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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 11, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin to un security council, backes and immediate cease fire and gaza. 14 members states vote in favor of the us back plan with russia outstanding us as israel has accepted because a truce plan. washington's top diplomat, anthony blinking is back in the middle east to see it through the fence. no more business as usual, says the german chancellor. after all of his government coalition parties suffer a heavy defeat in european elections pulled off sides. warrensburg gains by the far
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right should not be normal life. the i'm david levitz, welcome to the program. the un security council has backed a us back ceasefire between israel and from us. the resolution approves a 3 phase plan presented by us president joe biden. aiming to end of the war and gaza includes a permanent ends to hostilities. the return of is rarely hostages, and a major multi year reconstruction plan for gaza. 14 security council members that supported the proposal with only russia outstanding to us as israel has accepted the plan from us. welcome to the resolution and a statement. shortly after the vote. one of the things and dw corresponding meant corresponded ben. how many hours of gruber joins us in washington,
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but how many deceased by resolution the us has been pushing for has passed? how much as they welcome it? what's next? what happens now? that's the big question. what the ambassador of the united states to the united nations, linda thomas greenfield sat, is that the security council send it. what's it called a clear message to come us to accept the ceasefire hostage deal. it is real, had already accepted. but as you just said from us already accepted it according to a statement that they send out, that that's a big question. the menu are asking themselves as why do we hear the us saying that is well accepted and not directly from these rarely government. just like this proposal that we heard 2 weeks ago by president biden. and where he said that this was in his early proposal, but it was also laid out by the us, the president and not for example, by the way, the prime minister. so this resolution that was passed overwhelmingly, as you mentioned, 14, it votes in favor, only one extension the rush. it goes into detail about how these 3 face to it
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proposal would look like. and it also says that if the negotiations take longer and then 6 weeks full phase one, the cease fire will still continue. as long as these negotiations between israel and a mazda, it continues, there was some admitted minutes to a previous version of this, these by a draft resolution. because this draft that was passed categorically says that is all accepted the deal in the previous one, only set that the deal was acceptable to as well. so slide it change the or we have to remember that for months no negotiation was from a, the us, egypt, and cuts. i have been trying to media to achieve a seasonal use. as you say, we hear from the u. s. that israel is ready to accept the steal, your secretary of state blinking has been back in the middle east is been meeting with leaders, including that in yahoo to push for the ceasefire plan. what more can you tell us about that? that's right. another trip to to the region by secretary blinking,
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he wasn't cairo, so egypt capital officer was made with is riley prime minister on it on yahoo in jerusalem, what he rated to rate it is that the us and also other will lead a stance by this proposal. that was now adopted in the un security counseling in new york. and according to the state department's press release ad blinking underscore to what he called the united states as our in class commitment to israel's and security. and also update the prime minister on the ongoing diplomatic efforts to plan for this post conflicts a period and also emphasize the importance of preventing this conflict from spreading. the big question now remains is whether the us can deliver a prime minister netanyahu to faithfully implement the provisions that will laid out by a president by because it will be quite a fiasco for the us if the is really government now comes out against this deal been having over as crew birth. thank you so much.
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and earlier we spoke to dw correspondent tanya came on in jerusalem at the moment. i mean, we can't really tell you um it doesn't seem that both sides are closer to the end. that is also what is part of this uh, a trip by uh, the secretary said ends in the blinking here once again in the region as he just said he, he was an age of 2, but also further down the line, meet the other mid, the h as a category, officials as well to push for this as these 5 d a. and of course, what is where it is worth celebrating the rescue of those 4 hostages on a saturday, you know, is the same evening. thousands went out in the streets, calling on the government to actually go for a seized by a deal that also includes the release of hostages. because there is a sense here. this is the only way of getting older hostages back home. you haven't seen such rest commissions, they were only 3, they're very risky. and uh,
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the last time a lot of hostages over a 100 to wherever it is. we're actually in a seized by d of that was a back in november. but it seems that both sides at the moment, they're paying for time or whatever. it's not quite clear, but they don't seem to be able to come together and that needs to be of course, also they need to be a lot of details still being hammered out, if they would agree to sit together the table. a quick look now at some other stories around the world. a search is under way for a military plane carrying malawi as vice president and 9 other passengers. the aircraft carrying sellers to lima, left the capital a long way, but failed to make it scheduled. landing 45 minutes later, athens was the airport some 370 kilometers to the north. a german president find quite a stein, maya and french president, and my new i my call have commemorated the victims of a nazi massacre in france during the 2nd world war. s. s. troops, murder,
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and 600. 43 people in both. i do a field line in 1944. the village has been preserved as a reminder of nazi cruelty. your french president and my new on my call says he's confident voters will make the right choice and snap elections. he called after a centrist coalition, suffered a rezoning, defeats to the far right and national rally in european parliamentary elections. the decision to call and election so soon after such a set back is a gamble and other strong showing for the national rally on june 30th. could see the centers president having to govern with a far right. prime minister the streets of paris looks normal. but there's only one thing people are talking about here. the fresh parliamentary elections just cooled by president my chrome after a surgeon vote for the fall right. next time,
