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tv   Las hermanas Pathan  Deutsche Welle  June 11, 2024 8:15pm-9:01pm CEST

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us, you're watching the w news up next. our documentary series catches up with 2 young women who survived the 2002 in time was massacre in india. i'll be back at the top of the hour with more world news. i hope to see you then the not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day i'm in the snow gets current. use events, analyzed by experts and critical thinking is this is the disc, weekdays, on dw, the
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area will need the,
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the the, the, the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the you know, i guess the last customer data mind was made almost commendable for them to go get the memory like we just got a deputy for the the only thing that we did to get the label,
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the label to be brought to the tv to bose with a be able to get them live that will in the don't over the continued the don't talk is the middle, middle does have become humans only got them in the just the, just a general there that i needed done of the they didn't get. remember the signal wasn't in the middle of the rest, the just can you give me a really good that the for some of them i do for you, then you would in this
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case for the 1st place i wanted to buy. the thing is for the 2nd time i took a couple of minutes. would you mind the finally i get the label? do not get out the best time you tell me that you for the past are me of the i'm in the i'm the, i need to get what is the know about how of you about know policy, what do you like a little bit of? definitely, i mean i live without evaluating that the and then i have a little bit of it like the one the
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of the the
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relationship the most of the vehicle is you've got a minute that got the new to the to the ac break and make it the name,
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the title of people that the have but now if i do not nissan level,
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get this on the used car. so by one of the key on the machine. so you must given the scope of the vehicle now, then you've got to be part of the machine guns. you kind of funny the
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the, the, the, the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the the, the,
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the last thing the in or somebody does within the company about the new address and i thought all the letters i'm from the get go 1011 of the medicines. are they able to come on for the made that would that be not only the let me see i'm the guy that was getting the boot. can you just on that? i'm gonna send me uh, pull up on the other folder and would like save it, but that out of this was one of the link. but to be able to do this, i'm gonna get it from you. i'm gonna find the biggest one
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of the villas. okay, mega no pick the last what else? i don't know what i'd be like. what does that make me the most of the modern family this i many the southern the way giving us our feeling the legislative body body. so kind of in the middle of the chairs a little the just go someone video, bodily, left bottom, the level a lot about a guy went on the august i didn't know who gave the vin or the guy in the negative data. excuse me. down the level this would a lot in the middle of the from the time you've got to get somebody going to say hello larry. so a couple of argument about i don't even let
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a lot of nicholas marche. just read the argument on the level or the i'd be taken in good holly. yeah. but yeah, the other beloved will. my but of those in life to the by the what's the last the last, what do you mean? my jeans, tod. see. when was the last for the be why not to give us? there's a my mother my that is i 5, margaret lifted the thing grab. it wasn't going to be a button in the middle of it a little while that's out of it. yeah. well the police, i or the other thing because i'm going to be doing this on the model. i also have them good as far as me. i have the pleasure of them. i didn't
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even for the, the middle of is that a lot of i know was back and then behind the scenes i what i'm also me for them, but i did it. i thought it was. what do you need me to me? made it feel free because in so give will be will i don't live in the back moving on. the biggest thoughts on are then willing are gonna buy me whether or not i'm moving. well, 69. that's what it could be. but to the new manager that's on the way to buy goods. let them get the get the saw, the money. mm hm. maybe not the judge id. but the what was that again, this is what i let it go. let me go to the
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wifi then selling the
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of the this find the man, but if i may need a full, again when they get got even better. so the other thing it does
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a part of it no matter what. and will that go all over the summer and like i said, i didn't need to live as i've looked at and it wasn't me the really mature mom
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name? no. did you say that the, that all the, all the, the,
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the city with the let me let me go with the scale. i'd be able to see the rest of your to jump through. but anyway, those that are usually within the split, the global deal we've done, the thing is on the screen,
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not by use of something just with the amount of money.
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and i guess the other question, or the gypsy submitted illusion. alexia is a pretty big, honest day. we'll just do this like the one to essentially the risk of, of the that i'm going to cut off because what are they? they get so many that is easy,
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the chair by the same. but if i buy them with a couple of boxes are equal, which it again? yeah, that's good advice. login name. what about the job is to name it had to the simple change news of the time. if so say to my failure and a leg. yeah, i got got the water. yeah. and
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then they got a phone, so i'm assuming that the the the the, the the that they can by the city mail and then you completely
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defeat the day before. okay. i buy it by then i can add a look at the telecom we're good, amazing videos. so i'm up, i'm not, i don't know. i mean the, the time, no time set as it relates to the oh time. so i just, i that i again does that sound clear by the sudden i don't live it is a vehicle when you when i send them like when they got it monday. so was thinking about the yeah. yeah. did you do the i'm teaching for together this i that by
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the side of all and i'd be a substitute teacher. it didn't become the problem. yeah, i guess i'm going to like any movie, said the federal dilemma bigger? the many. yes, it will have them as simple as i did that are number, i'm pulling it on the e of the some that you need and tell me how to get them to move. yes. that's how this is. i got it. yeah. available into the as to how much,
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you know, if we can, these are the
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the the the one have the site back into the, the editors and the weasels. rabinski i have anybody to update, that'd be, i don't want to go to the movie.
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all those done very good, some of them, it was on the
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the media that because above the
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city and those are 2 restrictions on the the phones at the top was good to be to go with that is a suicide because on the
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we've condensed new one i think the model for the good to go to it is a little bit more. do you think you see that the number that i just didn't come down and get the guess go back. let's click on the field id like to have the like the the
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the, the the to the to me i'm to my own the i'm delighted oh my god is blue by suicides. even with a lot of them down the line. now they needed that, that get them a good with degree for the of you, but divided a mask which address it, mangled. yeah, you can use so sounds good to be on me up in the meantime, let me just add the sub for today with destobar di suicide. dig themselves that i i the why don't you tell me how many kids not tied up the phones on the
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deal got riser from the item. okay. they do, i mean by the best i can load the just the bus home, either that when it gets mad, much my laptop, when i get done with the dirty new retailer, do i get wardrobe and a mini jag either way down, you may get a hold of them gave me the other that they gave me the big delta delta dental office that didn't get to any of the vehicle.
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like i said in the low man, are you able to do that? i need a new assistant about this the
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mm hm. 40 out of the kitchen,
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but the, [000:00:00;00] the cooling down, single pole temperatures are rising rapidly in the city states. while the sound of air conditioning hump day it could be a sensor way with natural air conditioning and airy, sustainable architecture. could this be
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a model for office disease tomorrow today? in 30 minutes on the w, the, we are all set and we are watching to see him to bring you the story behind the new the will on about. com biased information for free might say, due to men in charlotte the currently more people than ever on the world wide and such
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a hassle. jessica admitted god the castle. josh. find out about robina story info. my grands the this is dw dues live it from berlin. ukraine's president here in berlin, urging the world to help rebuild his country. automated zalinski is asking for assistance to repair your great energy sector, shattered by rushes more chance or elect schultz schultz, telling him that germany will remain committed to ki, also coming up tonight. fresh hope for
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a ceasefire and gone to the north degree from aust deliverance response to


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