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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 9, 2024 1:00pm-1:15pm CEST

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the, the, the, the, you news line from berlin. the use foreign policy chief condemns israel's hostage rescue mission and gossip. the operation led to the rescue of 4 hostages from captivity. but there are reports of many civilian casualties amongst claims, more than 200 pellets to indians were killed and this really strikes during the res, these real contest. those numbers also coming up a moment of truth for the you. on the last day of the european elections. 21 countries go to vote today. we're right wing parties are expected to make gains. our correspondents are at the polls. w's funding for char,
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for it's from tudor past where opposition leader peter my d r is set to win votes and foot prime minister victor or bon, under pressure and standing a by for us in paris is sonya fall in the car, taking the temperature about what issues matter, most of voters there will be bringing you there. despatches as one of the world's thick as democratic election draws to a close the mariana evans dean. welcome. the use foreign policy chief joseph burrell, has condemned the killing of palestinian civilians in gauze on saturday. israel launched a heavy air and ground a salt in and around the new se a rod refugee camp and central gaza as part of a military operation to free for hostages. hell's captive by him. us. these really
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army has released footage that it says shows 25 year old no. our kamani entering a helicopter. during the rescue operation, she and 3 men were kidnapped at the nova music festival during the terror attacks on october 7th last year. which triggered to the current of war in dawson how much as 274 palestinians were killed in the area where the rescue operation took place. israel says many of those killed for combatants and that the number of civilian casualties is much lower. for israel, the focus is on the freed hostages. her 1st moments of freedom after more than 8 months in captivity. no, are the money we're united with her family. adam is rarely hospital prime minister benjamin netanyahu was also there to welcome her home for the age of her mass
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abducting noah and her boyfriend in the october 7 terror attacks was among the 1st to emerge. 3 men were also freed in the operation. ahmad move your gen andre calls love and she always is possible. israel's biggest rescue operation of the war so far, netanyahu vowed to bring the remaining hostages home. what committed to getting the use of all if they don't do whatever it takes is real release this footage, which it says shows 3 hostages being freeze. the news sparks celebrations outside the hospital and was announced. beach goers, intel a v dot in gazda. people are morning,
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the dead. the how mass government media offices is really air strikes in central gas killed more than 200 people. hundreds more injured in the same area where the hostages were rescued. hospitals are overwhelmed. a resident describes what she saw at the new side rach refugee camp. the people were standing on the road thinking they're safe. suddenly a jump struck them. now their dead children were on that street. they have nothing to do with this. they were innocent. these really occupation army commit to the roofing masika in new se right to come. the patient directly targeted civilians in this era market, which was busy with brenda's customers and refugees about the
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israel says it was targeting militant infrastructure. the palestinian authority is calling for an emergency meeting of the un security council or less gets more from the middle east. analysts shani rose on his who joins me in the studio now shiny. so some devastating pictures there from gaza, lots of civilian casualties. why did this operation end up being this deadly? what's part of the decision making process of israel has taken upon itself? they wanted to keep how much surprised they didn't want want to operate in terms of how much i expect them so therefore they don't go for the night. but the price for that directly is of course, you know, especially in a place like no. so roger is a very densely populated area, the price that you pay for a surprise and come off is of course, having more civilians out there doing ship box. you know, a set of data is set a day. it's a day where they're going to the market. the passing is expect, you bought the choose the day, you know, we'd be, they, there was more company,
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you know, come when it comes to the idea of facilities. and these really f as taking this into account. it seems and chose none. the less to go for this operation because they want to do maintain the surprise element is because unfortunately, we be seeing, this is not a, anything that detroit israel so far it is conduct and garza. we also have to keep in mind we don't know the breakdown of exactly the casualties and but you know, we know there was a fire exchanges from both sides. so we don't know exactly what caused what, but there was the need for the soldiers to release the hostages time the way out of the, of the very dense, think the area and move, you know, into the helicopters that required a lot of artillery. a lot of shelling and that there was a very heavy exchange of fire between the sides. and this is why we see this devastating number and in and even right after this devastation, the us secretary of state in to me blinking is still planning to come to israel tomorrow to push for a new cease fire deal. i mean, it seems so far away from reality. how have yesterday's events impacted the
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prospects of this c 5 deal? even? that was the question. i mean, we closer today are far away today from, from this deal that we not only bring back to more hostages and all of them have ideally, but would also bring, sees far that he's my team didn't farm or 8 into gaza will bring come to the northern border of is really nothing on and of course the secuity past we're talking about it includes also study wave in other moderate sunni countries in the region that this is why the americans and system that because they feel this is the only way out. and they feel like this gain in this, in this operation. that was very roy, these really is very much, you know, are, are exuberant by that. but they also know that this is just a tactic, a tactical achievement. this is not changing the district t jeep needs for the region and for israel and the palestinians. there is a need for a shift in this, you know, what has been seen up until yesterday, sort of a war of attrition. that was, you know, grinding with know, and in the past, you know, when the americans are quite adamant and seeing this view as the only way out,
