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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  June 11, 2024 2:45pm-3:01pm CEST

2:45 pm
well, on our own times, the match season terms that everybody can understand that ordinary people can understand. buying them for dynamic gunslinger, federal presidents, but it federal, chancellor building this style home. he wouldn't us at all, but need the people are going to talk. i'm president of people's thoughts like the not the so many policemen that they call them and the new, much distinguished guests are still in the world. but me pulling him along with a 1000000 divided. you're pushing that are going to peaceful nibble, just sleeve or you even snipe. it sounds a divided germany has never been happy. the guy that sits in maybe man boots as many of these useful those who do, you know the most, you don't know that. i mean, for me not let you know it's from your own experience, and that's why you can understand this when you're crazy or so you can understand
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why we're fighting visually so hard to again, this rather tends to divide us to divide your claim slightly. it's doing everything we can nationally, can i show that as well? there is not a new role being created in our culture. the, the, even in my ability to not, not the silver community believe not be no country a deal to put in these in even a way. so you know, to, to institution where the wire in was about hearing. it's terry we applied for the case to be a press your team over here, and they never multiply where were never left alone. and so i'm going to have to fight against some of the freshman's actors. she gave me my brand, had one of the special needs put in as in, as in after the war. we also the ones who want to have no longer any oppression is
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not all in this country, no english and, and of the soul of our country. now, crane preserves piece piece that you train me, deserves important shelves. the media, the on after or that evening. everybody who defense their own home. everybody lives last magenta towards just as long as i know suicide. nobody else has with foot on the ever, with the loss of their brothers and sisters in as little as i assume you in putting me in the fields or for as i'm going to send that fast for the needs to be new. but within the what the ends of those emails, that's the we started the world or the new mindfulness, steven for the dining has to be whatever the label hit bodies held for sconces. what date is the responsibility for the war?
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and they have to do some drugs suggest the support everybody's trying to reach, can use it every 4 county committed. and only before course you can, we measure a separate chiva situation of the principal heating. and then after he asked for the atrocities of the war or see, i should have to be held accountable for the adjustment to your russia. so hosp to is up to school to get couple of little, not the only received the rest of it has to pay for all of the damage that has been for this occurred. so that has occurred in our country. and there's the nines left there might be. so when you pull it up, we need people to watch in their mind that would always be like a fertile ground floor board return. and that should never happened. we have to reconstruct the country together. everybody who appreciates and cherishes life, and every russian asset that can be used for this purpose has to be june
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without any compromise late, even after the time of compromise. life is over as email. little exhibit this with you. as soon as the lady who attend started to leave slot, burn our cities and what do you give metals through the murders as soon as he started to go out to pursue murder instead of the 3 mentioned contract life at the time so compromised, defended the russian army leads to dozens of rooms and of trees behind, and that's why nobody has the right to even be continental. the suspect is silly. decide, but we'll start on the spot in moscow. what will happen? europe has to be a continent of potentially strong peace. there is no way around this, and even if somebody don't wear to try that, rob brewton, we will always destroy any hoping to come to an agreement. he used to
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separate the gauge and others of pressing others, and not just russia, neighbors professionals. so murders where in africa they learn a laptop they destroyed. below the many places they left, the moses i provided the broad baylor was down to its north and not allowed russia to continue to march the turn of europe with its contempt to dc life and waste the concept automation. know it's our joint interest and we'll be sure to bring it on. we'll use google. putin will lose the use of more people only see me not be successful in his attempt to either ring me refinance. i ipad
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into a situation where we can not be able to leave more behind leasing printing. then we will probably remember that one or 2 years prior to the fall of the illusion of loans, nobody was able to leave this for see how quickly it would fall. everybody's talked about would be here forever, but it disappeared and this was not to the will of the policy makers, engine the control issue. and now i some might have the impression that if something is going to be there for ever and that there was nothing and then to the war. but this is not the case or confusion if it is. can you from that? how does the was this drawing as i can write or supply the decisions and successes that we would joints new achieve together with you? and between the hours you paid for for the, the 3 my phone number, some of this it was a busy needs to be seems so me. ukraine,
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southern today has been with stanley and b or preston for over 800 days. 839 days on february 24th at the beginning of this little lord know, but you fast as possible, but it's become a fact we'd have improved so not that much pressure. i can lose. jessica, that still expression of will not prevails. we have proven that we live in our partners, can we do every seemed to attend our lives. and we've proven that our as po operations side effects to the expansion of this phase of this area of security. our joint decisions our joint, ortho acid, see and not for avery is okay to mom, crane our partners, our allies have please. and this is including the style, the leadership of the people presence. we're in the drum bonus talk. i would like to thank everyone who is present here today. the
