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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 10, 2024 9:00pm-9:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news line from the, the a manuel macro, just french thoughts as to be jet the fall of rights after calling us not election . the french president says he's confident voters will make what he calls the rights choice in the votes after his political alliance or street and badly in a you elections. i'm maureen with pens farm, right? national robin on germany's chance last time. so i'm after the fall, right. asked the searches into 2nd place. these coalitions suffers every, the faith or the actual ones that fall not change should now become during the
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i'm feel welcome to the program, french president, a manual macro says he's confident voters will make the right choice since not elections is called after. he centrist the coalition stuff and residing defeat, to the far right to natural valley in european parliamentary actions, the decision to court on the election. so soon after such a set back is a gamble, and of a strong showing for the national riley on june. the 1st if could see the fund president happy to govern with a fall rights of prime minister of the screen says powers look normal, but there's only one thing people are talking about here. the fresh complimentary elections just called by president my chrome after a surgeon votes for the fall right next time, the white stream, right in your aspect. and i don't think that's a good thing to remember. you have children, she be the name of her. he thank you. okay, make good things clear right now. what would it say?
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i needed a friend to decide to go for the extra. right. okay, that's a choice. so we or the constituents is if they want to continue on the, on the me the either way and up to the friendship to the side. people seem to be not so worried about it that's, that's what puzzles me as well. i mean, people that's never voted for rights around us, a vote it's 5, right? i think they just were filled up with the menu and back home. those people deliver to buy touring and the european parliament collections to my chrome hunting. marina pens, far right dress emblem on this, you know a sizable when the new posted boy of that party, 28 year old politician and tick tock. star jordan bardello will run to become prime minister in the new elections. i'm the president. my chrome will have to have pointing to me is the far right wins. the majority of to,
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to ryan was voting for his president. has the snow up here at the assembly since he lost his majority. in 2022, cooling fresh elections is issued. political gamble, but this is a politician use of that back in 2017. when he won the presidential elections, he did that with a brand new policy working the french political establishment, stomachs, but say macro and operate as well when the stakes are high. with macro, now back into focus of this campaign. and maybe we have tons of this a bit more aggressive a bit more, as, let's say, popular, unpopular or, well no, to be honest. it's playful, but we need to wait and see what happens. and this is going to have an impact on the, the way front flips for the next couple of years. and this is gonna have a big impact on the present reactions and 2027 chrome has been continuing his engagements. like a visit of jim and president frank volta stein maya to a site tim fronds commemorating the victims of nazi germany. the french president
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knows he's about to face time, one of his biggest political challenges, yet a lot report for my correspondence, john park in paris and with preparations for the summer olympics. and the way that i asked jack, have news of us not election is going over that this we've spoken to a lot of people here over the course of today, and most of them to say for us the best surprise that he's done this 2nd, that he's that confuse that, it's such a big political gamble micro on isn't shy of a political gamble in the past. but also, especially for the parisians. the city is covered in buildings and sorry stadiums being built on the streets, the harvesters parcel and pick games the into the those the whole world will be looking at powers later on in the summer. and just the head of those elections will have those games will have 2 ryan's of elections,
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which will be satisfied status for him. and then all the people are questioning why he called those elections. so soon just i had to view them well to him and his chancellor has expressed a long before rides strong showing in a real actions describing their success as concerning old shoulds added to germany could not go back to business. as usual is routing coalition, one just a 3rd of all votes won't be found right alternative to germany, swept past the potters in the coalition to take 2nd place behind the conservatives . hush response officer. catastrophe for the governing social democrats. in germany . the west european election results for the main policy and power in history and a clear verdict from the streets. i'm saying they have cited an old regard for years and change is definitely needed. the government must really think it's policy. conservative opposition leaders mirror that sentiment calling for the government to
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change clothes or to pay the way for snap elections. they bought the heads also blame the government for the strong showing of the far right. this is to the, it's a complete disaster for the policies of the federal government. i have to tell you, i didn't expect it to be so harsh and so dramatic. and also does the policy that no benefits the most from the question over to you. that's the far rightful, tentative for gemini, who came 2nd, doing especially well among voters age 16 to 20 for low income groups and eastern gemini success that came despite scandals involving the lead candidates for the elections a if the latest had a clear message, vinzini implant and we see a trend here in germany. the, obviously,
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the governing coalition has been punished. it is a vote against the chancellor, getting things from us now paved the way for new elections in big for the no, i find find the most q. and while his government ruled out to new elections, the chancellor state notes of never served about the outcome of either get this off the lecture results were poor for all 3 governing parties. none of us should simply continue on with business as usual. but what policy change will look like schoultz has yet to make clear. let's pick up some of those points for your master cottage nag whose chief unit of correspondence palacio, he's based here in the welcome to the w. a search on store shelves. the social democrats took just 14 percent of this vote. we just had him sign back on kind of home with business as usual. what do you think, what actually change as well, good evening. i think unfortunately for schultz is going to be very difficult to
