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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 11, 2024 11:00pm-11:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live at from berlin, ukraine's president here in berlin, urging the world to help rebuild his country. load them is zalinski is asking for assistance to repair ukraine's energy sector shattered by russia's invasion, transfer all of sholtes, telling him that germany will remain committed to keep also coming up the military from us, stopping short of accepting a us back truce proposal for gauze and instead, proposes a new timeline for the the
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library golf is good to have you with us. we begin with a president and a plea to help his people. today ukraine's president folded me and zalinski addressed the german parliament. after attending a conference together, support for rebuilding you craved you made an urgent appeal for help rebuilding a power grid that has been battered by relentless russian attacks. he also urged lawmakers to keep standing behind key standing ovations in the parliament and one of ukraine's biggest supporters. while the situation on the ground in ukraine remains critical. ukrainian president expressed as hope for victory to german lawmakers. the new motto may have the impression that poaching is going to be that forever, etc. and it will not be an end to the war. but that is not the case. it's an illusion that i see. it's an illusion that can be destroyed by leadership and decisions and make success as we will join the chief to boys together with you.
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german angry and ukraine will always be grateful for this. he also issued this dark warning against making peace with vladimir putin legally silly number along with the united states. somebody wants to try him, not to, to him, would always destroy any hope of coming to an agreement. you don't know what these mean. parliament was well attended to, so many members of the left is b. s, w, and the far right a f, d. and boy, you called at the speech due to their pro russian sympathies. so lensky is parliament address. follow the conference in berlin, focusing on ukraine's reconstruction. this could potentially be financed by frozen russian assets. if leaders reach an agreement, lansky did not end the day empty handed. he secured a promise of additional german ammunition for ukrainian weapons. this pledge was
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made as he visited ukrainian troops and germany were being trained on surface to air patriot missiles systems. they are crucial to enable keys to locate and shoot down russian missiles, which is also what makes them a target. germany has delivered to so far and pleasures, and one more to few for zalinski. if it's possible to bring to train more equipment to defend the assistance i will support for now, germany will only deliver additional missiles for the ones already in ukraine. earlier dw, the chief international editor of richard walker met polish for administer rather sikorsky, here in berlin. and he asked him how ukraine can increase its energy resilience ahead of another winter, despite rushing attacks on its energy grid as well. it says click areas, but ukraine has a few nuclear plants, so i hope the russians on the crazy enough to attack those and remind you that the winds blow from the west to east. so that should be
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a base. but also remember that already during the war, it was actually in late february 2022. but ukraine synchronized, it's electricity grid with that of the european union. and actually for most of the time, since even during the war, ukraine was exporting electricity to europe. even though she lost the largest duplicate populum in europe is a promotion. so we will now return the favor by exporting electricity to ukraine and it, and yes, it is a priority. we should be sending generations for 2 whole type panels, whatever it takes to help you create and survive the winter and was the publish it for administer while they sikorsky speaking with this earlier, you can watch that entire interview on our youtube channel and on the w dot com to the middle east. how boss has given its response to the ceasefire proposal
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announced by us president joe biden. the group responsible for the october 7th terror attacks expressing it's quote, readiness to positively reach a deal to end the war in gaza. but it's really media reporting that her moss has proposed a new timeframe for the ceasefire. the united states had hoped for the outright acceptance of the proposal to us secretary of state and to be blinking. and i spent the last few days filled with pushing for that in the middle east. it was target you in security council, endorsed the us back proposal on monday, stroke turn to turn your flow sure. for for journalist bowling slot, until a b, c has more details. now it's, well, i think i can say that's what i'm going to use bathroom is and because i'm often say yes or say no to the proposal. we just gave a proposal according to reports and what are some yeah, has given even a new time table. so they say that they positively wants to read hostage deal and,
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and to be more but the other have. they're giving you right now because of the also demand, the, the full with dogs from the dog and the trip from the 1st stage of the war. these righty the also of course the for the to the us including also the proposed of that has been submitted by do you the 1st phase of washer will draw all the soldiers from the city that'd be populated area of the strip into the car to david so you gotta go to the, to the different kind of the crossing, but the, to see i must be mad thing with the 40 days, right? so just from the gardens right into the, from the side of the car door and they're all across the, you know, from what i understand israel leaves the, uh, specifically its got a different kind of door. so that is actually your portal. go into this work from
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the beginning because after all, on through, so from the for the garbage or yet again after the war and then just accomplish what they have already set that the one i called in, which is they told the uh, destruction of the state of israel and doing the shipping that was already getting and again, so i don't see it going any where, which is you know, optimist, they to be just literally be that's the mistake about this was bought from all right. if it's a pessimistic outlook now, is that is despite the fact that we have incredible international support for this proposal, need we do have a human security resolution backing it now. right? i mean, how much more support can you get as well, in lots of pressure on israel. and israel now accepts that the garlands from the south go back to their homes in the north without any condition except the release