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and then the cushion we're going to push very strong. we know blinking will be here, will be visiting the middle east, not just israel, but also the cotter and the difference where the mediators and jordan as well as rails and a neighbor to the east. jenny, i want to ask you about benny guns. he's a leading member of israel's unity government. he's seen as an opposition figure, a very serious critic of been human to 10 yahoo! he was supposed to give a statement yesterday, which was then postponed because of the rescue. he is expected to speak today. what is this all about? who the talk is about him? basically quitting the government, he joined the government soon after the war broke on october 7th, there was a need for unity, a big outcry, and these really public and he joined forces. he's a former general so he, you know, it's felt like once he joined the and i also was centers kind of a moderate and there's really standard. so it seems like he's, you know, once he's backing it to now the feeling was that israel now has, you know, steady hands on the wheels as another, you know, quite a responsible member with
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a great knowledge relevant knowledge of the topics that will join it to now and, and the thing is that nothing, you know, technically even with losing many guns and his party still has the majority. but the momentum of the public, you know, outcries following this expected withdrawal from government. that might be the last straw that brings down the town. government will have to see yashaneetra's on is thank you so much for all your analysis. great to talk to you. you're welcome. i am well voting for the next year, a p and parliament is now in full swing in 21 european countries. and it predictions are accurate, right? when parties are expected to make major gains in the selection, this could change the policies of in europe in union for the next 5 years on issues from migration to climate change and foreign policy. 720 seats are up for grabs, and final results are expected monday. a. well, here's a look at what some of the voters across europe have to say about the elections for
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the next year in parliament. but mostly the for me, it's a duty to fight because i think we'll have the freedom in half democracies to choose out representatives. so hopefully that's the reason i'm going to box this think is, is this because i think it's important to focus on the principles of the you for me, the important issues are the economy, civil liberties i that's the rule of law and human rights mentioned the guys and since all of this takes place in the european union, and that is, it's important that i cast my vote there of, of those i know i'm the 0 right wing parties openly talking about leaving the, you know, you pushing it could ok then just for the for the home and it's just the slogan, but we don't know what political decisions might be taken if that were to happen.
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you know the buttons to me, but i think the nice thing is that it's very important to vote and that everybody should participate. but really, i have many doubts about who to vote for in the selections. it doesn't like be a little bit of a payment concrete, but i have no specific expectations for this particular election funds. i think because i'm a convinced european with i would say, because i think europe is good of waiting. i was almost done today. i have lived abroad in my upbringing, in other european countries. now, i think i did not respect, but i think the european union is a good institution to tour. all right, let's check in with our correspondence and 2 of the new countries voting today, and we'll start with hungry and d, w funny. if a char is on the ground for us in budapest, good to see you. funny. so what are the main topics for hung, gary ends in this you election? and what are the polls predicting stable in hungary care about domestic
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issues? they care about the economy, they care about jobs, and primarily they care about the public health care system. very practically speaking, they care about having enough soaps and toilet paper and hospitals, or in schools like this for people are casting their balance. so that appears very much to match with the opposed to what promised the victor, oregon has been focusing on. in fact, his entire campaign was focused on one issue and it's the war in neighboring ukraine. he portrayed both domestic, domestic politicians from the opposition, but also the opposition politicians in europe as politicians that allegedly want to drag hungry into the war a neighboring ukraine. now, ukraine is around 250 kilometers away from would have passed. so of course, this is an important issue among voters here, but it's not the number one issue. and even though this is the european election, it's really much appears to people here, like it's a referendum on the popularity of victor, or by really just help pups with or se pull suggested about 40 to 40. 48 percent
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are going to cast their ballots for the routing fit is spotty. but there's a point to when you come here peter margie are and he's forced to take at least 6 seats out of the $21.00 seats available and also wraps. full hungry to re present hungry into european elections. the question is also the vote to turn out the higher the vote or cannot turn out. usually it serves the governing fetus. the lot of questions we will cover and continue to cover from hungary on if a chart in budapest. funny. thank you very much. we'll check in with you throughout the afternoon and now we can get an impression from franz with dw sonya fall in the car standing by for us in paris. so sonya, tell us, what is the priority for french voters and what are the polls they're predicting as well. domestic issues of way much dominated this daughter can election in fonts and peoples your can about things like the challenge of making ends meet about
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immigration, about access to public services is a feeling of insecurity and crime. and these are mainly concerns expressed by both those of the far right who are leading in the polls the far right natural randy led by marine the band and they have really tell them this volt into something of a nation and mixing. they helped a little bit campaigns to talk about, you know, crime environments and freedom cities, blood tracing followed the standard of living. and then um, you know, the campaign has somewhat eclipse the pro, your messages off of pressing my calls, a centrist, and as all spotty that is really struggling. do you know, galvanized voters around it's a pro e u teams of, you know, a strong and southern new york with fonts of the same to a more autonomy for the you. and this is my call support of of say, to impose the big, big data board about things like environment health, the standard of living. the question now is best with an office in my clock and secure the 2nd spot to where they would lose out to a very strong fall light or fall lift candidates was heading the list of the
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socialist party. so in your phone, the car for us in paris, sonya, thank you very much for that us and that's all the for this our mariana evan stains from me and the entire news team in berlin. thanks for watching the . 7 videos and thank you for the 77 percent to come to i just got on 65 last last your top 5. and here's 3 reasons why 1115. we are here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so we got all of the top.


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