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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 8, 2024 11:00pm-11:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw dues live it from berlin, denied a moment of joy and is real for hostages in gaza. rescued brought home a lot. one woman and 3 men had been reunited with their loved ones are said to be in good health. all 4 were kidnapped during the home aust. care of the tags which triggered the war last year. and the inside garza come off says more than $200.00 pounds of stadiums were killed and is really strikes. they were allegedly hit during the hostage rescue operation. the
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library golf is good to have you with. there's a we begin with a dramatic rescue earlier today in central gaza is really special forces were able to extract the for hostages from captivity alive. the army released for the edge, which it says it shows 25 year old noah armani entering a helicopter. during the rescue operation, 3 men were also brought out of law. must militants kidnapped all 4 of them at the nova music festival. during the terror attacks on october, 7th of last year of israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has called it a remarkable rescue. he has failed to bring home the remaining hostages. her 1st moments of freedom after more than 8 months in captivity. no r g. a money re united with her family adam is rarely hospital. prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu was also there to welcome her home for the edge of her mass abducting noah and her boyfriend in the october 7 terror attacks was among the 1st to emerge. 3 men were also freed in the operation. ahmad move your gen andre calls love and tional means is possible. israel's biggest rescue operation of the war so far, netanyahu vowed to bring the remaining hostages home. so what committed to getting if they don't do whatever it takes is real release this footage, which it says shows 3 hostages being fried the news sparks celebrations outside the hospital and was announced. beach goers,
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intel of these not in gazda. people are morning, the dead. the how mass government media offices is really air strikes in central gas killed more than 200 people. hundreds more injured in the same area where the hostages were rescued. hospitals are overwhelmed. a resident describes what she saw at the new site rach refugee camp. that we met, some people were standing on the road thinking they're safe. suddenly a jump struck them. now their dead children were on that street. they have nothing to do with this. they were innocent. these really occupation all me commit to the roofing masika in new say right to come. he'll keep patient directly targeted civilians in this era market, which was busy with brenda's customers and refugees about the don't want it. and
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what does that mean? israel says it was targeting militant infrastructure. the palestinian authority is calling for an emergency meeting of the un security council. on earlier i spoke with 0 show har more. his uncle is still being held hostage in johnson. i asked him how he felt when he heard about today's rescue, the land with the joy. i personally know the father will say in all of them on the way. yeah. cargo money and the it was great seeing in getting united way it is built after such a long time is. and if so much waiting, it really seems that my heart, the joy, and of what we've got great news for for families today, these web ex phone mazda is really hot. there the sun. oh, don't. uh, amazing, amazing your. i'm afraid that people see short sites and,
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and said okay, we're at least 4. maybe we can release them the rest of them. there is no way the only way to release the hold the now group on them together. wherever the street i live, of course is dining a dealer in order to sign a deal the well, the fighting must be stopped. and this is a prize to feel very thing reluctant to pay. and this is a benjamin it's been, you know, had, is, you know, in the sun so to speak. he got the nice photo ops um, you know, but tomorrow we're thinking up to, to the same reality that we were here yesterday. and today we found that the state 120 people in their phone last week. it's a great community for both, both for these full families, but 120 other families are still in the same situations as the what we call
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a month ago. for 7 months ago, we're here with me at the big table now. we're not studio is our middle east analyst shawnee was honest and shiny that gentleman there. he does not think that the current course in his role is going to result in bringing all of the hostages back home safe and sound. he wants it into the finding is that what the majority of his really is want to night? well that's, that's exactly the risk tearing apart these ro, saddie from, from month spouse. there's the hostages, families monotonous them a big part of the is really society who support the need for a deal and a and understand that that would probably be the only way to bank them. all of them of the, almost a 100, if any left fair, especially if you look at the numbers in the last 8 months, is we will have manage it release, or to retrieve live only 7 of those hostages, each one we know they're all even now in this case, the one of them was kept alone and the 3 others together. so just scatter and they're all scattered in the old, many places in and in the strip and many of them also underground. so it's not
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really feasible. that's what a big part of the population says on the other hand, more of the right cleaning part. also the right, that is the part that is more important for an attorney out as his base. there are those who feel like it's only military might, and for the pressure on her mazda full bring more hostages home, and it will bring her mazda to make some concessions of mazda and says that we were reporting this earlier, that i'm 200 palestinians were killed today where those 4 is really hostages were rescued in gaza and you've been working, you weren't sources. what have you learned about it? it's not by accident. of course, this is all connected because really forces were not operating at the center of the serat this morning in broad daylight when this operation started. so they had to find a way in probably using some trucks. maybe as we hear some reports from pallet thing is that these were actually supposedly a trucks. if that was the case, we might see a very severe, dire implication for the supply of 8 into gaza. i the next day is coming from that
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. but inside of that, the biggest problem was for the forces. once they have taken the hostages, to find a way out to find a way to escape without you know, jeopardizing the lives of the soldiers and, and the hostages. and that required heavy, bombardments and a lot of artillery from the is really for system. this is where we see most of the, the has casual kind of, you know, casualties on the palestinian side. many of them civilians including, you know, uh, children and families. the way that is really is say that, you know, they point them claim on small st moss of chose to embed hostages among civilians to, to operate within very densely populated areas of the gaza strip. and that, you know, they should be the one to blame for that. if these 4 hostages had not been rescued today, when we been here tonight talking about the, the collapse of the is really government, the maybe the end of benjamin netanyahu. it seem to be that case, but now he seems to be stronger than ever but, but, you know, we've also seen many guns. the, the,
