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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 9, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the, the, you're watching dw news life, somebody in the us towards the chief boston office, just your mission of massacre. he condemned the operation as a mock claim to more than $200000.00 students with candidates for any strikes. you're reading guys, that is the con desco's numbers as the full rescued hostages, audrey united with their families. and so was oldest the show take flight in balance with the ministry and defense making a strong showing at the see as the split the
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number such as well, it's good to have you with us. the higher representative jewel separation is condemning the killing of fat, a students and gaza on saturday. it happened during his drugs military operation to free for hostages, held captive by him. us. these deadly armies reduced voltage that it says show us 25 year old know are the money entering a helicopter during the rest you up with dish she and $3.00 other men were or kidnapped at the normal music festivals during the tetra tax on october 7th. last year, which is pretty good, it's fairly new just was on thought that come on says at least $210.00 palestinians were killed in the area where the rest, your operation took place and calls it a mexico is the claims, the number of civilian casualties is much loyal and says it's focused on the israelis who freed for 1st moments of freedom after more than 8 months in captivity. no are the money we're united with her family.
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adam is rarely hospital. prime minister benjamin netanyahu was also there to welcome her home footage of her mass abducting noah and her boyfriend in the october 7 terror attacks was among the 1st to emerge. 3 men were also freed in the operation. ahmad move here, john andre calls love and tional means if possible, israel's biggest rescue operation of the war so far, netanyahu vowed to bring the remaining hostages home. so what committed to getting over here? so all they don't do, whatever it takes is real release. this footage,
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which it says shows 3 hostages being freeze. the news sparks celebrations outside the hospital and was announced. beach goers, intel a v dot in gazda. people are morning, the dead. the how mass government media offices is really air strikes in central gas killed more than 200 people. hundreds more injured in the same area where the hostages were rescued. hospitals are overwhelmed. a resident describes what she saw at the new side rach refugee camp. the people were standing on the road thinking they're safe. suddenly a jump struck them. now their dead children were on that street. they have nothing to do with this. they were innocent. the these really occupational me commit to the risk masika in new say right to come here. patient directly targeted civilians in
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this era market, which was busy with brenda's customers and refugees. the israel says it was targeting militant infrastructure. the palestinian authority is calling for an emergency meeting of the un security council. and as news off the rest, your operation spread thousands of and strategies out again on the streets of tel aviv on saturday, demanding the government strike a deal to bring all the remaining hostages. home, police use water cannon to disperse the crowds, families of hostages during the week, he dryly is believed a 120 people are still being held by him on the full. jessica is also one to the elections, and the removal of from mr. benjamin they've been here for mall. i'm now joined by might of sunshine. she's a senior analyst and as read about assign at the international crisis group and,
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and you focused on conflict resolution about them. did you got to you again my, the f, i want to get you reaction to the repeated mentions of massacre we've had in this so in, in what we have shown so far, and also the fact that that off full test is true. do you think there's an animal read the criticized for a move that's a widely being seen as a win for him? i don't think is really they're going to criticize the operations do free before hostages. i think is really is, are not focused as they have not been focused throughout this war on the palestinian casualties. but i obviously think that it's important to understand that many, many palestinians were killed and injured in this operation. we don't know exactly how many we don't know how many israel considers to be militants of those. i don't think it ultimately matters at this point. the amount of house, the names that have been killed throughout this 8 month or is far, far, far too high. and the people who are living there and suffering is also needs to stop. i do think that is release
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a still after this rescue operation. many of them understand that this is not how hostages are going to be freed, and this is not the way that it, that it should go, that there has to be a hostage deal. and so i'm, i'm happy to see at least that is really largely this morning. still believe it has to feel is the best way in a ceasefire. and a stop to the war at this point is the best way to get hostages free. so that's definitely to your, to the indication of the domestic reaction. but if you look at the international reaction and that's hopefully back to what the support other said, do you think pressure on nathan yahoo on that front, we continue. i think international pressure will continue. it should continue. i mentioned yahoo um but uh this in some ways gives nothing young a lifeline. um, you know, guns, the word cabinet minister who is political arrival was supposed to leave the government today. he was supposed to get the statement last night. he has postpone that i have a few. busy that he's not going to leave the government anytime soon, and that wouldn't necessarily destabilized the government,
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but it would definitely give momentum to some kind of change in the domestic political scene. but you know, again, it's very good news that 4 people have been free, but ultimately it doesn't change the dynamic. it doesn't change the fact that the war has to come to an end. a ceasefire has to come, not just for the people of guys us, but also for because of what's happening on the, on the northern is really border with living on because of what's happening in the west bank. i mean, it's just, you know, it just gets catastrophic everywhere and it needs to stop. and speaking of that cease fire and the demands photo hostage, do you, how do you think this operation impacts those ceasefire negotiations? i think that's a really good question that nobody has a clear answer to. i think from us, obviously we'll understand from miss that it needs to guard the hostages even better that it might feel, you know, legitimacy to call in and to the hostage negotiations. the ceasefire negotiations, however, you know, the again the interest to kind of remain the same. if somebody is interested in
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a in a ceasefire, i think it will push as much as possible to appear to be going ahead with it. but it has remained consistent that it needs to stop the war by it. it has put all the cards on the table. the international community are all pushing katara is trying to pressure from us. and to me, i was under under extreme pressure so, so that remains the same. but the question is, if you know if, if people will continue to keep up the pressure specifically on the 20 of, um, to kind of basically say that the war has to stop, which is something that he has refused to do because of his own political survival . and interest, and so it has yet to be seen. if this press, the operation will change that much. but i do think that it gives is rarely as a false hope that somehow you know, this is a, this doesn't need to stop immediately. we can keep trying to get people out, but then in the absence of fossil hostage to and also cease fire essentially, do you expect more military operations like this in the future?
