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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  June 11, 2024 4:02am-4:31am CEST

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crawl into calling on election in 3 weeks in germany the i asked the to move votes and any of the pockets in the country 3 way calculation. and it's at least brothers the athlete, one big setting up the prime minister, georgia maloney to become king. make a and the new parliament, the votes for a new european commission president. so how much does this matter, and how much power does in your opinion, parliament even have i'm feel gaming balance, and this is the day i or the slides. we are the seeking, strong, missed an old gemini and the strongest force in the east of our country. and we saw the message to us from battalion is go ahead. the friendship spoken in this historic election shows that when the people vote the
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people with god, the dp domains, the biggest group in the projected new fall in the sense that i locked into responses that jump nice christian democrats in spain, people's party. we will go from the right. we also come here. i'll be a secretary of state back in the middle east. a will visit, visit, find they bring the face. 5 of us is hoping for the overwhelming majority people, whether they're in israel, west bank, and gaza, throughout the region around the world. actually want and believe in a future. where is realism policies, so i can live in peace. welcome to the day,
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far right policies made big games in your peer and parliamentary elections this weekend, rocketing traditional part is in many countries. here in germany, the fall arrive after the time in seconds ahead of trans flush shots as social democrats and friends. the far right trends to president macro rate depends national valley policies and projected to table 30 percent of the nationwide balance loading double lot of microns liberal renee songs potty in the shop response. present macro announced snap parliamentary elections on the streets. those powers look normal, but there's only one thing people are talking about here. the fresh parliamentary elections just cooled by president mac chrome after a surgeon votes for the fall right. next time, the white stream, right in your aspect. and i don't think that's a good thing to remember. you have children, she'd be the name of her. he thank it. okay, make good things clear right now. i would say i need to friends decide to go for
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the extra month. right. okay, that's a choice. so we, or the con, suspence is if they want to continue on the, on the me though, um, either way, uh, up to the friendship to the side. people seem to be not so worried about it that's, that's what puzzles me as well. i mean, people that's never voted for rights around us, a vote it's 5, right? i think that just will fit up with the menu and back home. those people deliberate, a battering and the european parliament elections to mac chrome hunting. marine depends far right. wrestling global nest, you know, a sizable when the new poster boy of that party, 28 year old politician and tick tock, star jordan, bol dela, will run to become prime minister in the new elections. and the president, my chrome will have to a point to me. it's the far right wins. the majority off to, to ryan was voting for his president has been small and up here at the assembly
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since he lost his majority. in 2022, cooling fresh elections is issued political gamble. but this is a politician, years to the back in 2017. when he won the presidential elections, he did that with a brand new party working the french political establishment, stomachs, but say macro and operate as well when the stakes are high, with macro. now back into focus of this campaign. and maybe we have a candidate as a bit more aggressive, a bit more, as, let's say, popular, unpopular or, well no, to be honest, it's playful, but we need to wait and see what happens. and this is going to have an impact on the to a front flip. so next company is and this is gonna have a big impact on the present reactions and 2027 chrome has been continuing his engagements. like a visit of jim and president frank volta stein my a to a sites in front, commemorating the victims of nazi germany. the french president knows he's about to
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face time one of his biggest political challenges yet. i say freaking out. pick food, not just what happened in france, but also the why the picture of european elections over the weekend where it's about casting cuba ashbrook, who is a political list on senior advisor at the battles. one foundation she joins us from . so welcome to the w and start to get in front. why would president macro call? i mean election in just 3 weeks time when he's relations policy has just been traversed to, to one by marine, depends filed right national valley. as because he had his back against the law, his options were either stick it out with a strong r and in either sort of feeling nationally emboldens making his life even harder. which has already been quite difficult over the last months and weeks, or take this political bombshell of a gamble and try to pull off a stem that he's tried to pull off numerous times most recently in 2019 for the
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presidential vote for the presidential vote. wishes to try to unite the country against the sort of would be right wing, potentially even fascist. i party be call me even stronger at the heart of the apartment. now we've already seen today some signaling from what would be the other sort of cornerstone democratic parties in the french parliamentary as a friends of the heart of the heart of the french republic. saying this might not work because they have been disappointed before by my calls promises on pension or forming on others to give them a greater stake in the running of the country. so it turns out at least 24 hours after you've made that announcement. it could in fact we are very risky gamble for our president. my call i'm because we're talking about a national riley that's being gaining momentum and present macro con, explain this away as, as an a mid term protest about or no, yes and no in the sense that the european elections are often seen as by elections
