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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 9, 2024 8:00pm-9:16pm CEST

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the, the line from berlin, this is dw, lose a special coverage. the european union elect a new parliament losses for the greens and gains for the rights the center, largely holding 1st indications. here in germany put the far away a f. d in 2nd place behind the resurgence. conservatives, german chancellor, shelter, social democrats suffering. what could be their worst result ever and big losses for the greens in the european union. the center rights a p. p alliance, led by the european commission president personal fund. the lion is set to remain the biggest in the parliament as our special coverage of the european election
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continues price. now the i bring golf, it's good to have you with this a busy sunday here. ballot counting is under way. voters across the european union have elected a new parliament. the following stations here in germany closed about 2 hours ago and projections are delivering a clear picture wins for the conservatives. and the far right alternative for germany party. the alternative for germany, the a f d. making strong gains and are likely to become the 2nd strongest party here in germany ahead of the 3 parties in chancellor for walk. schultz is coalition the greens, the social democrats, as well as the free democrats. the german vote is crucial here. germany accounts
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for 96 of the 720 european parliament seats. and we're getting indications of how germans have voted with these projected results. let's go through the numbers for you. as expected, the biggest share of the german vote appears to have gone to the conservatives. the cd u. c. s. u. the conservatives have improved on their results of 5 years ago. they're showing a gain of about 7 percentage points. and it looks like many of germany's voters have turned their backs on the greens, the greens vote share compared to the last european parliament election 5 years ago . dropping by almost 50 percent. and despite the scandals at home and across europe the far right a f d, the party seems to have gained about 5 percent compared to 5 years ago. the a f d is now tracking at about 16.4 percent. this makes the a update. the 2nd strongest political force in germany it's we
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have a team coverage of this a super sunday. our chief political correspondent need a honda. she is at the green party headquarters here in berlin dw, as matthew moore is standing by at a of the party headquarters and our chief political editor, mikaela copeland, or she is with the conservatives this evening at party headquarters for the christian democrats, the c d. u. alright, let's start with nina hodge where she's at green party headquarters. nina, these preliminary results show that the greens have suffered significant losses in this election. i mean, the numbers right now show was a support dropping by almost 50 percent. what are you hearing there? this is of course, a huge blow for the greens who are of close parts of the ruling coalition in berlin . together with the social democrats on the liberal f t. p. party. the greens had
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been aware that they would probably suff alexys, but this is a tremendous below you have to say. and many people here on the stage also said the policy leader said they said that they cannot be happy with this result whatsoever . but that they are ready to get into a coalition and debate on the european level with the conservatives, for example. so they said, what's important now is that the democratic party sticks together. they said that they are ready to take over responsibility if the conservatives wants to engage in discussions with them. but there are, of course, are lots of factors that have contributed to this really poor results for the greens and gemini, i would make out 3. 1, it is the discontent with one of sorts is government overall. only one in full gem and say that they are happy with how the governing coalition is doing that job in belin. then the 2nd point is of course the climate change has somewhat taken
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a backseat. now with voters of 4 or 5 years ago when the last european elections took place, climate change and the ways to fight it was definitely topic number one for voters that is considered the greens core competency this year. around is the 1st european election since rushes full scale invasion into ukraine. so of course a piece on securing piece features highly on the agenda. then the 2nd topic says and security side migration and the 4th is ways to fight climate change. what the set factor is also important. i think that the young voters, especially seem to have 10 the box on the brain. yeah, it means you know, i mean, i'm trying to understand what we have seen happen in the span of 5 years. the greens have gone from being a front runner in politics, to what appears tonight to be a party of political kryptonite. how did this happen? of the degrees all facing a dilemma?
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so the people who want more climate protection, who want more messages since they entered, and the government in berlin, they've had to make a lot of compromises. so the people who are idealists, if you will, who want more climate adaptation measures to be implemented on the national level in germany. they feel disappointed. but at the same time, those who are proud my to say that the greens out and doing too much, that the, the, the dictating to many policies here and balance, that is one fact. so then the 2nd day is of course, the rise of social media. so this is something where we know that a platforms like take talk, i would strongly successful with young votes is when it comes to the content of the a if the so that is a strategy that the far right parties, but also as a conservative, i've taken very seriously, and the more center right on central, less parties are lagging behind in terms of social content that they're trying to
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get to the young versus the greens are in a governing coalition with the social democrats and the free democrats, the social democrats. of course, the party of the chance are all off shoulds. when you look at the performance of the greens tonight, considering that there are regional elections here in germany later this year, there's a national election in germany next year. what impact can you for see, can you predict this having on the national political standing of the parties that are now in government? or if you look at the results from eastern germany in particular to night, it is a terrifying results for the greens. you have to say you cannot and on the dune on the statement when it comes to this topic and he said, gemini, the greenstone feature tool anymore, we see the if the in fact the new for example, at the 43 percent. so that is close to the majority to an absolute majority,
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the green's on the evening featuring on the projected results pictures. so that is something where it will be very, very interesting to see just how the greens will try to convince the coalition partners in berlin at the national level to really get the act together that they don't lose massively. and those very important regional elections later this year, their role taking place in the east of the country. why we all seeing a search in support for the conservatives, but especially for the far right. and then they have only one in the hop is to convince voters to go to the polls. so them, when it comes to the federal elections, which are taking place, an awesome 2025. yeah, you're gonna have is a long time in politics. but the numbers tonight, they're going to have a long way to go with. they want to go up there to assure the deposit ad green party headquarters in berlin need a thank you are political correspondent, matthew moore. he is at germany's at far white alternative for germany party
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headquarters here in berlin. matthew, i can see the new there is maybe the exact opposite of what we're seeing at the greens. what's the like? yeah, brent, i can't compare, but i will see the move to you is a this is very different it's they were in high spirits. the few really quite pleased with this result unexpectedly through to do better than some polls were suggesting to do finally base. so then they need some people in the part you thought you would do, given the kind of really what it was, a palm become pain, basically had a, a difficult campaign because there was a lot of scandal around leadings that goes by the say tonight, the vindicate took the message to both chose the offline on migration. the tough why you don't teach about powers from brussels on the top flight from the on, on, on the pre war. they basically believe that the gym you should stop sending weapons . do you pray that should really push for diplomacy, luxury a purchase and all of that they say is a vindication for their,
