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tv   Planet A  Deutsche Welle  June 10, 2024 3:15pm-3:30pm CEST

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sentence to lions was challenged by my reading. the friends followed right mesh told riley project that's all for the moment. coming up next after the break. planets a shows us how india wants to fix its problem of the week on british banditry in billings. and so you're back here in about 4 to 5 minutes from now. the europe has voted with hot topics such as migration climate action and the cost of living crisis. helping the agenda, which also is the fall by step to shake off the political state before the elections will decide the use the future and via potential lives in the successful what lives to have the you appear in elections, our main topics today on the w news the so i'm going to place the big tech companies would draw the didn't exist. it's
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a sunday evening and this market in north debbie is not still 1390000000 mobile phones, the sol globally at all. 5000000000 mobile estimated to be thrown away. but right here could be a solution for much of this waste. i'm in the north indian market and there's really nothing you can get to places like this anywhere where people are using whatever they have it on them to fix what's broken. because changes in the way products are made is changing this market and others like it without even full of the 5 or 6 of us m o u k, the m o u, that one. 0 yeah. is it up to you to do that? that one, and because people are choosing to buy new rather than repair e with no mix up the majority of our overall toxic waste. and it's happening all over the world. so many people are now working to bring this route, ban, mindset back in the retain this ingenuity and the culture of fixing was
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broken, but also keeping isn't going to me. i'm here, i'm getting the respect to figure out how all of this is going to fails. i've done my phone for 4 and a half years now, which is a relatively, very long time to own a smartphone. i'm going to challenge with my so i'll just see how much longer i can make it last. but i've also been very careless, uncompleted void. my display of i looked it up and it costs 30000, refuse to buy a new phone on the same models. so i'm here to see whether it's worth getting into bed instead. for like a lot of i'm just not sure whether it's worth being a ton of them getting a new phone with a new buy cheap and the, the, the showroom quoted, 16000 rubies, which is more than half the price of the phone. so i'm not going to, i'm going to get a few more quotes from an if in place. this is an informant and send me from an
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electronic deposit. this is a gray area. some vendors may be authorized, the, those are, those may not be registered. not all of them pay taxes yet, because they told me they can offer the cheapest services by cutting deals over or under the table a find some look around or the other models that 7000 already a copy of my zip code. we think what you've got and to get the naggie quite interesting that everybody is, of course in the different singles, which means that of course doesn't stand out and you have to have it and you have to find the best price which does take a lot of time to think about india has a long history of repairing, over replacing most read cono's ones, how to call the other cielo, who fix solid ease of state and families for many generations. but it gets more nice. this tradesman specializes in only fixing the
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economic boom of the 1990 the 2000 and change this culture completely with more money in their pockets and things getting cheaper. people started buying more as something else happened. india went outside digital of every kind of payment is now done online from rick shows to coconut, brought to having a phone is now basically mandatory phones and in the us for cheap and accessible that are more people with phones, then beds, all mattresses or chairs electronic devices still became an outlier to the old in in japan culture, mainly because electronics companies don't allow for repair. gadgets have been accused of being designed for the dump. it's called planned obsolescence companies have been taken to quote over it's, for example this here apple is prepaying to be up to $500000000.00 in the us and settlements in a case like using them of slowing down older iphones or didn't government find samsung 5000000 euros in a similar case,
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but found that updates slowed down devices. as a result of all this e ways has drawn phenomenally in india, in many countries. we've had similar results from the stories of development. and after them's very little of this waste is formally recycled. this is where electronics come. this is the biggest electronics waste from off in the country. truck loads of discarded electronics come here every day and i've jumped onto local traders. these people separate them and set up us on the recyclers or other kinds of strap dealers. they're literally e waste everywhere. look at that here. so it goes, break down the tech to recover anything of value the results of this kind of informal dumping. i mean of this by what's meant to be
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a storm drain. but there's no space for water to flow. we saw a lot of people including and especially children collecting anything of value and this scavenging comes at a high price. the lives academy and mobility and e way as has been known to cause skin conditions and the 1st instance. but it's also been linked to problems with the liver and development of the brain, including a newborns it was very hard to fill up here and nobody really wanted to talk to me on camera. i met studies and have a research of, of chemical pollution to ask what needs to happen to stop this to work on the production site, autumn consumption. so i don't have to make a lot of adjustments on the production side of that and see that how do you design products get us? suppose they're going to design the product, which is more letting nature. but that's what a be a good. you're describing
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a product because you cannot take you to the next level. the 2nd thing is about lowering consumption is also because if we design products, but if it last with me for a long time, i am not likely to desponding. so my risk, the generation becomes, reduces. the thing is about we need to formalize the past, we need to formalize refurbishments and by law also them for me to is only that. how do we encourage this? i think back we have not been able to break to this 3rd thing is something the government is starting to work on it. launch the 14 and 2023. you to insure it. citizens have the right to repair around. 50 companies have signed up sofa on paper . these include manufacturers of farm equipment, consumers, you roubles, and also one buyers as well as electronics. i meant the man in charge royd commerce thing, the highest chunky administrative office, the ministry of consumer affairs who went over the main points in case the product
