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tv   Tomorrow Today  Deutsche Welle  June 10, 2024 7:30am-8:01am CEST

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the impact will the biggest change doesn't happen. the make up your own mind. made the there are a 1000000000 people on the planet and more than half of us live in urban areas. living space is getting tight, temperatures are rising and cities are getting 30 or 2. it's time to cool things down. how about with plants? they help cut air pollution to wraps. meanwhile, don't mind heat or dirt. they multiply rapidly know on everything from fin liners to cables. and can transmit diseases. kimberly, and they're successfully kept in check. welcome to dw science show the
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funding, a booming capital with a booming pro getting population. sasha calculus works for the cities was a company who deals with problems in the sewer system such as rants. because here, like elsewhere, plenty of them living on the ground really not under found higher quality and has 3.5 to 4000000 residents. 6 a growing fishy. and with food constantly available. that should be around 2000000 . right. so yeah, but i believe the number is much lower than that because you see these routes. when i opened the shaft, i don't see save 10 of them running away, which would mean that what hundreds in the tunnels who not in the city definitely has a large number of them, i guess between 20300000 souls. to keep the rats bay a poison bait with a strong anticoagulant is inserted into every other man how
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a man a few days of to reaching it, the rock dying from internal bleeding. right, so not welcome in gemini southwest, either here to a highly active poison is the primary method of control. big stuff. that's why we use the 2nd generation at 2 ingredients and a bait like this with going into the milligram range teaching. it just once is enough to kill the wraps it, does he the step where does the rest of the points and end up? we were in a forest in northern germany wildlife biologist or the corner from butlins like nits institute for wild life for such is keen to find out how far right poison can spread throughout the environment. and whether it can be found in wild animals like this young, white tailed eagle gifted. that's why to get it up soon. i'm. i know the 2nd
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generation talks and have a hot flying says around 4 to 5 months item. yeah. but sometimes up to a year, so you can say it varies from about $5.00 to $10.00. um, as long as it could be that how long the tux ends are easily detectable in the old in savannah moles that have ingested them. the team of biologists have indeed found rent points and in the eagles blood did eat to poison dropped, possibly even the right. so not the typical pray for eagles. and they usually good at hiding to buy that must have the so many routes of police and that not to own if the manage to hide, they stay accessible and all they move around in vegetation like total grass and then cool by predators. you haven't done for these then often and dying from the poison themselves. it's called secondary poisoning. and unfortunately this happens quite often complied. are lucky policies for me. so the eagle is not an isolated case. fox is poll caps, head chokes, and song bugs can also be contaminated with wrapped points and sometimes dealing as
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a result. it's and then plumbing situation, the police and is more widespread in the environment than previously sold. that's why all of aqona and his team are also keen to study dead animals. the autopsies finding is dramatic rodents. it seems weakened by rat, poison, and found in the wild can be welcomed pray for white tailed eagles. there's also new research showing that even fish can ingest and accumulate 2nd generation rock poisons and the white tailed eco, whose preferred praise fish can end up accumulating this poison from fish through its role as the end consumer deficient. otherwise, some a down for this can lead the police and bates placed in the mind holes to be washed into the sewage system. that's because in 80 percent of old gem and municipalities poisoned bates hung loose and unprotected in the mind,
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how berlin wants to prevent the rat poison from spreading into the water system. so engineer is a testing out new methods like this floating bank box inside the air underneath is a foot which provides the base ions as a cable which secures the bowl and allows it to float. it stands securely and the bait is safely inside the bone. also, the handling is much better to best with him. thank the drop populations can be cubs without using any points in the tool. the next test shaft contains a high tech device. a trump triggered by census controlled via the internet. you know, mean it's ends. lackland esteemed when we now have an impact on the system in here, which is designed to ensure that the rats killed by spikes as they passed through the. so in other words, that killed quickly and precisely, and then carried away in the waste water flow. what's here,