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of bad money, but has been in prison or 50 police females older says it for me to child the women or elderly. so basically all accepted all the man the day before, but now we see that the pressure is not boring off because because, sorry, the 1st the, there's still not significant gum to expel the leaders from the day. did you show me the most of it? any, how much do you just do? read the account. so many things really hasn't been done yet because lincoln has said today also is, well, that's the only obstacle right now for reaching the deal is actually the law. and that's what we're seeing right now. generally is bolling starting with the latest from the tel aviv tonight? probably thank you. thank started back here in europe in france, the 1st opinion polls since the snap election was called is projecting
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a win for the far right national reality. however, that party is forecast to fall short of an absolute majority. across france, they have been protests against the far right after their winning sundays. european permanent elections most were peaceful, but there were some clashes with police bridge president emanuel macro, and is of the lower house of parliament after the european election results, which saw his centrist collision suffer a resounding defeat. meanwhile, the leader of frances conservative republicans party says that he is willing to form an alliance with the far right national railway. now with that happens, it would mark the end of the main stream. conservatives long refusal to work with the far right. those. that pump is when we need alliance remaining true to ourselves. i'm avoiding the danger of the far left me, which could soon have a majority of the national assembly. and that's what not. we need an alliance. the all serious selves there are thinking about doing the lives with whom,
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with marrying the pen is that where you are towing us and saying that your big alliance with the national rally with this candidates to come in the lines of the right wing with all due to identify with right wing values the, the what i think the country has never been so right. waiting to see it is waiting for the right. it is waiting for action from the right to left. don't have to watch you that don't. these that we're going to be here in the studio now is the bill my, the long he's the berlin correspondent for the french publication. let's it goes, it's good to see you. it's the boat. so we've got a main stream party in france saying that it's willing to possibly get in bed with the far right. that is the crack in the day. i'm isn't it before the water comes through? yeah, absolutely. i think it's a bu, has been broken today of happened to now there was a consensus known the mainstream parties and even among the conservative party that you have to be the sort of call both on the terrace instruction august sun is already called in to contain the spread of the us and we will not,
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you're not. and we've seen cracks in, in that consensus over the last few years. and so have to be kind of have been squeeze between micros policy on the center and the sort of on us and not on the far right. so it was perhaps in a way to protect it. but some what i didn't predict in myself. well, how do you explain to me, was it a, was it, i guess it, you know, reflective of the trend in french politics or was it more a protest vote that is just um, a one moment in time and when the next election is come, maybe things will move back towards the center. well, it looks like a long time shift really? um the, the default is the file right office together. oh, that's the one i said. i never can catch a name made last sunday, 40 percent of the votes. but you see over the last few years, the main things such as integration, security, i've been quite corporate out along the,
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along the voters. and also what plays on in full control is mine depends the head of the summer in less than not how strategy to normalize the body. and it's, um, it's becoming mainstream, but it must be working in this as you brought her up. let me ask you um, can we, can we soon, realistically predict that we may in france have, in a few years a madam president le pen? well, i think the question is less than less theoretical and it's becoming clear now that there was a quite high probability that we have an awesome one that said i'd prime minister, which would be then not mine depend, but it was all done by the head of the party, he's younger 20 a g old leader who just had this success of the year printed action. so that's would be the start and perhaps one day also the president's some wellness
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and i this is france as far, right. as it's ever been. uh yes of, of the thing that's um is they have never been so strong and it's hard to think that they might lose power or influence in the next few weeks, which may be my calls, a bit wind coating for us. no collection what. what is his bet to your i mean, what's the best case scenario for emmanuel mack? wrong hospitality. really. um i think is id is to say we have a minority government. we come govern really. so i need a clear answer whether you're behind me or not. and it's trying to bring with somebody can forces, has a cause and behind it, but it might completely turn out as a federal and having to have somebody will not, you're not in power is but is probably maybe if that's happens to discredit, though that's only when i sit down and tell the people while you see when you vote
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for them, you end up in tells me. chaos of a lot of people are wondering if there's going to be chaos in paris. you've got the olympics next month and now you've got the snap elections. i mean, it looks like you, you could have the ingredients for a perfect storm, a hot summer and ugly summer in france. yeah, absolutely. i think you're right and it's probably off of his bets really to, to show, look, if you don't react, if you don't support me, this is what you're going to get. and we have, as you just said, the olympic games and the that's would be a rough day's coming us. yeah. coming to us we hook, it won't be, but yeah, it could be that's for sure. people by the long, it's good to have you in the studio. thank you. thank you. as you're watching dw, there is after the break, close up looks at the dangers business of gold mining in the philippines. i'm for a golf or all of this here in berlin. thanks for the company,
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we'll see you tomorrow, the can you see what old cars tires have to do with the production? here's a hands on the real media. now on youtube, the .


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