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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 9, 2024 4:00pm-4:16pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news line from berlin, significant changes on the car. it's in europe wide elections, right? when parties are expected to make big gains with millions of citizens in 21 country is going to the polls on so called super sunday. and d, w band triggered reports from rome where it's holly and right when prime minister at georgia, maloney told the use traditional centrist parties that their time is up. and migration is a key topic in this year's elections. we take
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a look at how new arrivals see the vote and the current political climate any are up. the mariana evan stain is good to have you with us. millions of voters and $21.00 european union countries have been going to the polls on the last day of elections for the next year. a p and parliament, so called super sunday. and the predictions are accurate right? wing parties are going to make major gains. the outcome will shape the policies of the you for the next 5 years on issues from migration to climate change. as well as security cooperation. a total of $720.00 seats are up for grabs and final results are expected. on monday dw spoke to voters from across europe to find out
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what matters to them in the selection. but most of the, for me is duty to fight, because i think we'll have the freedom in half democracies to choose uh, representatives. so that's the reason i'm going to fuck me with this. thank you. this vision to come. i think it's important to focus on the principles of the you for me, the important issues are the economy, civil liberties. i that's the rule of law and human rights mentioned the guys. and since all of this takes place in the european union, and that is, it's important that i cast my vote there of, of those i know i'm the 0 right wing parties openly talking about leaving the, you know, you could ok then just for the moment it's just the slogan, but we don't know what political decisions might be taken if that were to happen. you know the buttons to me, but i think the things that it's very important to vote and that everybody should
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participate. but really, i have many doubts about who to vote for in the selections. it doesn't like be a little bit of a pavement concrete and i have no specific expectations for this particular election. i'm citing because i'm a convinced european with i think because i think europe is good of leading. i was almost done because i have lived abroad in my upbringing in other european countries. now. i think i did not respect, but i think the european union is a good institution to tour for the italian perspective on the european election, we can speak to our corresponding band, re god who was standing by for us in rome. get to see you band. so what are the most pressing issues for a tally and voters in the european elections? the most important issue here in italy for this european election is actually one woman judge on bologna. she's the on the top of the ballot because he's
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a lead candidate for the right thing party if i tend to be tied. yeah, it does slogan is just voted for georgia. so vote us think this is a referendum on the performance of the rights being government. that isn't office for 18 months now and quite successful, quite stable. and so georgia below what he wants to know from her constituency. do you like what i'm doing? and so far it seems that this is the case because she will win the biggest chunk of votes in the elections. and so it's about her. and it's also about the other parties in the why drink coalition in the league, which is more right to me extreme really not come out of the solution is very big or the 9 percent 20 percent less than last time. so it seems that mrs. malone is more moderate. corps is gaining attraction, but of course, voters also, uh,
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you know, uh, caring about the normal issues like the economy and it, it in italy also, especially the question of migration because uh, it's at least receiving tens of thousands of migrants every year. that are coming mostly through the mediterranean sea, from melvin africa as well. we also can listen to watch people on the time island drums. inducer had to say about this election fair and stand by. i'd like to talk to you about that after we hear their comments, that sort of stuff i'm most doing the i was feeling very undecided about whether to go invited or actually i was thinking of not voting because europe is not felt here at all. but in the end, out of a sense of civic duty, i will go and vote on the data that i'm produce as a resident of love to do is i hope that you are a can finally recognize all the sacrifices lend produced a has made because lump it to is a has done so much representing your it has given a sign of hospitality of freedom. it is given
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a sign of entry to your but your up has always been absent to allow me to do something well, brand, we heard there, people saying they don't feel a european presence in lump hindus is struggling to deal with the migrants coming via the mediterranean on their way to the you. but is this a reflection of how most italians feel of the so you have to say that the government of maloney dollars at the feet is a very successfully portraying that you are responsible for what is happening on producing. but actually, the reception of migrants in the produce as organized by the national government by italy. it says the member states have to care about migrants when they arrive on the shores. but on your p level and the terms of government already reached a hardening of the position, there is a new migration parked in bologna of shift that the policy limit through the right to deter migraines and to,
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to stress that migraine should be processed outside of europe. for example, in albania, or into misa, egypt for the meta. but the, the results will show that this course is accepted by many italians shit. below these pod you thought that the value of the rodriguez will have at least 2628 percent, which is the biggest block in italy. that 2nd button will be the party. does the social democrats result about 20 percent, but you have to keep the perspective maloney, but since may be 20 deputies into the parliament of 720 members in stroudsburg and brussels. so it's, it's a really small portion she has to, to do to us for allies and has to organize a new writing friction it to have really an impact on the policies in europe. that was the w is correspondence and triggered in rome. thank you so much band as well. meanwhile,
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on length reduce the bodies of 11 migrants have been brought ashore. ca, group doctors without borders, says they were trying to reach you at a li from livia. the central mediterranean route is one of the world's most dangerous crossings. more than 3000 people died or went missing on the route of last year. to talk about the perspective of the, my friends coming to the u. m. joins in the studio by a half a bond way. he is a political activist here in berlin, who has been working to get the young syrian and german people involved in the political process in germany and in europe. and have a welcome to you. thanks for, for joining us. so tell us what you have been hearing from young people with migrant backgrounds in germany, in berlin. what did they make of this you election? hello and thanks for having me. i think like from the thing i heard from the last month, it's about the conversation start. do we have to participate in this election? this election mean twice?
