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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  June 11, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm CEST

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state, so the simple, what about the poles on this cost to your in union and that's very important for us . very, very important for us is somebody told them that you are deliverance promises and that together we would provide global leadership in europe. thank you, laurie. so you try to done, come to pick up, man. thank you very much. as usual, we agreed on 4 questions. the question 1st question will be asked by olga ton of chico, you call our info speakerphone. she's coming the the one of them is what you would and for them to to shoot for me crystal, to the question, to present risk. sure. sure. sure. all of shorts mentioned that there are
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more than 1000000 of you can finance in germany on that. could you count, they could become one of the 2 forces to recover for your credit recovery. how would that be possible in cottage them to return to your crime? and is it appropriate considering that under the infrastructure programs in ukraine? the question to chance question to show sort of shows. thank you very much for that sheep trim and it has contributed so much effort to ensure the good presence of the global to somebody in switzerland. as you said, that was going to be one of the 1st steps to us to just paste. when with the management company rush, it could be pointed to negotiation table. thank you. you have a long as of a time. yeah, no, thank you very much for this question. well, 1st of all, this is dr. lee, the entertainer that you've just mentioned. it's a great bargain for the business simply because we have lost half of the energy combined. so you understand the region capacity, you know,
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countries today the openings i spoke about the cd to however we, we are working, we had was resuming, restoring our energy and capacity as our nuclear capacity is also coming with lines and got we're also decentralizing our electricity supply. systems and we're working on that. and also frankly, we are working on making so as i cheap crane has called pricing with many funds foundations to, to find that is a centralized system and everything. but the for solar, wind loans that we need today. after rush, i have destroyed our thermal power generation that a large percentage on thermo power generation. and the enterprises that generates the energy of the money. and we are working with the, our german partners with other countries. and i spoke about this in the meeting today. we need the funds as regards the recovery in general,
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global recovery, the what happened after the war is over. of course, there is no point in trying to motivate ukrainians with slogans off to the words over and i'm sure people will come to every store. so the country that will be controlled, they will be security, and i'm sure that so that won't be on the motivation with you with regards to the recovery today. yes, we cannot force special needs about this in any way, but to be frank, if today at this very difficult time towards those who want you to come to ukraine on good health shop to rebuild. that's not true. there are areas that need work to day. and people who have to be left without a roof, oliver over there has we need people to work. we have, she has lost
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a lot of people into to the work scores, pervasive solutions. a lot of people have lost their job. so many people have a electrical abroad and in order to help ukraine today, with housing, be able to rebuild are the parts of our infrastructure, and frankly, seem to work ship particular solves to helps the armed forces. of course we would also support decision like that. steve fitness confines the it's enough for the upcoming peace conference in switzerland. it's very important and we have supported to ukraine's efforts intensively and it was a good success that there were many meetings in the run up to this conference. let me recall where our for, and, and security advisors gathered in copenhagen into the and led to an endeavors. now this is the next step, not the law stuff, but it's a very important stuff. and we're going talk to talk about many tangible questions
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that are, have to be discussed in the context of this war from a humanitarian perspective as well. but it leaves the foundation for further stuff, but it needs to. it's a plant that meets watering, and i think we need many of the stakeholders to help us to, to, for this plan, to develop in into a peaceful garden. russia has to make a contribution for a peaceful development. it's needs to withdraw its troops and the war. we're not seeing this, but this is what is all about. and also this one is needed for, for the conferences me so efficient and georgia plus a conference next question. thank you very much. mr. chancellor of the french president plans have sent military advisors to ukraine and trainers and wants to forward to an international alliance. you set the german who will not participate. do you agree that other negative member states would percentages
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appeared, or would you see a risk of escalation and this and in your speech you emphasized how important air defense is and presidents the landscape just said that new decisions are to be made beyond pay trans. um, what is this all about? and mr. president, presidents and landscape germany and other outlines allowed you to attack a russian territory a uh with western weapons um in order to protect the city of char cause uh, is this sufficient for you, or would you like to expand this? and um, did you also ask for further weapons uh and uh, or have you given up and hope to ever receive a torres? pardon? i think. and you've been listening to a giant best conference of german johnston,