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for their plump platform. also fundamentally, we see that it is a judgment on the coalition. and we see that the other beneficiaries of people being fed up with a portion of hockey's. and as we say like they've done 5 percent more than the 5 percent more than they had in 2019. and the feeling really good about themselves had a chance to speak to one of the prominent faces of the party dates explained. start on i asked her for our assessment and we can take a listen. the i is the is a very strong party. we are increasing even though we had a difficult campaign. still the are coming out is number to be stronger than the party of the chancellor. and i think this is a very strong signal. we have to look closely to the result. i guess that we are in the eastern part of germany even stronger. what i heard is that we are there number one everywhere. so this is also a message from the regional election. the are to come in an awesome. so we're very uh, yeah, please. matthew, i mean, she obviously is putting
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a positive spin on this is she has a reason to if you consider the numbers here, be a if the now looking like the 2nd strongest, political force here in germany. and that type of performance, despite a series of controversies that it included the a f. d. not only here in berlin, but also at the you love me. you were 2 people who were not the party tonight, friend a new with the 2 leading candidates for the the and that's because the main to the candidate, his aid was arrested and by please a special spine for china, dental and on to make some controversial remarks somebody ss a soldiers not being no old soldiers being criminal. the 2nd candidate has been accused of taking money from a russian. they were, you know, who's behind that this information campaign even to try to spread this of this information about europe and union. so neither of those people are here and that was really what adult the campaign actually. so if you will really surprised it,
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i mean there's a, there's an element of surprise here in the room. spoke to someone else who said, you know what, we could have done based on how to not being for foot for the scandal, someone else said, you know what, look, we're just happy with. we've increased our vote we, we will, we will use that and we'll, we'll take that as a platform to build on success. hopefully success of those piece, the selections and eastern germany. there's that later this year, you know, and matthew, the games for the a of the they are in line with what we're seeing in other countries in the u tonight. they're preliminary numbers coming in as well. but i'm wondering what does this mean on a national level here, this strong performance by the a if the and the how is that going to impact the party on a national level, moving forward through a couple of things to, to remark on here. use the elections late to this year are going to be an a pivotal moment in german history because we will find out whether the far right the, the, comes out as the top potty and potentially one, maybe 2,
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maybe 3 elections later this year. that would be a mass of water shed moment for germany. then you've got national election next year. basically if you can, can, can, can continue to, to today we don't have success. it kind of, it kind of negates short kind of, it was this kind of called on sentence here the parties have a role the d and also means more money for the party because they've done that and we can get our mission is to, to younger boosters. we've seen tonight that they are the 2nd top favorite party among 16 to 24, you in germany. and that's because of their phone, big success on fix all. and also what they're doing is they're going straight to the, to, to, to the users, to trace the voltage, the cutting all the time, the customer at the media with the message. and it's proving successful, at least tonight would seem that they'd want us to build on level from last time around. so very much like feeling optimistic here. um the f b as parties might especially about their transfers with which the elections and lead to this year. fundamentally though i is on the national elections next year
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and they feel like they've got a gust of wind and there seems up to to nice result, right, dw, as matthew, more as party headquarters for the alternative, for germany party, the a f d here in berlin. matthew, thank you and we're going from one party with gains to another party with gains. i'm joined now by our chief political editor metallica from there. she is at party headquarters of germany's christian democrats, the c d. u and kelly. good to see here. so these numbers showing a win for the conservative they are indeed, but they're also potentially showing is safe to the right. and that's something i want to discuss with david make out. so he's right here with me. he's from the cd you policy and also heads the foreign affairs committee of the european parliament . what if we seen you tonight? your policy came on top in germany, but this is overall with this, with a strong showing of the if the, as if to the right. at the beginning of this campaign, we,
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german could sit democrats, formulated free goals to become politically strongest, spotty in germany. we achieve this by far. we have made a huge step forward, the people spawns, you will become a stronger scrutiny. european parliament again, and alpha goal is about those left on the line. we'll get to the 2nd amended as commission president, and we will now reach out to be of a pro democratic pro european political forces in the european parliament. really discuss how we can organize a decent cooperation and collaboration. and hopefully we can but elect the commission president, the sooner the better you're taking a very or if the intake on this and we know that close enough on the line might need those votes from the fall right from mrs. maloney and instantly to actually become commission president once again, but just take a quick look at germany. was this the strength of your conservatives here? was this the weakness of who i sold this coalition? it was a mix of everything as always, the elections physically it because if it was off on the line i top candidate and
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jeremy. this is also an impressive big key for populate a privilege mats. and on the other hand, and this is what i notice campaigning 6 weeks and open germany every day, how much the german government has lost the trust and confidence in the gem and populations. service is a huge blow for the social democrats. well, the greens and the liberals, and definitely the government of one of shows is found in deep trouble. what's the big task for your conservative camp right now? number one, talk for us, kristen. democrats, that's the strongest political force in the looking fall. the more we now need to build bridges, we want to reach out to the other pro, democratic pro european forces, who are competitors, not enemies. we want to organize a stable majority in the european solomon and a, b, p. the social democrats and the liberals work together then the numbers up and we will only work together with political policies. got a pro, you pro meaningful pro democracy and pro ukraine by david mcallister ahead of the furnace as committee of the european palmer. thank you very much. for talking to us
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and with that outlook or what is expected to be a rather lengthy process until we learn who the next commission president will be and who will be the commission is headed back to you. all right, the w's mcculloch over there at party headquarters. for the christian and perhaps the cd you here in berlin, mckayla. thank you for these elections are taking place against the backdrop of rising political violence. authorities of tight and security in several countries following a string of attacks on european leaders and political candidates of europe is struggling with political violent people. this incident was an attempt to assassinate slovakia as prime minister last month in copenhagen just 2 days before the european election. a man attacked the danish prime minister on the street and in germany,
