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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 10, 2024 3:00am-3:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the we news line from berlin, support for the far right surges in the european elections, with immediate repercussions in france as president in money on the call. and does the all the national assembly and calls that the legislative elections after marie le pens far right. national rally scores or was down doing victory also coming up. despite the far right games, the conservative a p. p alliance is sent to the main. the biggest group in parliament is leader. european commission president was enough on the line says our party will take a stand against extremes on the left and the rights and in
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germany the far right a if the claims to 2nd place. while conservatives, when the largest share of the vote, german chancellor shaw says social democrats, heading for their worst ever results the optical fairly she welcome to the shell. french president and monument call has called snap elections after suffering a rezoning defeat in european parliament elections. that's all the far right. make strong gains across the you look around. so the outcome of the vote for his government was the grim and could not be ignored. as coalition came in 2nd, well behind marine la pens, bar, right, national riley, which more than doubled my calls tickets showing that the french president called the result a clear sign. it was time to let the people have their say. so this is your, this is a serious and way to decision, but above all,
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it isn't active trust trusting you, mission, my dear competitor, you that ship in the ability of the french people to make the justice choice for themselves and for future generations know us from a sonya file, a car is our corresponded in paris and says, because the announcement comes as a sure surprise. this is a political bombshell that has landed um, you know, in the ultimate, of this kind of a very chaotic of your connection. now press them across courses reacting there to projected results in fronts showing that the far right passions running. they've agreed to pin one, the selection hands down scolding rick was 21 percent of the vote. that's more than double that then lack of my phone's centrist when is all spotty. so it's really big even the 2nd place is about 15 percent. so this is really a crushing defeat form. i called spotty, but it's really not exactly
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a surprise because it did kind of reflects what the opinion believes he would have been saying for weeks of now as you say by calling me to sort of dress a to, to announce that he was dissolving, to follow them and i assume you spoke of the rise of the far right. i think you skepticism. he said that the outcome of the election is not a good result. the parties for defending the order that was sonya font, the car in paris. let's take a closer look now at the results of the you elections, the latest pulling stations close to 4 hours ago and the european problem, and looks at for a shift to the right. that's the center, right. european people's party looks boys to remain the biggest party in the assembly. that's the party of was the last fund deadline, the european commission president. she is thinking a 2nd term. she said the p. p will build a bastion against extremes on the left and right. a party strong showing was enough to send off a challenge by far right groups which are expected to gain seats in the european
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parliament. we are to get done with others. we will build a bus should i guess the ex streams from the ad from the right way. well, the, the close that i find a line there now is more results continue to come in. we are getting a clear idea of the future make up of the european parliament b, e v p. we heard and there remains the biggest group and the projected new parliament. the center right block includes parties like germany's christian democrats and spain's people's party. but the biggest swings are at the ends of the spectrum. voters also turning their backs on europe, screen partners and looking towards the id group that includes the far right and populace parties. but it's not. germany's a f d b alternative for germany, which was expelled from that block. they now fall under the n i grouping of non aligned and independent delegates. i am for more analysis i can walk in our
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corresponding christine moons, why she's with me in the studio perceive that we heard was an f one, a lie. and there she seems fairly optimistic that she will be able to serve for a 2nd term. but the rise of the euro skeptics in the parliament are promising to make that a little tougher then she would like. right? yeah. and, and that is because uh, in order to secure a 2nd to him as the commission present, this is all giving me the most powerful position into your opinion. funded line will need the backend of part of she needs a majority in parliament. and that essentially means that any piece have just voted for her. it's not quite a given now that she's going to get that strong dominance that she's speaking because as you rightly points out these you're skipped. take any piece that are going to be coming in from the far right policies. they are directly in opposition to the agenda for the european union, namely when it comes to the climate agenda useful that backlash with the farm is, for example, to choose from as far as you have. so there is bass, you've got
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a lot of french, any piece who don't quite like the idea of voicing for a job and in that position. so it's not quite a done deal as see if she's gonna have to fight hard for the endorsement of a new piece to get that taken to. and here in germany, social democrats and greens were quite tight lipped about whether or not they were going to endorse her. and she has come under quite a bit of fire for heavily courting. it'll least georgia maloney in recent months. that's right. and this is the, this is really what you're going to see because like we say, we don't have a unanimous for right. so just say these on different policies in different countries with some of the ideas that have the differences. but in some cases, the same crystal able to get into bed with, with, with some of them. and you might see that now when that result comes in because the far right parties themselves can't come together. they have some differences. russia and other things that keep them apart idea logically and so the interest can make rounds and it's like get them comfortable for the line having to, to reach out to parts easily. if she's not quite happy with the or to get that
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number to get across that large what have seduce, especially promising to be a best and against the extreme left and right. stay with us now because there's plenty more to talk about. we want to take a closer look at the example of germany. projections here have put jeremy's far right if the party in 2nd place in those european parliament election, their voice have come ahead of the 3 parties that are currently in the governing coalition. the social democrats, led by chancellor or of charles, looks that for a stinking to feed motor dissatisfaction as both the conservative it kristen democrats and pull position. germany's a f d celebrate through showing in european parliament elections. the far right party is projected to take 2nd place ahead of the governing coalition. the de campaigned on an e skeptic, anti immigration platform, despite a series of scandals in the run up to the ballot. support for the party is up from