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on the government of the day, but you're absolutely right. the r n has been growing in its support um, drip, drip, drip. and that you have to really see how much the pen has changed the face of the party, particularly over the last 3 years. in the french context, we call a d d with a zation, meaning to say that r n has moved into the more right wing political main street and has thus become more electable for a lot of frenchmen not just on the basis of, of, of the, of us or them by election, but truly on their policy ideas. and that's what makes this moment dangerous because it would open the floodgates of bringing not on like hungary a major right wing extreme party into the heart of a european democracy. and once they get the reins of power, as we saw and hungry and also in poland, and they begin to make some systemic changes. those are hard to roll back in one electoral cycle. and we're talking here about parliamentary robin presidential
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election. so emanuel macro is known as on the ballot, so would have a fall right? leaving parliament and the centers president who can stand again, is that going to mean parliamentary gridlock? yes, likely. and that's the gamble he's willing to take. but again, look at the context in which we're operating, france and germany are traditionally the motors, the tandem of european integration. and look at the what is brewing around europe in union. you have a presidential election in the united states that has already fraud and could bring a cause. i author word, terry and a presidential candidate back into the white house. you have a, a coalition between russia and china that is seemingly as the access upheaval of cementing itself and china, thinking about supporting russia in its war against ukraine. you have all matters of pressure working on the european union in
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a moment when it needs to figure out its security needs. and his economic competitiveness to take france out of the picture and create a lame duck situation around president my call will be able to push through a fundamental agenda and get his country to fall in line. that would be a very difficult situation. a part of europe. okay, so let's look at the why the picture then we're talking about these european parliamentary elections. and how much does that they increase the presence, the rise of the fall right in your problem. how much is this mass of what is that solomon actually good for? i was the parliament good for i think many people who are taking to the election a bat are the ballot boxes yesterday. we're thinking the same thing. they know the big questions are a brewing for europe. that's what we saw in the electro participation, which was pretty much everywhere. but they're not entirely sure what the impact of the parliament is now the parliament has over the last few years, rested
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a lot of decision making in the functional implementation of european legislation from the commission. a commission is the one that sort of makes the legislative proposals are the parliament works them through and makes them palatable and functional across 27 member states of the european union. so there vitally important in law making and in regulating the process, ease, ease into european union and fundamentally ideally making all of our lives as europeans easier. now it becomes a lot harder if you suddenly have obstructionist anti european parties. who can really, as we would, might say, come up the system. and in order to be commission president, which is ultimately the, one of the most powerful positions within the european union construct or the level underlying or any of the other candidates. but her party resoundingly won yesterday's election. the concentra conservatives all over europe. she needs to put up at 361 votes that were back her. and the last time around,
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even though her party won that time to, it was a very, very scant and skinny ballad. only 9 deputies helped her makes it to that finish line. and so if the center coalition, which extensively is the winter, still the democratic parties, if that coalition doesn't hold, that suddenly makes parties on their, on their right wing popular spectrum, like the brothers of italy under prime minister maloney, the king makers. and that would give that additional power to create fractures when europe needs unity so that it can deal with its defense spending and it's defense issues and really begin to think about comprehensive security for your. but that also make your much more competitive as it's being squeezed by the big power of competition between the united states and china. ok, made lots of points that i think it was important that to be made the the fact that well, the right wing has the best the far right has risen. but the centrist still essentially
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at in charge. but you know, it's, it's only a couple of weeks since maureen depend, ruled her father, right? national valley policy out of se thing with germany's fall right. a half day in the european parliament. i been stay in democracy grouping. so i guess we'd be wrong to just let them europe's fall. right, pauses old, into the same basket. i know you're absolutely right. it's worth examining whether we have right wing populist, whether we of right wing extremists and they fall upon the spectrum. and i will remind you, since we just talked about victoria or bonds p dash party, who donald trump, by the way, sees as the best version of statecraft scarily enough. they have actually left the traditional groupings within the european parliament. and so they are now free floating and so the question is, are the populace the right wing populace going to make nice with the right wing extremists? what could be in it for them politically?