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several politicians have been assaulted recently a that much to this d. w for to chose a member of the greens being harassed and dressed and in may and the social democrats top candidate in sex and he was badly beaten as he hung post is in the same city a few days earlier. the attacks on politicians and campaigners have prompted leaders to express serious concern about the state of democracy in the european union. so that's fast take place the we have been receiving almost daily news of physical attacks on elected officials and politically active people. and i must confess, that i am deeply concerned about the brutalization of political behavior in a country to put it as no one bounds. farming on me might still be on. we must never become accustomed to violence in the political battle of opinions on the
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country. we missed out over it with the utmost determination seat and political experts for the far right sage and the european parliament would add fuel to the tense, political atmosphere of recent months. kimberly mcarthur is with a group called the a political foundation, which is working to improve political leadership as well as mental well being in politics. we asked her what is driving the increasing risk of physical harm to politicians? yes, unfortunately, we are seeing a trends not just here and in germany or in europe of increased political violence . i'm certainly here in germany where we operate, violence has doubled in the last 5 years. and this doesn't say it's reflecting positions across the political spectrum. so it, it seems that that no one is safe and the what might be driving this at the moment in europe and around the world are obviously many elections. so as part of this
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increase might be because of it being a super election year and politics and politicians are essentially much more in, in the limelight, the more front sensor and public discourse in the media and in social media as well . but even try to, to this election. yeah, we sold this up, tip is increased as i said ends. there's a lot of research and evidence or brown's, the impacted affective polarization. really driving in violence and harassment of politicians. and this is where people increasingly see those with different political attitudes as the enemy. so someone who has a different political view is simply seen as a bad person and, and very much a someone that, that needs to be taken out of, of the public realm. and one thing i have to say that we continually see in here in our, of is that the expectations of the public of what the political leaders do,
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what the jump saw are actually really difference to watch, publications, jobs involved. and so this divergence and expectations is driving lower levels of trust, low levels of confidence, and that is having an impact as well, where citizens believed that politicians should be doing something that they are not. and that causes anger and just intense. and then i have some mention, of course, the role of social media and social media and technology is, is not the driver all of these problems, but it is certainly amplifying is um, as social media provides domestic stream, the most sensational messages and much wider platform than they normally would have the well, if you're just joining us, this is dw news, especially on coverage of the european election. the parliament look set for a shift to the rights but the center, right?
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europe and people's party the be it looks boys to remain the biggest group in the european parliament. that's the party of ursula find a lie. and the moment you see right here, the european commission president, she had seen here casting her boat with her husband in brussels earlier today. if exit, polls are accurate from the lion will likely serve a 2nd term. as by commission president, upon hearing the strong showing from germany center right see to you and it sisters the issue. parties are so the fund a lie and said that voters have sent a clear message on that. congratulations on the great results together. the cd you mc yes, you have one this year a p and election in germany by the button and dodge. it's great and we are thrilled with the results guys, stuff on the back of your fatherly staff. a strong, stable force and difficult time, and the results are clear that congratulations to berlin. you did
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a fantastic job of to our team coverage continues of the european, the legs. we've got correspondence lined up for us all over europe on this super sunday. the ws alexander phenomena joins us from brussels. we have sonya fall in the car in paris. and funny for the chart is in budapest, hungary, and band records. last but not least, bringing us analysis from rome, italy, a warm hello to all of you. i want to start with our brussels bureau chief, alexander phenomena, alexander, get to see you. so we're going to take a, a breath here and, and look at the numbers that have come in so far the projections. what do we know at this point? well, so far we have got a projection space on the exit polls and 1st the data coming out of 8 member states of the european union age out of 27. so brand, you understand that it is pretty early in the process. however,
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what we have seen so far in terms of data coming out of germany, bowl guardia agrees then never lens. all of them seem to confirm the big trends that we have expected with the center, right? you will be in people's party sets to remain the biggest group in the european parliament. and as you mentioned, that could mean that you are p at that it was a lot of fun deadline is a getting closer to securing a 2nd term and office. another trend step is also kind of interesting to see is as it seems, that the greens of are expected to lose seats in the european parliament. and we had a chance to speak to one of their lead candidates of the you opinion. we agreed to you and that you were paying paul amends at that's politician. and he said that
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it's what they ex spect. however, he also pushed back against people, criticizing them for not being a good enough and selling the green deal, which is this huge package of legislations in ad initiatives to enable europe to become the 1st carbon neutral continent by 2050. he just said that the queen deal has been perceived too much as a kind of brussels agenda, why all the member states agreed to to try to, to implement the green deal. so he wanted to see more of that in another trend. of course that is showing itself is the fact that as it seems at the moment the far right parties are also expected to make gains in that you would be in parliament to gain seats. and that, of course, could have a huge consequences for the policies of the european union. yeah, and then i'm going to pick up on that, you know,
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the numbers that we're getting in so far a particularly from austria and for germany shows that the far right is made substantial gains. talk to me about the, the issues fueling these gains. obviously it's not climate change that the far right is able to grab onto know, of course the climate change is also one of the issues that is on people's mind. and we have been talking to so many voters across the u. a p in union. and with some of them saying that their interest, as farmers and workers should be taken into account much more than the initiative to a green you're ups uh industry. so this is certainly one of the topics on the agenda . migration is another topic. and of course, the cost of living crisis and people are, these people that we've been speaking with are sort of disappointed and frustrated
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with what is going on in brussels. they say that they would like to have their voices heard. they would like to see more initiatives to improve their everyday lives. but of course we, we have to add that to citizens across the european union. custom votes today to elect new members of the european parliament. but we are talking here about 27 national elections with different topics on the agenda, with an old member states in italy. it's more about inflation and you cannot make situations in germany this apartments anymore about migration. and alexander were talking about a new parliament that will help shape policies for the european union for the next 5 years. and if you look at the party platforms for these far white parties, you know what you're going to read, what you're going to hear is we want less of your we want more national control. how do you see this impacting what goes on in strossberg?
