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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 10, 2024 11:00am-11:15am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to live from berlin for right parties make huge games and you elections the results trigger a political earthquake and france with president a manual that call calling risky staff legislative elections. his party was delta, a heavy blow by marine depends. all right, national, despite the fall rights gains, they fell short of the railing. piers centers, majority in the european parliament commission present or so funded alliances are conservative lines will take us then against the extremes on the left and right. the
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hello, i'm terry martin. thanks for joining us. we begin in france, where president amount of walnut called has rolled the dice on his political future after being trounced by the par, right in the european elections. these called a snap poll for the parliament's lower house later this month, following a major victory in the e u vote. or marine la pens, national rally party. it is projected to take over 30 percent of the nationwide ballot. that's more than double of mccullin's liberal renaissance party. this was a political shock. the nobody had been expecting the french president, addressing the nation, announcing us about parliamentary election. you'll have some of them on i so that i have language and the political gamble that they came off to exit. polls had revealed his pockets. he was on calls for hammering at the hands of the far right national rally because you don't see it. so this is you, this is a serious and
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a way to decision, but to bubble it as an active trust trust in you mission my data competitor, you that ship in the ability of the french people up to, to make the justice choice for themselves. and for future generations now. so that's a noun, some of the follows and an election challenge from this man showed dan bonsa, the president of the national valley party, who described macro and as a weekends. presidents, as he called for him to take the country to the poles in front of jupiter, impossible to be in part to lead a movie. le pen had been banking on growing public frustration with the french president and his policies to deliver results at the fall of books and then now focused on securing the even big victory. there's some good, we are ready to exercise paula. if the french draws to talk to you in this future legislative selection, so we are ready to rebuild the country,
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ready to put an end to must immigration, ready to make the purchase impossible, the friendship priority. read it to begin the contrast rate industrialization. hey, i'm just curious as to underpaid. and the bottom line. so what comes next? stone read the being drawing these on the far right protestors in paris is plus to the republic. giving the 1st indication of the fight to heads. a fight that the french president has cast as a struggle to the soul of the country. a short while ago i spoke with the w correspondence on the public, a in paris. i asked her how people there are reacting to the collins decision to call us that parliamentary election. when terry fonts stay really from, that's political come to class a some people killed according to get an absolutely size make announcements by
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pressing micro to call. as of last and they just leave the connections, often his body supp owed relating to see the hands of the far right measured, riley, in your opinion, actions yesterday. and of course, this is absolutely been dominating the headlines here in fonts to day one, fraction these people call them across decision and leap into the unknown. another closely. it's an extreme gamble. and this funding announcements has one way to, you know, kind of get started on the political campaign for these parliamentary elections, which is scheduled on june 30th and july, 7th. the far right. national riley has already announced 22. it will go down, but by then no we'd be, it's contained for prime minister. but then as of course, was the lead candidates for the mastery riley in these you open elections. he is to, to the popular, he's the, he's the port to j off money in the pin. he's seen here as the, you know, slick, a new face of the fall of age 5. right. and he's especially popular with, with the young voters. he has
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a huge one. are we going to take talk over the median up on was there and he's really seen as kind of media savvy and dynamic, but many people here. is there any sense? sonya that many of them a call on had been planning this move to call snap elections given that the far right was expected to do so well. or do at least very well in the selection or what do you think we can assume the preston ma crowell had seen this coming, but he probably had planned as responds in above. and that's just because the election results gets to be almost completely replicated. the opinion forms that we've been seeing him from for many weeks now. so i think we can kind of assume that he probably had time to consider his options. but i think the fundamental problem here to force is that my call, who is, you know, baby 2 years into the 2nd tell him is president, is really hands strong in the french, follow me in on the national assembly. he has no majority david. so getting any bill to has been
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a real struggle with his minority government has to be already can be used a constitutional provision to force their just nation through without a vote. they did that with raising the retirement age, not still from 60 to 64, and that is absolutely pro compton holes with anger in farms. it was led to accusations that he's been, you know, bypassing following some googling it on democratic my know. so i think yesterday's announcements was kind of my cause we're seeing the situation was really untenable . i need more clarity of in his address yesterday. he said he couldn't pretend that nothing had happened. he said he had heard the message of the french and the concerns to and that was the w. sonya fall the guy in paris. well, despite considerable games for the far right, so in france, netherlands, austria, germany, the central right european people's party is post, remain the biggest party in the european part of it. that's the part of your pin commission process or slip on the line. they're seeking a 2nd term on the line promise. the p would build
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a faster and against extremes. but on the campaign trail, she refused to rule out, cooperating with members of the heart, right? including italy's georgia loan together with others. we will build a best, should i go see extremes from the ad from the right way. well so, but of course is still being counted, but we're giving a much clearer picture now of the future make up of the european parliament. the p remains the biggest group in the projected new parliament. the set right block includes parties like germany's christian democrats and spain's people's party. but the biggest swings are at the ends of the spectrum with voters turning their backs on europe's green parties and looking towards both the identity and democracy group . and the conservatives and reform is they include all right, nationalist and populist parties. many of them euro skeptics,