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the white stream right in your aspect. i don't think that's a good thing to remember. you have showed when she did the name of her, he thank you. ok, make good things clear right now on the what, what are 2 i need to friends decide to go for the extra money. right. okay, that's a choice. so we or the constituents is if they want to continue on the, on the me though, i'm either way up to the friendship to the side. people seem to be not so worried about it that's, that's what puzzles me as well. i mean, people that never voted for rights around. that's a vote. it's 5, right. i think that just were filled up with the menu and back home. those people delivered a buffering in the european parliament selections to my crumbs hunting. marine depends national raleigh, a sizable when of the new post, a boy of that party, 28 year old politician and tick tock. star jordan bardello will run to become prime
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minister in the new elections. i'm the president. my chrome will have to a pointing to me. it's the far right wins. the majority off to, to ryan was voting for his president has been small and up here at the assembly since he lost his majority. in 2022, cooling fresh elections is issued. political gamble, but this is a politician years to the back in 2017. when he won the presidential elections, he did the with a brand new party working the french political establishment, stomachs, but say macro and operate as well when the stakes are high. with macro. now back into focus of this campaign, and maybe we have a candidate as a bit more aggressive, a bit more, let's say popular on popular or well known, to be honest, it's going to play for, but we need to wait and see what happens. and this is going to have an impact on the, the way front flips for the next couple of years. and this is gonna have a big impact on the present directions and 2027 macro and has been continuing his
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engagements. like a visit of jim and president frank volta stein my a to a sites in front, commemorating the victims of nazi germany. the french president knows he's a bite to face time. one of his biggest political challenges yet. german chancellor went off, schwartz is also under increasing pressure after his government's coalition party suffered heavy losses in sundays european elections. he said the parties can not go back to business as usual. choice also warrants or the gains made by the far right should not be normalized. hush response officer. catastrophe for the governing social democrats in germany. the west european election results for the main policy and power in history and a clear verdict from the streets comes and they asked how you didn't all regard jobs. so yes, that's and change is definitely needed for the government must really think it's
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policies. conservative opposition leaders mirror that sentiment calling for the government to change clothes for to pay the way for snap elections. they bought the heads also blame the government for the strong showing of the far right is to the it's a complete disaster for the policies of the federal government. i have to tell you, i didn't expect it to be so harsh and so dramatic. and source of also to the, the 50 does the policy that no benefits the most from the question over to you. that's the far right. sco, tentative for gemini, who came 2nd, doing especially well among votes as age 16 to 20 for low income groups. an eastern gemini success that came despite scandals involving the lead candidates for the e. u. elections a if the leaders had a clear message. vinzini implant and we see a trend here in germany. the obviously,
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the governing coalition has been punished to this. it is a vote against the chancellor getting things we must now pay the way the new elections in big for the no, i find find welcome was q. and while his government ruled out to new elections, the chancellor stayed notably ever served about the outcome of either get this off the lecture results were poor for all 3 governing parties. none of us should simply continue on with business as usual. but what policy change will look like sholtes has yet to make clear, scientists researching african elephants have revealed that they appear to have names for each other. researchers say they communicate using unique calls, low rumbles, that can be heard across great distances that can be used to grab the attention of a specific elephant. scientists say it's an ability that only a few wild animals have this
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low rumble is barely distinguishable. so human is but don't tell her the elephant seems to know exactly what it means. sign to say that's because elephants have unique coals used to communicate across large distances. they've been eaves dropping on 2 heads and continue to create a sound library for the research. about half of the the sound in the call is below our level of hearing. so we actually cannot hear it . and so we had to use a special microphone to record these calls and we also had to be quite close to them because the sound attenuates with distance. and research is to split the results by playing recordings to ellison slight migrant. she is, she responds to a cool, specific to here,
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but this quote isn't here. and she doesn't call back or sometimes when they're in a big group or a female or a med check of the group or give a call. and the entire group will respond to a group up around trying to follow her whatever. and then other time she gives to me that a very similar call in and nobody will respond, nobody will reaction to call except for a single ellison and the group. and that are what that will respond or come out, you know, come up to or whatever. and so that sort of indicates that they have a means by which to communicate. do they want to talk to adult ellison's? were more likely to use names than com, suggesting it could take years to learn the skill. now, scientists a working to crack the complicated code around the goals, they hope, understanding what allison's a saying could lead to grace
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a insights into how they think that's it for now, of next planet, a looks at how india wants to fix the growing problem of electronic waste and david levitz, you can find more news at d, w dot com. thanks for watching the dw store on pick socks. we in fact, every day, the world wide web feel free to come all the way we can take the different w call in the world. and also your info is and all the input your b w story. now on to the i'm in a place that big tech comes.


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