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what's unique about the system is that it communicates with us. we can enter the results online and see the numbers of rat skills, and that gives us an overview. i'm sophisticated, seeing such data collection is a priority in gemini southwest to a hey, a sewage way, because the testing another ineffective system, movable flight in shows that the police in remain securely in this green container during floods and heavy rain full direct, still easily find the way to the bank and an electronic monitoring system registers each visit to the fences and we have a total of $9000.00 demand holes in your last and every 2nd long contains police and exist on the modem. before we introduced the system we use to use around 900 kilograms of poisoned paint fun. for now it's just 40 kilos so well below 10
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percent inputs and technology as i'm looking right katcha. these initial steps seem promising in terms of tackling the road in tissue and reducing damaging effects on those water, the environment. high summer. the heat can be especially impressive and urban areas. small animals attempt to cool down by panting or lying on cool floors . we people sweat it out, or turn on the air conditioning. if we have one and many do, but air conditioning use, it's a lot of energy and that's not the only downside. we take a look at singapore, the air conditioning units, are you big? what is in singapore, to help cope with the hot and humid climate. but these appliances are part of the problem. because they contribute to rising temperatures. luigi them yolanda studies
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architecture and sustainable design. with the help of a thermal imaging camera, she's identified a vicious circle as well for a small key to the increase, the higher the max. so it's not what further exacerbates the situation in singapore is the rapid growth that's underway. there are more and more residents and more and more concrete. in recent years, temperatures and singapore have risen twice as fast as in the rest of the world. data set, good on, has lived here for years. but dealing with the heat every day is challenging. even for him you can see right. i mean, you saw me even a walking in and i'm still little bit was fighting. yeah. it's actually 10111011 o'clock in the morning is over cost and the humidity is picking up. data stick around is an architect and box and list affectionately known as the plan which is
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weapon against climate change. this as simple as it is, effective vertical green spaces on the walls of buildings. you can feel when i'm standing here. just close be by right. i can feel these heat reduce significantly because the plants up with the rest, the right or aspiring and photo synthesizing. the plans for the to synthesize that release oxygen and actually basically picking away my compound off site for both of synthesis. so when you have got that biochemistry going around in the city, you'll realize that c, o 2 level drops, the immediate heat actually drops. and that makes a big difference. 30 different plans species are growing on this wall of sophisticated irrigation system provides the necessary nutrients. workers trim the greenery twice a month in the long term. it even has financial advantages. yeah, conditioning cost insight is actually cheaper and lower. so that's costs your saving as well. so spending a few dollars for that to feel a few dollars to save
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a few $1000.00 is actually a very good business. new e, junior orlando, shows us another building that illustrates what a difference greenery can make. this facade is partly covered implants, the other surfaces, steel and concrete, are completely exposed to the sun. the difference in temperature is a whopping 5 degrees celsius. but singapore can't combat rising temperatures with greenery alone. it's also promoting sustainable buildings and allowing more spaces in between them. the new university, for example, has solar cells on its roof, hoping ensure net 0 emissions. professor vater, selected on teaches here the shows us how a simple ceiling fan is enough to keep students cool. it's all very open plants allowing a gentle breeze throughout the premises. the building is actually quite similar if
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you're going to forest this. i'm treat some buildings to a very tall, some trees every. it's all the different may as well. so trying to bring back for us architecture and the city escapes is very important to try and involve designs of the future as well. so nature be solutions off pod, impossible of that. and they look spectacular to this hotel and the center of singapore has won awards. it leaves and reads with flourishing green terraces and gardens single pour subsidizes sustainable architecture and is pursuing and vicious long term goals. 1000000 new trees are to be planted by 2030 and so plan is to have so many parks that no one will have to walk more than 10 minutes to be surrounded by nature. of this project is called cooling singapore. the researchers have programmed
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a digital twin of the city. this allows them to stimulate cold temperatures can be lowered with individual projects. a thermal image showing to these daily temperatures and single port is shown on the left. on the right, what it would look like if all buildings were energy efficient and sustainable, the whole city would be $1.00 to $2.00 degrees cooler. single power sees itself as a driving force for southeast asia in the fight against rising temperatures. and is investing billions on like other developing countries. however, the wealthy city states can afford to do so. one of the big problems with cities is that the many sealed surfaces like concrete and as far as the store heat. and when there's heavy rain, the surfaces stuff, the water from infiltrating the soil, that's one reason why many cities are starting to plant tiny forest. these micro