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charles, and your opinion president willing to meet the demands can get in berlin at the ukraine. recovery conference of the conference manual, we have data lose chief international editor richard walker. and joining me in the studio 80 to have those eastern europe editor, romano, a gunshot, and go, let's come to you fast. richard. if you can hear me, what stood out to you from what you've just heard there. so yeah, well, i think you saw an in, in, but we have some, all of so some flooding means that lensky was, was just to kind of a taste of the massive challenges the ukraine. and the supporters have him kind of keeping the show on the road in ukraine right now in, you know, well over 2 years into this war, trying to signal to the people of ukraine that the world is supporting them. but also, equally importantly, to be able to signal to vladimir putin that is support for ukraine is going to be strong enough to keep it going through a will that could potentially last for so many years longer. so and the emphasis,
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i think from each leaders we just heard that was a little bit different with incidence. each was very fond of saying that the 2 main focuses are on average offenses and on energy. i think this reflects the fact that as he met, as he put it just as a ukraine's last half of its energy generation capacity during the course of this war. so far, that is something that is intensified in the last half a year or so. and this is creating great concerns about whether you're trying to make it through the next winter, of course, winter being so cold and ukraine so. so let's keep talking about adding a gigawatt of natural gas power generation. there's also talk of increasing. so the generation, we think ukraine to be able to try to decentralize the pathway, so it's less vulnerable to attacks. so that from valencia, and so, so here about the longer term perspective. stressing that you're not gonna be able to rebuild ukraine without a significant private investment companies from around the world,
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from europe coming to you train sign to invest that those companies and course of worried about their investments. what happens? well, investments when there's a war going on. so that becomes a discussion about trying to provide levels of insurance, stake back to insurance for those investments. and that's one of the major issues being discussed if there's a conference today. but the big picture overall is just trying to create this sort of sense of resilience with you train, you can keep going and that trying to channel that message across to most code. well, sir richard, because everyone's going to then go down those eastern, go to bed at that. you also with us in the studio for one, you weren't in keys and how to keep this computer importing over there. just based on whatever you heard over there, is that a reassuring for the people in keys and khaki? well, definitely, of course, um hockey is a special case. i've been though, just a few days ago, and i saw with my own eyes how the russian forces have destroyed the city in the more than 2 years since the russian invasions. so you can see buildings,
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most of the buildings, i have some damages on it, in the city center, in the historical city center, but also on the outskirts. so russia keeps bombarding hockey with missiles, with bones, was drones every day. so this is probably the city i'm on the largest cities of your brand, which is the 2nd largest city. but it's an old, large series of your grand hockey is probably the one package it's most because it's so close to the russian, both the just over 40 kilometers a close. and um is there is also a huge problem and this is what presence of landscape was talking about at this conference today in berlin. from them number one, for, for seems like hockey chief as well is electricity is power generation because the russia has managed to destroy all power generating facilities in hockey and regions . so talk of these important energy from other regions of your brain and especially from the european union with her to you and billing that. actually someone saying
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that your credit is already part of the you, as far as an energy generational energy flow is concerned. so this is very important, and of course, the defense, something that richard has been talking about, the presence lensky said. it's many times without any proper defense and how give doesn't have enough defense of the moment without proper defense recovery, it is under construction. make no sense. uh richard, uh you would showing what the roman was saying the up. and this is something that all of salt was talking about. it's a week of international conferences with expecting there's a global the summit also coming up, incense and, and, and the g 7, summit def folder. what does the aim here? uh, what does, what does it or building up to yeah, well, there, see, it is interesting to see that, that there's this intense phase of diplomacy going on. and a lot of these are lensky is really being traveling around the world a lot. and you know, this is even just part of it. i was in a single pool just recently for the stronger law dialogue,
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which is the main defense conference that takes place in, in east asia. for a lot of music lensky was. that's who he was going back to try to drum up support for some of these initiatives. and i think you can see all of these initiatives really as to get the pot and one piece, which is what i was referring to that trying to kind of transmit this sense to russia that ukraine has diplomatic support, that it can be sustained for a long while will that could go on where all the while over 2 years into it, they could go on for years further that it has the backing of western governments and businesses to, to keep rebuilding infrastructure that may get damaged and that it has a long term financial support of the type, the g 7 is hoping to to agree upon it easily later this week. and that it has a broad base of diplomatic support around the world that a ukraine hopes to be able to signal with this. a peace conference taking part in
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some taking place in switzerland. so i think if you want to understand what is the purpose of all of this, it is to try to signal to russia that a long game is not going to work that ukraine complaint just as moment game as russian can rely, leave it there for the moment richard walk a from the venue of the ukraine to the company conference in berlin, and narrow mind gunter, ankle dw eastern. you auto pay that the thanks so much for coming in. we live at the, for the moment, and that's about all we have time for at the moment. you can always get at the latest news and information on our website. that's the dot new dot com. i'm going to expand indeed been invo back again in about 15 minutes with mobile news then the, the a minor injury and may a cuts on his finger, lots of substance and almost cost deal been telling his life. he lost both arms and
