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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 8, 2024 3:00am-3:15am CEST

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the, the, you're watching the, the way you news, lying from berlin, the us president invoke the legacy of the day veterans and issues a call to defend democracy. are not asking us to scale these bliss. they're asking us to stay true with america scans. why more of president find speech in normandy on the 80th anniversary of the day landings also coming up showing up support for the fight against russia. top level talks in paris between ukrainian and french president and the after israel's war and gaza is a 2 state solution. still a pathway to peace in the middle east. we'll take
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a closer look the fairly it's good to have you with us. you as president joe biden has called on his fellow americans to defend democracy from threats at home and abroad. and he did with one i. so what happened 80 years ago this week? fine and spoke ad fun to oak and france were american soldiers fond of pivotal battle during the d day invasion of world war to fight in speech follows a pledge of support for ukraine and its war against russia and comes during a device of election race with his republican rival, donald trump, is more of what job i meant to say. as a guy that her today is not just the honor of those who showed such a remarkable bravery on that day. june 6th, 1944. so much as the echoes of their voices to hear them
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because they are somebody who is in there, some of us now they ask us what we do. they're not asking us to scale these cliffs. they're asking us to stay true with america stands for. we're not asking us to give a risk our lives are asking us care for others in our country for than ourselves. they're not asking us to do their job or asking us to do our job, to protect freedom of our time, to defend democracy in the state of aggression abroad and at home. the part of something bigger than ourselves was joe biden speaking in normandy, on the 8th anniversary of the day, landing swell french president and money on my card is also pledged. is continued support for ukraine and talks with president fulton result in skin paris. the
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landscape was invited to france to attend the de commemorations with some of ukraine's main backers. and its war against russia, of france says it will transfer mirage 2005 your jets to ukraine and train ukrainian pilots to flying the aircraft as part of a new military package. as europe and the united states paid homage to those who defeated tyranny, 80 years ago, ukrainian president below them is zalinski pleaded with fellow leaders to help his country do the same now against russia's illegal aggression. comparing russian president vladimir putin, his actions with adolf hitler's very important that in this unit, the united states. america, while the american people stay with you, like it was during world war 2, president biden apologize for the long delay in the last usaid package and announced a new one worth 225000000 dollars. but all lies were on the host, french president, a menu mccomb who for months has been considering whether to dispatch french troops
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to train ukrainians inside ukraine. it was speculated he would reveal a decision. no, but he didn't announcing instead in aid package, including the delivery of mirage fighter jets and the training of pilots plus an entire brigade of ukrainian soldiers. but this will take place of us in france. he said to condemn only thing all though it's a legitimate request to do it inside you. crane. he added mcclung also rejected moscow's claim that trainers inside ukraine would represent direct french and therefore nato participation in the war and escalate nation is booting. who has escalated the war? mccall said so heading up, put in, but that's none. the less a convenient kremlin narrative, nato chief in stolen berg and other allied governments, were constantly to rebuff. nato has no plans to the boy forces to uh, to ukraine finish. president alexander step says he won't be sending troops either
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. ends doesn't support the idea of acting alone. i think it's very important that when we are part of the allies, we work as an alliance and knocked him separate books. more allied scrutiny of mccullin's actions may be on the way with parents as announcement. it would be sending mirage fighter jets as the rest of nato has agreed to focus on the delivery of f sixteens. ukrainian president zelinski just said he's grateful for more support. they heard of their friends as promising to send the mirage fighter jets to ukraine and president my call wants to do so. by the end of this year we ask the military analyst frank letter, which if that is too late to fend off russia's offensive. yeah. so not going to be, well, we're not going to be see seeing them in useful quantities and they'll probably get around $25.00 from friends eventually. well into next year. even then i would question whether the integration of the system, the, there are 2000 system. there's
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a 19 nineties designed this particular fair and i got to a question whether that will be complete even that we might be looking out to. yeah . but it will provide a capability when it provide tape extra take about the probably not. what it will provide is capacity. which is to say more jets. the problem is, so it is an old yet. there are concerns about age. as with that email, that tree at across the important element is was in don't know what the frame does . so that's the a b on x. it's not k yet. what they will be supplied with. but yes, it's better than nothing if i with the ukrainians. however, i'd be looking at switch swedish out across much more suitable much more up to date sweets. a keeps the plan with actually rather than just multiply and the number of the frames and logistics chains as military analysts. frank language turning to other news now and some more stories making headlines around the world today. then mark's prime minister and that's of frederickson has been physically assaulted on
