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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 11, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news line from berlin. you prints president in germany to few calls, talks for most important. one of them is that landscape x xbox, in an international conference can faleen on rebuilding ukraine. the adults would focus on the energy sector, shot to it by a russian, and it's also coming up everyone's voters in except for one bill. and that's from us us, secretary of state anthony big concerns. israel's prime minister has committed to a new truce and goes up. and he's hopeful how boss went to the un security council
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gave its packing overnights the manager, welcome. ukrainian, president of the me to send landscape is in berlin for a 2 day conference on ukraine's post for the company. he was welcomed by a german johnson on our souls who stressed building support for you print. we're waiting to take you to a press conference with both leaders. these, all these events came and speak to government representatives and private investors about reconstruction efforts, a private, they wouldn't be ukraine's energy sector, which has been devastated by russian. add a tax is that the cities on the front line have suffered the brunt of those attacks . ukrainian officials expect the costs to deepen those areas to run into the hundreds of millions of dollars. as the town of both chanced, one of many on the front lines in recent months and ashes after relentless russian
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bombardment in a war that rages on with no let up. over more than 2 years of conflict, ukraine has lost 10 percent of its housing. many of its farms are full of craters and land mines, bridges, electrical stations, power plants, and dams have been destroyed by missile strikes and explosives. the world bank released figures earlier this year on the total estimated costs to rebuild ukraine . 82000000000 for housing, 73000000000 for transport, commerce, an industry, 68000000000 agriculture, another 58000000000 and the all important energy sector. almost $50000000000.00, all in all $486000000000.00. although housing costs more to fix russian, the tax on critical infrastructure pose the most acute danger to ukraine, destroyed power stations and many cities like half keys, mean long blackouts,
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power cuts to hospitals, and damage to the water supply. the damage to infrastructure is greatest in the hockey. don't you ask? how son and lou haskell regions, but energy infrastructure and the capital key has also been hit many times. the pressure at this week's conference is on donor countries to finance ukraine's future. but in the present, somewhere that more focus and money has to be put on keeping the power flowing ukrainians face another, punishing winter with wide scale blackouts and heating shortages before they clean up and move on. the people here have to make it through each day. and in his opening speech at the conference, german jobs to all of charles pledged his unwavering support for you cream 15 victim dual credit. and ukraine is following the path that fits people chose for themselves. democracy, freedom into europe
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a lot. and we are at your side on this process to facilitate me at. this is why we are here in berlin today to continue to work for the recovery of a strong, a free and european ukraine. stacker, when safety and strength, loyalty to one's principles seize on the pre conditions for pretend to realize that it will be no military victory, no dictated peace. and he has to end his proof of the military campaign to withdrawal his troops. and just so, you know, we are waiting on a joint press conference to be held by ukraine in president voted to means and then ski and so on to the old life shoulds. and when that press conference begins, we're going to take you straight to it. but moving on now to news about the war between is around and her boss and us secretary of state anthony blinking is saying that is fails. prime minister has caught re a from his commitment to a new cease fire in the gaza strip blinking say is the only thing is now on the
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minutes in group i'm us who stutter attacks on israel sparked the wall. also talking to relatives of those taken hostage to gaza on october. the 7th. he said the longer the config drags on the higher the chance of regional spread. families have been protesting outside the hotel with lincoln's being holding talks with his very officials. on monday, the un security council endorsed the us back seized by proposal, but they still know official line from israel on the plan as a plan, which includes a phased withdrawal of troops and exchange of hostages for prisoners, along with a temporary and then permanent ceasefire. and this is what anthony blinking had to say to reporters in tennessee. everyone's vote is in except for one vote. and that's from us. and that's what we wait for. it is awesome us to move forward with this proposal for or not. and it's very clear
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what, as i said, virtually the entire international community wants to see. and of course with so many families want and is also what the people of gaza so desperately need. and on the jerusalem correspondence back of it as though my colleague teddy martin about the tone set by blinking as well as any blinking bro with hemmed terry many of the messages he's brought in his previous 7 visits to the region. you said one there in your lead, and he said that the longer this goes on, the more likely this will spill over into a wide, original conflict. that's something that us has been concerned about from the very beginning. he also said that a hostage deal is the only way to bring back all the hostages that remain in galls or, and it's the best way um, in reference to potentially, or put a nod at the rather violent operation that took place on the weekend to rescue for