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what goes on in brussels, where you are well, of course we have to say that those parties, they don't agree on every single issue that no, it's not the case that they would vote every time or whatever issue as one man. however, we have to say that if we are going really to see uh, a huge fall right, block or blocks it within the european parliament. that could galvanized opposition to some of the use most crucial initiatives, including the green deal. they could press demands for a hotline policing at the borders and cops to migration and take, for instance, the issue of a defense spending the coals to ramp up defense spending in the face of the war that is raging on your ups store step. and we know that many for our right parties are against that because in those groups there have been pockets something test
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eats so long as the that the me poor team for years. so i think if we are going to see one big or 23, big to fall right groups in that you were p. and paula meant that it could indeed have a big influence on the future policies and the european union use process. bureau chief, alexander phenomena in brussels for us tonight, we'll be checking in with you a little bit later. alexandra, thank you. thank you. as more results continue to come in, we are getting a clear picture of clear idea of the future make up of the european parliament. and this is what the chamber has looked like for the past 5 years. and you can give an idea of where we're starting from this evening. you can see that the p. p. s. a conservatives that was the biggest block in parliament, is the group that includes right of center parties, such as germany's christian democrats and spain's people's party. and they remain
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the biggest group in the projected new parliament. but we can see the biggest swings are on the opposite end of the spectrum here with i can just pull that up one seconds. one seconds here or just pull this up. they remain the biggest grouping of the projected new parliament. so okay, are we going to find the char now? alright, let's go to find a good job. all right, this slide television here for the less good, if any, for jars. she's in budapest, hungary, forrest talk us through the numbers that you've got so far funding there no final result. you have to take up until 11 pm or even midnight until we have the final results trickling. and, but it definitely looks like this is not going to be a walk into political part to say so for to make too old on who's paul to do really
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for this spot to easy to got more than 50 percent of the votes you just mentioned during the past 3 european parliamentary elections now pulls forecasts around, on average, around 45 percent of the votes, which would still translate to at least half of the 21 seats available off of wraps for hungary to be represented into. you'll be in parliament, but you as a but there's a new political, a new petition, basically, or a place like a new comer that pete's or marge, or whose name nobody knew internationally for sure. but also here in hungary, only a some people knew peter maggio for being the former husband of the form of justice, minutes, self hungry. we had to resign just like the female president of hungry as it emerged at both of them have part in a man who's been convicted or covering up sexual abuse and hungry. now that walked really the, the, the political lead to in the country. and that's when people know jar who's been part of this to the system, decided he's going to go against it and quite successful. indeed. if you look at
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just how many people turned out at protests against the government during the pots months where he was campaigning across the country for change, he says, against corruption and for a system against or bonds. but now here's the question. of course, if you look at his policy to this apology that appears like a moderate white's being faulty and then you look at the far right paul t off of the governing feed is spotty. you just read one that you look at the pools and i'm teaching about the pools before people started to talk to bella today. it's really appears that at least 80 percent upon variance have, will have cost to develop apologies on the right political spectrum. off off of, or in hungary. so really the question is then, how much would be left actually for the liberals, for the greens here and hungry. that's where the unclear um you just have to see really what the results are going to bring and funny. i mean the games for the right, right leaning they,
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they are significant because if we look at total turn out for the selection, turn out is how is it in a and i think i was reading it, it's a least higher than it was 5 years ago. so far and once again, we do not have the final results yet, but the numbers we have indicated that so far, at least until until 6 30 pm local time. in fact, people cast developing an overwhelming way 34 percent more past ability european elections, but also local elections because the 2 elections in hungary today. parliament to elections, but also local elections. so you're speaking about nearly 35 percent more vote this time around compared to 2019. and the question is, is it you to the mobilization effect of the government, the mobilization factor of the piece of policy and the political new kind of here? or does it have to do with the very fact that once again, there are 2 actions going on here? the problem until actions and the local actions. once it's for sure that the people
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here have been really electrified during the past months because the political landscape here in hungary seems to be changing everything. and you get to the point that goes to that escape while you're on his disabilities. and really nobody just knows what such we'll need on the board on the board. that means after that you repeat that actions. and what will it mean under 2026 when parliament collections would take place again to your in hungary. it'd be as funny for char, with the latest, from budapest, in hungary. funny as always, thank you. all right, if we want to go now into a country that could be the king maker in the future, make up of the european parliament talking about italy, my colleague bent rieger t, as in romeo is at a pulling station. i understand that color c o, rome, parents good to see you. i know we won't be getting the numbers for italy until much, much later. so i want to ask you about via the prime minister prime minister maloney
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. what is her plan if her party with the punting stations in italy close at 11 p. m. people are now coming to vote. actually before that initially and the gets a little bit more busy here. turn out so far is quite low. we only have the opinion imposed, but they all say that judging maloney available when big she will be the woman that has the biggest lucky of votes after the selections. and to she made to this election into mid term election actually about herself and about her government. europe didn't, did not play much of a role in this european election and judging. maloney is trying to team up the visiting the pen from us. i believe more. the nothing, not in phones to build a new, bigger writing, a group and the european parliament, the about 30 right. big parties in the parliament and maloney's for these times.