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legs. is a target, there are days when i want to go into the woods and ski my head off and live. they do happen. you don't happen to also know what he's done. now he just wants to get his old life back as much of it as he can. he says open board to connect your feet. make contact with the floor as much as possible. get yourself into a good starting position with fund. good body tension. yeah. before you stand up, review all the important points in your head. how many websites will help you get up without using too much energy? it's all
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operating an electric, wheelchair. it works well that deal because to live as a small miracle, he was in an induced coma for 16 days and underwent 8 surgeries. 4 months, it was, i'm certain whether he would survive. if you now attend the sessions at this clinic to train his extremely weakened body, are not mine. ok. but when i arrived here after my operation, my body was so weak and my muscles so atrophied. i could only lift my head if you don't mind cop same content as i see i'm come. the 1st thing i had to do was get fits again. rebuild my body off to rebuild my muscles on so that i could do basic things of everyday life. again, seems like brushing my teeth for just getting out of bed and into my wheelchair. what have you out of state or some pets from that in the village to the full started so innocently was here. so that's what happened was i caught myself in an old here mattress and the seller. um, this one, it was a very,
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very small cottage on my left index finger, which became infected um and send it out. a constant turned into a skeptical infection which ultimately triggered steps, saw that i couldn't. you can see the small, small cup here. and that then developed into a blister over night, like going up to the other end because the infection was caused by mouse droppings on the mattress. soon gale was in severe pain, had a fever and shortness of breath to doctors told him the infection was homeless. the aux devali, because he was finally admitted to a hospital where he suffered septic shock. he had to be placed and, and induced coma during the infection. his body diverted most of his oxygen to his vital organs. the brain, the halt and the loans on doesn't exist. so because of the large parts of both his arms and legs didn't receive enough blood peanuts, and this is what ultimately led to him needing the amputation as what he had to
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have. it was a really serious case and he is actually off i a professor device among the oaks, attending physician at the rehabilitation clinic. his major concern early on was that the residual limbs and the skin protecting the field properly. only then, what is it possible for guilt to be fitted with pros, dc's substance is one of the most common diseases worldwide affecting around 50000000 people. every year. most deaths could be avoided with the correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment. and for the often long steps, this is the severe inflammation of the body. it's treated by bacteria entering the bloodstream via an injury. for example, steps this occurs when the immune system overreacts damaging the body. instead of fighting the infection left on checked, it attacks vital organs which start to fail. this is exactly what makes it so dangerous. plus i know this is i was completely unaware of what steps this is and
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what it can lead to in the end that somebody will help me. i've only learned recently how bad such as can be reached and a zip. this house can come in. most cases, at least the desk because it does not recognize properly and go hand obvious. in that respect, i was very lucky to survive that and i just still be sitting here today and saw come on in the whole space just for us. it's once much so we find a good place to practice. standing up gale oaks, therapist costs schmidt, doesn't just give him practical tips. he's a cheerleader too. he knew gail could need both psychological and physical help. so that's very nice. well done. yep. i didn't help. that's not worked out well, yes, you do that all on your own lineup. it. thank you in on the side of the say, i think what makes them different is that he doesn't look back on. yeah. and he
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looks ahead of, i think he realized how things were going for him a few months ago. and he thought he had no alternative finding more not. and so i was just concerned to set my sense is he seems to have woken up, looked ahead and said, well there's no going back now. and there's only one way to go on a tv. you can only go forward and not banquet nick manhattan. and if he told himself, look, i was lucky, i'm still alive and can now prepare myself for a new life and lose by the cream. if i can no longer do once i, once i have to one, what i can do with explosion was con. happy positive fits feels good and it was a no pressure points, no pain. sure nice. every step takes enormous effort both physically and mentally. one day deal been telling hopes to be able to work again before the steps as he was a marketing team leader out of medium sized company. space to get to work is a very important part of my life is integral. it's good to talk to my old life. is
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this part of my new like to i'm 40 years old and 50. i couldn't imagine just sitting at home from now on and taking early retirement and it's i feel strange again just feels wrong. coolants on, on the thoughts off me sign i one to buy go. if you did it, that was a little selfish. i didn't crush your hand. did i know standing will king deal once to reclaim as much of his old life as possible, despair and doubt, all his constant companions escaped to feed it another day. i have many inner demons, new day to go to either confine. there are days when i could just scream at the wall of my and beat us if everyone can imagine what it's like on this day that there are certain questions i simply shouldn't ask myself right now. and this has to must be the following questions like, why me, why, why not someone else on the above all is the question. who's to blame?