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hostages, where you know, and schools of palestinians were also killed in that. but what he also said and you heard it from him there. he said that everyone has said yes, except for him off putting certainly the bowl in her mouth as court to come to the table and agree to this deal that the us at least is touting a as an as a re b deal. and he said that netanyahu re offend with him in the meeting, but there is rarely as have agreed to this deal that we haven't heard from israel publicly. that that is in fact the case. and it certainly, i'm certain that that is the case. when you look at the make up all the current is riley government, the found right coalition and those 5 right. members having more sway now that the more moderate any guns stepped down just a couple of days ago, from the war cabinet and from the government, putting a lot more honest on the file rights members of benjamin netanyahu as far right. a file right coalition,
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and they have said repeatedly that they will not into any into and into any agreement that, that looks towards a permanent se sign. i did have a lot of fun done during rebec, advertise reporting aaliyah from jerusalem to fonts next, where the fast opinion bolt in. so snap election was called project a, waiting for the found right national ronnie. however, the policy is full cost of $4.00 shots of an absolute majority across funds. they've been protests against the far right after that. when in sundays, do you elections most were peaceful, but there was some clashes with police. left during parties are pledging to team up for the stipend actions and nominate joined the candidates to challenge both the government and the far right. french president demanded the macro and dissolve the houses of parliament, the ultimate you election results which saw his centrist coalition suffer a result of defeat the streets of paris look normal, but there's only one thing people are talking about here. the fresh parliamentary
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elections just cooled by president my chrome after a surgeon votes for the fall right. next time. the white stream right in your aspect. i don't think that's a good thing to remember. you have children, she be the name of her. he thank you. ok, make good things clear right now. i would say i need to friends decide to go for the extra money. right. okay, that's a choice. so we or the constituents is if they want to continue on the, on the me, the, uh, meet are way up to the friendship to the side. people seem to be not so worried about it that's, that's what puzzles me as well. i mean, people that never voted for rights around that, so the vote has 5 rights. i think that just will fit up with the menu and i call those people delivered the buffering in the european parliament selections to my crumbs hunting. marina pens, national raleigh, a sizable when of the new post, a boy of that party,
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28 year old politician and tick tock. star jordan bardello will run to become prime minister in the new elections. i'm the president. my chrome will have to a point to me is the far right wins. the majority of to, to ryan was voting for his president has been small up here at the assembly since he lost his majority. in 2022. cooling, fresh elections is issued, political gamble, but this is a politician years to the back in 2017. when he won the presidential elections. he did that with a brand new party working the french political establishment, stomachs, but say macro and operate as well. when the stakes are high, we have macro now back into focus of this campaign. and maybe we have tons of this a bit more aggressive, a bit more, let's say popular on popular or well known, to be honest, it's going to play for, but we need to wait and see what happens. and this is going to have an impact on
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the, to a front flips for the next couple of years. and this is gonna have a big impact on the presidential actions and 2027. my chrome has been continuing his engagements, like a visit of jim and president frank volta stein maya to a site tim fronds commemorating the victims of nazi germany. the french president knows he's about to face time, one of his biggest political challenges. yet. a quick look now at some of the stories making news around the world of these vice president has been confirmed dead by the country's president, often a military plane. he and 9 others were traveling in crashed the aircraft gutting silos. she, lima, less the capital. long way on monday, but fails to make it scheduled. lending at lazoodo airport in northern the lobby for educators from the united states have been stopped in china as ne julian province. the group from cornell college in iowa visiting a temple when they were attacked by a man,