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you have only have 20 seats there. so it's that's not much. but she was one of the, one of the biggest blocks in these 30 parties. she would try to unite them to have a great influence or greatest dance. and she's also reaching out to the christian democrats and cooperation in certain feuds might be possible. and also corporation to collect the next you commission, president of which will be brought up the, the one we have now was left on the line and was left on the line on the other side is not excluding to read this georgia milady as long as she remains or appears to be a european the only thing that divides the right thing as in the european parliament, is actually the question of ukraine and russia as war against ukraine. their parties are split in the middle, but maloney, and also in the french lead the pen promise to overcome this dispute and
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to join forces in the next parliament in baird. when we talk about italian voters, do we know what is the motivating force? what were the issues that made them make the decisions that they're making right now? it has a contain initially, it mostly the driven by domestic issues like a inflation business of economic rows, the social welfare medic account and things like that because we also have empowered the local elections. so everybody was focused on the issues right on this go steps. and as i said, maloney made this into a, an a vote about her government and into the, the afford some of the migration issue that is of concern. and all of you did not play such a big role here in, in italy because the attorneys accepted that maloney and also the governments that proceeded to following
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a stricter pause and pushing for more controls and processing migrants outside of the european union and outside of italy. so it was at least what we can say, a domestic collection is a little bit of a european slave event. maybe you could help us understand maloney and her party for politics are classified as right or, or, or far right. but what we're talking about we're, they would fit in, in the european parliament, in these groupings as they are. it appears only somebody else. so i bet the conservatives are willing to overlook that label, or maybe not even consider that label and to do business with bologna and her party . i mean, is that what is going on here? maybe are they saying they're going to hold their nose and do business because they need her and her party that might happen if you is way the roads of what was left on the line, the tristan democratic lead candidate. she said, she misses bologna is
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a european and have you and a good democrats. so she does, does not exclude to burke with her. and on the other hand, below it is not excluding a dive of the georgia. maloney is currently the head of the of a party of family was more or less uh we are. can you say that motor are driving us so not the far as vice, but a little bit of right in vitamin populace. and, and she's trying to expand that and she's also portraying has of as a moderate, under your being stage. although in another mystic level, she also has some liberal tendencies. but in europe is she is the protecting is about the perfect european, you know, citing with all the majority votes in the european council about the heads of states and government meet. so yeah, she's trying, you know, to mingle also with this, the civil uh, platforms and the christian democrats in the middle. yeah,
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it's interesting and it's, it's the art of making it certain politics palatable to the majority. fascinating bear, triggered in rome, italy, bear, and thank you this, this is the w news, special coverage of the european election. as early results continue to come in, we are getting a better idea of the future make up of the european parliament. this is what the chamber has looked like for the past 5 years. you can see the a p p that's going to conservative. that was the biggest block of parties in parliament. that's the group. it also includes the right of center parties, which is germany's christian democrats and spans people's party. and they remain the biggest grouping of the project in new parliament. but we can see the biggest swings are on opposite ends of the political spectrum with voters turning their backs on europe's green parties. they would lose about 18 seats according to these estimates and a swing towards v i. d group, that's the idea to terry and group. there's are the far right and populous parties,
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but not germany's a f d. that party was expelled from this political block. all right, i'm doing now from brussels by rosa belford. she's director of the think tank. carnegie europe froze. it's good to have you with this. there's a lot to filter through here. and so let me just ask you, based on the numbers we've got so far, i mean, what stands out to you. what are your 1st impressions spell? my 1st impression is that the calls have been correct. they have actually been identifying the big trends and it has to be said that there's always the case. so, you know, i wasn't some, you know, i wasn't expecting the calls to get it quiet. so right now the big trends, really, the rather garage is gaining round that it looks like of the democracy, which is to the rights of the co spectrum in union palmer looks like it's going to
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get small was the what you're getting conservatives. also going to get all that stuff and talked about judge emily is heading, there's a number of the lines policies as well. and that's so that's a bit of a question as to whether they're going to just want to see all the for instance, i students just phoenix spouse from the c democracy group. so that is the thing being of the right side of the spectrum. the, all the strategies that pay the p has get, make gains in many countries as far as we can tell. so the box is going to be the biggest uh with um, as um, will be able to choose whether it goes to lead multiple sites out. so whether it goes to being a bit which ones the right. yeah, my expectation is that it will continue to lean towards the center, but nonetheless, the road to co writes will be more into actually in the next year. okay. yeah, let's talk about the far right. these parties were expecting to search what we've
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seen that here in germany, but the alternative for germany, the a f d. it's likely to be the 2nd largest part of your political force after the christian democrats in germany. but where else are we seeing that type of growing support? yeah, well, in australian australian effect would be from the 1st policy, which is actually quite extraordinary. um and then, well, the other parts of you need to really wait for the results. i think it's, it's ready to make predictions to the other countries in the thing seems to be doing well. but again, it's elizabeth at a cost in some countries for instance, in belgium as in bulgaria, that also a national election varies. so, you know, these are countries that need to be calculated because it's not just another thing for a far away is you shouldn't, it should be a story telling us something about national. yeah, it was, i want to pick up on all 3 of just for a 2nd be why do we know why we're seeing this incredible support for the,
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for our way as you say, the party there look set to be the the strongest party in australia. yeah. it also is quite extraordinary. let's not forget that a few has already been done and what we've done that it's not long ago. and it lost support because of corruption charges and because of its relations with, with russia. so it really seems to be indicative of, um, you know, a search once the right people know what this policy supports, they know this policy has, you know, the cause of corruption, all fighting with russia. but still people, the other thing is the full s p a. so they're going to be national elections in austria in september, october. so this results of the european parliament is very chatting with what might come next. this new search to the right that we've seen throughout
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a large parts of europe in the netherlands straight example, the right doesn't seem to have polled as well as expected. what do we know? why? so, i mean, the collections we need to know that they offered something different. national elections are very comfortable in context. so what has happened in the, in the election and certainly months ago as the fall right. talk to the left side to build a sofa is about to purchase, read, says that as on the rights to accomplish and then it's taking the month to actually get into full not publishing. and the reason i came through a few weeks ago and then eventually they even found the prime minister. so i guess perhaps if it's not doing points as well as it is a few months ago and might just be a reflection on the late, this is 5,
