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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 10, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the we news line from berlin support for the far right surge is in european elections with immediate repercussions in france as president in money. and my call does all the national assembly and call snap legislative elections after morrila pens far right. national rally scores, a resounding victory also coming up. despite the far right games, the conservative airlines is sent to remain. the biggest group in parliament is leaders. european commission president was enough on the line says her party will take the stand against extremes on the left. and the right
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and here in germany the far right a if declines to 2nd place with the conservatives winning the largest share of the vote. german chancellor shaw says social democrats heading for their worst ever result. the really, it's good to have you with us. french president, the money on my call has called snap elections after suffering a rezoning defeat and elections to the european parliament. that's all the far right mix. strong gains across the u. my call said the results of the vote for his government were grim and could not be ignored. on this coalition came in 2nd. well behind marine le pen spar, right? national riley, which is on force for nearly a 3rd of french seats in the super, a national body. i'm a call send,
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the governments for showing meant the fall. i said this is your, this is a serious and way to decision. but above all, it isn't active trust trusting you. mission idea, compactor you that ship in the ability of the french people to make the justice choice for themselves and for future generations know us our correspondence on your folic are in paris as my calls, the announcement of snap parliamentary elections comes. as a big surprise. this is a political bomb shannon that has landed um you know, in the ultimate, of this kind of a very chaotic of argument action. um, now pressing my cross courses reacting there to projected results in front showing that the fall right now should not be made by breeds a pin. one the selection hands down scolding rick was 21 percent of the mote. that's more than double a. that's then lots of my phone's centrist when is almost 40, so it's really big. even the 2nd place is about 15 percent. so this is really
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a crushing defeat for my call, spotty. but it's really not exactly a surprise because it did kind of reflects what the opinion phones he would have been saying for weeks of now, as you said, my calling me to sort of dress a to, to announce that he was dissolving the parliament. i assume you spoke of the rise at the far right. i think you skepticism. he said that the outcome of the election is not a good result. the parties will defend the order was sonya found a car in paris. let's take a closer look at the results of the elections. all polling stations are now closed and the european parliament looks that for a shift to the right. but that the center of right european people's party looks boys to remain the biggest party in the assembly. that's the party of what was left on that line. the european commission president, she is seeking a 2nd term as commission president, and she says that he will build a vast in against extremes on the left and the right party strong showing was enough to fend off a challenge by far right groups which are expected to gain seats in the european
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parliament, we all just get done with others. we will build a best, should i guys fix streams from the ad from the right way? well, as now results continue to come in. we are getting a clear idea of the future making of the european parliament, the e p. p. we just heard to remain the biggest group in the projected new part, limon of the center right. block includes for these like during these christian democrats and spain's people's party, but the biggest swings are at the ends of the spectrum with voters turning their backs on europe's green parties and looking towards the id group that includes the far right and populace parties, but not germany's f d, which was expelled from that block. they now fall under the an i grouping of non aligned and independent delegates. i am for more analysis i can walk in our corresponding christine moons. why she's with me in the studio perceive that we
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heard, was it a funny line there? she seems fairly optimistic that she will be able to serve for a 2nd term, but the rise of the euro. so skeptics in the parliament are promising to make that a little tougher then she would like. right? yeah. and, and that is because uh, in order to secure a 2nd to him as the commission present, this is all giving me the most powerful position into your opinion. from the line, we'll need the backend of putnam, she needs a majority in parliament, and that essentially means that any piece have just voted for her. it's not quite a given now that she's going to get that strong dominance that she's speaking because as you rightly points out these you're skipped. take any piece that are going to be coming in from the far right policies. they are directly in opposition to the agenda for the european union, namely when it comes to the climate agenda useful that backlash with the farm is, for example, this huge farm as far as you have. so there is bass, you've got a lot of french, any piece of the applied, like the idea of voicing for
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a job and in that position. so it's not quite a done deal as see if she's gonna have to fight hard for the endorsement of a new piece to get that 2nd to. and here in germany, the social democrats and greens were quite tight lipped about whether or not they were going to endorse her. and she has come under of quite a bit of fire for heavily courting it at least georgia maloney in recent months. that's right. and this is the, this is really what you're going to see because like we say, we don't have a unanimous for right. so to say these are different policies in different countries with some of the ideas they have the differences. but in some cases, this interest. so able to get into bed with, with, with some of them. and you might see that now when that result comes in because the far right parties themselves can't come together. they have some differences. russia and other things that keep them apart idea logically. and so the interest can make rounds, and it's like, get them comfortable for the line, having to, to reach out to policies, which she's not quite happy with. that's to get that number to get across that lives. you would have to do that, especially promising to be
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a best and against the extreme left and right. stay with us now because there's plenty more to talk about. we want to take a closer look at the example of germany. projections here have put jeremy's far right if the party in the 2nd place in those european parliament election, their voice to come ahead of the 3 parties that are currently in the governing coalition. the social democrats, led by chancellor or f shows, looks that for a stinking to feed motor dissatisfaction as both the conservative it chris and democrats and pull position. germany's a f d celebrate through showing and european parliament elections. the far right party is projected to take 2nd place ahead of the governing coalition. the de campaigned on an e skeptic, anti immigration platform, decide a series of scandals in the run up to the ballot. support for the party is up from