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but the nice chinese authorities have not yet provided any statement on the incident. the soft good in ministry has served its soldiers. 5 wanting shots off to north korean troops across the border by mistake. they said north korea had not conducted any other suspicious activities. tensions have been rising recently over a campaign by prong yang, defend fresh cutting balloons southwards. a must have filed up to an apartment building in miami. displacing at least 40 people firefighters managed to push out the place that officials believe may have been sparked by a shooting incident. police say the rest of the suspect in connection with the shooting news now about those you autopay and the parliament election dissolved. so big gains for your ups followed. i bought these but the center right is still the problem. it's biggest block. she has a look at what to expect next of the day after the european elections encourage
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you, commission president, for the fun deadline has already started working on secure and her 2nd term. muncie . this is, my goal is to continue on this pause with those who are pro european pro ukraine and pros, local fine together vivo and can form a bastion against the extremes of lessons and right to the minds of the bus to own getting the extreme findings on placing speed from the line and her centered, right, you're in people's party with the winners off the like tonight. and the main news this, the greens and deliver adults who get fewer seats in the next to you apartment. that last has come and missed a boost for the fall, right? who has said to continue extracting the influence and call them in their case could have been more limited than many people expected. but they have had already an impact on the other groups position on the some of the issues, especially climate and migration. but the father rides over the fact on law making
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is likely to be limited as they won't have a blocking majority in the european parliament. the impacts would also depend on that. the georgia i'm and his brothers of italy, n marine la, penn, national riley of france. the form of the roof together. both parties were strongest in their respective countries. now was enough on the lines. next challenge begins. she needs to secure 2 key majorities to get a 2nd term. as president of the you commission, the blocks powerful execute of funded line must be nominated by most do you leaders . then she also needs the majority of lawmakers into european parliament to becker for that she 1st called upon her pro european centrist allies in the previous parliament. the season going to via for this reason, we were now approach the lodge politic of families that worked well with us in the last mandate. visa d, as in d, there's socialist and social democrats entering the liberals. the item
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a cotton on to renew the behind is the far right. an option too. it might be before the your elections or the funding. i didn't drill out working this italian prime minister george, i'm alone for now. most options are still on the table as the political horse trading begins. and yet in germany, johnson shoals is on the increasing pressure off to his government's coalition. parties suffered heavy losses in sundays, your opinion, actions. he said the policies can not go back to business as usual. sholtes, also one of the gains made by the far right should not be normalized. hush response. after a catastrophe for the governing social democrats in gemini, the west european election results for the main policy and power in history. and to clear verdict from the streets. i'm saying they are tired,
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an old regard for years. and changes definitely needed for the government must really think it's policies. conservative opposition leaders mirror that sentiment calling for the government to change clothes, forced to pay the way for snap elections. they bought the heads also blame the government for the strong showing of the far right. this is to the it's a complete disaster for the policies of the federal government. i have to tell you, i didn't expect it to be so harsh and so dramatic. and also does the policy that no benefits the most from the question of your to yet that's the far right alternative for gemini became 2nd. doing especially when among votes is age 16 to $20.00 for low income groups. an eastern gemini success that came despite scandals involving the lead candidates for the e. u. elections
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a if the latest had a clear message. vinzini implant and we see a trend here in germany. the, i'm putting, the governing coalition has been punished. it is a vote against the chancellor, getting things from us now paved the way for new elections in big for the no i find find the most q and while his government rolled out to new elections, the chancellor stayed notably, ever served about the outcome of either get this off the lecture results were poor for all 3 governing parties. none of us should simply continue on with business as usual. but what policy change will look like? sholtes has yet to make clear the non governmental organizations in georgia, i'll wait for the future of to follow them and recently passed the contribution legislation to counter what you'd call for them into feelings. activists of gold and the russian law comparing it to simulate legislation. the kremlin use is
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against its critics. groups regarding the new laws negative impact in georgia has been speaking to dw zillow is expected to target 1st and foremost. and g o is that in gauging the political process that some august, far away from politics and sophia, implications of the ap tameris seek reads, a has dedicated 20 years of his life to taking care of and protecting abundant animals. now runs a nonprofit relation, usually capital b c. he says it's not a traditional dog shelter to the home where there is no pressure for dogs to replace with new onus. all of this was possible thanks to forwarding to nations, uses print. we really we have gotten financial support from abroad, which allowed us just divide this lack of group and build a dog village. richard,