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change anything substantially in time for the elections next year, which are scheduled for the fall of 2025. and to really turn things around in germany by then, i think is a pretty tall order. his statement today, which came kind of late, it came 24 hours after these election results came in. it seems sort of like a, an act of desperation. almost. he didn't really know what to say, this is the kind of thing that we've heard from him in the past. and i think his challenges that in the eyes and so many germans, he's completely lost credibility. and so it's not just him, there is a, there is a coalition, that's a social democrats with the greens and the liberals. why is it performing this coalition? why is it performing so badly? and i think there are a number of factors here. the biggest thing, right? now i think is that the economy is stagnating and they haven't really found
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a way out of that. although unemployment remains very low in germany, people are still feeling the economic strains. another very contentious issue that it should be green's quite hard is the, the climate policy use of, of this government and at the u level. in particular, this decision to phase out of fuel burning cars by beginning of 2035. which effectively means that driven other europeans won't be able to buy the diesels, and the gas powered cars that, that they are, are so famous for in germany. and i think that's created a lot of resentment. and then you know, there's still some, some lingering frustration. i would say about the, the coded policies. that's also been a driver for the, for the a f d. but the biggest issue and i would say the issue where celts as really failed, even by his own standards, is in controlling migration, which is something that has been on the front burner in the domestic political
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debate for quite a long time. last fall, schultz promised to begin deporting people from germany whose asylum applications were rejected on a grand scale that hasn't happened. and so i think a lot of people are, are looking at him now as somebody who is basically failed to, to stand by the promises that, that he made to fulfill those promises. the big story of the day, not just here in a geometry but in, in france and elsewhere is the, the performance of the, uh, the fall, right? pos isn't hearing john b, i f day, has gained a lot of votes despite recent scandals such as this, the secret conference that which they discussed, the porting foreigners. and despite the suspected espionage by employees that they have these a top tunzia that so why are they doing well as well?
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i think it, it tells you something that despite these scandals, the party is, is still as strong as it is that are out 60 percent. and i think the reason is, is that for many voters, it is a protest. and it speaks as, as much to the failure of this coalition that came into power at the end of 2021. as it does to the allure of these radical policies that you know, the f d as is propagating. now, you know, the, the issue of migration is not new in germany. it's not new in europe. obviously it's, it's been a very emotional issue for, for some time. and i, you know, government after government here has unfortunately, really failed to address the issues that are driving support for the far right. and in particular, in, you know, smaller towns around the country that are seeing their infrastructure really
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strange. and by the arrival of, of so many, so many migrants. and beyond that, i think it's, it's also a, it's a cultural issue. there's a sense that uh, you know, the country's culture is changing. some people are uncomfortable with that and here again, it seems like schultz hasn't really done enough to assuage those concerns of the population. okay, thanks for talking us through that to him. i can kinda check, i chief, your correspondent, political thank you so much. thank you. we'll take a quick look at the civil stories from around the world. now a searches underway for a minute to complain carrying blah we some vice president and 9 other passengers. yeah. craft carrying a solar set to lima, that's the capital long way, but failed to make it showed you. a landing 45 minutes later and resumed apple and on 370 kilometers a north. the doctors without borders says the last operating hospital in western
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sedans, our fashion is closed after the attack by the rapid support forces, part of military group, militants opened fire on medical staff and patients. this patients and the medical team managed to flee the shooting task. korea has resumed loudspeaker promptly gotten the broadcasts along its border with the north fixing responsible campaigned by people gang to send trash carrying balloons to the south. i came, jo young is north korean. that leader came, joan on facebook, and she's wanting the sauce. but it is creating a fortune for the front of you to a very dangerous situation. now the secretary of state is back in the middle east, pushing for the states 5 dealing gaza, the president that by and proposed last month on to me blinking arrived in israel after stuffing cairo, judging leaders in the region to press on us to accept a proposal to hold fighting in casa israel has agreed only to time frame policies
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that a blinking met. egypt is present, that 05 to l. c seems a key mediated with hi ross. this is his 8 submission to the region sensible protocol. in october. as we are leaving for israel, the secretary of state had a clear message for both sides of the complex and for the why the region, my message to governments throughout the region. people throughout the region is if you want a ceasefire press from us to say yes, if you want to alleviate the terrible suffering of palestinians in guys press from us. and so yes, if you want to get all the hostages press from us to say yes, if you want to put israelis and palestinians like on the path to more durable peace and security press from us to say yes. if you want to prevent this conflict from spreading press from us to say yes,
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i said show up to date some more. well here's at the top of the, our next on dw product. a looks at how india is dealing with a waste of a good the is the most important stuff can be used across different geographies. the real challenge itself needs to be incredibly scarce waste. what the heck us transforming business to live is on rio new deal. and was just green blushing. what's now on i'm going to place the big tech companies would draw the didn't exist. it's a sunday evening and this market in north debbie is like.


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