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the last elections. we have from the start to the election campaign and then really caught up in the final spurt after all the prophecies of do after the beverage of the last few weeks. we're the 2nd strongest force and i'm telling you the only way is off tonight. the biggest winters looks that to be the center, right? christian democrats currently in germany's opposition, the cd use that voters have sent the chancellor. a clear message. you said keep this. most of this result must really give the federal government to pose for sold . it must now correct its policy and the political changes needed in germany on the encore, on the federal transfer, the social democrats, the greens and the ftp things kind of continue as they have been in the past 2 and a half years. the biggest losers of the night,
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germany's ruling social democrats, the chancellors party, are facing their worst result in decades. but they're not giving up the size. this is an outlook so either the most it submission for all democrats of the month, especially if you know the history of social democracy. and then you know that for all of us for us at the top of the s p d. such a frustrating result is not a reason to bury our heads in the sand, but to say now more than ever and as i can yet aspirations few. now, the greens who are in a 3 way coalition with b s p d, are also facing a major drop and support. the stage has now been set for t regional elections in several german states. where the far right is also expected to make gains. our chief political editor, mikaela cruz now gave us her assessment of the results here in germany. here in
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germany, these european elections have proved 3 things. first of all, all i've sold is 3 way coalition is deeply unpopular. all 3 parties involved, his social democrats, the greens on the free democrats have suffered in these european poles. secondly, the window of the night is the seed you see is you conservative block. it now remains the only big tense policy, according to these latest elections. and thirdly, that has been a significant shift to the ride also towards the fall, right? although the fall by a, if the policy failed to gain as much as a top for the big question now is how will do in regional elections in awesome? and what that will mean for national elections next year. and christine, what is still here in the studio with me? a painful day for the governing coalition. here in germany, we saw dramatic political consequences to the you election results in france
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already. how likely do you think we are to see that in other e u countries? well, in, in belgium the, the prime minister has announced his is resignation. of course you began to show talking about the developments and friends with present because taking the serious gamble, hoping that he can pull back the majority, he lost in 2022 basically tending the french people. it's now your decision. do you want the fault to be governed by the far right? the turn out in front was about 50 percent. he's hoping that more people will come out in a bit to block the far right here in germany. we might not see something similar, but certainly there is, there is the sense that this is a strong message to the governing parties who have o last to the a, the essentially in this election. so the pressure is on them hitting to jeremy's general election for example, that is taking place next, you know, the case of belgium, of course a little different because they also held national elections today. but i want to
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know because we're looking at this as if state were a referendum on national politics. to what extent is that true or people voting on european issues or on a national issue? it is absolutely true because what you have in, in, in these elections is you can, as you say, these are very much national referendums, people vote on domestic issues, people send messages to, to their governing parties in, in these directions. that's typically helpful. just behave so if you speak to voters in a different country, you will hit different issues related to the domestic agenda. and that's what this is. and this is why we need a look at these results. it's a, it's a good sign as to what is the public sentiment. and i think overall in europe, people are showing that the mainstream parties have work to do, winning back people that the far right is appealing to, for a number of reasons. especially here in germany and because we have general elections coming up in a little over a year. that was christine rowe. thank you so much for your analysis. let's take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today be
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is really minister benny guns has announced his exit from the war cabinet of israel, a prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that was set up after the law terror attacks on october 7th of last year, guns said nothing. yahoo was preventing israel from progressing towards a real victory in the war and gaza and called for fresh elections. it's only because you cl india's prime minister and the render mowdy has been sworn in for a 3rd term at a ceremony in delhi. for the 1st time, you'll have to rely on coalition partners to govern. after his hindu nationalist, b. j. p. failed to secure an outright majority. at least 9 people have been killed after suspected militants fired at a bus in indian controlled crushed mirrors. jeremy province. the bus carrying
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pilgrims to a hindu temple, tumbled into a ravine. no one immediately claimed responsibility for the attack which left at least $33.00 others injured. their ron's guardian council has approved 6 candidates out of 80 for the presidential election on june 28th. a snap election was called after president a braimer easy was killed in a helicopter crash last month. the council barred former president my mood of mundane and john, from standing for watching to go with your news. as a reminder of our top story today, who is the french president and my new and my call has called now legislative elections after suffering or was downed into fields. in the european elections as coalition is projected to come 2nd. well, behind marine lift pens far right, national route and that is all from the news for now,
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we'll have more results from the european elections throughout the night. so make sure to check back in with us. of next, a documentary fall is known as inventory and whose full way of life is being affected by water shortages. by the can you see is what old car tires have to do with the production? the hands on the real media. watch now on youtube. why do humming does not get drunk. why do go to the tasteful waves, squeeze all bodies how much.


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