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because i smell like many from refugee and immigrants who come germany to 2015 and doctor and before they still see them tell they are not present that in depth. and you'll be on pull out the and all was the conversation about which party it's present task, present, the needs we look for, and so forth. and what the case is active interest under future here in germany. and in many conversation by coming up about people, they try to vote for the party like support their needs and social level, and political level and, and economic level about how we see it in same terms who's supporting the immigration and refugee case. and you were to and was all this conversation that's link it to the main main issue here right now as well with the conflict between is what i can do for this team where this is as well. it's like the main issue played about which park is supporting, which i know you yourself came from syria a few years ago. what's been your experience and have you noticed a shift in how german society a miss treats migraines?
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the attitude of people just in the years that you've been here. yep. i'm, since i am here in germany where i come 10 years ago, like i always feel the integration, it's coming in different ways. sometimes it's difficult integration. it's very welcoming. sometimes it's not. and it's always about how we interact with, with the hosting community. and then in the integration of the political participation, it's not clearly clearly supported and we tried to implement like and we try to empower people to participate in the political process from voting from being active citizen. or like in the same time being around, doing low being about their topic. awesome. we've done that. refusing can you tell us a little bit about the work that you do? so what exactly can you do to get people who've come to germany from other countries to just become active in german or european politics? yeah, us, we find a big need for including young people as well in german politics. we try to push behind categories and then it's
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a initial difficult dying of money. a few of germany. what each or this is an initiative trying to help you to understand what's going on in the politics. and that's well which party you can vote for us. we'll get to be introduced it to you like 5 in a month. remember at the same time get in conversation with them, including like bulletin colored occasion and follow to kind of where you're in a way to make you active. we have what are the like in germany? i know 10000 people active with this initiative. and looking at the situation of refugees and migrants, what's your biggest concern for people coming to this country seeking asylum going forward? i believe we're looking for an human rights equal rights for us. so the future here, which i suppose to be involved in, included in decision making. i sort of usually ask, i'm a good and we're trying to look as well to see how we can be part of the conversation and all of us. what were you looking for about getting involved in different thrones between politic economic and social. and what i see as well, everything we need,
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it's sometimes inclusion more focused on how we can degrade those. people can pull up a level from education, from support in a way to make this happen until he gets for them and, and, and professionally and take them. consider a doctor. they are part of the community. yeah. listening to other people's voices having dialog, absolutely. super important political active is a how bad we many thanks for coming into the studio and speaking to the w. thank you. or c w correspondent jack parrot is in warsaw were voting in the e u parliament elections as also taking place. and he told me a short time ago about the main issues for polish voters. it's a really interesting vote here in poland because of a couple of reasons. first of the back in october, the civic platform of the prime minister don't know, task mentors to august. a use of the hard right, low and justice policy in poland. and this european elections is actually seen as a sort of test to sort
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a barometer on how well don't know task. and his government has been doing the polls in the run up to this day this election day have said that basically the injustice and the civic platforms of the sensor less than the hard left pretty much equal in the pose 31 percent of the votes. we expect it's the pose voting for $53.00 of the european parliament, 2 guys, $720.00 c's. and i don't know, task is painting the selection as you must fight for us. otherwise, you are allowing russian influence into powerless politics here. the other side ers lives, kazinsky i, who is the time of the law and justice policy. he's saying that don't know, task is a stooge of the european union, a populace of brussels. it is really about the sort of polish opinions on those 2 policies and those 2 men, rather than perhaps necessarily the issues that are on voters minds, which we know from the studies say that it is things like security. there's also
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a big issue with the border at the moment that's being a search and migraines crossing from batteries like we have seen the by the russians pushing migrants across the board over the last few years, versus have a lot of my minds. but as i say, it is divided country between these 2 sides. they will see who takes the most photos when we get those results. later on sunday and monday morning jack, thank you for that parent on the ground for us in warsaw. we appreciate it. the india is prime minister and the render moody has been sworn in for a historic, a 3rd term and a ceremony in delhi. for the 1st time, we'll have to rely on coalition partners to govern. that's after his hindu nationalist, b. j. p. fail to secure an outright majority. he's here to now so make of of his cabinet, but we'll be governing with a national democratic alliance, a meet to local decimal party. you're watching the double you news or reminder now
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of our top story. the use holding the last day of elections for the next year or pm parliament 21 countries have been voting on so called super sunday with right wing party is expected to make significant gains. you're up to date on the w. news up next is shift a marion evans, dean in berlin. thanks for watching the they were brought together by chance and they root in the early ninety's and independence free women at the mother of 10. in a strict patriarchy the sooner they can, they allow us to obtain dogs has been observing the lines of how dea and hit dorsey's edison. this is lines that have been shaped by


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