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the associations that i have to take place in order to form a coalition agreements. now, in these negotiations, builders have to get off on some of these most screens and most of the ones that were as the constitutional um, so you know, it could be that house. some of the hot coal bases of his party decided that he wasn't. so it wasn't so tiring, his commitments could be one explanation. another explanation could be that. so, you know, maybe other people turns out to base the need to get an explanation, some of these mountains, but maybe people against a tv show by the results of national level turned out to the, to the you can call me elections. let me know. so some explanations that it's ready to, to say anything with us and the roads i know your organization currently in europe
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. you've been charging the influence of the far right on the european foreign policy. so we certainly don't have the final results. but let's, let's assume that what we're seeing here is going to carry on through the evening. i mean, how could these elections, how could they affect the decision making when it comes to foreign policy? or? yeah, so confirm policy, massachusetts, you know, we need to remember about this member states that really are in the driving seat. and what we have is that amendments out of the $27.00, the state 7 countries covered by the radical right. now this could be in a condition agreement, or it could be that they see any passion power, for instance, how to read or it could be that the radical right policy is giving external symbols . okay? so what we're seeing now, 7 talk is the, the a student that suggests that the next auction governments will be the age of the
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states. let's find the radical right. um, what, how has this impacted from fuzzy and you would you would expect with so many countries shifting to the right now whether you can part of the heavily shifting to the right. i mean, we're talking about 2025 percent video composite and the tools biological right now is common. you would expect that perhaps to be more influential. oh for the see of much as well. so how do the function below that weight? why? because they average divide is one of the most devices, issues is obviously russia, but also nature of the united states. china, not so many of the big issues that europeans, me of dealing with the i'm going to be going to be at the, at the fox, the big challenges facing your incoming. yes. all these issues,
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the correct all divided and they to really have offices. that's all they are less intervention than, than they could be. are issues that have been huge international. and i would argue migration has been well area where the radical ride has been, has shape policy. even if it hasn't made policy has been shaping policy for the past 10 years, because mainstream, let's go to policies a shift. it's will survive in adopting tough up policies and restricting integration to europe and restricting asylum seekers. refugees coming to europe, sir. so that's where the radical right has the huge and international on aspect of it will continue in that direction. the, all the area where the right will be very influential is on masses related to fighting the climate crisis. they've already reached the back of the center, right. the p has been going to die due to some of the big commitments of the big
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emissions that europe has made a lead the lead time finding the time it prices. so this is the area rosa bell for from the carnegie endowment for peace in brussels. a lot to think about their version. we appreciate your analysis tonight. thank you. thank you very much. you're watching dw news is really minister been he got announced his resignation from prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his emergency government. he did that in the last couple of hours, guns saying that he's leaving his post with a heavy heart. he also called for new elections, which is our mission, guns, joined dungeon, yahoos government. shortly after the october 7th come aust attack and a show of national unity ship guns. his resignation had been expected since last month when he gave legend yahoo and ultimatum to approve
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a post more plan for gaza is departure leaves nothing yahoo more reliant on his far right. l. uh the host. all right, so let's take this now to my colleague john ukraine, but she's following the story for us from jerusalem. tanya, another busy day for you gone, says made good on his threat to resign from mentioned y'all who's emergency government. what did you make of this statement? well, i mean, as you said, it was somehow expected. she gave this ultimatum like about 3 weeks ago when he said certain conditions need to be met by prime minister benjamin netanyahu for him to stay in this emergency governments, albany guns as the leader of the centers punching national unity entity. this emergency government as part of the smaller vote having that together with his colleague number 2 and the list of the item quite old, both of them. you know,
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former idea of official spending guns was a form of defense minister and they made a, you know, these important decisions for the past 8 months. but he said he wanted to see, you know, a credit of a time to get the hostages back from garza. he wanted to see up to a credible times. he said, for a golf, for the day off the that doesn't come forward from that time. yeah. until now, and also he wants to see one of the 6 conditions. he put that the residence in the north of israel that have been displaced of talk tobar. uh seven's. uh, because of the cross of 5 between husband law and is well in the north that they get a certain date until when they could be uh, coming back home. but nothing y'all has not responded to that and a de administer of any guns to set tonight, you know, they shouldn't be, is released, deserves more than empty promises. and they should be a coal for
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a new elections and for unity government. so what does this mean moving forward for benjamin netanyahu is government now. well, this move doesn't really talk to his government. then you may not to know has really a solid government still in the connected. he has 64 seats. so this for in the short term at least, won't change anything, but it might, you know, in the longer mid term, longer term, it will isolate and even a bit of further internationally. but also domestically, if any guns was always seen from the international community as a partner and also as a counterweight to the extremist in a been, you mean it's in yahoo is government like the far right and ministers, but also other members of his li, could party in this government and domestically, you know, it could and that is still to see also give those onto government protests as no push because no, the only sense was voice in this government is leaving. and that could also,
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of course, a change, a bit of the situation here. but again, we have to wait and see how this uh would play out. been gone. some sophie student, he did very well in the polls. recently went down a bit. but his national unity party was always no stronger than benjamin netanyahu was the could party. so of course going for elections is also something that he would be buying it. but at the moment, it just clearly says, this country needs a different path forward to w correspondents on ukraine, the with the latest from jerusalem to nights, many guns resigning from the government. it is real, tanya, thank us. all right, let's take a closer look now and some of the other stories making headlines around the world. iran and guardian council, as it proved, just 6 candidates out of 80 for the presidential election on june 28th. each nap election was called after president abraham or easy was killed in
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a helicopter crash last month. the council board of former president mach mood. ok medina? john? from running again. police in grieves have found the body of the british t v. dr. michael mosley, the 67 year old presenter, went missing during a walk on the greek island of c. me. authorities se mosley's body was located on a rocky coast, parts of southeastern austrian, had been hit by flooding, following heavy rain. the extreme weather affected large parts of organ land and syria, where residents were advised not to leave their homes due to risk of death. it comes days after floods and neighboring germany killed. 6 deep indians, prime minister and arrange for moody has been sworn in for an historic 3rd term at