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the central former general was suppose to send a speech. today's basically quitting his support for this government and he cancel that, but he also said that he understand that this is a tactic achievement, but it doesn't change any deforest which egypt shifting his rose policy. so is most problems are very much the same as they were yesterday and nothing has the, you know, substantially changed in the situation. we will also see the americans secretary blank and coming to israel. later this week, they want to see progress. you know, they want to see dramatic strategic shift in the future of gaza and israel's conduct with the war. and they're still hoping this can be achieved. and you know, these are what i think is that we're looking at right now. you know, this is the master part of this. you have many demonstrations today. uh, this night the 40 for the hostages, and very least in the deal pushing the thing out to go forward for the deal, claiming this is the only way to actually bring back all the hostages left without jeopardizing jeopardizing further lives of soldiers and of the hostages themselves and there's also great concern about from these families right now as we speak
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because they understand how much will probably change the way it operates now in gaza, in order to protect the hostages kept in order, you know, to avoid any is really military. so uh, operations further down the line. yeah. so many of those soldiers, uh, the hostages, like we were seen today, they were held above ground. if any of them are still less above ground, many of them are now being, you know, sent into the tunnels. and there's great fear for their lives. if you talk to their family members in his room, chinese always is going to have you here in the studio. they get your analysis as well. thank you. you're welcome. as for as far as the emanuel macro and, and you as president job, i didn't have welcome to the rescue of the for is really hostages from gaza. meeting in paris. the 2 leaders said that they will work to reduce tensions in the middle east, including between israel and hezbollah and 11 on the morning. ukraine was also in focus with both affirming their continued support for key biden more and then
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rushes vladimir putin will not stop and ukraine, you know, you know, put it back on, stop in ukraine. it's not just ukraine's about much more than ukraine. all of your will be threatened. we're not gonna let that happen in the united states is stanley strong with ukraine. we're standing with our allies and we're standing with france to the dw is own you follow the card, told me more about the talks between bind and macro. will the main take away from me, from those 1st statements that present by don't bite and, and my call me today in virus is, was gonna be a message of unity and sort of devotee between from some of us and indeed all of you or when it comes to supporting decree and that was the main message. and really providing you clean with all the necessary weapons and resources of teens in order to kind of business that option the ongoing russian invasion, which has now with its co dealer. and as we heard the press byte and made the point that this is really not just about ukraine,
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but it is really about the entire security of your which is tightened by, by this kind of ongoing envision. and this is a message that president biden has repeated and recent these in front of both has commemorations to mock the tooth and the 3 of the dd lightnings in normandy. but also when he met a declining president to prolong these zalinski in paris, estimating the basic training of coal. so be with, you know, when stay the course and boots done by ukraine. put the wrong horse, he unplugged the importance of defending freedom and democracy any also we have foamed uh you know, the us as committed to the concept logic relationship and to the nature of defense alliance. what we also heard from the 2 leaders today was also a strong affirmation of places between the 2 nations. pressing biting said these plays a kind of rooted in strong shared values. uniforms is often called the oldest ally of the us, the diplomatic ties that bind these 2 countries really beat back to the american revolution that he will in beating century and the alliance during world war 2. and
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this is something that the president bite and referred to today and his press statement. so it was so when you found the car reporting, police have arrested a suspect who allegedly attacked the danish, a prime minister, made a fredrickson while she was out campaigning in copenhagen. they do not believe the assault was politically motivated, but it is the latest in a string of attacks on politicians here in your danish prime minister, match of frederickson was hit by a man while campaigning was a colleague for the european elections on this square in copenhagen i think it happened somewhere over here because she was coming from decide to sit down just very briefly and see what it is. yeah. she didn't have a chance to sit before she was the full p t guy showed up, talked about and the rest is to me. and then she was disappointed by yeah, the full p t to is some place around the square. and then it's called,
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it's just the way around the corner. police have confirmed that is 39 year old man was arrested. charles michelle, president of the european can so condemned what he called a cowardly act of aggression. violence against politicians has become a theme in their run up to the elections which are currently underway. several politicians in germany have been assaulted recently including a member of the greens a is that most prince and a social democrat who is beaten so badly as he was pushing a campaign posters that he needed surgery. pulling in slovakia began on saturday morning, a foot voting there has been overshadowed by an attempt last month to assassinate prime minister robert feet. oh no. so the decision of
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this is a string of attacks has impacted the atmosphere surrounding the parliamentary elections, grazing concerns of a threat to democracy across the block. and you can tell me for our special coverage of the parliamentary election starting right here tomorrow, 6 pm. berlin time we'll see that the so you don't think do the same way you expect and more different things from life than your parents. i just want to pursue was that's my thought desired or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable stop in port is not i want my son to become a doctor to in the clubs it's time.


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