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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 11, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to life from berlin, ukraine's president in germany, to kick off talks for more support. pardon me, as a landscape takes part in an international conference in berlin. on rebuilding ukraine. talks will focus on the energy sector shattered by russian era. john also coming up to a secretary of state anthony blinking says, israel's prime minister has committed to a new truce in gaza. and he's hopeful from us will to un security council gave its packet overnight and france as far right national rally is chipped to wind snap legislative elections in france, calling the fairly polt is a political gamble for president back on
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the hello. i'm jerry martin. thanks for joining us. ukraine's president blowing mister lansky is in berlin for a 2 day conference on ukraine's post for recovery. he was welcomed by german transfer, all of sole to stress berlin's support for you, chris. so that's key will speak to government representatives and private investors about reconstruction efforts. a priority will be ukraine's energy sector, which has been devastated by rushing their attacks while will do so. these on the front lines have suffered the brunt of those attacks. ukrainian officials expect the costs to rebuild those areas to run into the hundreds of billions of dollars to the town of chance. one of many on the front lines in recent months and ashes after
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relentless russian bombardment in a war that rages on with no let up. over more than 2 years of conflict, ukraine has lost 10 percent of its housing. many of its farms are full of craters and land mines, bridges, electrical stations, power plants, and dams have been destroyed by missile strikes and explosives. the world bank released figures earlier this year on the total estimated costs to rebuild ukraine . 82000000000 for housing, 73000000000 for transport, commerce and industry. 68000000000 agriculture. another 58000000000 and the all important energy sector. almost $50000000000.00, all in all $486000000000.00. although housing costs more to fix russian, the tax on critical infrastructure pose the most acute danger to ukraine, destroyed power stations, and many cities like have keep mean long blackouts,
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power cuts to hospitals and damage to the water supply. the damage to infrastructure is greatest in the hockey. don't you ask? how son and lou haskell regions, but energy infrastructure and the capital key has also been hit many times. the pressure at this week's conference is on donor countries to finance ukraine's future. but in the present, somewhere that more focus and money has to be put on keeping the power flowing ukrainians face another, punishing winter with wide scale blackouts and heating shortages before they clean up and move on. the people here have to make it through each day. in his speech, opening the conference german chest, the olaf shoulds pledged his unwavering support for you. great, good 15 victim dual credit and ukraine is following the path that leads people to this for themselves. democracy, freedom, europe a lot. and we are at your side on this process. the village you,
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me at. this is why we are here in berlin today to continue to work for the recovery of a strong, a free and european ukraine. stacker couldn't see pm strings loyalty to one's principles. these on the pre conditions for pretend to realize that that will be new, military victory, and new dictated peace. and he has to end his brutal military campaign to withdrawal. his troops are chief political editor, mccade. acosta is following the conference for us. so i asked her earlier to tell us more about what the german chancellor had to say as well. he essentially says that there needs to be a business case for supporting ukraine for investing in ukraine. it's a very different mood had this conference. i was in the room during both of those speeches, the floating music lensky and the drum and sounds so much more sofa moved. this is
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all about getting ukraine back into business. and the big hurdle is not just that this is not post will reconstructs. and this is can reconstruction while of who is going on. so how do you attract investment? if everything can be lost and how do you get a loan to invest into a country that is who will particularly critical infrastructure that can be found to weigh at any moment. and this is really where we're expecting to see a big announcement here of avery insurance scheme. and for once this is not talked about for us weapons. this is about how dealing with what's the new normal now isn't ukraine, which is the constant risk of getting attacked by russia. or, as you pointed mikaela, the war in ukraine is still raging. a given the what is present, so landscape hoping for in terms of reconstruction
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a well, he's hoping for money and we expect to see some type of that particular as he moves on together with last sold to the g 7 meeting in italy. and here he expects structural support, not just money pledges, but also assurances new contacts of how to make an economy possible on the thoughts impossible circumstances that we expect that we insurance seem to be a noun, but also sledges for countries to themselves. secure some of the risk said on to send us all taken by going into ukraine and also facilitating business for ukrainian companies. and then there are other assess sectors education. many children are out of school because there are no safe rooms for them. also, there's a segment on health care, how that can be posted and supported. so it's much more about how ukraine can get