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or are we going to see these right wing movements begin to cannibalize upon one another and create difficulties for themselves, such that they don't actually have as much as an obstruction is to effect as they might do. but getting a. * message of commissioners together, which is effectively the cabinet in the european union and beginning to set an agenda that takes the approval of the european parliament. and if they continue to say no or so, a 100 line and a potential cabinet is going to have a hard time putting itself together, creating the top jobs in europe, between now and even december. and again, we have an important election the united states. you can have your opponent a long or fast nice thing analysis. so thank you for delivering that. so clearly catherine, director of ashbrook from the bottles when foundation. thank you so much. my pleasure. the of us actually states these back in the middle east pushing for the face,
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fi and gaza that president bivens represents the world last month until the blinking health folks in cairo with the different present. abdul 5, the l. c. c is really key mediated with home us before traveling onto israel, that he's meeting with the prime minister benjamin netanyahu defense minister you. i've got. this is mr. lincoln's 8th trip to the region since the conflict broke out in october. before heading for each, riley delivered a clear message for the board in parties and for the wind to region. my message to governments throughout the region. people throughout the region is if you want a ceasefire press from us to say yes. if you want to alleviate the terrible suffering, the palestinians and gases press from us and say, yes, if you want to get all the hostages press from us to say yes, the only part that is not accepted. the only part it is not said yes, it's a moss. that's who everyone's waiting on. that's who the palestinians and gaza are
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waiting on it to be as really as are waiting on it to the hosted isn't the hostage families are waiting on it to the entire region and the entire world is waiting. and so we'll see this from us. want to end this accomplish end of this wasn't it started or not? we'll find out, but it's clear that virtually the entire world has come together in support. the proposal and the only open question is wilson law say yes, let's take a closer look at best way of doing this summary. so i'll call in jerusalem. welcome back to the w at summit. we've just had asked me bank and telling the world to press how mazda said yes. so this light is cease fi, dale has israel said yes yet. so that's a very good the question. if you heard the speech a given by been a gun say yesterday, he urged the phone anthony out to be courageous and accept this
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a deal. and in fact, there is, is the, the, has been accepted, the buying that, the neo and the by the war cabinet. and the details of this deed were actually exposed today to these ready public. this day is very similar to what we heard from biden himself. but immediately after biden's speech, there was a pressure from the is randy right? the far right wing parties that are saying that they will resign from the government. if this they will go ahead as nothing, you know, so it seems, has changed the language and he has been claiming that is what would be the be able to continue the war after the 1st stage. but the end of the deal that was exposed on challenge, where is it today?