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required. zip is a routine maintenance. it shouldn't take as board entry. it hasn't been able to past as a bill environment, and that is, it can be a little process. this is some way, donio, profess of law and alliance university in manuel, who has looked into where india's at with the right to repair. but it's possible at the bottom and also one buffet, right? yes, visible is possible because remember that we are talking about also the interest of 5. and um, lets say produce a groups that are quite powerful, not injured. that was the case. it was decided to um, in the mean to 2010, but that's the case. in this case, a lawyer name should cut the 14 car manufacturers to quote, which only allowed for repairs and exclusive repair shops. he argued that these manufactures monopolize the spare parts market and will be using this dominance, sometimes mocking up the price of spare parts, 5000 percent. the manufacturer was pulled back and the arguments was that what
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would be no. so let's say we can do something tunes because you mostly for allow me more people to repair those costs, or those consumer goods we go to, it's going to infringe on intellectual property rights. in that case, the court decided against them mandating that they allow consumers to go wherever they choose, based on what they can access and afford the problem that if you have, if you have markets with intellectual property, i noticed, but do you mean discounts investments into that industry, for example, the funds that produce those electronic goods. maybe this, this may have reduced incentive to enter the market any of the legal market because it will say well, but then when we are using, based on just the university goes out in different budget rex is not predicted because of the vegetables that there has already been pushed back even against the simple u. s. b c charging rule. i believe india has asked for an exemption or
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a de leasing or otherwise struggled to meet production targets. but there are economic arguments for repairs. at the moment, most of the material that goes into making electronics remains on accounting for these include important resources like lithium, which we will need a lot more off in the future. so these are of huge national value. many countries i'm pushing ahead on this in early 2024. the european parliament took the leap forward and voted strongly in favor of strengthening the right to repair. in all $27.00 countries of the summer, even hanging, a group of vouchers paid for by national group of funds from so set up what might become a norm across many products, a repair ability index, much like the one that shows you the energy efficiency of say, a refrigerator to give the consumer more agency, the u. s. has not fall behind them. such decisions would have impacts some countries like india and beyond the some of the products,
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standard global supply chains. so they manufacturer for was so the word has to become the same page, this difficult task. go to. but then we also engage with you. and they are doing from a specific date. they're making a friend entry. so reset, okay. uh you plus 6 months is estimated to be a $20000000000.00 domestic market for repair and a $5000000.00 domestic market for refurbishment in india. so start to upset, jumping in by setting up repair and refurbishment units. cdb. i am buying the and gadget wouldn't noise the examples board with huge foreign investments, the vin, the vin proposition for the consumer, for the guy who's looking as and get some employment and the company expensive. and it was because we want to get some benefit because it's cheaper and accessible. and the guys being able to make a living. but this all still exist in pockets, in very early stages. the big challenges, the hundreds of thousands of people whose livelihood depends on for fact,
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formalizing such a massive, informal economy, developing skills, registering, and ensuring the paid tax is not going to be an easy task. even if the government says the intention is that it's also going to be a challenge to keep account of all these resources. but that is the whole thing. i've decided not to change the display of my phone because it's about a 3rd of the costs of buying the new phone. and so it's a just too expensive, especially considering. i don't have a guarantee that the new display will last for long enough time to make the investment was that. so i think i'm just going to wait for my phone to dies and buy a new one. but if and when that i to the bed does come into play, my decision might be quite different. developing countries like india have a unique opportunity to still tap into that culture of renewals and repair and retain them for a most sustainable and equitable future. the lights of the good and discussion that on the was that is likely to have huge implications. that's really all take on it. and i'm going to get to come back more videos like this every friday.
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has you ever heard the term jump? ha. just basically describes how masses of young people are leaving the country to search for better opportunities elsewhere. when skilled work is leave africa, they leave a little brain great, big. it's hard to appreciate. and then really part of this problem, we sent out our team of correspondence to find some answers this 77 percent. next, on the w, cooling down the single temperatures are rising rapidly in the city state called the sound of air conditioning hump day. it could be a special way with natural air conditioning and area sustainable architecture. could this be a model for office disease tomorrow today?
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in 60 minutes on d w the this week on the 77 percent street debate, almost 90 percent of the people i went to school, we'd have left the country ppo doctor. there's no reason for you to be major. that is what everybody say close to the fact that people are running away because of money. it's a problem to me. you took it out to save lights. that sense of belonging never be unfair flu, but in these materials to measure complimentary, i get to molar too. my dear, come back on create one for 2 minutes and i know i do. i agree. i agree because opie's nice truck is you don't want to keep open for 62 years. we have to pay out
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what no cost on that body.


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