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things on surviving another day, another week, another month. and it can get back on track as a society to provide services to its own people on a daily basis in the museum a longer time. briefly if you can mikaela with so much on certainty hanging over ukraine, who is willing to invest their well, not enough companies. and that's a recognition as that, as the leaders in the room. many of the companies here now have, and particularly the focus here will be the energy sector. it is a ministry target, but it is desperately needed for reconstruction to avoid a very dark and very cold winter for ukraine. and that's where we can really watch very closely what will come out of this because that's really the key factor that's being discussed here. became
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a thank you very much. that was our chief political editor, mckayla kristen, us, secretary of state anthony blinking says israel's prime minister, has reaffirmed his commitment to a cease fire proposal for gaza blake and says, the onus is now on the militant group, tomas whose terror attacks on israel's park. the war after talking to relatives of those taken hostage in gaza on october 7th, he said the, the longer that this takes, the longer that the war goes on, the part of the chance of the conflict spreading. the families had been put in protesting outside the hotel were blinking. his been holding talks with just really officials on monday evening. the un security council endorsed the us back seized by proposal, but there's still no official line from israel on the plan for the withdrawal of troops from parts of gaza. the return of hostages and a 6 week truce that could be called permanent. let's listen to what blinking had to
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say to reporters and tell a bit of a short while ago. everyone's vote is in except for one vote. and that's from us. and that's what we wait for. it is awesome us to move forward with this proposal for or not. and it's very clear what as i said, virtually the entire international community wants to see. and of course with so many families want us. and it's also what the people of gaza so desperately need the w's. rebecca richards is following blankets visit for us. rebecca, what did you make of what the secretary state had to say as well as any blinking bro with hemmed terry many of the messages he's brought in his previous 7 visits to the region. you said one there in your lead. and he said that the longer this goes
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on, the more likely this will spill over into a wide, original conflict. that's something that us has been concerned about from the very beginning. he also said that a hostage deal is the only way to bring back all the hostages that remain in galls or, and it's the best way um, in reference to potentially, or put a nod at the rather violent operation that took place on the weekend to rescue for hostages, where no schools of palestinians were also killed in that. but what he also said and you heard it from him there. he said that everyone has said yes, except for him off putting firmly the bowl in her mouth is court to come to the table and agree to this deal. that the us at least is touting a as an as a re b deal. and he said that netanyahu re offend with him in the meeting, but that he is riley's, have agreed to this deal that we haven't heard from israel publicly, that that is in fact, to the case. and it certainly,
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i'm certain that that is the case. when you look at the makeup, all the current is riley government, the found right coalition and those 5 right. members having more sway now that the more moderate vinny guns stepped down just a couple of days ago, from the war cabinet and from the government, putting a lot more honest on the file rights members of benjamin netanyahu whose fall right, a fall right coalition. and they have said repeatedly that they will not into any into and into any agreement that that looks towards a permanent se, saw rebecca, we saw protests taking place outside the hotel, were secretary blinking was staying there in tell a be what more can you tell us about the us these went protests against anthony bank and our gainesville u. s. in fact, they're more in support of what the us are trying to achieve here with this trip and with this proposed plan that bite and set out a week ago. this is many of the families of the hostages, friends and others who support a deal,
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and i'm putting pressure on these ready government rather to try to get them to come and get on board with the steel. they desperately want to see their loved ones return, and they see that a hostage deal is the only way for that to to, to happen. rebecca, thank you. that was the w as rebecca rivers in jerusalem. now the friend swear, the 1st opinion polls insist that election was called projects a win for the far right national riley, however, the party is forecast impulse, short of an absolute majority. across france, there been protests against the far right after their when in sundays european elections most were peaceful. but there were some clashes with police. left wing parties are pledging to team up for the snap elections and nominate joint candidates to challenge both the government and the far right french, present to mount a walnut call and dissolve the lower house of parliament after the european
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election results, which saw his centrist coalition suffer a rezoning defeat on the screen. it says powers look normal, but there's only one thing people are talking about here. the fresh parliamentary elections just cooled by president. my crohn after a surgeon votes for the fall right next time. the white stream, right, in your aspect, i don't think that's a good thing to remember. you have children, she be the name of her. he thank you. ok, make good things clear right now on the what would it say? i needed a friend to decide to go for the extra month. right. okay, that's a choice. so we or the constituents is if they want to continue on the, on the me though. um, either way, uh, up to the french end to decide people seem to be not so worried about it that's. that's what puzzles me as well. i mean, people that's never voted for rights around us a vote it's 5, right?