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that's always the thing though it is 5. these are the 2 most important questions that i tried to ignore all the time because there is no answer to them and they don't get me anywhere either on give me self. and so i definitely off to 6 months, feel good and telling is allowed to leave the clinic. he is happy to be back in his home and be offended and tries to apply what she has lunch during his rehabilitation. feed escape seem to be a lot as possible about a loss is no longer possible. and so we did a lot simply has to be planned with the help of family members when it starts with getting one church at the fridge on the farm. i have to use my wheelchair to get food stuff and then be able to get to top to bottom. and there's difficulties in the morning too. so using toothpaste when brushing my teeth. the tooth brush can't be too far away so that i can still reach it. i. this is part of everyday life, a fit. some of what i taken for granted has suddenly become an obstacle then because it seemed, and some things are just impossible. tlc been telling doesn't give off. if
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something doesn't work right away. he sees it all as a set of physical challenges. something he used to see counts when he was younger, which he had many good while i grew up on the skies. i used to ski slope as much as possible. i mean really off slope side um, replaced uh in the, in the, in the back country, the steeper, the better the renewal limits before. uh, got can limit for. yeah. and i was also a passionate dancer. and so my wife was my dance partner, of course, so so convincing them i'm trying to instill this attitude into my children. of course that will be a bit more difficult to do in the future. like to the site, the tops of his life are returning to normal is due mainly to his wife alexandra. she and georg have been married for 12 years. when mix of them you learn to adapt to the situation. it's like
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a movie and it didn't feel like our life. it's only now that the 4 of us are back at home that every day life is slowly crept back in. yeah. and what's different driving the kids to where they need to go in the morning by myself. that was a task we used to share up on that that i have to make sure before i leave the house that lift gate or the coffee cup with a straw in it. and then i wash an apple for him to eat for the next time. she will never forget the 1st time she visited her husband and the hospital off to his amputation with the 2 children. so kindly advised me. okay, we came in to go through. the 1st thing saturday night instead was dead. where are your hands? and i said, i told you remember, yeah, but then very soon it was just like always we all stage the race with the wheelchair getting on ran alongside me. lia pulled the little one was sitting on gaylon's lap. so yes, it was just like always gail can to alexandra,
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sarah coffee together in the late afternoon after she's come home from work. they talk about the traumatic experiences of the last few months and what has given them strength significant, and so important to have a family, a ready to for emotional support. this wants to hum my children and my wife have been such a comfort for me. i don't think i would have had the will, the motivation to work so hard on myself for such a long time without them to one of them. it's all bible gale. oaks high tech prostheses cost thousands of years. the paid full mainly by his health insurance. some a diety is an important principle in german society. the healthy pay for the sick, the ritual, the pool. everyone is entitled to the same medical treatment. today, orthopedist or slootsky is given guilt new steps across the seats. to better not, i've got your new feet with me. they don't feel natural. that's for a job. i get it. i don't know. like what i finally got this couple things that i
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said at 1st it feels good to get a bit more support and it helps cool. now you don't have so much play in them anymore. yeah, great. leaned back but then adjusted all on your own guilt of intending is making progress, but he's eager for things to improve even more quickly. escaped by the one of the things we'll continue to progress is if one improve doesn't work. there's always another good just to finish and i'm finding that new approach becomes the important thing to do. the most important thing is to keep going to keep out to it. a gale griffin telling has already recaptured aspects of his full of a knife. such a spirit of clothes. it's different than it was back then before his surgeries. the
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way so many things off since that fateful day when he suffered what seemed like a minor injury in the sense the, [000:00:00;00]
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the physically the news line from berlin, ukraine's president of just the world to help rebuild his country at a conference in berlin, and one of the main savanski pains for assistance to prefer ukraine's energy sector shut down by russia as well. johnson, the owner, sholtes he's germany, won't prevent, in its efforts to help you print outs are coming up. everyone's vote is in except for one vote. and that's from us. you are a secretary of state anthony big concerns. israel's prime minister has committed to


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