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the right wing id group, expelled germany's bar, right, a up the party earlier this year, following various scandals as well here to help us make sense of this year being parliamentary or election with join. now in the studio by d. w as chief international editor, richard walker. what's your, what do you mind take away from this european parliamentary election? oh, well, i think terry, me, we, we, we've obviously been talking a lot about friends. we sort of the shots that with, with the look at the policies, i think the big picture is that you sent, you do have games on the far right, but it's not a completely uniform picture. for instance, here in germany that would gains for the f d. the old tents for germany in neighboring poland to the lord justice policy, a made losses, and so not a complete uniform picture. what's on the progressive side of politics? this certainly has been a kind of a shift away from progressive some more towards the center. right. but you do see variation there as well. so you see green parties suffering. most of them you see social democrat suffering for instance. i think broadly, what you can see in
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a lot of countries is this, this kind of mid term phenomena like european elections are treated in a country where, um, if it falls in the middle of the time of the national government, then of course it will be it will be treated like a mid term election often is in united states, for example, what the, the governing possible get punished. right. i think that's going back to what you do see though, and i think this is going to be really important going forward. and we've talked about funds quite a bit, it's empower shift happening within the you. we see that manual. and my call is we couldn't coming as the selection. but he's now called another election which could run the risk of we can to him even further. we see left schultz, we couldn't already eating a we coalition, we can still 5 and that not a single policy in all of schultz is governing coalition. here in germany was as strong as the a f d on the far right. so you have these 2 extremely important figures in, in europe weekend who is going to get stronger on the other side of the coin. well,
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georgia, maloney and italy is looking strength and at this point, and also in poland, donald tusk. the rest of the recently i arrived prime minister in poland who's, who's a centrist central right? well, so looking strong, so you may have a shifting influence within europe in long and in the coming years away from france and germany and potentially towards countries such as empowerment. what about policy research? i mean, but in, in practical terms, when the other countries are looking to the european union as a blog, can we expect any policy policy changes to result from this election? do you think, i mean, it's been at least to say, because a lot is going to depend on the makeup of the, of the, the way the pass structures of the european union respond to this result of the selection. and who was the commission for instance. but i think there are 2 areas that are really going to be interesting to, to watch that one would be climate action. so that in recent years there's been
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a lot of effort by the european union really speak level lead to on climate. there's a lot of pushback from that, particularly from the far right. and this is trickling through into essential right, politics as well. so what happens at and also migrations is similar phenomena. that these 2 issues of migration and climate change becoming really kind of cultural issues. but also kind of really help us in policy issues too. and of course they have a major consequences for people around the continent. the european commission will be choosing will in europe, will be choosing as new commissioners, including the present therapy and commission soon posted the formula wants another term as president. it's a very powerful post, obviously. uh do you think she has a good chance? so after the selection of, of getting a 2nd term. yeah. so it's not like and bad for her at the moment, but there was couple of titles to clear that she needs the support of national leaders. she needs a, the majority in european parliament. a lot of focus will be about how she goes
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about getting that majority. um, and there was a lot of speculation about this already through the course of the campaign. and it focused on whether she would focus her support on the century as parties of husband to write blogs of the liberals of the social democratic kind of groupings, the center left with it. that's the roots of her majority, the roots in federal authority, or whether she opens up a little bit to some on the, to the right. and the, the real focus is on the georgia maloney again who we just mentioned earlier. whether it was a lot funded line is going to be really opening to take well pricing with more places. so that's gonna be something to watch. and the days ahead from the lines being quite a big us about it, she was a big us about it last night. so we just don't know the answer to that yet. but i think that underlines against the georgia maloney is going to be very important. figure to watch and the as the right has been strengthened, but still many question marks remain richard walker or chief international. have
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sure, thank you very much. sketchup on a few other stories making headlines today. south korea has restarted loud speaker, propaganda broadcast so long. it's border with the north. it's in response to a campaign by filling yang of sending trash carrying balloons southwards. kim jo, john, north korean leader kim young ones, sister war and the south was creating a prelude to a very dangerous situation. stories in brazil have declared environmental emergency after raging wild fires threatened to trigger a drought and profit of wetlands. the tents and all region has been gripped by its worst places. since 2020 we cranes have disrupted seasonal flooding, contributing to the fires the l. g. b, d q plus demonstrators and venezuela have stage to protest against the ledge discrimination at a caracas mall. this came after a gay couple of were
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a let just lead own by security personnel to stop holding hands in public. protests ended in miners, suffers with police. now to israel and administer benny guns analysis resignation from prime minister benjamin netanyahu was emergency government gun said he was leaving his post with a heavy hardship. note the also called for electric luma, guns joined up. now here's the government shortly after the october 70 thomas attack. show unity um guy says he break resignation have been expected since last month when he gave nothing yahoo an ultimatum to approve of postwar plan for garza . this departure leaves nothing yahoo more reliance of his far right out was well guns called his departure, an agonizing decision. here's more of what he had to say. sorry. unfortunately, nathan, yahoo is preventing us from progressing to the real victory, which is the justification for the painful and ongoing cost. that's why we are
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leaving the war time copying it today. we live with a heavy heart, but with a whole heart, we present ourselves today to the bottle for the fates of the state of israel, for generations to come to the door cut. the thanks for watching. the goal for is john packed has one of 79 focuses use, a lot of stuff for only thing is simply designed so i can do this which gives me extreme freedom. how does this time, jim and champion so what his commitment holly, i'm the sound of simple dogs, june 13th on d w. the.


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