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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 10, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the, the, the, the news life from believe, fall right policies make huge gains in your elections. the results trigger a political outbreak. confronts with president demand the problem pulling risk the snap legislative elections. his party was dumped, a heavy blow by muddy le friends followed by national violet. despite the fine arts games, they found short of the very name of the centers for daughter taking the bottom and commission president boots went off on the line phase, comes up with the lines when take a stab to produce extremes on the left and the right, the
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amount of you're welcome, we stop in front of our president. the macro has the rolling the dice on his political, the future after being crossed by the far right into your opinion, actions. he's called a snap power for the parliament law house dates of this month. following a major victory and the vote for money left funds, national riley party. it's projected to take over 30 percent of the nation by the ballot. more than double that of microns liberal renay san spotty. this was a political shock. the nobody had been expecting. the french president, addressing the nation, announcing us that parliamentary election, you'll have somebody more or less than that. i have lots of political gambling that came off the exit. polls had to rebuild his pockets, he was on calls for hammering at the hands of the far right national riley because he don't see it. so this is your, this is
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a serious and way to decision. but above all, it isn't active. trust. trust in you mission, my data competitor, you that zip in the ability of the french people up to, to make the justice choice for themselves and for future generations. now i still think, you know, that's announcement follows an election challenge from this man. show dan bond to the president of the national rally policy to describe macro and as it weakens precedence as he cooled for him to take the country to the poles in front of jubilant pots, a simpleton. p in poverty lead a movie, la pen had been bunting on growing public frustration with the french president and his policies to deliver a result of the fall of books and then now focused on securing the even big victory on this. um, sir, we are ready to exercise paula, if the french trusts talk to you in this future legislative selection. so we are ready to rebuild the country, ready to put an end to must immigration,
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ready to make the purchase impossible, the friendship priority. read it to begin the contrast rate industrialization. hey, i'm just curious as to underpaid. and the bottom line. so what comes next? stone read the being drawing these on the far right protestors in paris is plus to the republic. giving the 1st indication of the fight to heads, a fight that the french president has cast as a struggle to the soul of the country. and the check product has more on the reaction to micros hardest move. yeah, it's been a really interesting morning here in power. so searching for a couple of people who said this and the french president, my kronos putting this decision back into our hands. but basically we know that this is a political move that he has to make. he sort of, microns stole the thunder of the european parliament selections
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a bit away from marine depend who obviously want in those european polls. he made this a nice but right towards the back of it. so it really showed that he wants to the line like to be back on him, but also domestic the hearing from he has not had a majority in the assembly. he has not been able to push any laws that he has been able to have to get through have to be through a constitutional play, essentially that allows him to push them through. so this is a big campbell for my chrome, but one day he is hoping will pay off of the national guard. you've received nearly 32 percent of the vote. does president my call think the discipline change in favor of his body in less than 3 weeks? yeah, i mean this is a, here's the, i'm vicious gambling of the contacts. so this is that generally when people vote and this is across the european union in the european parliament selections, they wrote more sort of in line with their own political beliefs because they can
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just throw the vote in the parliament is much more disparate with it with $27.00 member countries sending, i mean, when it comes to a national election, they sort of pay politics with the policies that they vote for. and it's important to remember that this is also a 2 stage election. so that the 1st time that comes at the end of june and a 2 weeks later, a 2nd line of people may and this is what micro on is banking on. come out in droves, the hopes a big time night to try and vote against the fall right off the he also the result that we saw in the european paul them into license. that is the gambles that micron is making. here, look at his bond on jack paddic speaking to me earlier from paris overall, despite considerable gains for the far right in from the netherlands, austria and germany, the center right, your up and people's bodies boys to remain the biggest party in new york in parliament. that's the policy of europe and the commission president is still up on the line. we're speaking a 2nd tom on the line promised. the e p. p would build
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a best to him against extremes, both on the campaign trail and she refused to go out, cooperating with members of the hard drive. like if it is the old, you know, need to get done with others. we will build a best. i guess the ex, streams from the ad from the right way. well let's move on to the chief and methylated sir richard walker, who is going to be now in the studio, which i get to say, you know, stuff on the line. they're talking about extremes from the left and from the right . but it's the gains of the far right. that really have been the story of this election of a yeah. what is kind of a bit of both the rest, you know, so, so it was the funded lie has been speaking here in berlin today as well. and she's also being said, he knows a center has health in this selection. and this was always the worry going into the selection that, that would be, you know, really, really major significant gains by the far right. because sweeping across the
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continent and the picture is a bit more mixed. so i wrote in groupings as you would pay and people's policy the, this mainstream conservative sense of right. certainly are looking pretty much as strong as they were before, maybe making. so some slight gains in the parliament. but in different countries who do have slightly different pitches. so we've had a lot about france already. so 2 major gains by the far, right. they're really pushing amount one, my calls whole political projects under a very dark cloud here in germany. also significant gains by the old sense, if a jeremy's, a f d, which has overtaken every single member policy of the governing coalition, he has said so all shots the child. so his policy has 14 percent and the selection the if the had around 16 percent. so major gains that, but there are some come countries where it's different, you know, for instance in poland where there was a recent recently a change of government,
