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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 8, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from berlin. israel says it's rescued for hostages in gossip. the one woman and 3 men are reportedly in good health and receiving treatment in the hospital. they were kidnapped from a music festival in israel on october 7th. also coming up denmark's prime minister is attacked while campaigning in copenhagen, the head of your opinions parliament. the election is part of this page of violence against politicians as pulls open and countries across the issues the
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mariana evans, dean. welcome. we begin with breaking news. these really military has rescued for is really hostages, alive from gossum. one woman and 3 men were rescued in mid heavy air strikes from 2 different locations and central garza know, our demonte scene here is among the 4. she and the others are set to be in stable condition. they've been taken to a hospital in israel for further medical examinations. come off kidnapped. all of them from the nova music festival during its terror attack on october the 7th. a short time ago and is really army spokesman, has this to say a bound to the rescue operation. this morning at 11 am, is really special forces conducted complex hostage rescue mission and
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successfully rescued for awhile hostages from come oscar of david in garza all good money. automotive mails john, show me leave and i'm drake was of. they are back home unusual. they are alive, they are well, they will, under the will under go medical examination and will soon be read agree united with their families in the hospital. we can now speak to our a correspondent in jerusalem, tanya kramer, tanya, incredibly, emotional news for his relays, especially of course, for the families of those 4 hostages. what more can you tell us as well? absolutely. it's a very emotional day for the relatives, but also for the is very public. now, of course we see now on is very television following every step of these for
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a freed hostages. and now, and as we just heard from the military spokesperson, who gave some more details of the details of the mission itself, are still a very scan. so this was one of the largest daytime operations that carried out in the new serat reference. you can, that's in the center, send to a gauze on 2 different locations when they uh, could take others for hostage hostages. and because notice of that shortly after 130, no code a time. now those for rent or kidnapped on october 7 from the nova music festival. and you mentioned no, uh the money 25 year old then uh she became a bit the face of uh, what happened as well as she was seen then on videos and the social media being driven away by hum us amid attends a crying out for help helped me their associates among the rescued hostages there,
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and they're all now already in the hospital the intel abuse. and the uh, so uh, footage of new uh the money also talking to prime minister benjamin netanyahu. uh, on the phone there, the united over their families, as you said, they all appear to be in good health conditions. uh for now and uh they will be a dad and now going under more medical checks of course, right now. well, this of course is the largest number of hostages has been rescued allies in 8 months of fighting. does this renew the hope that these early military could possibly rescue additional hostages? is there anything known about a potential further such operations as well? so really, from what we understand in the military spokesperson, donnie had guard, just as again, you know, this was based on intelligence that they had. this was weeks as he put it in
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preparation. so, but of course they wouldn't go into any detail if they have more intelligence of the location of other hostages. it's not known where they are there a $120.00 hostages, that are believe to be still held in garza. and it least of 43 of them that was the latest number are believed to have been killed while there are in captivity or believe to be a did. so of course it is a lot of focus now on whether others such rescue missions could be possible. but also of course, we've been talking all week about a new a c star and hostage deal that was put on the table by you as president a joe biden. and wherever we have been waiting for him, us and israel, you know, to agree to this week. so, you know, the, the still, it's still to see whether this will lead to anything to any breakthrough at the
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moment. we've also been hearing from us health authorities who reported a large number of casualties amid this operation. it isn't central garza, it is the side of a refugee camp. has there been an official response from hamas leaders to this operation? well 1st of all we uh we um, followed you know, when there was the 1st uh it was kind of an unused, announced and 5. is there any military at around noon time that they were carrying out intensive strikes and mr. rod was know to know one of the reasons for that the 1st reports came in from gaza that they were many injured and many a did also in this operation they were from the main hospital indian father, which is south of mr. rod. one of the few hospitals that are still actually taking in the or working uh at the moment and the scenes that are circulating and videos
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on a social media showing a devastating. i've seen that as well. so we understand from the ministry of house in gaza, they saying that at least 55 people were killed in this operation. this is of course of developing story. so we have to get more information on that. we also heard from how mostly the is made of her needs. and if you really responded to that operation came out about the same time. he said that basically how most cannot is. but i cannot force as choices on how the us and that it won't accept to do that. does not also achieve a security for the palestinian. so this seems not to be an official response yet to this is this for i do that is being negotiated or where both parties have still to come and negotiated. but this has been
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a 1st response we are hearing hear from us the double use tanya cramer in jerusalem . tanya, thank you so much. i. so let's turn our attention to sedan now where ongoing fighting between the army and the parent military rapids support forces has displaced millions of people. more than 140 were reportedly killed this week alone in 2 separate attacks. the one is calling for an independent investigation. according to pro democracy groups working in the country, the attacks were carried out by the r s that more than 100. 50000 people are believed have been killed in the year long student news. world war less bringing it mohammed or thoughts from i o. m, the international organization for migration in port sudan. welcome to the w. so this brutal conflict between the army and the parent military,
