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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 10, 2024 6:00am-6:16am CEST

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the, the, the stay that we in years long from berlin and support for the far right surgeon in european elections with immediate repercussions in france as president, among whom i called as all the national assembly and calls snap legislative elections after we're reading the pens far right national rally scores are was down thing victory. also coming up. despite the far right gains, the conservative e p. p. a lyons is sent to remain the biggest group in parliament is leader. european commission president was enough on the lines as for a party will take a stand against extremes on the left and the right and then germany the far right a if declines, that it's a 2nd place. while conservative,
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when the largest share of the vote, german chancellor shaw says social democrats grappling with a historically bad results, the article for at least welcome to the shell. we started with a political earthquake in france where the president and money of my call has rolled the dice on his political future after being trounced by the far right and the european elections is called a snap legislative poll for later this month, following a significant victory for marine depends national rally party in the e u vote. it's projected to take over 30 percent of the nationwide valid. and that is more than double the not of mcgraw's liberal renee, so on this party this was a political shock. the nobody had been expecting the french press. vince addressing
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the nation announcing us that parliamentary election. you'll have somebody more or less than that. i have lots of political gambling that came up. the exit polls had revealed his pockets. he was on calls for hammering at the hands of the far right national rally because he's all said. so this is you. this is a serious and way to decision. but above all, it isn't active trust trusting you mission, my data competitor, you that ship in the ability of the french people to make the justice choice for themselves and for future generations. so that's a down submitted follows and election challenge from this man showed dan bonsa, the president of the national rally policy to describe macro. and as it weakens precedence as he cooled for him to take the country to the poles in front of jubilant pots. a simpleton. p in pa t lee, the movie la pen had been banking on growing public frustration with the french president and his policies to deliver
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a result of the fall of books. and then now focused on securing the even big victory. this um i, we are ready to exercise paula, if the french tourists talk to you in this future legislative selection. so we are ready to rebuild the country, ready to put an end to most immigration, ready to make the purchase and possible differential priority. read it to begin the contrast rate industrialization. hey, i'm just curious, just to underpaid. and the bottom line. so what comes next over at the being drawing these on the far right protestors in paris is plus to the republic. giving the 1st indication of the find to heads, the flights of the french precedents as cast as a struggle for the soul of the country. and the stakes are high for my call, who has had an absolute majority in the french parliament since 2022. sonia found,
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the car is our corresponded in paris and had this reaction to the president's announcement. this is a political bomb shannon that has landed um you know, in the ultimate, of this kind of a very chaotic of argument action. um, now press them across courses reacting there to projected results in front showing that the far right now should not be made but read the pin. one, the selection hands down scolding rick was 31 percent of the boat sucks more than w a. that's then lots of my phone's centrist when is almost 40, so it's really big. even the 2nd place is about 15 percent. so this is really a crushing defeat for my call, spotty. but it's really not exactly a surprise because we need kind of reflects what the opinion full is. he would have been saying 4 weeks of now, as you said, my calling me to sort of dress a to, to announce that he was dissolving the parliament. i assume you spoke of the rise of the far right. i think you skipped distance and he said that the outcome of the
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elections is not a good result. the parties are defending the order of sonya fall, a car in paris, while despite considerable gains for the far right and countries like the netherlands, austria, and germany. the sooner arrived, european people's party is poised to remain the biggest party in the european parliament. that's the party of european commission president was the last one that she is seeking a 2nd term and the job, reacting to preliminary results from the line promised the p. p. would build a vast in against extremes. but on the campaign trail, she refused to rule out, cooperating with members of the hired right. like it'll least georgia maloney, your. she is on election nights and vote. is that the most to get done with others? we will build a fashion, i guess, the ex, streams from the ad from the right way. well, that was a new commission president. it was an f one. that line boats are still being
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counted across the block, but we are getting a clear idea by the minute of the future make up of the european parliament. now the, if you remain the biggest group and the projected new parliament, the center right block includes parties like germany's christian democrats and spain's people's party. but the biggest swings are at the ends of the extremes of the spectrum. we've seen voters turning your backs on europe, screen parties and looking towards the identity and democracy group that includes the far right national list and populace parties. many of them euro skeptics, but not to germany's f d, which was expelled from that block. they now fall under the non aligned and independent delegates category. it will be as correspondence across europe, had been covering the results as they came in. and here are some other impressions, the thunder lion spots. he is the winner of these european parliament elections. there will remain the largest group in the chamber and so funded line has
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a good chance to secure a 2nd term. as the chief of the you, executive. she has already indicated she would like to continue working together with the social democrats and liberals to push through a pro you've a fee, an agenda. but the games for the far right in the europe will probably make it much more difficult promise of it to or bunch running for this policy has come under pressure. even though most pull suggests an average of 45 percent of the votes to be cost to him, which would still translate to at least hop on to $21.00 seats available for hungary in the european parliament. there is important to can you come are and his name is peter much are mostly known for being the former husband of the former justice minister. if that has been part of the for the system was decided to go against it. he's forced to get at least 6 seats, which leaves a lot of people here with the question. what's left for the political left? just one thing is certain, at this point, it's been a mess of both the turnouts here and hungry because it's been both a european and
