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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 10, 2024 5:00pm-5:16pm CEST

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the, the physically, the, the news line from berlin fraud right, policies make huge gains in easy reactions. the results triggered a political outbreak and frogs with president demanded across calling risky snap elections. his body was dumped a heavy blow by monday. even the fence followed rise to national valley. but this part, the faults gains there from showed of daily dissenters plunge on and see if the autopay and all of the mission president is off on the line. say is how conservative aligns. we've taken steps against extremes of domestic and the right the
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i'm british manager, welcome. french president demanded by crawl has rolled the dice on his political future after being challenged by the far right. in the european elections, he's called a smart phone for the parliament, low house dates of this month following a major victory and the you vote from reading the friends national rally party. it's projected to take over 30 percent of the nation by ballots. more than double that of my cross liberal renay, san spotty. this was a political shock. the nobody had been expecting. the french president, addressing the nation announcing us that parliamentary election. you'll have somebody more or less than that. i have lots of political gambling that came off the exit. polls had revealed his pockets, he was on calls for hammering at the hands of the fall, right?
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the national rally because he don't see it. so this is you. this is a serious and a way to decision, but above all, it isn't active trust a trusting you mission idea, compactor you, that's up in the ability of the french people up to, to make the justice choice for themselves and for future generations. now i still think, you know, that's announcement follows and that election challenge from this man showed dan bond to the president of the national rally policy to describe macro. and as it weakens precedence as he cooled for him to take the country to the poles in front of jubilant pox, a simpleton. p in poverty, lead to movie la pen, had been bunting on growing public frustration with the french president and his policies to deliver a result to the fall of books and then now focused on securing the even big victory on this. um, sir, we are ready to exercise paula, if the french trusts talk to you in this future legislative selection. so we are
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ready to rebuild the country, ready to put an end to must immigration, ready to make the purchase impossible, the friendship priority. read it to begin the contrast rate industrialization. hey, i'm just curious as to underpaid. and the bottom line. so what comes next? stone read the being drawing these on the far right protestors in paris is plus to the republic. giving the 1st indication of the fight to heads a fight that the french president has cast as a struggle to the soul of the country. and dw check public has more on the reaction to macros. hiv is move. yeah, it's been a really interesting morning here in power. so searching for a couple of people who said this and the french president, my crown is putting this decision back into our hands. but basically, we know that this is a political move that he has to make the sort of microns stole the thunder of the
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european parliament selections a bit away from marine depend who obviously want in those european polls. he made this a nice but right towards the back of it. so it really showed that he went through the line like to be back on him, but also domestic the hearing from he has not had a majority in the assembly. he has not been able to push any laws that he has been able to have to get through have to be through a constitutional play, essentially that allows him to push them through. so this is a big campbell for my chrome, but one day he is hoping will pay off of the national guard. you've received nearly 32 percent of the vote. does president my call think the discipline change in favor of his body in less than 3 weeks? yeah, i mean this is a, here's the, i'm vicious gamble, another context. so this is that generally, when people of those and this is across the european union in the european parliament selections, they've had more sort of in line with their own political beliefs because they can
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just throw the vote in the parliament is much more disparate with it with $27.00 member countries sending, i mean when it comes to a national election, they sort of pay politics with the policies that they vote for. and it's important to remember that this is also a 2 stage election. so that the fast, right. and that comes at the end of june and a 2 weeks later, a 2nd rhymes people may and this is what am i calling is banking on? come out in droves, he hopes a big time night to try and vote against the fall right off the he also the result that we saw in the european paul them into license. that is the gambles that micron is making here. and that was data object product reporting from 5 as earlier. now overall, despite considerable gains for the far right in from the netherlands, austria and germany, the center of the autopay and people spots these boys to remain the biggest party can be your pin bottom. and that's the policy of european commission president shut off on the line for seeking a 2nd. tom found a line promised. the b would been
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a best trip against extremes. but on the campaign trail and she refused to do not cooperating with members of the hard drives. like you to these, georgie are maloney and earlier today here, the billing was off on the line, was also more about how she plans to form a working majority in the parliament. just some of what you have to say separately is that email. as i said, i have always worked to achieve abroad majority for a strong europe. mm hm. and these turbulent times, we need stability. we need accountability, and we need continuity evolve and continue with it. throughout my 1st term and office of success and stuff, i've shown what a strong europe can achieve. and my, my aim is to continue along this path with those who are pro european pro ukraine and pro rule of law. cool, fine isn't what the pull by stuck together. we can and will form a bastion against the extremes. on the right and the left fundings one place. you
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know, the i spoke to the w, brussels correspondent, rosie. for sean, i asked a whole could be part of what is off on the line called the best during the game. still extremes as well. that is very much the question because are sort of underlined on paper stands in good stead, after the dust assess and was on these european electors because her center, right european people's party came up on top. but securing that 2nd term is not, not simple because it's a relatively on transparent process for getting the european commission president nominated. first of all, she has to get the backing of the 27. you heads of state and the fact that emanuel macro on the front has colby smell selections to, to complicate that because he will have to weigh up domestically whether throwing his weight behind her publicly will be something which will be a good thing or a bad thing. for his party, as they had introduced legislative elections, then once she secured that back and give the 27 you had to state,