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it actually says logan just sees a fire or is it's a cold here. the temporary sation of military operations by both sides should continue throughout this period. ok, so there is at the very least some sort of movement because this is the 2nd phase sites. i think a tour of the mid least we've out a deals. but, but can, you can go back to washington. say there is some movement still there is a the, on the table i am the is, i could say on the is really side a public support for this. the another network has a lounge wrapped in a poll that they conducted the 49 percent of the public supports such a deep as opposed to the only 32 percent of the public core games. and this dean
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looks clearly about as the weight was presented to the public as a beam that would bring about a a ceasefire. the release of thousands of palestinian prisoners in a return for the release of these rarely hostages. so these were any public is willing to pay the price. we also saved in these early parliament, there is an overwhelming support for this kind of a d. and if we look at the government, we see that the of draw also doc sparked these sash sauce. i glued up the site and united to i do this and they supported. but the problem is that the far right and the funny, i don't have no come out to support this. okay. and now the branding of guns has resigned as the data over the weekend. does that mean that mr. an s and yahoo is
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even more behold and now to the right wing elements of the government. so yes indeed, this is the situation. so it seems that the plan, you know, had a choice, he could have a try to appease a guns and made in staying with him together. but he decided rather to be on the, on the same page at together with the far right in his government. and in that way, he's actually closing the door on a possibility for a cease fire as v as a right wing at the far right wing parties. they talk about circling the gaza strip with jewish supplements. so, and they're totally against any kind of a compromise. and the release about us being in prison, those. okay, so we, we,
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we've, we've got at different forces and were you, you said that was meant to a full, the steel many guns leaving the of the government strengthens the hand of the the right wing who are very much and see the steel is mr. guns 50 part you likely to make any difference to the way that benjamin netanyahu prosecute distasteful so well, what we expect now is actually more of the same have gone state of the government. then we would have probably gone towards a direction of a ceasefire. a prison there swap, and uh, if that was to happen, maybe that would have been also some kind of agreement with the been on the since by law and so forth. and being on board with the american regional plans
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and, and so forth. but since the guns is out, it seems that the owl will be pushing for more of the same, which means a more of the military campaign inside the gaza strip. let's talk about another big event that happened this weekend, which was the free of full is ready to be hostages at the cost of hundreds of palestinian lives. and before these right, the army managed that. benjamin netanyahu was suffering a lot of criticism for repairing to prioritize administrative victory over her math above reading the hostages. how's these rescue quite, and those criticisms as well. this rescue though it was very popular with z is ray in the public at the end of the day doesn't really change as
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a big picture of the big picture. is that the 120 hostages inside the guy was a straight uh, some uh, in the living, but nevertheless, was the, is really public soul. these hostages coming out uh the streaming is that, you know, the hostages that are alive inside, in spite of the war, in spite of everything, they're still alive and inside. so this is actually strengthening the public in this year, only for the release of hostages. i wouldn't be surprised that it's strange that those who say that there has to be a kind of a deep because mandatory itself is saying that they will not be able to make a more operations like this. as they know that how must we use different methods and they will, they know the next time when they will be as early forces coming. and they could
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execute the hostages, or they could take other measures so as to present these operations. so this was a kind of us talk to the show that we saw, which was successful from these rarely point of view. but no, i really think that this is a solution for the rest of the hostages. can we speculate and look for now to month? so perhaps a key is after this bull is of whatever that might look like. it might, it might look like a protracted states of not firing or it may, that may actually be a deal, but i wanted to just about the damage that this was done to israel's place in international affairs. when this is done, this israel just slumped back into the international community as though the warning gauze that didn't happen or does it not care about the what the world
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things so long as the united states has its back. know if you look at these really public and even some of the reactions from the foreign ministry today, there was some kind of relief when the saw the rise overview, right. doing and the populist file right, are these in europe that indicates that the, those who are the supporters of the palace feeding calls on the left, they suffered a political below. so this is actually considered, this is something a positive develop. now, all the same thing in the united states, the boulder showing that the drum, it could be the next, the president and decidedly, he is someone,
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the nathan yahoo and his party are counting on. and so is always the belief that the forces that includes the zeros allies in any a continuous war situation. cause i thing analysis good talking to as ever savvy. send me soco injurious and thank you so much i and that was the day you'll, you'll find more on the w a dot com or on social media at dw user, of course is always 50, dumped. the
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