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a ceremony in delhi. and for the 1st time, he'll have to rely on coalition partners to govern his hindu nationalist. wp parties failed to secure an outward majority. he has yet to announce the makeup of his cabinet, but we'll be governing with the national democratic alliance and the to luke, who does some part our deli bureau jeeps under pages, buttons. it does this assessment. i've never enjoy modi's stuart 3rd term with a this was a record for wrecking day for and our end remo, these. by taking videos, he matched the x ray records of india, 1st, prime minister, trouble highlighting nero, who straight off the independence also govern for 3 straight to black. mr. moody, the term begins on the very changed circumstances. his hindu nationalist, p h. i p. the managed to retain power off to the nearly 7 week long mammals,
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the election. but it has lost a significant number of seats dropping from 303 to 240 in the lower house of parliament. and this is over 20 feet short of the half way mark. this means north end remote e n, a beach, a p. we had a dominating majority for the past 10 years. now face the challenge of having to nurture a coalition. while india is no stranger to coalition governments, this new territory for mr. moody who threw out his political career as ruth, with a single parting majority and centralized decision making. experts in india, a wondering if the prime minister can adapt to a more moderate conceptual style of politics with more checks and balances. his success, you know, also depends on smaller regional parties, some of which have been vocal critics in the past. additionally, he faces the research and opposition led by a rough, we've got to be of the congress party, the new government we need to address pressing issue. it's like use unemployment,
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inflation and pharmacist press key factors that contributed to the end of no rend remote. it's nearly on challenge. don't mean then you're watching the w news. it is just before 9 pm here in berlin. if you're just joining us. this is the latest in our election results that we have so far the european election, a new european parliament being decided the central right european people's party, led by european commission president ursula found a lion look set to remain the biggest party groups in the european parliament she's likely to serve a 2nd term in germany the far. why a f d party moves up into 2nd place behind the conservatives, while german chancellor o off shoulds, social democrats, the s p d. they have suffered what could be the parties worst ever result in france,
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marine la pens far right? national rally has when nearly a 3rd of the boats in a heavy defeat for president emmanuel crohn and his renaissance part. alright, let's brought this out for the entire european union. let's go down to our brussels bureau chief, alexandra fun knob and she is in brussels for us. alexandra, let's, let's think about what this is going to be moving forward. we see that the politics of europe are moving in a direction towards the right. what's that going to mean though, for doing business in the, in the european union? well, i think it will be much, much more difficult for all the mainstream parties to follow at the agenda that we have seen in the last 5 years. we have just got the 1st projection
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of what the european parliament could look like if the, the numbers will be confirmed. and as you mentioned that you are p and people's faulty. the center right group seems to remain as the strongest and largest group in the european part a parliament. but to the socialist and democrats are losing some seeds and those 2 groups used to work together to use to agree on crucial you policies. for instance, the green deal or an important decisions on the european budgets. and we also see that the greens, for instance, and the liberals, they have to admit that as it seems, at least at the moment, they are losing a significant number, number of seeds. and on the far right spectrum of the european parliament,
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we see the right wing and far right parties. for now we, we used to have 2 such groups in the european parliament, and there are gaining seats. so they will of course, try to have it's a big guess. say it's about in what state rich they, you opinion will be heading. and then next 5 years. and you, alexander, 5 years ago we were talking about the greens making a very, very impressive showing in this election. and we were also talking about the climate change is being a driving issue for, for voters now, 5 years later. what are the issues that are motivating europeans the most while i think that they are, there are 2 big issues that were topping the agenda on the contain trail. it was the topic of migration, of course, and the topic of the cost of living crisis. after rushes of invasion of the queen
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started, we had to deal with the consequences of this war and the european union as well with the energy crisis with inflation. and a many people we've been speaking with think that the european union and the national government should do more to make sure that those citizens can cope with inflation with the cost of living crisis. so those were the topics that were on the agenda, top of the agenda of klein with action is still on people's mind of just seeing a recent study that shows that the 2 sides of the europeans think and agree with the u. a climate policies. and they want the european union even to go beyond them. but apparently that is not what motivates people to cast their votes. and those who are p and elections, you know, we,
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we won't know what the results for, for italy's vote, for those results are until sometime early in the morning tomorrow. but i just wanted to get your opinion and the prime minister and georgia maloney. and the far right in italy, do you for see them as a political force being somewhat of a king maker in this new european parliament particular men were talking about, you know, the european commission president that election to use that. what do you see as a role for italy as far right. meaningful well, i think it's fair to say the judge. i'm alone and detailed in prime minister was core to it's by the far right, but also by the center, right? europe and people, sparky. and was the last funded lion to work together. and the question will be, of course, how georgia i'm alone, you will decide. and i think it's rather likely because of the influence that she
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can have on the european level as one of the leaders. and they of course, have also a big say about what is going on into your opinion. and what kind of initiatives are going to put forward and implemented? so i think that she will be very cautious when it comes to working together with all the far right parties to meet with maria and attends potty and friends. i think that she is the rubber likely from what we have seen so far to support was off on the lion when it is according with her interest and, and to become a strong voice on the leaders level. and of course, that's can pay off for her a when she is able then to uh, insulins therapy in unions, agenda and maybe even in the end to get a commissioner who is a member of her party. so i think that is quite
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a likely scenario. but of course we have to wait and see and where the my projections are. right. right. well, we will know um sometime early, early on monday morning regarding italy, you know, the use brussels bureau chief alexandra phenomena in brussels tonight for us. alexander, thank you. thank you. all right, we are getting indications of how germans have voted and these are the projected results and more numbers coming in. as expected, the bigger share of the german vote appears to have gone to the conservatives, the c d. c. as you see it. right there in black. the conservatives have improved on their support. compared to 5 years ago, they're showing a gain of just over one present. and it looks like many of germany's voters and turned their backs on the greens, the greensburg cher, compared to the last year in parliament election is dropped by almost 50 percent. and despite scandals at home and in brussels, the far right
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a f. the part of the alternative for germany parties, it seems to have gained about 5 percent compared to 5 years ago or the email polling and 16.4 percent. this makes me a if the, the 2nd strongest political party in germany. a while we're chief political correspondent, nina has a, she has been at the greens party headquarters here in berlin and she told me more about their losses. this is of course, a huge blow for the greens who are of close parts of the ruling coalition in berlin . together with the social democrats on the liberal f t. p. party. the greens had been aware that they would probably suff alexys, but this is a tremendous blow you have to say. and many people here on the stage also said the policy leader said they said that they cannot be happy with this result whatsoever
