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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 12, 2024 3:00am-3:16am CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news lived from berlin, ukraine's president here in berlin, urging the world to help rebuild his country. for a lot of years, a landscape is asking for assistance to repair ukraine's energy sector. shattered by russians war, cancel it off, so it's tells him that germany remains committed to cuba. also coming up the militant group from us stop sort of accepting a us back cause of truth proposal is really officials reportedly say that that amounts to
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a rejection of the deal. the . i'm david love, it's good to have you with us. we begin with a president and a plea to help his people, the credit of a lot of years, a lensky address the german parliament. after attending a conference together support for rebuilding ukraine, he made an urgent appeal to help in repairing a power grid that's been battered by relentless russian strikes. he also impressed lawmakers to keep standing behind kids standing ovations in the parliament and one of ukraine's biggest supporters. while the situation on the ground in ukraine remains critical, ukrainian president expressed is hope for victory, determine lawmakers to be numerous, so may have the impression that polluting is going to be that forever, etc. and it will not be an end to the war. but that is not the case,
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it's an illusion that i see. it's an illusion that can be destroyed by leadership and decisions and make success as we will join the achieve together with you german angry and ukraine will always be grateful for this. he also issued this dark warning against making peace with vladimir putin with silly nimble ami. um, you know, if somebody wants to try him, not to, jim would always destroy any hope of coming to an agreement. you don't know what these mean. parliament was well attended to, so many members of the left is b. s, w, and the far right a f, d. and boy, you called at the speech due to their pro russian sympathies. so lensky is parliament address. follow the conference in berlin, focusing on ukraine's reconstruction. this could potentially be financed by frozen russian assets. if leaders reach an agreement to the lensky did not end the day empty handed,
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the secure to promise of additional german ammunition for ukrainian weapons. this pledge was made as he visited ukrainian troops in germany were being trained on surface to air patriot missile systems. they are crucial to enable keys to locate and shoot down russian missiles, which is also what makes them a target. germany has delivered to so far in places and one more to few for zalinski, if it's possible to bring to train more equipment to defend the assistance who will support the for now, germany will only deliver additional missiles for the ones already in ukraine. w as chief international editor, richard walker was at the ukraine recovery conference in berlin. he sent us this assessment feel games here in berlin today of the massive challenges faced by ukraine and keeping its economy, keeping it society afloat under an invasion that's been going on. now,
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for well over 2 years, the energy system is being one of the main focuses for a lot of me is that lensky telling delegates here today that half of its energy system is be not tab by russian attacks. ukraine wants to attract foreign investment for money to help rebuild that. but of course, a major question for any company, any business that wants to go in and help with that is, well, how do i protect my investment? what is the russian bomb lands on my investment? a year from now. so that's one of the major questions at this conference. how to enable how to provide assurances to businesses that they can invest in ukraine. a big part of that is the question of insurance states providing insurance to companies that they can take that potentially risky step. but if you step back from this conference and see what's going on during the course of this week, where the debate move to the bonus tag with the modem is lensky address the drummond problem. and then it will be moving on to equity, where the g 7 is gathering to talk about how to provide most financial support to
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ukraine and then on to switzerland or the weekend to discuss at the a peace conference what a piece could look like at the end of this, you can see the, all of this is really positive. one big picture, which is ukraine and is allies trying to communicate to the russian side that they come out last, russia, this is the reckoning. vladimir putin is trying to play wrong alone game. he's trying to fight a war of attrition with ukraine that he reckons ukraine will ultimately is. he reckons that his political system will ultimately outlast the resilience and resolve of the western democracies. so what we're seeing here in this week is a kind of a snapshot of the battle of the systems between a dictatorship as many say it is now in russia against the democracies of the west being forced out in ukraine, florida. me zalinski will be hoping that this is all going to boost his position,
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the ultimate t, when it does come to some kind of negotiations, the police and will be on the back foot rather than on the front foot. but he seems to many to be right now now to some of the other stories making news around the world hunter bite and the son of us president joe biden has been found guilty on 3 federal gun charges. the court said he lied about his drug problem when he purchased a gun. 100 button was seen outside the court earlier on tuesday. the jury reached their verdict after 3 hours of deliberations, no sentencing date has been set. heavy rains have caused chaos on the spanish tourist island of my york at the airport in palmetto, and why orca temporarily suspended all take offs. and landings after parts of the runway terminal were flooded, springs transport minister sent several flights to the island has to be routed to
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other destinations. from us has responded to the us back proposal for a cease fire and gaza, saying it once some amendments to video news agency. reuters quoted on named israeli officials saying that a mazda is response amounted to a rejection of the proposal. the united states that it had been hoping for an outright acceptance of the proposal. secretary of state anthony blinking has spent the last few days travelling across the middle east to promote the deal, which has also been endorsed by the un security council and document s. so a journalist believes slight dean, and however, you've told us how mazda is, attempts to change the deal, or going down in israel just to be seen, to use, renew shows. uh, specifically someone who is the, one of the person that is in the u. c. team for the is right, you get a geisha has the if i have to leave the proposal. i think one line by present