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a little collection here in poland. the prime minister don't know task and who civic platform potty or claiming the wind taking 21 of the 53 sees the poland have in the european parliament, the law and justice policy who were in power until october. for 8 years, they took 19 seas. it's a loss for them, but they say that they're going to use this as a way of understanding how they can make sure that they get back into power nationally as a shack barracks, finishing that report from our correspondence from across europe. well, final results are in for germany, where the far right alternative for germany has swept past all 3 parties in the governing coalition to take 2nd place. after the singing defeat, the social democrats, led by chancellor or shows are assessing the damage the european election is being seen as a referendum on the national government and widespread dissatisfaction with jeremy's current political leadership. as part, the conservative christian democrats and poll position germany's
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a f d. celebrate through showing in european parliament elections. the far right party is projected to take 2nd place ahead of the governing coalition. the de campaigned on an e skeptic, anti immigration platform. despite a series of scandals in the run up to the ballot, support for the party is up from the last elections we have from the start to the election campaign and then really caught up in the final spurt. after all the prophecies of do after the beverage of the last few weeks, we're the 2nd strongest force. and i'm telling you, the only way is off tonight. the biggest winters looks that to be the center, right? christian democrats. currently in germany's opposition, the cd use that voters have sent the chancellor
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a clear message to do this. i keep this, most of this result must really give the federal government to impose for told it must now correct its policy. and this post on political changes needed in germany and encore on the federal transfer, the social democrats, the greens and the ftp things kind of continue as they have been in the past 2 and a half years. the biggest losers of the night, germany's ruling social democrats, the chancellors party, are facing their worst result in decades. but they're not giving up the size business. and i'll talk to the demoted submission for all democrats of the month. especially if you know the history of social democracy and then you know that for all of us and for us at the top of the s p d. such a frustrating result is not a reason to bury our heads in the sand, but to say now more than ever and as i can, yes, yes, the rest few now. the greens who are in a 3 way coalition with b s p d,
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are also facing a major drop and support. the stage has now been set for t regional elections and several german states. where the far right is also expected to make gains. we asked our chief political editor, mikaela cruz now for her assessment of the results in germany. here in germany, these european elections have proved 3 things. first of all, all i've sold is 3 way coalition is deeply unpopular. all 3 parties involved, his social democrats, the greens on the free democrats have suffered in these european polls. secondly, the window of the night is the seed. you see is you conservative block. it now remains the only big tense policy, according to these latest elections. and thirdly, that has been a significant shift to the ride, also towards the fall rides. although the fall right,
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if the policy failed to gain as much as a top for the big question now is how will do in regional elections in autumn and what that will mean for national elections next year. take a look now and some of the stories making headlines around the world today. in the as a prime minister and a render embody, has been sworn in for a 3rd term at a ceremony in delhi. for the 1st time, he'll have to rely on coalition partners to govern after his hindu nationalist. b. j. p. fail to secure an outright majority. at least 9 people have been killed after suspected militants fired at a bus and indian controlled customers. gentlemen and province. the bus carrying pilgrims to a hindu temple tumbled into a ravine. no one immediately claimed responsibility for the attack which left at least $33.00 others injured. l g b t q plus demonstrators and venezuela have staged
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a protest against alleged discrimination at a crock. as long this came after a gay couple were allegedly told by security personnel to stop holding hands in public protests and scuffles with police and members of the public. authorities in brazil have declared an environmental emergency after arranging wildfire as threatened to trigger a drought and tropical wetlands. the continental region has been gripped by its worst blazers since 2020 week range have disrupted seasonal flooding, contributing to the fires. moving on to israel, our centrist minister benny guns has resigned from prime minister benjamin netanyahu emergency government guns said he was leaving his post with a heavy heart as he also called for fresh elections. guns joins nothing as war cabinet shortly after the october. 7th, come off the attack to display national unity and a severely polarized country says, resignation has been expected since last month when he gave nothing yahoo an
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ultimatum to approve a postwar plan for gaza. his departure leaves nothing. yeah, home more reliant on his far right. alan uh let me see what guns called his departure. an agonizing decision is more of what he had to say. sorry, unfortunately, connected, yahoo is preventing us from progressing to the real victory, which is the justification for the painful and ongoing cost. that's why we are leaving the war time copying it today. we live with a heavy heart. but with a whole heart, we present ourselves today to the bustle for the fates of the state of israel, for generations to come to the door, cut the, as, as a state of what you news. and here is a reminder of our top story at this hour french president, the money of my call has called a snap legislative collection after suffering a rezoning defeat in european elections as coalition is projected to come 2nd. well
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behind marine la pens far right. national rally and that's all the news for now. i'm next hour magazine global as looks at links between climate protection and democracy. i'm a co fairly from all of us here in berlin. thank you so much for your company today . the data brought together by chance, and they roots in the early ninety's and independence, free woman. and the mother of 10 patriarchy the sooner they can, they not assess team to, it's has been observing the lines of how dia and hit dorsey's edison. says jesus lines that have been shaped by debris, tennessee of rule and religious constraint. what he's telling me.


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