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tv   The other Berlin 2  Deutsche Welle  June 11, 2024 3:15pm-3:30pm CEST

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to blame, go back again in about 45 minutes and now we see you then, and don't forget, you can get ahold the latest news and updates on our website as well. that's d, w dot com, the conflicts cries, sees every single connection mapped out shows the geopolitical reality. the on the board is what makes things to the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world now on youtube cost about why does that mean? because now i'm leaving the new host to join us for an exciting inspiration and everything in between
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moses video and audio production 5 d, w. i hope that you will tune in the late and has many boston clubs in really unusual locations. and this is one of that even though it looked like it, i'm a volunteer with someone and one of the most confused, a full list of guidance on the phone. i don't just enjoy sunset things here from the economy. also the perfect stuffing point to explore buttons, the legendary nod luca cottage opened in 2017 as a rooftop terrace via god. and the club all at once had been sent back was the one who opened it. he's been part of the club scene since the 19 i think one of the big topics is professor natalie is ation. it's getting more and more professionalized, restarted in berlin, with all of the building wall and we had like empty fix raise. you had was not to
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pay any rent. the electricity was still on and you just could start to raise the full of the boat and war. once the beginning of the city is collapsing, as we know it today. empty buildings are found in east berlin. a little flaps were born off to autism, and others broke into basements and started to copy this. for example, here's the one that club opened below the phone levels of a department store and earned berlin. it's titled as capital off tech. no. before long tech know had become massively popular though the last right, which began as a political demonstration in 1989 became a huge techno party with around 1500000 ravens attending during its peak in 1999. these days, bowlens clubs, a well famous like background which opened in 2004 as the name of the world's best club. many times as far as the city's clubs seemed, as we know, it's in danger. so it's in danger. you won't find the space at the subculture and
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like the accessibility for club culture is like more and more in danger. people like you have to pay 20 years to get in or 25 because everything is more and more expensive. and i think one of the core values is the accessibility in berlin for club culture. it's like way again, who's done this because it's important that you bring people together like you know this truth and that, how can we understand each other if we don't get together and share a good moment on this roof, this works pretty well. and the best thing from here, i can go straight to that and scroll and pop the all night. the light came up was invented yet at least best thoughts but limits. tokens,
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immigrants brought the meat to meal to gemini, in the 1960 and 70. now, no one knows who had the idea to add phillips and souls and stuff. the whole thing in bread. but these days now over 1000 doing their self invalid making the city the capital of do not cable. this part was planted right on top of the form of dec. i think ballpark is one of the places where you can really feel how the bottling us deal with the form a separation without glossing of a history. this is one of the most vibrant diverse and interesting places invalid sundays, at ballpark on very busy as that's when the populace, the market takes place. but the park is still with a visit even if early to see them then the life back.
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if you feeling very raise, you can join the festival. 5 at the open at karaoke and wrap the mike yourself, the wednesday launch time 1 pm time for some classical music for free. you don't believe me come along and see for yourself. the balance celebrity is one of the best concept holes in the world. it's musicians are incredible. but what many people don't know is that they play full screen every wednesday. the either solo or in small songs and the for the in front of the grand concert hall. you don't need a ticket, just the craving for classical music. the
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invalid of an odd rules this 3. but why is that? and how can i find the best pieces i asked someone who knows the city streets i've seen inside out then is the tickets we have this large, we're all as big things. i talked to you. but the beauty is, or certain details and some of the, some of the, you know, like this, as an extremely painless, extremely vows sold, right? but then you have to get in touch with what happened that you have lives that people recognize that this is the same as others. and then they like to try to take it off the refresh. some people people do that all the time. they take most often.
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yeah. so if you're trying to keep your eyes open, you might find, you know, moment wants to divide it city by a rule for several decades. or something about that was that one side of the wall of the empty one was a dead zone. if you approach the wall from that side, was it? the other side of the wall was full of square $50.00 and $3.00 side. it was $52.00 on me, there's a long kind of us for an expression of freedom and i think they are allies, one of which it starts us off. i want to express what i think in the space. and it's very interesting moment that we are experiencing right now is urban are so much material so much thanks to lot cumulative in the last 44 or 5 decades. that there is also, of course, needs to explore. and i need to
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a scientifically approach here. it's the archive, it documented. so it does not mean by sizes. the search, super exciting moment finds in balloons. you can experience that in real time. the a visit to no end of the game has long been established in front of my colleague, woman who's going to show us around today. robin and i are good friends, the best known as the drac autism, cali khan. so now we're interested in the back. we're in the middle of much task and really this is a, the basically gave sent, the burden was very especially famous from like the 70s or eighties, you know, been burned and was still divided. and this was really like the big scene was going on here. david bowie was living yeah. at the time. so yeah. the oh, it's good send. i think we should talk about the plot. can i show you some stuff?
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that's it because the streets it has. we have book stores and sex clubs. the sex clubs, restaurant right next door and most sex clubs. and let's not forget the appropriate fits of shop the, let's say the career community and balloon is for exhibit, but it's still nice size spaces. this possible was just built a few years ago, even if it looks very different. the original castle was built of this 500 years ago as of royal residence. it was heavily damaged and will want to end tuned down in 1915. later the ged built the palace of the republic and its place was used for cultural events and the east german parliament. after germany's reunification in 1990, the building became disuse and was eventually torn down. the government then decided to build the world for more than building on the inside. that looks like the old
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pallets every year countless people climb the hill to visit this ruin the to find out why i met on will go because he knows about the secret agents and if it's past the end, the autism from its present in fact, you are and on top of a hill that has to be in the cold war, the outpost of the americans, and also of the british. and to listen to what is a g d, r and, and russia was planned visit army. so this was a listening till after the 2nd world war, the winners divided germany into full occupation zones. the american, british and french stones in the west and the soviet zone in the east. a conflict
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develop between the western allies and the soviet union. the city of balloons had right in the middle of the soviet zone and was divided into east and west. this made west berlin, very interesting for secret services because it provided the western allies with a sort of island within the soviet union. sea of insurance. after the war fell, the listening station became superfluous. it looks very different as far as place because the overall no windows. this was totally dark as everybody that seals . so this was all top secret. the americans are the hatches. they own a story that i'm the bridges were in an awful story, and they were all not supposed to talk together. every single sequence today also has to have content, the types of the back entrance pump, the old listening station into a street on gallery. the
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the that has been sized strip down is the shipyards have been criticized environment get to slide prohibitions spread from european ships. also in
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global 8060 minutes on d w. the goal is john tash, one of japanese 5th line focuses used as a lot of stuff you. everything is simply designed so i can do this which gives me extreme freedom. how does this time, jim, and champion so what his commitment holly, i'm the sound of football dogs june says hang on d w, this shadows object color these off costs and video shed lights on. the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the scorched coast farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread
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races depressed? and today is the largest we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism, the who likes uninvited guests while not me, and i'm sure you would warranty the. hello and welcome. i'm sorry, we got the body and you all watching equally and do much like us. nature also finds these uninvited guess quite unpleasant. they disturb the balance of things, and i also attached to our equal system. so in today's episode, let's try to find out how to deal with these uninvited guests in the best way possible. let's start with the tiny asked. most annoying infects that no one like.


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