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a copenhagen street. it's still unclear whether she was injured, but her office says she's in shock. police say they have a rest of the man allegedly involved in the assault politicians from across the political spectrum have expressed their support for the prime minister and explosion at a hardware store and the romanian town of both to sean has injured at least 13 people. 4 of them seriously, the victims reward at least suffered traumas and burns local authorities. so the incident may have been caused by a malfunction at the gas station inside the store. or at least 7 people, including several children, have been killed in a bus accident in syria. the school bus skidded off the road and plunged into a river rescue. teams searched for about 6 hours for survivors. the united nations has added b is rarely military to
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a global list of offenders that have committed violations against children. the list aims to pressure parties to conflict into implementing more measures to protect children, palestinian militant group loss and the islamic jihad have also been added to the list informs parts of an annual report on children and armed conflict due to be published later this month. now israel has criticized the humans decision to include as military as quote shameful alex, i is with save the children international and told us more about the forthcoming report. which one has confirmed that israel will be listed. and we know we welcome this decision because the, the pace and scale upgrade violations committed against children and gaza has been unprecedented. we also expect to have called on housing is lama jihad and her months to also be listed. and you know where we expect the report to come out in
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a couple of weeks. what we have seen in gaza is just completely unprecedented. that the scale of violations against children, including the killing of children, the meaning of children in the denial, humanitarian assistance, has been struggling, has just been absolutely, absolutely catastrophic. and you know, of human rights organizations and humanitarian organizations have continued to call for us east fire and gaza. this is the only way to save lives and it's the only way for humanitarian organizations like hours to deliver the humanitarian assistance needed at scale. at the moment it was alex a with saved children international when meanwhile, pressure is mounting on is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu to set out a post war plan for gaza. his political arrival benny guns has given them, you know, a june 8th deadline to produce one or he's threatening to quit the country's emergency and government formed after the october 7th terror attacks. for decades,
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a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis has been at the center of peace efforts in the middle east. but it's been a difficult roadmap to follow. this is gone so in ruins of the 8 months civil war. but they all plans to rebuild it. the so called day off the when the war ends is rose biggest ally, the us once is released palestinians and regional governments to take steps towards establishing an independent palestinian estate side by side with israel. the 2 state solution is as old as the state of israel itself. in 1947, the united nations drew up a plan is riley and posted in nations. the territory marked here in red would be palestinian, that in grey would be as regular with that. but those plans were rejected by arab state doctor of, of, of the british occupying forces, pulled out in 1948. and israel was found, it triggering a war with its arab neighbors. remedies,
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hundreds of thousands of palestinians were expelled from their homes. the war and itself, the mass pushed the founding of any palestinian states into the future. in 1967, another war with its neighbors left the victorious israel in control of all the lands between the river jordan and the mediterranean, the beginning of its occupation of palestinian lands. starting in the 1990s. the other disagreements are also not easy to solve. both sides disputes who should control water supplies, many palestinians what are rights to return to their homes that they lost in 1948 in israel itself. and both sides claimed jerusalem as their capital. but the city is cut off from the rest of the west bank by a will. of all these obstacles the biggest may be the mood in israel. netanyahu may be unpopular that public opinion polls show overwhelming
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opposition to a palestinian state. in the meantime, one idea is an international coalition that would administer garza temporarily on the roots to it becoming parts of a palestinian state along with the west bank earlier posting inactive a summary. as soon as law we told d w, that is really public opinion on a 2 state solution called change andrew on israel's changing relationship with neighboring egypt. i don't know if i it is, but it will have been in dialogue with is it i it is for the last 30 years and i talked to is i have from the, from the center i'm from from that and sometimes i tell them i, i know you better than you know yourself because they don't talk to each other. i told them all of them. mm hm. and that's the example of the 1970 to the new or when need to be ship, launch the war against. is that the whole public opinion and is it a, it was an issue. they hit the judge and there was a little anger against egypt. and then one,
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so that decided to come on top of his famous visit to the canister. and the rest is a, is this thread for what speech that was calling for the goal existence that the school clinic for the constitution that to you of the piece is on signed in to change the public opinion in 19. mm hm. this could be happen. no, so in our case now between these ages investigators, what we are lacking here is leadership. unfortunately, we have lack of leadership on both sides. says, posting active as summaries and there's always some talking to us earlier. and before we go, mexico is sweltering under a heat don't causing blistering temperatures across the entire country. as you and mexico city has come up with a cool idea to give animals a break from the heat. and that is, ice pumps. lines got special ice pots with frozen need, and instead of gulping the food down within minutes,
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the big cats took their time licking the color full refreshments monkeys were also given a frozen trait of course, but they were served a vegetarian option. and the 3rd time by the eclipse, someone else to the cd. hi, lots of selected for you. you every week in new a box subscribe. now shannon, the last thing is sharing the emphasizing the award winning offer is available for every language.