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for us can help bring temperatures down, store water and much more news differential. so it has a dream and he wants to grow many primeval forests, known as tiny forests across gemini after raising 14000 heroes through the crowd funding the forest scientist and his colleagues planted the 1st tiny forest in the gym and state of brandon buck. a total of $3000.00 ground cover plants, shrubs and trees. all native species, then sleep sound too, they compete for the night. and so quite a relatively quickly japanese plumb sociologist keira milwaukee developed the tiny forest concept in the 1980s. the best small primeval forests, rich and species wild and resilience, and particularly suitable for cities did i have been for a month by spilling with people. i wrote a few examples that allow me
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a lucky forest could potentially develop until a very dense, green movement of buttons, especially in various shrubs. climbing comes up to really told trees the bank so that after a really short time, you have an impenetrable primeval forest. or a rep to cover fundings, and so the supervisor and that's, can have a cooling effect on areas suffering in the heat stuff on shel phillips to natural processes occurring in native woodland. to understand what tiny forests need to strive as it does here, i'm from the i'll leave the by a mass that drops from the trees. we tried to compensate for in the 1st few years by laying down this is drawer or chopped hardwood for us. and it s young with the aim is to ignite a price. tesla's fema, we provide the for a system with what it would normally develop itself over a few decades. i'm a task force and then after a short time and leave it to it's um, devices and to buy lots of stuff for it. so it doesn't need to the boy as we build
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up this toil life and this human. because if the from the stopped on the phone, i depend on the shelf or, and his colleagues in which part of this field with nutrients, according to me, a walk, he's concepts before planting the trees and shrubs. they left another part of the soil as it was. so nothing matched. would that be a different? it's a 3 d scanner shows how the plums, the developing or not. and the results are clear on the right hand area where the soil was prepared. there is far more vigorous growths and thousands of in for the this is the very most vital corner we have. it's also dental vision. the former street x that wants to gone are in susie and them for tiny forests throughout gemini. he's now on his way to a hospital campus with a piece of wasteland which will be turned into a forest. the soil has already been prepared as much to do before the 1st trees go
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into the ground, stiffened shelf and mix is native ground shrubs. woody plumps on trees seedlings into planting bundles, hospital stuff, and patients interested policies and a bubble children. a will be invited to the planting day as a specialist. so this is a tree. this is x rays. now, when we come to treat them and we make the whole deep enough for the roots to fit into the sea, we want to see roughly where the root and that's, that's where it should be in the ground. so what do you, what's in alpha? and that was 1000 and buttons. i'm located in the fish differential. so tiny forests complaining, important educational role teaching the next generation how to pronounce a green powerhouse amid the assaults and concrete. that's important because tiny
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forests have a lot to offer cities in the face of climate change. they clean the arrow of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides and boast 18 times more bio diversity than in natural mixed forests. surface temperatures in the form of shade can be up to 30 degrees celsius lower than on sealed surfaces. and they have a cooling effect on surrounding at temperatures to dropping them like 2 to 3 degrees. really excited the so what about most we can the far a slight the wrong house. think of it as a rule of thumb. the tiny forest is rooted for another 2 to 3 years and then no longer needs any outside inputs. that kind of inputs from alcohol. and lots of time and commitment went into preparing, implanting this 1st tiny, far as to you, but of to just full month's it's paying off. the former wasteland is already offering up. it's fast delicacy. lunch.
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whether they're caused by heavy rain or rising sea levels. they can have a specially serious consequences in cities. if the water can't drain away houses in the streets, get flooded. to protect itself from this threat by is caring for its mangrove forest. vanessa has built a multi 1000000000 euro flood barrier, and other cities are water proofing to go from bad sweeten sometime in the future in just 5 minutes. that's more than 15 liters of rainfall per square meter. the volta account drain away fast enough is this heavy rain could look like one day in the swedish city. the fortunately this was just the simulation for the people have gotten back this kind of disaster scenario. it's hard to imagine that the city is already preparing for an emergency go from bucks.
