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tv   Nomads of Benin  Deutsche Welle  June 10, 2024 7:03am-7:30am CEST

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loan is the master of all things. you get the animals and people both black, lot of these days when i check out. and while i spoke with our guy that surprises me a you can think that god doesn't care or anything i renamed are great and i can barely hear you guys. oh yeah. hello. oh yeah. okay. well hi myra. how's it going again and of yeah. yesterday you can see the moon. i don't the reading now. forget it brother. we've got to help insights. we'd never make it through the day. otherwise. i am
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in the in the evening. i in your meaning the
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you're the the ring ring ring ring ring ring, ring the ring, the we're finally moving on to this. so that's really good to know he'd be worth taking
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a picture of or the
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one the locals are unpredictable capable of an a thing god. one night we went to walter, our animals enjoy the got arrested and fire shot into the air to make the heard kind of getting like you do to get one of our harder sled unless the animals behind me go to what do you need to know what it all ended well, the
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or the zillow, are you up all night? yes. because everybody's on or not. yeah. yeah. and now they're chewing their cost . the
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of the hello. hey, how are you and our daughter is she doing well? is that okay, to be back in a month at the latest avenue to you here. okay. bye. so we left the room for god's all with the cows 8 or the straw that
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it's all done great in the car. well, so we met here to think 2 sided together. we've decided what to do to do. i just bought it visa are offering. so a kid to chicken under rooster. the color diets is going to be on a charger home. don't you know, cable me, are you calling on the new euro among the, with your review, we come to the town, you know, we all the gods, what is going to be on a supplement to all of our ancestors and this year after we ask for your health times must be better and you want to break it because keep bothering us or if you just tell us, manuel, co force will go down. we'll slip throats for year, but yeah, yeah, we go. i'm tired to hear you elders take on an i'm tired too. so give me one each . you don't go down there. how are you open tomorrow?
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ok, give me the pieces the present, the doing the shackles of poverty, sickness and death. nobody the run doing all of them as well. yeah. yeah. well the, the, the weight weighs, but we want to see the person in charge of price, so to speak with him about the damage. is that the capital cost i need with most i
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can you tell me a dog, but you must keep your cows away from our fuel. they're destroying our plans to the bible. and want your elder to act. so the cattle don't force their way into our field anymore. i wouldn't the most likely get it. i don't know. so we live from our fields and you live from your candle down. well, i mean they're going to me that of boca and that's why we're here and not them. and they filing that to your older it will be going to ok, i'll translate it for him. again, my name is i'm gonna say i'm going to integrate with carla. i a program on the the cows only invade our fields at night. so i'm really in noah. not so much in the daytime . it wouldn't be that me to clinic for you now for the day when were there
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a real big i heard or is keep them away in a little body. i know you what do you get in it? so as long as we are there, the cattle have to go around. i mean, i was, i'm, and now this chaos only happens at night. the lot, are you what that really one of them and then i'll speak with the regions, young mergers to make sure they keep their cattle away from the feels automated. okay. did you and i don't nimble and if he was on a mess, you guys already are the others. he's be with you
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today. how are you? i was work or things going well? yes. hard. yeah, thank you. what's your out of this? yes, let's move the i'm not to how about do i, how are you and your family i'm well and you know we are, we have a good have you seen the others? i've called them. they're coming right away. or these cars from the last we haven't gotten really from candy. yeah. with on windows through they'll be quite nice. the soils good, which is the other codes belong to the
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us. studies would allow it to be that it just sort of sees one to help find a compromise between the farmers and herders. and that's why they want to help us say what they want to tell me. your concern is we can find a peaceful solution. lowery and doing no underwood and the farmers do everything to create problem is i will go to people that are animals just have to walk by their fields and they are wrecked. barriers on the routes to the mental go on down, you know what to enjoy. oh, well definitely, even if a count only indoors, a tiny part of the field, they demand huge amounts of compensation. i could open that out. we cannot, they forget we also must work hard to earn a living. the samples i've gotten, for example, they make you pay the damages my or no, yeah, that's a lot of people have yes and large available back. you know, the plants have just started surrounding one of us as soon as our cattle trample
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something on route able to farmers accuse us of letting our cows, grazing their fields and see what the authorities often wind up getting involved. look at if i live with them all while i have the farmers live from the you from the fields i'm the heard or is from catherine breeding. the situation is starting to get some pleasant or sewing crops near the watering place, and we can't get there anymore. you must be come in regular couple spots to the outside as yes. let the more i do then you have to pay thousands of functions of data. so the constant source of the problem is you know where to find it. you need to get ahead of so the farmers no longer respect those in and all of a problem. so give you my, the square button so that i show no consideration for us for our animals. i found that i found was issued because they are blocking our access to the wondering where to get some time ample. so do you think i don't know exactly of