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the new mainstream conservative center, right potty have done on toast beach uh the nationalist policy, a called the p i s policy of which had been so strong for so long. so this is slightly different pictures in different countries. i think what's going to be interesting looking forward is, what does this mean for, you know, who are the power brokers within the european union going forward? my car sales set and the weekend done all to us, the prime minister opponent looking stronger, i think. and also georgia, maloney, the prime minister in italy on the further to the right, also looking pretty strong at this point just about the far right and how relative done in the front in germany, france and germany together to nibble has been called the engine. that drives your to now the far right is in the pendant in both these countries. what does that mean for the cloud and the power of the front and germany we, we, you level, well, i think,
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i think there are 2 aspects to this festival that this the presence of the far right. and this is certainly a concern in both countries, particularly in front because matthew, me, the pin on it is really shaping up to look like a very the strongest candidate that she's ever been to run for president next time around. that's a couple of years away yet. though, within germany, there's not the kind of concerned that the alternative would tell me this. all right, policy here is about to potentially take over the federal government. that is not a concern to be see their own 16 or so percent, but you have a very fragmented potties political landscapes here. so they would have a very long way to go. if they have a have that kind of an aspiration. but what you do have in common between fonts and germany, i think at this stage also be selection is a sense of, of governments that a lame ducks, that they are united, the case of my call. and he's part way into a 2nd and final time. in the case of all i felt teasing and extremely unpopular
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coalition, which has a year and a half or so to go. if there aren't, you know, early elections, which some people i'm beginning to call for. um, so where do you have, you know, the, the, the governments of the 2 most powerful countries in europe, boasting elaine doug, situation, that is, of course, a pretty dramatic situation for the unit does find the question, how capable it will be as a body of tackling the many crises that we face now, i think this will so it goes part way through explaining why my call has rolled the dice on this semester collection. that he wants to avoid this lame dog spaces. but of course, he may end up on the weakening himself by the leave it there for the moment data, those chief engine escalated to richard walker. thanks so much. i a quick look now at some other stories making news around the was german prison funk . well, this time my, i'm french president demanded about crow, commemorating the victims of a nazi massacre in funds during the 2nd world war. stoops motto:
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643 people in order to restore a gland. in 1944, the vintage has been preserved as a reminder of non secure warranty to south korea has to be started. loudspeaker propaganda dropped off so long. it's pulled over to an old. it's in response to a campaign by joan yang of sending trash getting balloon southwards giving you a joint north korean leader kim jong on the system on the solid, supposed to be getting a cold tribute to a very dangerous situation. so hold on, we see these really minister benny guns has announced his exit from the wall cabinet of from mr. ben, you may need to know is that top box the how mazda october, 7th, the tenant attacks? john said missing. yeah. who was preventing ease for him? from progressing to a real victory and the war in gaza and cold for fresh and make for us. you know, if he's wanted me to come up the blog whole mean while you're a secretary of state, anthony banking has arrived in title as part of efforts to broker
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a c spot and gaza. i also on this got a mug of audrey, what blinking can expect to hear from egyptian officials as well. i will, i guess they will tell him that the usually signed a comment declarations together was caught the end to you is supporting the piece, the ceasefire proposal of the as present, joe biden. and to they will ask the americans, what are they doing in order to pushing these reading sites to push for that he may have been, i mean it's on y'all to accept this proposal. and at the same time, of course, they are the ones who communicate the was how much. so i guess police will ask here, the same thing from digits, you start to put pressure on how much the main difference here between our mazda is ready to spend. that how much is demanding a permanent ceasefire. why and then your son, joe, is still speaking about a post total victory. so that's the difference. it's have to be overcome here. and
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what is a different position on this us what they just said, they're basically, you know, the company cases that this is key or there beside behind the service, the ceasefire proposal page which is more or less communication channel. it's not clear how much influence they really have on decisions of how much, but it seems like how much is no waiting. what's happening is right up to the withdrawal of say, any guns from the wall cabinet to the head of the do 40 through for how much say he's made a new says that this is kind of jumping off the boat before it seems. it's also clear this is, is there any attack on them to sign up cam for, for liberating the for hostages, and at the same time, creating a blog bass on the part of students. i just want to, for the 270 people dead, eh,
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did not really an enhanced the trust of how much in this negotiations. how much is especially angry about the u. s. participation in this operation. and the, the heather from us a call to you is known this criminal and then the on the student, then these ready to hear should that said, so all this is the opposite of crating confidence for the steve which uses but at the same time, of course, the situation creates pressure on both sides, that this really cannot continue. that was done this coming week of already speaking to me earlier, you're watching the news. here's a reminder of our top story of this. all french president bundled about pro, has gone to snap. they just didn't have the dimensions off to the heavy defeats in the u. elections is sentenced. alliance was promised by monday, and the parents followed rights national remy policy. that's all for the moment. but coming up next after the break, a documentary on the day and the story of cooperation over not remember there is
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more news and updates $27.00 on our website. that's d w dot com. i'm gonna respond to j team. evelyn, thanks so much for watching. we're back again in the back. 45 minutes from now. the goal for is john packed has one of japanese 5th line focused. use a lot of stuff. your only thing is simply design. so i can do this which gives me extreme freedom. how does this time, jim and champion south? oh, his commitment holly, i'm the sound of simple dogs, june 13th on d. w. the. it's may 13th, 1943.


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