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i think they're just, we're filled up with the menu and back home. those people do live at the buttering in the european parliament selections to my crumbs hunting marine depends national raleigh a sizable when the new post, a boy of that party, 28 year old politician. and tick tock, star, jordan, bol dela, will run to become prime minister in the new elections. i'm the president. my chrome will have to a point to me. it's the far right wins. the majority off to, to ryan was a voting for his president. has been small and up here at the assembly since he lost his majority in 2022. cooling fresh elections is issued political gamble. but this is a politician use of that back in 2017. when he won the presidential elections, he did that with a brand new policy, working the french political establishment, stomachs, but say, macro and operate as well when the stakes are high,
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with macro. now back into focus of this campaign. and maybe we have tons of it as a bit more aggressive, a bit more, as, let's say, popular, unpopular or, well, no, to be honest it's, it's a playful, but we need to wait and see what happens. and this is going to have an impact on the, the way funds look. so next company is and this is gonna have a big impact on the present to actions and 2027 macro and has been continuing his engagements. like a visit of jim and president frank volta stein my a to a sites in front commemorating the victims of nazi germany. the french president knows he's a bite to face time, one of his biggest political challenges yet. star, paris correspondence sonya fall occur for more on those opinion. polls that show the far right gaining ground, the head of francis not parliamentary election. that's correct, terry. i mean that there are 2 opinion tools that show that the far right now should riley good reading between 33 to 24 percent off the votes in these upcoming
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following the elections. and that could be a jump of more than 15 points compared to the last legislative connection 2 years ago. now this, these polls showed that the, the, from the line, simplest parties could, could take about 22 percent. followed by the macro camp at about 19 percent and, and really these results are not very surprising if you consider the kind of resulting victory that the national riley just to achieve in your opinion actions. but i think it also shows the kind of deep presence that they ideas on all finding in from the ideas of immigration crime and violence. but i have to say we are also seeing a big push back against the far right. and it's ideas last night. there will mutual process houses where people arriving in cities like non out while rain of the 5 labor unions was saying that this weekend, the quoting from us for our tests over this weekend saying that the republic of democracy is in danger of from the far right now, negotiations deform political alliances, the head of this snap election. i'm already begun what's shaping up there. so on
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this right, i mean, we're seeing a flurry of negotiation. spotty is not also really scrambling to be candidates and you know, drop manifesto was prepared to prepare the campaigns because they simply don't have a lot of time to do that. i mean, the full thrown is at the end of the month. but last night there was a deal of notes on the list of where we sold the st and left the socialist and 3 all the left wing parties. the hard left front and bought the communists and the greens saying that they would unite for the legislative collection. so spot to bill progressive, what they call the popular fronts to fight the far right and the say to defeats it's reese, this project with also this is, this is actually a big deal because the speed at which the left has managed to kind of get companies together and the line, so you'll have surprised many commentators there because they are usually quite between the divided and we also see mcgraw's as well as on spots, you know, try trying to riley of those interests and models modest parties to get behind what
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they're quoting, a republican front to fight the match. uh the matcher. ready. and on the far right, we also seeing this happening with a john by the president of the national radi. seeing the results to form a fall right? the lines for the following 3 elections with north north albany deal has been announced. yet we have to remember that the combined volt of all the far right parties in front of the order for the elections touch nearly 40 percent and that was the w. sonya fall that goes speaking to me from paris a little while ago. now irregular migration to europe is on the rise and use attempting to bring down the numbers by courting. some of the countries where the migraines travel from or through one of them is more atanya in western africa. the government there has signed a deal with the worth more than 200000000 years. we have a special report now from the martini and city of nobody, but it's
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a transit point for thousands who set out on a hazardous journey along the west african route la la grew up in senegal, and in more tenea, where she has long dreamed of a better life, by the time she was 30, she'd saved enough to pay for a p rogue to take her from the capital of new watch shot to spain's canary islands and future in the u. and it's hard for her to recount the ordeal she suffered. so they were all sorts of nationalities. molly and kim rooney, inside syrians, mauritania, and synagogue lease in the police himself, came to take us to the beach. the big boat takes you to europe is waiting out and i see and load up like a small boat come to pick you up and take 20 people on board. 20 people 20 people not everyone to get on because there were so many of us wants to buy more than 100
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or so. for example, if you design only 80, we're lucky enough to get on. i've seen people almost went mad. sometimes people thought with each other with the captains have big knives, the threatened you and tell you to shut up or they'll throw you on the page to show my before and they're not kidding me except the pin on the ground to win us, which is a single issue, we just add up flash the, you know, got a new one but, but it wasn't to be after 4 days at sea drifting without fue, they ended up on a beach in northern mauritania, before nationals will be deported. but the law as a more attorney and was simply released the most of those you, but that doesn't mean i haven't been able to honestly, the, since i got back because you just say when i sleep, i feel like i'm still in the boat. that was rocking and i see in my mind is fed even when i closed my eyes like this. i feel i'm swinging and that's the best. the