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she have to secure a majority here in the european parliament. and on paper, there is enough backing from central political forces to sweeten her in, but there will likely be dissenters among those mainstream political parties, which is why really could come down to every vote. and every seat in this house is european commission present, or some of underlined tries to secure a 2nd term in office. and how should completely close the door default i talk to such as a judge. i'm alone, these brothers, if you tell me most you chose her words very carefully. she is talking about extremes on the right and on the left. but really the question after these, you repeat elections is where to the center, right? red lines lie and the background to you reset the hard right in your where they comes with a couple of different flavors. there is the far right which is known as the identity and democracy group. here in the you are seeing part of the eclipse, for example, it includes the national riley it fronts. but then there's also a group called the e. c r,
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which is usually considered nationalist conservative. it includes, for example, george maloney's brothers are basically on because of their policies on foreign policy for examples are seen as more made stream support for ukraine that they're farther right on on both farther right of the political spect. and they're seen as much more politically palatable, but they're domestic policies. for example l g, b, t, right? or mike, right? so really seen by some us much more far. right? so phone to live will have a bit of a balancing act to perform here because she may need the votes, the backing of some of those e. c, r members, for example, from george and maloney's party. but in doing that will likely rage those on the left of the political spectrum, like the greens and so therefore of on demand will have to trade very carefully as she tries to get the rubber stamp of this parliament. so she can secure her post max ward, the european commission headquarters here in brussels, correspondent joseph rashad in brussels. thanks very much for that. quick look now at some of the stories from around the world,
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german president frank belt his time, my and french president around the macro, a member, i think the victims of a nazi messic guy in france during the 2nd level. stoops my dad 643 people in or i do so glad. in 1944, the village has been preserved as a reminder of non secure warranty to south korea. as we started loud speak of propaganda broadcast along its border with the north. it's in response to a campaign by tone yang of sending trash filled the balloons southwards. came your junk not clearly that came jungling cyst out. one of the south was creating a coach tribute to a very dangerous situation. based on people that have done something showed up in a bus, getting him to big rooms, plunged into a golgi and northern india police admitted things 5 bullets of the vague feeling. the indian tentative drum one could squeeze pasta for region that has experience, minutes and bottoms for tickets or outside of season president have declared an
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environment and imagine so you have to raging by fires fractions to trigger a drought in traffic and weapons. the continental region has been gripped, bites west places since 2020. we cranes have disruptive season. the flooding contributing to the fires is rather minister. benny gone, says, announced his resignation from prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose emergency government guns said he was leaving his boast with a heavy heart. he also called for elections for your guns, joined netanyahu's government, shortly after the october 7th, a mazda attack in a show of unity gone since resignation had been expected since last month when he gave nathan jo, an ultimatum to approve. a postwar plan for goes out on his departure and leaves. nathan yeah. who more reliant on his father ride allies? it's sally gone school and his departure, an agonizing decision shows more of what he have to say. sorry, unfortunately,
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connected. yahoo is preventing us from progressing to the real victory, which is the justification for the painful and ongoing cost. that's why we are leaving the war time cutting it today. we live with a heavy heart, but with a whole heart, we present ourselves today to the bottle for the fates of the state of israel, for generations to come to the door could be mean by us. secretary of state, anthony banking has the tons to the middle east to push for the seas fighting cause that president joe biden proposed last month before the following 4 eastern bank and told her to photos and card all that he's urgent need is in the region to press from us to accept the proposal to hold the fight and goes up link and met egypt, president of the front, the let's see, see a key mediator with him. boss. washington says each man has already accepted the proposal. this is blinking. faith stripped to the region since the war broke out last october. on the list, cutting lottie from cairo,
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sent us this assessment ahead of the latest these 5 talks. it seems like how much is no waiting. what's happening in is right up to the withdrawal of say, benny guns from the wall cabinet to the head of the do for the through for how much he's made. i'm you said that this is kind of jumping off the boat before it seems. it's also clear this is really tackled into setup cam for, for liberating the for hostages, and at the same time creating a blog bass and that kind of thing. so i just want to, for the 270 people dead, it did not really am enhanced the trust of how much in this negotiations. how much is especially angry about the u. s. participation in this operation. and the, the heather from us a call to you is known as criminal, then the honesty,
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then these, ready to hear should that said, so all this is the opposite of crating confidence for the stable she uses. but at the same time, of course, the situation creates pressure on both sides that this really cannot continue to. and that was done last got him and gelati speaking to us from keitel earlier now for something entirely different and after hundreds of yeah, has an endangered read of buying. wholesalers has gone to the step of cars locks on from prague zoo. 3 each of bowski horses made the long to buy air and land as the 1st and the project. the aims to restore the host breed to the wind, the trio, a hope to become the founders of a new population in the interest of land, where they would be joined by mosses. over the coming years. you're watching the, the news you as a reminder of our top story, french president divided by for all has called stop and just as of elections off to the heavy defeated elections, a centrist alliance was charles to my mother,
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even the friends followed right next door valley project that's all for the moment . coming up next up to the break documentary, deep sea greed looks at the consequences of exploiting the ocean floor for resources. i'm bigger strategy infiniti. good. see you back here in about 45 minutes from now. right. the, the green space innovation, green trim, the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime would probably be if the care is subscribe to those channels. we've got here it is. every friday subscribe to plan. it's a the.


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