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as i'm sure that is really special uh, units will continue to collect a military intelligence and try their best to get people on. i'm sure that's always the case, but the bigger picture here is that israel has not achieved its work. busy as a strategic a aspirations towards defeating him uh, towards getting all the hostages back it's, you know, more and more military operations are not going to necessarily do that. instead, they're going to create more suffering and probably create even more generations of, of, you know, truck trauma on both sides. so, a continued war continued military operations are ultimately not going to serve the interests of either side might have functioning from the international crisis group . thank you so much for your analysis. thanks a lot. and start now to some of the stories making headlines around the world. on the final day of the elections motoring us on the way in central europe,
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including france and germany, west support for searching for life policies will be tested, folding stations, i've opened a increase on all the member states, along through your open unions f, eastern edge, bordeaux isn't 21 you countries so to conclude a folder election for the autopay and parliament law from of boy key you know in iceland has again blocked is all leading into the course. the town of trend of it and the popular blue lagoon tom this spot, the same road has already been repaired and reopened twice the seal authority favor law afloat. this time it's slower than previous adoption. katie is nearly elect a time. mr. gary coney has been rushed to hospital for a for an undisclosed reason. just days after he was one in the country struggling to contain spiraling gang violence and the humanitarian fallout. courtney is reported to be in a stable condition, according to local media of the hundreds of thousands of march through central
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vienna and the cities price per day. the 28th edition of the dream book parade promotes acceptance respect and equal rights for the 2 communities. the event is followed by evening concerts and below strand capital. french president emmanuel maxwell and his us going to 5 job. i didn't have both him. the rest you of the for is fairly hostages from guys, a meeting in paris. the 2 liters vowed to work towards reducing tensions in the middle east, including between australia and hezbollah and 11 on the war. and ukraine was also in focus with both performing continued support for q 5 and why button one that josh has allowed me. fulton would not stop at to train, you know, you know, put my cms stop and ukraine is not just ukraine's about much more than the crap. all of your will be threatened. we're not gonna let that happen in the united states. has stanley, strong with you, cried,
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we're standing with our allies and we're standing with friends ringing out attention back here in berlin. the national has been bringing together the was of aerospace and defense for over a 100 years, with green technology. now a key part of the event, but since structural launched, it's invasion of ukraine. the presence of the ons industry has become ever more apparent helicopters, transport aircraft, and air defense systems. the lens international actually looks more like a military exhibition. so the 1st time this is show includes a dedicated defense puck with the defense industry can show off its latest products and the german armed forces. the buddhist can hunt for some desperately needed upgrades. the comments on the items we have stopping from a relatively low level in terms of like flipping the buttons there. and now we have to take a big step in that direction again to get to a level where we are capable of defense and war. and that level must then be maintained. i can see that the defense budget must remain at
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a certain level over the long term guide. but the show is not all about defense. sustainable flying is also a key pillar of this is exhibition. as the aviation industry searches for climate friendly alternatives to fossil fuels, we have to, we design our airplanes in such a way that they can be climates neutral. in the best case scenario, there's several ways to get the, the simplest will be to make caris in green. the fuzzy kettles is the very good alternative, especially for observation would be hydrogen fuel. we are working hard to find ways to efficiently move from combustion to hydrogen. full use of to the cobit pandemic . all the ground with the vision industry demand for flights is booming. once more, the spike in demand has been good news for german manufacturers. last year turnover
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in civil aircraft construction rose to 33000000000, yours, the defend sick disorder turnover of 10000000 with another 3000000000 in the aerospace industry. in total, $46000000000.00 euros in sales of the the boom has also seen more luxurious options appearing in civilian aircraft, including a premium business class and new concepts for passenger comforts. such as in this air bus a 3 ac. many contracts are likely to be signed over the next few days as industry experts, strength deals at the largest event of its kind in the european union. a quick reminder of our top story. these very very that feed full false interest in gaza is drawing criticism. the use for the policy chief says the rescue mission led to quote a mexico of godson for his barely use. one woman and 2 men were rescued in the operator's
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. i'm off games more than 200 people accused of fig. oh, it's true contest that would be off from us, but do sticker down for reporter that's up next off to pick a number such as thoughts. thank you so much for being with us. the stream it so the next rice regression began rate and burned in south africa. people with disabilities more likely to leave the dog lives matter, protest, shine a spotlight on racially motivated, at least by the same sex marriage has been legalized discrimination in the policy. we also.