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crossing she attempted is one of the most dangerous migratory roots in the world. i . li knows all too well. he's a fisherman who has seen the hopeful and the desperate taking their leave by night . 50 migrants, he says cramming themselves into a fishing boat designed for a crew of 6. and the sea knows little bursey. i gotta look at it for someone sent me these file to it depends on the dentist to because i have these a corpses because we've got a game look in 15. that is actually the baby here. so if in my such a powerful image, no audi boost port is full of per rogues. traditional fishing boats that the human traffickers have made into their business model. one smuggler wants to buy
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a per road for his next departure and degrees to tell us about the authorities and the restrictions he too wants to conceal his identity. the 1st one there is a police boat. got yeah. yeah, that's the 2nd visit coast guys. it's hard to get out of here, legally, the requests, so football, but we're looking at drugs data from the top of photo. so that's a big for me because you can put a lot of people in that you saw it though for this kind of drugs, but the control is to see if they're going fishing or for something else to the people to visit. we know how made arrived here 2 months ago. he is a welder by trade and has one aim to reach europe. as a day labour he earns the equivalent of 10 year was a day which he spends on food,
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water, and somewhere to live. one of these, you know, where she lives, i've seen the people here pop by, she's not going to be blown. we're looking for work their own kind of grandpa. it's not easy to visually. morning and nights we come on, what are we done to? and i've been it 2 months, i work anywhere our life, our tools for la la to despite everything she has suffered and the huge sums of money she has spent, she is still determined. she tells us that however horrible her memories are of being at sea. she would do it all again to get to europe, where she hopes to earn a living. in this city of 840000 inhabitants, more than 30000 r like lala and mohammed waiting to leave. but many find themselves trapped for months, even years saving what little they earn to be able to afford
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a boat to europe. scientist researching african elephants have revealed that they appear to have names for each other. researchers say they communicate using unique calls, low rumbles that can be heard across great distances that can be used to grab the attention of a specific elephant. it's an ability that only a few wild animals are believed to possess. this low rumble is barely distinguishable, which the human is but don't tell her. the elephant seems to know exactly what it means. sign to say that's because elephants have unique calls used to communicate across large distances. they've been eaves dropping on to hood some kenya to create a sound library for the research. about half of the the sound in the call is below our level of hearing,
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so we actually cannot hear it. and so we have to use a special microphone to record these calls and we also had to be quite close to them because the sound attenuates with distance. and research is to split the results by playing recordings to elephant slight margaret she is, she responds to a cool, specific to here. but this quote isn't here. and she doesn't call back or or sometimes when they're in a big group, a female or a med check of the group or give a call and the entire group will respond to a group up around try it, or follow her whatever. and then other time she gives to, you mean me there, a very similar call and, and nobody will respond. nobody will reaction to call except for
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a single ellison and the group. and that are what that will respond or come out, you know, come up to or whatever. and so that sort of indicates that they have a means by which to communicate. do they want to talk to? adult ellison's were more likely to use names than com, suggesting it could take years to learn the skill. now, scientists a working to crack the complicated code around the goals they hope, understanding what allison's a saying could lead to gratian insights into how they think. so you're watching dw news, just a reminder, the top stories were following for you. ukraine's president for 11 years. lensky is in berlin for an international conference on rebuilding the country. it will focus on the ukrainian energy sector shattered by russian air attacks. and us and secretary of state entry, blinking says, israel has committed to a new truce plan for garza and he's fruitful from us will to un secretary
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security council rather gave its back overnight of next our science serious tomorrow. today looking at how proud series are trying to keep cool as the earth heat. so thanks for watching the
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cooling down single pole temperatures are rising rapidly in the city state called the sound of air conditioning hump day. they could be assessed or when a, with natural air conditioning and airy, sustainable architecture. could this be a model for other cities tomorrow today next on d, w in good shape. ready ready a 9 times temperature
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in your shoes. what really helps against was role like had bad skids. instead of the unconventional poll, we tend to medicine in good shape. in a 60 minutes on d w, the contributing to engine goal is only john impact has one of 79 use a lot of stuff. everything is simply designed so i can do this, which gives me extreme freedom to me all the time. devin townsend really stays on the bu dish mice and i've never thought i'm giving up but lives sometimes thought that i just can't take this anymore. but what drives
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them to keep going on the sound of simple thoughts, june 13th on dw, the they're 8000000000 people on the planet and more than half of us live in urban areas. living space is getting tight, temperatures are rising and cities are getting 30 or 2. it's time to cool things down. how about with plants? they help cut air pollution to the rats. meanwhile, don't mind heat or dirt. they multiply rapidly know on everything from pin liners to cables, and can transmit diseases in berlin. their successfully kept in check. welcome to dw science show the .


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