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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 11, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the, the news coming july from berlin, ukraine's president in germany to kickoff talks for more support. a lot of me for landscape, takes part in an international conference in berlin. on rebuilding you crate. the trucks will focus on the energy sector shoppers by russian era. the tax also coming out us secretary of state se blinking says israel's prime minister, has committed to a new permanent truce in gaza. and he's hopeful from us will to un security council gave its backing overnight.
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the law. i'm terry martin. thanks for joining us. ukraine's president, a lot of me is landscape is in berlin for a 2 day conference on ukraine's post work recovery. he was welcomed by german chancellor, all of schultz who stressed berlin support for ukraine. savanski will speak to government representatives and private investors about reconstruction efforts. a priority will be ukraine's energy sector, which has been devastated by russian air attacks. so these on the front lines have suffered the brunt of those attacks created and officials expect the costs to rebuild those areas to run into the hundreds of billions of dollars. the town of both chance, one of many on the front lines in recent months and ashes after relentless russian bombardment and
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a war that rages on with no let up. over more than 2 years of conflict, ukraine has lost 10 percent of its housing. many of its farms are full of craters and land mines, bridges, electrical stations, power plants, and dams have been destroyed by missile strikes and explosives. the world bank released figures earlier this year on the total estimated cost to rebuild ukraine. 82000000000 for housing, 73000000000 for transport, commerce and industry. 68000000000 agriculture. another 58000000000 and the all important energy sector. almost $50000000000.00, all in all $486000000000.00. although housing costs more to fix russian, the tax on critical infrastructure pose the most acute danger to ukraine, destroyed power stations and many cities like half keys, mean long blackouts, power cuts to hospitals,
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and damage to the water supply. the damage to infrastructure is greatest in the how keys don't yet, how son and lou haskell regions, but energy infrastructure and the capital key has also been hit many times. the pressure at this week's conference is on donor countries to finance ukraine's future. but in the present, somewhere that more focus and money has to be put on keeping the power flowing ukrainians face another, punishing winter with wide scale blackouts and heating shortages before they clean up and move on. the people here have to make it through each day. and his opening speech at the conference, german chancellor off schultz pledged his unwavering support for you crate 15 victim dual credit. and ukraine is following the path that fits people chose for themselves. democracy freedom in europe a lot. and we are at your side on this process to facilitate me at. this is why we
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are here in berlin today to continue to work for the recovery of a strong, a free and european ukraine. stacker couldn't see pm strength, loyalty to one's principles. these are the preconditions for putting to realize that there will be no military victory and no dictated peace. he has to and has proof of military campaign to withdrawal his troops. a chief political editor may get acosta is following the conference for is michela. tell us more about what the chancellor had to say as well. he essentially says that there needs to be a business case for supporting ukraine for investing in ukraine. it's a very different mood had this conference. i was in the room during both of those speeches of loading music lensky and the drum and tom so much more sofa moved. this
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is all about getting ukraine back into business. and the big hurdle is not just that this is not post to reconstruction. this is can reconstruction while of who is going on. so how do you attract investment? if everything can be lost and how do you get a loan to invest into a country that is who will particularly critical infrastructure that can be found to weigh at any moment. and this is really where we're expecting to see a big announcement here of avery insurance scheme. and for once this is not talked about for us weapons. this is about how dealing with what's the new normal now isn't ukraine, which is the constant risk of getting attacked by russia. or as you pointed mikaela, the war in ukraine is still raging at given that so what is present so landscape hoping for in terms of reconstruction a well,
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he's hoping for money and we expect to see some type of that particular as he moves on together with last sold to the g 7 meeting in italy, and here he expects structural support, not just money pledges, but also assurances new contact of how to make an economy possible on the such impossible circumstances that we expect that we insurance seem to be a noun, but also sledges for countries to themselves, secure some of the risk that on to send us all taken by going into ukraine and also facilitating business for ukrainian companies. and then there are other set sectors education. many children are out of school because there are no safe rooms for them . also, there's a segment on health care, how that can be posted and supported. so it's much more about how you crane can get things on surviving another day, another week,
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another month. and it can get back on track as a society to provide services to its own people on a daily basis in the media a longer time. briefly if you can mikaela with so much on certainty hanging over ukraine, who is willing to invest their well, not enough companies. and that's a recognition as that, as the leaders in the room. many of the companies here now have, and particularly in focus here will be the energy sector. it is a ministry targets, but it is desperately needed for reconstruction to avoid a very dark and very cold winter for ukraine. and that's where we can really watch very closely what will come out of this because that's really the key sector that's being discussed here. we came to thank you very much. that was our chief political editor,
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mckayla. kristen. well us secretary of state has a blinking says israel's prime minister has reaffirmed his commitment to a new cease fire in gaza blinking says he's hopeful the militant groups from us will support it as well. after talking to hostage families and tell of age, he said everyone has now said yes to the plan except from us. friends and relatives of hostages taken to gauze on october 7, 7, protesting outside the hotel were blinking spin, holding talks on monday evening, the un security council endorsed the us back cease fire proposal. there's still no official line though, from israel on the plan for the withdrawal. the troops from parts of garza, the return of hostages, and a 6 week truce. the could become perfect. well dw corresponded rebecca ritters is following polygons visit for us. rebecca, what did you make of what the secretary state had to say in his news conference?