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. but that they are ready to get into a coalition and debate on the european level with the conservatives, for example. so they said, what's important now is that the democratic party sticks together. they said that they are ready to take over responsibility. if the conservatives want to engage in discussions with them. but there are of closer lots of factors that have contributed to this really poor results. so the greens and gemini, i would make out $31.00. it is the discontent with all of sorts. it's government overall. any one in full gem and say that they are happy with how the governing coalition is doing that job in belin. then the 2nd point is of course the climate change has somewhat taken aback seats now with voters of 4 or 5 years ago when the last european elections took place, climate change and the ways to fight it was definitely topic number one for voters
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that is considered the greens core competency this year around is the 1st european election since russ has full scale invasion into ukraine. so of course a piece on securing piece features highly on the agenda, then the 2nd topic, social security side migration, and the 4th is ways to fight climate change. what the said factor is also important . i think that to young voters especially seem to have 10 that box on the brains. yeah, it means you to, i mean i'm trying to understand what we have seen happen in the spring to 5 years. the greens have gone from being a front runner in politics, to what appears to night to be a party and political kryptonite. how did this happen? the greens are facing a dilemma for the people who want more climate protection, who want more messages since they entered and the government in berlin. they've had to make a lot of compromises. so the people who are idealists, if you will,
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who want more climate adaptation measures to be implemented on the national level in germany. they feel disappointed. but at the same time, those who are pragmatic say that the greens out and doing too much, that the, the, the dictating to many policies here in berlin, that is one fact. so then the 2nd day is of course, the rise of social media. so this is something why we know that a platforms like tech talk, i would strongly successful with young voters when it comes to the content of the a if the so that is a strategy that the far right parties, but also the conservative. i've taken very seriously and the more center, right, and center less parties are lagging behind in terms of the social content that they're trying to get to the young versus the greens are in a governing coalition. with the social democrats and the free democrats, the social democrats, of course, the party of the chance are
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a lot sholtes. when you look at the performance of the greens, it tonight considering that there are regional elections here in germany later this year, there's a national election in germany next year. what impact can you foresee? can you predict this having on the national political standing of the parties that are now in government? and if you look at the results from eastern germany in particular tonight, it is a terrifying results for the greens. you have to say you cannot and on to do an understatement when it comes to this topic and isa gemini, the greenstone feature, a tool anymore. we see the a, if the in facts, the new for example, at 43 percent. so that is close to the majority to an absolute majority, the green's on the evening featuring on the projected results pictures. so that is something where it will be very, very interesting to see just how the greens will try to convince that coalition
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partners in the late and at the national level to really get the act together that they don't lose massively. and those very important regional elections late, so they see their role taking place in the east of the country. why we all seeing a search in support for the conservatives, but especially for the far right. and then they have only one in the hop is to convince voters to go to the polls. so them, when it comes to the federal elections, which are taking place in order to 2025. yeah, you're gonna have is a long time in politics. but the numbers tonight, they're going to have a long way to go with. they want to go up there to assure you know honda ad green party headquarters in berlin need a thank you. well, our chief political editor miguel the goods near her. she had spent the evening at a party headquarters of germany's conservatives, the christian democrats. i asked her whether voters are sending a message to chancellor schultz, his center left the government they are indeed,
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but they are also potentially showing a safe to the right. and that's something i want to discuss with david make out. so he's right here with me. he's from the city you policy and also had the foreign affairs committee of the european parliament. what are we seeing you tonight? your policy came on top in germany, but is this overall with this, with a strong showing of the if the is, if to the right. at the beginning of his campaign, we just in case the democrats formulated free goals to become politically stronger, spotty and germany. we achieve this by far. we have made a huge step forward that people spawns, you will become a stronger scrutiny, european parliament again, and alpha gold is about as well from the line. we'll get to the 2nd amended as commission president, and we will now reach out to the of a pro, democratic pro european political forces in that you can call them and really discuss how we can organize a decent corporation and collaboration. and hopefully we can elect the commission president the sooner the better you're taking a very european take on this and we know that pulls it up on the line might need
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those votes from the far right from mrs. maloney initially to actually become commission president once again, but just take a quick look at germany. was this the strength of your conservatives here? was this the weakness of all i've sold this coalition. it was a mix of everything as always i to elections. this is a clear because if it was off on the line i top candidate into, i mean, this is also an impressive big key for a populated privilege maps. and on the other hand, and this is what i notice campaigning 6 weeks and open germany every day, how much the german government has lost the trust and confidence in the general population. service is a huge blow for the social democrats hold the readings and the liberals, and definitely the, the government of one of the show is this now in deep trouble. what's the big task for your conservative comp right now, number one, talk for us, christian democrats. that's the strongest political force and the are being falling more. we now need to build bridges. we want to reach out to the other pro democratic pro european forces, who are competitors,
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not enemies. we want to organize a stable majority in the european solomon and the p. p. the social democrats and liberals worked together. then the numbers up there, we will only work together with political policies, got a pro, euro pro meaningful pro democracy and pro ukraine by david mcallister. ahead of the phone, defense committee of the european palmer. thank you very much for talking to us. and with that outlook or what is expected to be around the legacy process until we learn who the next commission president will be and who will be the commissioners and back to you. all right, dw is mccallegh over there at party headquarters for the christian and perhaps the cd. you here in berlin, mckayla. thank you. and we've got some breaking news coming in major fall out already from this election. the french president, emanuel mac roland, has dissolved parliament and has called snap elections for june 30th, following a port showing in european parliamentary elections, his camp suffering
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a heavy fee to the far right. national rally party. and this vote and macro and quoted as saying that the outcome was not a good result for parties to people who defend europe. if you're watching the w news, i'll be back at the top of the our, our coverage of the european election continues. then i hope to see the innovation green, the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed if the care is subscribe to those channels. we've got every friday subscribe to plan. it's a the the.


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