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it's debbie building. i'm years old. are you managed to exist to this day? thanks to that. so far a 10 minute, but now what should we do? have hello, should we now forget to put all that support the nino, the leads the director of the key georgia an election which dog rejects the transparency argument. she believes to be was a pre taxed to shut down a dependent civil society groups that i'm only turing the government's actions. we are closing all our expenditures in our website so, so we have to do all the declarations. don't organization start for free. surely off, load it all the bronze what they are coming to georgia civil society, more than $160.00 georgia and, and you guys have plots to defy the little when it comes into force in about 2 months, a needle size, the election absorber groups. she has well not the register on the for an insolence list, and it's ready to pay the fine of
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a $1000.00 heroes for failing to comply with the law. legislation itself is against our taking it to georgia and organizations. so for us, it's only one countries interest which is georgia. so we can not to register in that registry which is which is making us best buy. so a name is so far, country pay more size before and mc and flu also starts to show to us. houston nations moves to come from abroad because the cannot make situation is and we ended up at pace to take you straight to berlin, where a president wanted to meet his advance key in science. the old off shoulders are holding a joint press conference. let's visit him totally on the freedom to sovereignty and the territorial integrity of ukraine marketing for the 1st time such a conference takes place and a member of the state of the european union. and that's all the more important. because for the 1st time, ukraine is taking part as a you candidate to substitute
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a conference. since almost 2 and a half years, the men and women of few crane are here really clear defending their country against the russian aggression. in doing so, they have a future in mind which they chose for themselves in peace and freedom and democracy and in europe. we want to accompany you on this cost of a lot of the mirror, and this is why we are coming in and dedicating ourselves to a strong free and european ukraine. and this at this conference for ukraine's recovery. since the beginning, germany stands closely by ukraine. we support to your courageous battle and to defend yourselves financially from any tarion and with and humanitarian it systems politically and will supplying farms aside from military aid. the federal government has provide to the civilian support to the tune of billions and will continue to support you as long as it takes and you can rely on this for
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a lot of mirror. this is why we signed an agreement on by natural security corporation and long term support during your last visit to berlin. in february disagreements bells on our commitments together with our international and european partners and our commitment for your grants, long term recovery and reconstruction. it is clear, it is a monumental task. it will require extraordinary efforts from us and our partners, the destruction of so message destruction caused by preteen on his imperial war in ukraine. day by day. it is wise and prudent to all ready at this point. think about crucial benchmarks for a successful recovery and reconstruction. this is why we want to further develop our economic relations and involves all stakeholders and government and society of ukraine. i am particularly delighted that so many representatives of the region, cities, and municipalities and ukrainian civil societies have come to our land today. and
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i'm delighted unhappy about the great big commitment of the german business community in ukraine street to construction and recovery of the country will require massive investment without private capital. this will not be feasible. just as a reminder, we're talking about the recovery and re reconstruction of a future member state of the european union. ukraine has enormous potential when it comes to renewable energy, use hydrogen, but also emerging 2nd to us, such as digitalization, an i t pharmaceutical industry health technologies. and these sectors will be at the center of our focus and attention that there's a conference, allow me to highlight 3 pivotal points together with our international partners. we support the business development fund, we want to, i'm actually going to and it's develop it further and support small and medium sized businesses within the 2nd, we need opportunities and to improve the ukrainian companies access to
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capital. and then the u commission has just announced the equity fund, which will mobilize a important a funds for ukranian companies. and with a 3rd, with the ukranian investors guide, we're pulling information about support for companies who, and which are engaged in ukraine. furthermore, we will also discuss corporation of our defense industry, a very important step. ladies and gentlemen, this recovery conference marks the beginning of a week full of important international segments with a focus on ukraine. here below the mirror, the day after tomorrow we're going to meet again at the g 7 summit in a pool in italy. i'm going to contain and advocate for information and long term pledges of support for ukraine. and together, we are going to gather in switzerland, on the 1st summit for peace in ukraine in switzerland. we're going to talk about