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it's right on the waterfront sea levels here in the north of a so wrong thing due to higher temperatures and melting places, and extreme weather events of becoming more frequent combines. this poses a serious threat to the city, says deputy man car in plato. we are the most vulnerable of the city in the sweden, in fact, because we are assessing from, from 3 directions to have the sea levels and the storms coming from the west and pressing off the water to the city from, from the sea. and we have a just the river, which will, so we'll have a rise senior water level and the rest ending us from that side. and also the heavy rain falls floating in downtown, got some bug is knocked on, come on even now. these images are from august 2023 realistic visualizations, if these potential scenarios could get the right people to pay attention and take
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action. that's why go from bugs is created a digital twin, and it's based on real data. in the 1980s, the city becomes compiling all the information that code about soil conditions go through and sewage pipes on the right in rail network. so every single tree is nurtured and essentially accessible data base with his age and height from, from what can read every data within the city. and we also have uh, parts of the data are open data to the community. actually we have the, based on this data, eric sean sons, to recreate to the city with all its details in 3 days, the power method, even the brakes have the right shape. and even with the lease or in the right place . my working with this parametric modeling, we can change the safety and visualize it in several different ways. so that's
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a very strong mechanism in the date of when you're just working with pattern metric canvas of the station. so unit c m science sunset depicts what will happen is the sea level rises even faster and also the various meshes that could protect scuffing bags in the city. sunset from the volta. these yellow lines represent low holes that would hold back ripple volta and in fact, some of them are already being built. lisa ex room is the climate strategist for the gulf and bag city planning office. here at the packers, can we have a we have a race to the wall next to the shore to protect the the city, the width of the, on the inside of the wall. the height of the wall was precisely calculated in advance. this is just one measure to protect the city from rising sea levels. the
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digital twins could be good for the city to show all the measures that needs to be done and why it has to be done. and i think it's a good tool to visualize for the positions and for our citizens and to show what could happen to guttenberg in the future. the problems are known now it's the case of making the right decisions. for example, big looks could be constructed, the seal, the city of from the say on during heavy rain, especially created open spaces, couldn't show that the water collect small, quickly and can see poway like here. and then new development. teresa lisa area contain 500 cubic meters. of water, when the heavy rain is coming, each time collects the water here and save the buildings of the housing center. everything around the greenery head also helps to provide
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a healthy oven climate. do you have a science question then send it to us as a video, text or voice message? if we answer it on the show, we'll send you a little surprises the thank you. so come on. just ask the this week's question comes from klaus w, from pato born in germany. the, is the sketching lights, or is it gaining weights? the box on it weighs almost 6, set, tv and kilograms. this can be determined funny accurately, with the help of satellites under mathematical formula. the weight is constantly changing. it has enough gravity to retain its atmosphere between the days of gases
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. gravity is no longer sufficient. i'd like to elements such as hydrogen and helium disappear into anxious space or the the ass lose is around $96000.00 tons of weight this way each year the radioactive decay reduces the weight to the planet to this convert samantha into energy which then escapes into space as radiation. this happens mainly in the interior and the rock such as o tonight's near the surface. radioactive decay accounts for around 7 tons of weight loss if we do one space, travel also low as the weights when we send rockets into space to transport satellites and exploration robots to other select steel bodies,
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the building material that these high tech machines may. delta comes from us, the space exploration lightens, the planted by around a 1000 tons per year. but the us is not just losing weight. it's also gaining. it's called the thanks to a constant trickling down of dust from out to space. this cosmic dust comes from asteroids, overtaking the sun behind moss and a bubble from comments. sometimes we can even see the specs of dust shooting stalls and every now and then larger chunks crushed to the ground as meteor writes . or, and if this adds an extra $16000.00 tons of weight to the us each year. so doing the math, we end up with a weight loss of $81000.00 tons per year. which means the us is getting lights,
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but only by a tiny fraction of a percent. almost nothing the and it's all from us this time around. thanks watching back soon. see you then. and in the meantime, take care the
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shift your guides to life and the digital flow of the latest online trend. navigate your way through the digital jungle. global perspective will be you'll guide and show you what's possible. you decide what really message to you in 15 minutes on the w eco africa. see if it's a clean,
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healthy field that doesn't smell like anything to be used in the home, like mt on camera room is turning food waste of renewable energy, their eco friendly. charcoal is affordable. good for the climate. and it's just the beginning. d w, the you have has voltage which hot topics such as migration climate x and and the cost of living crisis is popping the agenda, which also is the $4.00 by 6 to shake off the political stage before the elections will decide the youth, the future. and the potential lives was successful. what lies to have the you appear in elections, our main topic today on the w news. the
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of course we say they're about never getting up every weekend on dw, exhibiting time pin. a goal for is test, one of gemini says line focus, everything is simply designed so i can do that at these, which gives me extreme freedom. this time jim and champion really stays on the boat. what drives them to keep going? and the sound of the w the,
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this is the, the news coming to line from berlin for right parties make huge gains in european elections. the results triggered a political earthquake and france with president amount of all my call calling risky snap legislative elections. his party was delta, a heavy blow by reading the pens for right national rounding leslie coming up. despite the fall rights games, the conservative p p. p alliance is set to remain the biggest group in parliament. its leader european commission to present mostly on the line says for parking, we'll take a stand against explain this on the left and the right. the
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