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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 11, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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and this is something that russia is trying to do, trying to establish by this war, dividing ukraine building and you will just throw your brain about why i will as president lensky said in his speech. i think this is vicky masters. so he was, he, he didn't have really to convince the german and piece to support your grant. they already do that. so he was applying to the german, as a young people, the german people who have the historic and historic experience and who also playing a crucial role now in supporting your brain as a one of the leading nations into european union. um i um also um was was a bit surprised positively by the remarks of the, the speaker bebbles boss. and before president savanski spoke president of the german problem that they had the president of the german parliament. and she said that the future of ukraine is in the u. n. in nato. this is some, this is actually music to the ukrainian is because we've heard in the past that
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there is a strong support for you. membership of ukraine, a by net to membership. this support is less strong, at least this is the impression in ukraine itself. ukrainian people think that maybe german is very cautious looking how rush, i'm like to react to that. and russia is of course, threatening. don't take your brain into nato. this will mean escalation and things like that. so that was a very and very unexpected for me. i remarked, she also said that, um uh, um your future. all those as well today. uh said that the future of your credit is in new york in united, which i think is very, very important. and um, she also remembered the duke rang and sleep right to germany during the 2nd world war, a spot of the soviet army. this is also important and not everyone is germany in germany, is remembering that. so i think this will, this will be a positive remark towards presidents lensky. hold up pod, let's go to make sure that groups know who was altering this thing. and to that
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speech, is that the, that of the book to start the german parliament mckenna presidents and ask you talking about making sure that there isn't a new role in your role models. also addressing that is that the kind of a conversation that i don't know that appeals to a german and piece is that, do they see pedals between germany and what's happening in ukraine at the moment? there's one on so it's no, not really, but clearly it was one of me is a lensky really trying to get home with the ukranian experience. so he said he signs every individual and p who sitting in the room. he specifically signed them for the patriot air. defense systems, which he said that each of them saved thousands of ukrainian lives. and he was trying to throw a historic total that by saying that during the cold war, it's not true that there was no tension. true. it was a cold hole. and he said that this was not the time for come from life with russia
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quite clearly. a pointing it those who would like to seek some kind of a piece, even if it comes out of price. the german government is family behind him. that keeps stressing that only ukraine will determine when it's time to speak. fox, we also saw in the room that, that the fall, right? a if the alternative for germany policy only a few members were present, that this was essentially a boy called of a policy that is considered pro russian certainly in pots. and that is questioning whether the government is actually even trying to speak to rush to speak to regarding the 210. and this is something that's cool. so let's to buy a less test policy, the new policy. but the son of arden's face, which was full. so not present, which is kind of a switch, spends it off at the left policy and is drawing people from the fall, right? so this was very interesting because it was a moment of truth. let's for the one piece honestly stands on back in ukraine.
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roman just based on that on the backend of was making the, if these among far right parties that have done when introduced and you can do to europe in elections. and a number of these bodies are like the f, the pro, russia, in a sense, has not left ukrainians worried. well, yes, the water is not just about a if d and then the bidding is out of ok. but about the results of the elections for the pin, fall them into on just a few days ago. and of course it's, it's something that ukraine thinks might be a problem in the future because um, let's be frank, your pill, empowerment is important, but it doesn't have the power that has some national problem problems. and, but we will have elections in france in a few weeks. there will be elections in other european countries. and speaking about both both caught something that somebody kind of was just talking about. this is not the 1st time the president's landscape has this experience had the same
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experience in australia, where the f, b o, a party, which is also considered a big pro, russian, a by some, an in ukraine as well. the boy quoted his, his address. um, so these parts is all across europe. uh, getting stronger and uh, ukraine is of course for it. what will happen in the future of what will happen to the ukrainian dream to become part of the european union? something we have been hearing a lot here and building, but on the other hand, it is all this that if these parties gain more and more influence or they quote um at least slow down the ukraine and past due the your opinion and really leave at the for the moment roman going try and go to the blues eastern europe at at the thanks so much for coming into the studio and make it a case not at the one to start. thanks very much for your reporting. the good news about the war between isabel and how must next and you're
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a secretary of state, anthony blinking says israel's prime minister has caught, reaffirmed his commitment to a new cease fire in the gaza strip. lincoln says, the owner is not one the minutes in group how most, who's that attacks on israel spot, the war off talking to relatives of those taken hostage. 2 guys out. on the 7th of october, he said the longer the config drags on the higher the johnson regional spread. families have been protesting outside of the hotel where blinking is being holding talks with these really officials. on monday the you want to go to counsel endorsed the us back seized by proposal, but they still know official line from each ram on the plan. let's take a closer look at the deal that think it is trying to get all sides to sign up to. it's made up of 3 phases. in the 1st, the release of hostages, a prisoner swap, and boss from troop withdrawal on the 6th week. choose the 2nd includes a permanent seems fire, that would mean the for withdrawal is barely forces from the strip. the 3rd phase