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so actually they can say may of the things that he settings previous 7 trips to the regions these, these process, these things like that. the longer these complex goes all the movers cleary's visible spread into a wider complex. he's also um, he also said that they need to be created monetary and take control of a re take control of gauze off to the war east over. and he said that a hostage deal is the best way to get these is ready, kept his back in on his riley soil. but he also said, as you, as you said, their annual late and that, that in yahoo, in the meeting, the meeting that they held yesterday with that he held yesterday with anthony blink . and he said that he reassigned his commitment to this hostage deal, which is really interesting. that's something that the us has maintained since us presidential bide,
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announced the plans for this latest. what bid dubbing is ray be due for a say, saw, but we have had no confirmation. we've had no official word from the is ready government publicly at least to say that that is something that they would agree to . in fact, we've had quite the opposite. we've had flipped small pig from the prime minister's office in regards to this deal and we've had heard him come out and say that no deal that leads to a permanent say sign would be agreed to by the government. and now we've seen with the standing down of the will cabinet minister benny guns who's considered more of a centrist had and the more power of being placed on the far right functions as benjamin netanyahu, who's a coalition that, that, that is, is even more loose. if you could say, because they have been adamant about the fact that no deal will be entered into that, that move towards a permanent se saw, he did also say that a mazda is the only policy to not have agreed reiterating the doubling down,
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trying to put pressure on him off to come off with an assignment, save a response to this deal, but then even when i'm us, if a mouse does that, i should say we, we don't know whether the is ready. government will be able to come in full support either. rebecca, we saw protests outside entity blinking hotel. what to the, what do you make of that? briefly we can well, they was a protest in support and on sunday, blinking in support of the us if you will, is that families and friends of the hostages, who are still inside gals, or in friends and family of some of the released hostages as well. really doubling down there, then message to the government and to antony, blinking as he visits that they want to see a deal. they want to see their loved ones returned. and they believe in the deal is the only way that they will say that happen. they are, they are supporting, and cindy blink and, and the us and their efforts to try to get these ready government and how much to agree to this deal. okay, rebecca, thank you very much. that was our,
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correspond to rebecca richards there in jerusalem. scientists researching african elephants have revealed that they appear to have names for each other. researchers say they communicate using any calls, low rumbles that can be heard across great distances that can be used to grab the attention of a specific elephant. it's gonna be able to say that only a few wild animals are believed to have this low rumble is barely distinguishable as a human is. but don't tell it the elephant seems to know exactly what it means. scientists say that's because elephants have unique coals used to communicate across large distances. they've been eaves dropping on to hood some kenya to create a sound library for the research. about half of the,
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the sound in the call is below our level of hearing. so we actually cannot hear it . and so we have to use a special microphone to record these calls and we also had to be quite close to them because the sound attenuates the distance and research is tested. the results by playing recordings to elephant slight margaret she is she responds to a cool, specific to here. but this quote isn't here. and she doesn't call back or sometimes when they're in a big group or female or a med check of the group or give a call and the entire group will respond to a group up around her. they'll follow her whatever. and then other time she gives to me that a very similar call in and nobody will respond,
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nobody will react to that call except for a single ellison in the group. and that out that will respond or come out, you know, come up to her or whatever. and so that sort of indicates that they have a means by which to communicate. do they want to talk to? the adult ellison's were more likely to use names. some. com, suggesting it could take years to learn the skill. now, scientists a working to crack the complicated code around the goals, they hope, understanding what allison's a saying could lead to grace a insights into how they think you're watching, dw, in is just reminder. the top stories were following for you this hour, ukraine's president long because the loading me as the lensky is in berlin for an international conference on rebuilding his country. the conference is focusing on the entered on the ukrainians energy sector, shattered by prussian air attacks. and us secretary state se blinking says is real hes committed to
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a new cease fire in gaza and he's hopeful from us will to un security council gave gets backing over 9 up next year on dw closer looks at the dangerous business of gold mining in the philippines, terry market. thanks for watching the innovations green, the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime would probably be secure. subscribed to this channel


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