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the rapids support forces has been ranging in sudan for more than a year. and it's one of the biggest monetary and crisis in the world. what is the situation on the ground right now? so thanks buddy. and indeed, its largest global displacement toward the light now. so we are, it's a pink of fiction. 10000000 internally displaced people. right. and so done to help you imagines a situation incident. imagine yourself or someone you loved on saturday morning in some way of going doing to, to support them something to you have to evacuate your country, york city to all you people the love and on the way because i need a safe place to stay there for a couple of weeks as humans that you would be back to your home or a city sort of to 14 months ago, this field was out in you hold through to this situation of more to 10 or almost 10000000. so then use on the account safety and i, the peas centers, no jobs,
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no foot security shitting locations with many other family members. and having got to access to basic services like health, what the new quote or or services situation incident has been diane for quite long . no, i'm forgetting due to a do you think every day with increased facilities in one second? well, what we see is that we can only see more number of people being displaced every day and so that, and this is a lot of make for us as we, as a culture continue, is no open peace negotiations. okay. okay. can you tell us what's behind this escalation and violence? so we have seems escalation, growing sense of 15 sorts of april 2020 city. this conflict has been lucky because it started at the center of the capital of hart tools, a capital capital for that. and out of the capital, we have 36 percent off that display stipulation, and so they're not coming from
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a capital itself. so imagine a city like barely in fleet times, i say to more than 3 times a city size of building in displace this conflict has been very violent and lucky because many sit begins have caught in submitted, also born because of all sorts of conflict actions. you have seen is going guys that are in cities wonderful. which is similar to those uh, very heartbreaking features that you're showing now. so if your dns on unfortunately being caught in a in award that has been characterized by they do a very being very much hopefully centered around uh, or been setups that was no homage were far from iowa. i'm in port sudan. thank you so much for your time. thank you. or do europe in parliament election is under way? hundreds of millions of people in the use 27 member states are casting their ballots over 4 days. last month, slovakia as prime minister was shot at close range while outcome painting and
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several local german politicians have also been attacked. meanwhile, just yesterday denmark's prime minister mete fredrickson was physically assaulted, well, greeting supporters on a copenhagen street. she suffered minor whiplash from the assault lease, have arrested one man as part of the investigation. and joining me in the studio for more and this is the w as political correspondent, thomas sparrow. so it really does seem like there's an increase in these sorts of attacks on politicians across europe. what kind of an impact is it having on the european parliament election under way right now, it is unclear what kind of impact it may have on the results. but it is clear, or at least it seems clear that is having an impact on the topics that are being discussed on the way a contains a being managed because this european parliament detection and that is clear in
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several countries has not only being based on topics that are being discussed, whether it has migration or climate change, while the economic situation is also about the mood and many people feeling across the $27.00 member states, they have some that'd be some analysis stating that this seems to be a geography of discontent. among the european union member states and these kinds of assaults, these kinds of attacks on extreme way in which such and people may be showing that degree of discontent. so what it may be affecting more than the actual results, which we will begin to see on countries ahead of the of the vote. because something that does seem to be clear indeed. well, we do have to mentioned the fact that in the past there's been a lot of what we can just call it advocacy among voters when it comes to these a parliamentary elections a for the you. why are these election significant?
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well, and in fact, there are europe and union officials that have also stated in the past that maybe they should have explained more clearly to europeans what the european union actually does, how it works, how people might benefit from the european union locally and nationally. and in fact, in previous european parliament elections, 2019, for example, the turnout was around 50 percent, which was higher than in previous election. so electrons before that. but according to europe and officials, it is still not enough. and they would like more people to actually go to the polls and it's important distress at these european bottom. and collections are important that you're in parliament plays a role in your role. is that a pos that affect europeans in the election of the european commission? president, in all sorts of things that are actually vital for the functioning of bigger opinion and as a whole, dw of political correspondent, thomas farrah thomas, always great to get your insights. you're watching the double you news. a reminder of our top story. these really army has rescued for hostages in gaza.
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the one moment and 3 men are in good health and receiving treatment in hospitals. you're up to date on the dw news. i'll have more headlines at the top of the our thanks for watching the sometimes the show right. how that you out to the highlight for sure. every week. not them on the we did the urgency life saving boxes week. if i ever seem to reach those who need us the most, every folks feeding their futures boxes for the hope of life savings. we fearlessly tentative not just next day to day.


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