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judge, the ones that need this be great cream to you for your leadership. it's easily if it's a while i'd say i'm vc cheers because of the patriots on the left instead is given to you clean by this you have saved thousands of lives of our citizens. thank you very much. i am grateful. see here not says mama your cuz even so mcdonald little me to you haven't us. you guys instead contain them. little, you know, completely slowly. me is, there is a continental dream that we have a part from a piece for europe or to know so you will need our own. the obligation is to defend our people's, our europe, the international order, which is based on the rules see not,
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but some pressure has different goals and dreams, russia, you stand in the face against all of us alone. so we all have to force russia to change and it's possible because there is no wall. that's not the process. the good. he went on and spawn and guns got him. you mentioned that he gives me your in a few days. so it's heidi and the german chancellor and other european and global leaders will meet in switzerland for a peace summit. russia to try to prevent the stomach from happening, but it will happen. it will take place and this is a success that ukraine and others achieve together to get this, you know, you have to show us what she mean. same navy super. it's that 1st would you that was the attempt of some wrong parties or the winners to so,
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so friend who's a, seems that this is not going to happen. we want to have a situation where nobody can manipulate the agreements that are being made as russia has done previously. we want to have all the voices of the present echo this next piece from the country. small of the world will be present and everybody can show speed their character, their leadership, right? because this is going to be our goal. our goal is the re constitution of peace and security. and we want to be installed, you and charter and the foundations of international law that and try and guarantee a nation 70. and it comes with territorial integrity. we want to give diplomacy to an opportunity and we have about $100.00 the states that will come together.
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ukraine has never relied on the strength of weapons alone, and we understand the enemy that we're fighting against. and we understand that it is with a style weapons that give us the possibility of saving our lives. but at the same time, the world not samuel, is based on the guarantee is that there will no more show that there was no more shit. there were no more shots and that there will be no that's not what he is honest. dunphy nice. and what can you give those guarantees to ukraine? the units of the world flow to unity. and that's why it's important to have the summit unity among friends. and that's why we have to cooperate and effective europe has to stand together. and that's why that's ukraine has to come to
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a full fledged member of your p area of security and freedom. so those area that you and your neighbors have been leading and for decades with out the danger of anybody taking away your sensors, the some of them is mama she mentioned, but of that and with your friends who today diploma is that is your whole vicki shop in the lives we always mention, all our partners ask them to appreciate knife cherish lives. so you have to determine what we want to do euro to achieve in your future as all the people in security, you will there be please wait, but i am sure that we will find the right time sir. people used to look me to be good seats, william becky, will achieve an into this more fortune. i do wish you will me, but you can easily grow. okay,
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eradicate the security deficits in europe for my, for the 2 months is that i've been putting that on the euro. please that are the same as on the believe that he will prevail. but we have to prevail for the benefit of life and peace. and this is what's going to happen. europe is a continent without for the the thank you for attention. we feel as someone which i thank you for your support to our people. those are definitely that she has provided from the very beginning of thank you. jeremy follow for the now the
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of the and that was your opinion president voted to me is a nancy, i just finished his address to the one to start the drum on the bottom and talked about your being a constant the fees and talked about trying thing over the russians, amongst other things, this is to speak to a roman who is with me in this to do a real mind going. try and go to the blues, eastern, your editor, romano. what stood out for you in this in this speech? well, i think um, the presence lensky has tried to show you how similar is the fate of germany and ukraine at the moment here referred to the division of germany during the cold war after the 2nd world war. because german, it was divided between east and west for decades. and this is something that ukraine wants to avoid. and this is something that russia is trying to do,
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trying to establish by this war, dividing ukraine building and you will just throw your brain about why i will as president lensky said in his speech. i think this is vicky messer. so he was, he, he didn't have really to convince the german and piece to support your grade. they already do that. so he was applying to the german, as a young people, the german people who have that historic and historic experience and who are also playing a crucial role now in supporting your brain as a one of the leading nations in the european union. um i um also um was was a bit surprised positively by the remarks of the speaker, the boss. and before president vince gets spoke president of the german problem that they had the president of the german parliament. and she said that the future of ukraine is in the u. n. in nato. this is some, this is actually music to the ukrainian is because i.


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