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the last elections. we had a from the start to the election campaign and then really caught up in the final spurt after all the prophecies of do after the beverage of the last few weeks. we're the 2nd strongest force. and i'm telling you, the only way is off tonight. the biggest winters looks that to be the center, right? christian democrats currently in germany's opposition, the cd use that voters have sent the chancellor. a clear message. this, i keep this, most of this result must really give the federal government to impose for thought. it must now correct its policy. and this post on political changes needed in germany. and i call on the federal chancellor, the social democrats, the greens and the ftp. things kinda continue as they have been in the past 2 and a half years. the biggest losers of the night, germany's ruling social democrats, the chancellors party,
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are facing their worst result in decades. but they're not giving up to 5 a business and i'll talk. so i'll do most, it's a mission for all democrats, 7 months. and especially if you know the history of social democracy, then you know that for all of us and for us at the top of the s p d. such a frustrating result is not a reason to bury our heads in the sand, but to say now more than ever and as i can yet esther based few. now, the greens who are in a 3 way coalition with b s p d, are also facing a major dropped in support. the stage has now been set for t regional elections in several german states. where the far right is also expected to make gains. our chief political editor, mikaela cruz now gave us her assessment of the results here in germany. here in germany, these european elections have proved 3 things. first of all,
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all i've sold is 3 way coalition is deeply unpopular. all 3 parties involved, his social democrats, the greens on the free democrats have suffered in these european polls. secondly, the window of the night is the seed you see is you conservative block. it now remains the only big tense policy, according to these latest selections. and thirdly, that has been a significant shift to the ride, also towards the fall rides. although the fall right, if the policy failed to gain as much as it should hope for. the big question now is how will do in regional elections in autumn and what that will mean for national elections next year. and christine, what is still here in the studio with me? a painful day for the governing coalition. here in germany, we saw dramatic political consequences to the u. election results in france already . how likely do you think we are to see that in other countries as well in,
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in belgium, the, the prime minister has announced his is resignation of posts. you began to show talking about the developments in france with prism across taking the serious gamble, hoping that he can pull back the majority. he lost in 2022 and basically attending the french people. it's now your decision. do you want the fault to be governed by the far right? the turn out in front was about 50 percent. he's hoping that more people will come out in a bit to block the far right here in germany, we might not see something similar, but certainly there is, there is the sense that this is a strong message to the governing parties who have o last to the a, the essentially in this election, so the pressure is on them hitting to germany's general election for example, that is taking place next, you know, the case of belgium, of course a little different because they also held national elections today. but i want to know because we're looking at this as if it were a referendum on national politics. to what extent is that true or people voting on
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european issues or on a national issue? it is absolutely true because what you have in, in, in these elections is you can, as you say, these are very much national referendum. people vote on domestic issues. people send messages to, to their governing parties in, in these directions. that's typically helpful. just be hey, so if you speak to voters in a given country, you will hit different issues related to the domestic agenda, and that's what this is. this is why we need a look at these results. it's a, it's a good sign as to what is the public sentiment. and i think overall in group people showing that the mainstream parties have works to do, winning back people that the fall rise is appealing to, for a number of reasons. especially here in germany because we have general elections coming up in a little over a year. that was christine rowe. thank you so much for your analysis. let's take a look now. it's a lot of stories making headlines around the world today. the and the as prime minister and the render embody, has been sworn in for a 3rd term at
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a ceremony in delhi for the 1st time, they'll have to rely on coalition partners to govern after his team do. national is b. j. p failed to secure an outright majority. at least 9 people have been killed after suspected militants fired as a boston indian controlled cushion mirrors and general province. the bus carrying pilgrims to a hindu temple tumbled into a ravine. no one immediately claimed responsibility for the attack which left at least $33.00 others injured israel. now where the minister of any guns has announced his resignation from prime minister benjamin netanyahu as emergency government guns said he was leaving his post with a heavy heart, also called for election. your programs joint netanyahu's war cabinet shortly after the october 7th come off a time in a show of unity nonsense resignation had been expected since last month when he
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gave nothing. jo, an ultimatum to approve a postwar plan for garza. his departure leaves netanyahu a more reliance on his far right. oh, it's condemned or gone. it's called his departure, an agonizing decision. here's more of what do you have to say? sorry. unfortunately, nathan, yahoo is preventing us from progressing to the real victory, which is the justification for the painful and ongoing cost. that's why we are leaving the war time cutting it today. we live with a heavy heart, but with a whole heart, we present ourselves today to the bottle for the fates of the state of israel, for generations to come to the door to cut the to. that was israel. slower, defense minister of penny guns, announcing his resignation. from benjamin netanyahu, his war cabinet, and with that, we have reached the end of our show. we'll have more results from the european elections throughout the night. so keep checking in with us. coming up after the
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break, our magazine reporter looks at the dangers of subsets from all of us here at the dw headquarters in berlin. thank you so much for your company. the thoughts we say there about never getting up every weekend on dw, this shadows, these costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across up. and he and.


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