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would focus on a plan to rebuild the casa and this is what antenna blinking have to say to reporters in tennessee. everyone's voters in except for one vote and that's from us . and that's what we wait for. it is awesome us to move forward with this proposal for or not. and it's very clear what, as i said, virtually the entire international community wants to see. and of course with so many families want to see and is also what the people of gaza so desperately need. the de corresponding tobacco data is, is following entered new clinton's visit for us. rebecca, i'll be getting any closer to a d swell bears that is certainly the question that everybody is asking has sent me a lot of hope cautious optimism. um we're seeing
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a lot of pressure internationally and domestically that is one anthony blink. and is he pushing on his a visit to the region since this conflicts begun? that is he's putting pressure on both sides, but this deal is being counted as in his riley deal. lincoln said before he took off for jordan, that netanyahu in his meetings with anthony blinking, did re assign the fact that israel were on board with this deal. but we haven't seen any public statements from the israeli government. so we certainly, it's probably too soon to say that that's 100 percent over the line from the as riley side. lincoln definitely putting a lot of pressure on her mouse, really putting the bowl in her muscles cause we know that also the un security council proposal was passed last nice homeless with memory also positive a making positive sounds about this deal, but we haven't had any official confirmation from that side, either this still is a major sticking point that both sides comp agree on, and that is the,
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the terms of a permanency file. so for, you know, many people to hostage families. this is an incredibly frustrating situation. every time it gets so close, it gets hotter and hotter for these families and we saw some of them out protesting today against the is ready to government at any save events we blinking in the us trying to to get a deal across the line. here's what some of them had decided that protest the secretary of state come and help out the
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accusation and everybody. everybody was so rebecca, where does this leave the hostages and the people have cause a where you heard of that from one family member who is clearly frustrated with the way that the government is handling this. clearly worried that the government is ready government, but also a mazda, it must be said, putting the lives of these people at risk by not coming on board for the still, at the moment. the, the hostages of certainly the ones that are still alive are in much the same situation, but there is some concern that the situation for the remaining hostages could deteriorate, following a rescue operation of full hostages over the weekend. now that operation was successful for is ready. hostages were brought back to much fanfare in israel,
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but anywhere between less than $100.00 and more than $200.00 pallets. and these were killed in that operation, depending on which figures you you listen to what we owe you take into account. but a, the side, what are you looking at slightly less than 100 or more than 200 to lot of palestinians that we killed in that rescue operation. and following that operation from us, coming out to say the time was running out for the hostages. now, whether or not those threats will be followed through because there is no, you know, how much don't have they, they have no reason to hum the hostages because they are ineffective bargaining chips. but still, it has been said by analysts that any further rescue attempts may be impossible because a mouse may take the remaining hostages and put them further on the ground and hide them even further, making it more difficult for these ready military to carry out these kind of operations and,
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and many people including anthony blinking into you as administration suddenly saying that the only way to get the hostages out is to come to an arrangement to come to some kind of deal. and that's what he's been here pushing whether or not he's going to be successful. we're just going to have to wait and say, as i mentioned before, the, the gap between the 2 sides is, is stuck on this concept of a permanency file. and that is something that neither side is willing to budge on. so whether or not this deal will be able to go that extra mom and get over the line . as i say, really, it's just too early to say to leave it there for the moment. ah gentle sullivan correspondence. rebecca advertise, thanks so much. 2 fronts next, where the 1st opinion bolt in. so snap election was gold for the 30th of june projects, a waiting for the fall right national running. however, the pen, spotty, is full, cost of full force with an absolute majority french president, emanuel macro and dissolved in the house of francis bottom and of to sunday's
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elections, which saw his centrist coalition sofa, a result of defeat, the streets of paris, look normal. but there's only one thing people are talking about here. the fresh parliamentary elections just cooled by president. my crohn after a surgeon votes for the fall right. next time, the white stream, right in your aspect, i don't think that's a good thing to remember. you have children, she be the name of her. he thank you. okay, make good things clear right now. i would say i need to friends decide to go for the extra month, right. okay, that's a choice. so we or the constituents is if they want to continue on the, on the me though, i'm either way up to the friendship to the side. people seem to be not so worried about it that's, that's what puzzles me as well. i mean, people that's never voted for our rights around us, a vote it's 5, right? i think that just will fit up with the menu and back home. those people delivered
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the buffering and the european parliament elections to my crumbs hunting marine depends national raleigh a sizable when of the new post, a boy of that party, 28 year old politician and tick tock. star jordan bardello will run to become prime minister in the new elections. i'm the president. my chrome will have to a point him is the far right wins. the majority of to, to ryan was a voting for his president. has been small up here at the assembly since he lost his majority in 2022. calling for our selections is issued political gamble, but this is a politician use to log back in 2017. when he won the presidential elections, he did that with a brand new policy working the french political establishment. and that's all for the moment of coming up after the break. close up looks at the dangerous business
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of gold mining. in the philippines, i'm finished imagery in the building, rebecca again in about 45 minutes from now. we see you then and don't forget, you can get all the latest news and updates on our website as well. that's d, w dot com, the conflicts crises. every single connection mapped out shows the geophysical reality. the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world now on youtube has caused about why does that mean? i think it's like now i'm lisa and the new host join us for an exciting is
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