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fundamentals, premises for justice, and permanent peace in ukraine. these are not negotiations that button and nothing more put in would have to show that he's willing to end his brutal war and withdrawal his troops. but maybe this can show the way and fast forward to how we can initiate a process process which also entails russia of the table. but just the ukraine will decide when the time for this has come, as long as protein is containing mercilessly in pursuing his aims. our message is clear, we will not relent in our efforts and our support for an ukraine. we stand firmly and wavering, lead by 3 agree, ukraine's aside, and the men and women of the cream slab. are you chris to the thank you very much mister. for discussing the phrase, don't turn this,
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i'm grateful for your attention. so you're trying to find the opportunity to create an assistant trying to get find the printer probably level today. the complex is taking place to increase resilience and comfort of your current and walk and say, since every results, hope is in price. thank you very much on it for a press to count. it says i work to income for this, and that's exactly what we're talking about. a coffee code. when the conference preparations were under by underway, which had it's, i'd say it's a guy, ukranian and germany come what it was, inches a represents a hill community. so companies and hasn't met for level have concrete agreements that would be the same for the sake of texting life. right. so if you cleaners and your current and i think every terminal and every german company,
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some 100 people have german companies particularly already started working on getting started to work with your trade working together. we are definitely strongly do friendly. so to emphasis today is clearly a defense, an energy. this is something that this isn't something that says move on to move in conditions and you've tried know both social activities, each item and it is a laser and helping you crank protects the skies when patriot systems because a new decision has been taken to the wizard got to say the defense not on the shirt, and thank you very much for what you mentioned during the beginning of the conference. germany has already cited size and size of the training laws from the russian, tara, and that's something that you cry. and it was to be grateful that was really springs the completion of this whole end of this one, the closer we should be on this, you know, exception of realistic, this royce and the ongoing because it has the simpler to continue beach. all right,
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i'm striking. you try as soon as say, some russian capability to terrorize established is going to the limits of russia would finally be forced to find a way to a true because this is a key advantage of the us. and the so strikes guarded me so striking through sweet cooling together should work. i ensure that we provide the blackout for the russian terrace in order to bring peace to rebecca. and we are capable of doing it together today. we all sorts of course, spoke about the situation on the front clause in a very many details. and the very thing we should meet significantly is what we can do in the nearest months and what we can do in the nearest town. and to ensure that your crime is provided with sufficient generation code capacity is full energy production. all right, thank you. apart. this for the comprehension of news and that pertains to terminate
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and other parts as to a representative today is coming for us. we are preparing working together. we with the trinity for the g 7 summit as the transfer mentioned already, which is going to take place this week. and we're preparing for the global summit. and for the 1st ignore integration summit about initiatives that could, may lay the foundation on premises full. the just and you might on this piece and we try many supports we've found is that that's very much a new credit. we appreciate to thank you very much. again, one more thing we spoke today about european integration of you kind of by the expectations of this to ukraine has fulfilled those full requirements in order to be able to start the accession to go see ation for you crime. showing that you'll find that it is in the 6 months after and we us soon go to a site. there we go, station frameworks for to start a century with grateful to terminate to
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u. s. i o off for the support of our state for the support. what about people on this cost to you and union? and that's very important for us. very, very important for us, as somebody told me that you are putting deliverance promises and that together we would provide global leadership in europe. thank you. it's laurie, it's, are you trying to come see you be here? thank you very much. as usual, we agreed on 4 questions. the question 1st question will be asked by olga ton of to go your car info speakerphone she's coming the one of them is what you're looking for them to to, to shoot for me. questions to the question to chris is was.


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