle make. and the 2nd thing is the age. we have a have for 8 years or 39 years old and it means domestic consumption is quite high . and we have a very good control the invitations of course, prudence in,
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in the state budget. and declining all the unemployment and coming of the investment. and the investment that comes out, not necessarily the sauce, but also manufacturing as well. okay, i just want to end on, on one thing. quite simply, what is your message to or left shots as i'm positive germany, if you can tell him one thing about what he should do to work with indonesia, what is your request, what you're asking him, help us in the discussions we do. you defend this, the f d over to you as soon as possible. and of course, the effect will be bringing more germany and us visa in indonesia. we even prepare german industrial parks. in indonesia we have read software for too many industrious german tories to my colleagues. in addition,
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we have a very long tradition of relation with the news and germany. not very many people know that. but the 1st european who came to the show was not to judge taylor who was not the spanish. it was the german governors 500 years ago. so i would say that we have a very long relations and is a very positive relation because it is not colored by colonialism. so, you know, in germany it has a very positive vibes innovation. so you're looking forward to the next $500.00. yes, absolutely. and thank you very much for taking the time to talk to you're welcome. have a good a the chico effort to see if it's a clean, healthy field that doesn't smooth like and even be used in the home like san
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antonio and can room is turning food waste of renewable energy there. eco friendly, charcoal is affordable and good for the climate and it's just the beginning. the co next dw, the
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we are in these together, that applies not just us humans, but also to a wildlife and vegetation. if you're going to make life better, we need listing solutions. welcome to equal africa. i am sandra holmes, that we nobody right here in comp. hello uganda. and i and chris alone say legals nigeria. once again, we have lots of ideas of how we can all leave responsibly and allow plotted to flourish. here's what's coming up. a calmer room starts off that works one does with waste the wildlife tools in egypt using po chest expertise.


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