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the the the would give us the farmer's,
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our green crops. i mean accessories to the watering places and guess that there would be we must find a solution to, especially because the water is becoming scarce. well, this is lucy and that's why it broke. say it's due to climate change in my to me. and then i thought it was this angle and know how you doing, you know, okay, do, i don't know much about it, but i can change it. i understand that the the
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the you trying to do to the herders auctions over made when experiencing crop, trembling, suffering, and the job a well, let me do, let me, let me. let me, god alone can help us. you gotta agree. oh, we live from our harvest and tend to our crops during the day. right? says one on time surgeries and bait are seals and threaten us with god. is it good? yeah, little mind i am i to you. i'm going to get less than i'm within my job. this situation really annoys the most honest as us. well, i'm an urgent need of an explanation. yeah. and i mean, think going through my really wasn't lot. we're going to do. i'm finished. which i
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mean, i don't know if i'm up there, i'm here or not, we farmers aren't going anywhere. dollars thing pulled of a boat that well, all the herders are leaving their regions and coming to our wondering place in the home, the livestock are destroying our fields. our wives and children are starving. that means like you do, you really want to tell me you don't know about this, the who this conference has been escalating for 3 years, where people don't say you didn't know me? well, i don't see it way. i've just got one thing to say and we'll, if he's returned, we'll stay, you know, and if it doesn't, we're still staying by me. then i don't want us to go to the 1st place. thank you for allowing me to come here to can be all of you. i have listen to all parties and 131 thing clear. well, good from the 3 villages you've all, you included. you know, i'm just the leader of the flying for saw way dense and also my way or the other village to be looked up to see if we could be the one that has helped us come here
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. and the one those have devastated your fields don't belong to our community. and when we, when we, when we go to see and speak with your leaders piece or return the money to what the leaders of the various types of gathered and asked us to come here and find a solution, nothing together. then we will move that with me. will you be good on the media? and i want to join forces, so the policies will return on the line and i will do what's necessary and ticket. i mean, we'll do everything possible to maintain that peaceful coexistence between our community. let me give the modem back to us so we can let them use them to listen to, to coordinate and understand one another. no, that was the
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time with a farmer told me that a herd of cattle was in his field last night. i don't know where your cows there. yeah. and a young lady, you know, we met them on the way here in the unit there were ran to campbell in the heard the quality comes with the you be sure you read it again and then i saw something that we saw, the heard or the dark skinned boy, you and email me the room, a wondered whether you were young. heard or is quite dark. and then right. you see
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already underway. right? yes, he's gone already, but let me do any hunting by and get a farmer was out in his field until 9 pm. i told him we'd gather the herd together at 11 p. m. to move on. and the one that use that and when you see the heard or tell him to move his cattle further away, he might take care of the farmers without going with them whether they didn't. and even if just a small part is destroyed, they say it was the whole field of it and sometimes it and of the letter the locals are watching water. yes, i see them. i met a farmer who asked me some strange questions. the young man, i believe, the
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normal clue. what are you doing? your lazy moons?
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pull the negatives. keep pulling the
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cooling down single pole. temperatures are rising rapidly in the city state called the sound of air conditioning hump day. it could be a special way with natural air conditioning and airy, sustainable architecture. could this be a model for other cities tomorrow today? next on dw, the, the,
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the 3 of you is you update the green innovations, super green and the super eco friendly green chimes. the holy grail of electron mobility and green revolution, global service into a whole lot of climate problems to fix or is i'm trying to tell the rest of those channels. we've got new videos every friday tried to plan. it's a devastating house. are we 2 meters tall system? i mean for a station in the rain forest continue carbon dioxide emission passwords and again the people of the world are we? what impact the biggest change doesn't happen the
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make up your own mind? me the there are 8000000000 people on the planet and more than half of us live in urban areas. living space is getting tight, temperatures are rising and cities are getting 30 or 2. it's time to cool things down. how about with plants? they help cut air pollution to wraps. meanwhile, don't mind heat or dirt. they multiply rapidly know on everything from vin liners to cables and can transmit diseases in berlin. their successfully kept in check, welcome to dw science show.


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