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binding couple of weeks ago so that they have responded positively or they have a showing they are really so positively receive fire. but in fact, the actually for the new proposal accounts are because if we can pull it this way, the system that codes are proposal. i'm not the original proposal of the buyer and talked about the proposal that was uh, the voltage on the yesterday in the un security council. and then measurements are based out of my year, at least from what i understand is i wouldn't be willing to accept it because they are demanding the food off from the gulf stream. full of these are the soldiers from say, wow, including rough across the community side of the car in your, in fact, it is the, especially in the 1st space the we are actually talking about the, a big, big failure to secure, easy, because after all my skin re only so,
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so the more that we just have the goddess trigger and basically is ro will be forced to give up and get him off again in the 30 is wanting to go to the trailer and may be conducting the 7th of october, a sec again and again, just that they have promised actually, so you're basically saying that the base have signal that they're agreeing to the deal. but in fact today what they want very different terms that are in this proposal. what about the israeli side? i mean, we've been hearing from the us that israel agree. so the deal. why haven't we been hearing it so much from israel? yes, because the isn't actually a need for a proposal, but we need to understand that there is a catch here. we can call it this way and the transfer from phase one to the human entry and the, the release of the elderly sold women in exchange for some kind of thing. and further,
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there is no announcement to proceed over permanent sci fi. that is true. basically, then there will be the vision, that's also be c, b, b and that is rose back to do math. they just are meant to call it come on, raised to it, then they can continue to phase 2 is how much the, the money from the u. s guarantee that the review before. so it's basically some terminal abuse or the so we just, uh no the understand the lady positioning in this proposal. so basically we're back to square one right now. so it really sounds like there's a lot of different term terms and conditions that have to still be worked out. is there any sense of progress has been made to our piece at all here as well? i don't think so, and it's not because of mazda. so because it is always because of the fact that
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we're talking about 2 entities, if you can pull them this way, the ones that this is drawing one another internal meeting of this year, maybe not next year, but for the next 5 or 10 years that are coming and both of them are speaking in the absence of drugs doesn't want to stop the more on the list, how much is dismantled and the day until we do a permanent disease by the keys for the indigo jose. and as long as we're talking about to absolute from both sides. so when you're straight away, he did last and that's what we're getting every single time for the past few months . that really does sound like square one journalist, bullied slide in, and tell them being thanks by lead to france now where president am i knew where my clothes decision to call snap elections later and this month has left opposition parties scrambling to form alliances across france. there have been protests
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against the far right since there when in the european parliament elections on sunday. most protests have been peaceful with the exception of a few classes with police. a while until now frances main stream parties have refused to work with the far right. but the leader of the traditional conservative party last night because now calling for an alliance with nothing depends far right . national rally, move that has done the political establishment. was that one of those when we need the alliance remaining true to ourselves? i'm avoiding the danger of the far left me, which could soon have a majority of the national assembly. and that's what not. we need an alliance. you'll see results that are thinking about doing the lions with whom, with marine the pen is that where you were towing us and saying that your big alliance with the national rally with this candidate, people in the lines of a right wing with all those identify with right wing values the, the why i think the country has never been so right wing for the fee. it is waiting for the right. it is waiting for action from the right that don't have to watch you
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that don't these that to do. the want to double use corresponded in paras. sonya found the car with more on how this political development is being received in france. this is because i have to say quite a political, quick tune in front of all the french media is, is talking about right now. and that is because this is the 1st time would be in, in modern fiction street. that was seen the leader of the traditional parties suggesting a tie up with the far right natural gravity, which is anti immigration and populist n. as in the boss, spending decades on the, on the kind of political fringes. and so i think this is a historic departure from, you know, what often in phones is called the called on funny to or a firewall to keep the fund right out. this is the right line. be cross minded later because this is a bodies that kind of traces its history back to post won't need to charge the goal . and that's the part to you from a precedent instruction. can nicholas supple, see, of course this is not only the president of the letter because activity who is said
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this. it has bought quite quite a lot of outrage and respond to you with some key leaders saying, you know, he has to go. he has to resign and the french media, he'll announcing that this traditional parties now endanger or foremost, including because we showed invoices from, for example, across central, spotty who are, you know, already somebody does from the letter book because jump ship enjoying the cap as a polish influence or has been arrested and warehouse our is for free climbing a 30 story building. using no equipment marching bonnet, almost made it to the top. he got to the 25th floor before rescue workers forced him down in a safety harness. he's currently in police custody for the 2nd time after he tried to scale the same building just last week. the local government and brennan cyrus says they're asking cords to make him pay for the entire rescue operation,
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involving more than $30.00 firefighters ambulances and police. well that's it for now, you're all up to date for keep it here on d. w up next, a special report exploring some of breeland's hidden hotspots. and don't forget you can get all the latest news and information around the clock on our website. that's what dw dot com and david levitz bye bye for now. the i sorry, so one on 6 times to please come and see more people than ever on the move worldwide. in such an one. great timing question. it's very hard to say very difficult to find out about time on student info migrants


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