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tv   Greek Islands  Deutsche Welle  June 12, 2024 3:15am-4:00am CEST

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up to date for keep it here on t w up next, a special report exploring some of breeland's hidden hotspots. and don't forget, you can get all the latest news and information around the clock on our website. that's d, w dot com. and david levitz. bye bye. for now, the, i sorry, so one on 6 times to please come and see more people than ever on the move worldwide. in such an one great timing question. it's very hard to say very difficult to find out about time on storing info migrants the,
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the greek islands in the a g n. c are as diverse as they are unique home to the cemetery in secret. the gore may paradise with pristine beaches. the and plenty to discover, even in the most popular spots. 5 islands, 5 dream locations. island topping from making those to a korea. from stiff nose and cumulus, and pulley, i goes back to make a noise, the making noise, 2000000 visitors every year. 200 times as many as the islands, total population, a luxurious summer destination for the international jet set,
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the even if you've never been here, chances are you already have an image of them because most in your head, the island may be famous, but it still has hidden corners and told stories put more on that later. the mika knows is the ideal starting point for an island hopping toward india. gmc. the international airport is just 10 minutes from the port. various ferry companies offered trips to almost any island. our 1st destination is the korea, the the island, just named after acres, who as the legend goes,
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flew to close to the sun. and crash landed right here. because he is also known as the island of a center in areas. it's one of the world's 5 blues zones, places where people reach an exceedingly ripe old age e, korea, the fountain of youth. whether it's the sea or the air, and the mountain village is the, the food, the, or the outdoor social lifestyle. no one really knows for sure. but there's definitely something special about the way people live here. the a full ronnie,
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a knows exactly what it is funny. it's not just really. yes. we've javier and you know what? we have no gap between the associated plastic. no god between the generations, we respect one each other and we care for the people, the communities are very strong and that helps it's really supportive the environment. and that's why i never regret to be inc. this remote at the islands for the rest of my life. the women play a key role on the island. some even referred to it as a matriarchy. the daphne's been working for 2 years at the women's cooperative que increased as well as a greek mountain village, where time seems to stand still increase those rockers. mutual support is what
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counts the in these an idea was the women who lived here and the jobs here, not something you know, easy to find. and they were making things with the hands, with the local products. so um they gather together and they sided the cobra teeth uh for them to be able to leave out of it. and with the things that they were making, i guess for the houses to to be able to sell it. and and um, have incomes the women's cooperative is a workplace store. and cafe rolled into one every thing on sale here is made by women from a korea. they don't use most of the people. they don't use the chemicals to go the,
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the feds, the level of they don't have to actually because it's a you know, it's a place where if you work with your long long gives you bob duffy's found her place here for her life on the go to yeah, is just blissful. the to the north of the island is the coastal resort of nice. with its gorgeous beach. it's the perfect place to watch, the sunset would have the best sense of care. you're going to have a look if you want the best and they know they can, the us fund and his friends have some ideas about why life you are so relaxed. this is
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the mitchell because the, i think this is the nature of the god. yeah, i'm this paper little list. happy without says he needs only the lines of the bread from the past years from that, by the way. here. yeah. i think this is the secret of the long life. no, says test watching liter line. you either brad or we are good. yeah. and we are good. the the on each of the people are serious about cooking slow food isn't trendy. it's a way of life. residents, harmonious co existence, is also reflected in the islands cuisine. gear vegetables are stable food
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zucchini and egg and lemon sauce. a typical island to dish. so give me 1st i brown. i'm in some car later cuz then i add some dies to keep me look as well as salt pepper and rice. i fried everything together for about 5 minutes, then i used the mixture to stuff the zucchini smith, which are placed on top of the potatoes for that, then everything's cooked with oil and salt pepper and oregon. o. the egg lemon sauce comes right at the end. the avon galia runs now yada is restaurant and nice with her daughters always on the daily menu. so fico, a traditional korean vegetable su only makes mention for the seizure
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and said, ben said that's what do we have, just got lots of on your own. so see me at ortiz and just was a bit the potatoes that those say you got to be good with god. and we're all together a on time. and the names of the core and the name to come in by nick a show a from a specialist peaceful. i keep for you, food, special official, and the kind of dining. i'll see. cool. and show should be cool. in the korea, what's for dinner? depends on what's growing in the family garden. thanks to its abundance of water. the island is self sufficient. the people who live here have always
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provided for themselves any, any of ideally, i want to show us their garden in the mountains. this element, not every thing thrives the way you'd like it to so but that's totally normal and natural from and there are so many factors that the season climate change, the weather, the problem, the nature fresh food from the garden is that the centenary and secret secret there, um it's not something get you my mother say within a day and a got a a give us say with energy is not the line. i secret, i think a, it's a and it seemed from the secret. so
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we know what we need to. we know there's in the moment, we would try to realize the moment in since many thinks perhaps it's simply the strong family bonds on the island that make life years. so worth living. i grow up here. that's why and they, i know the place i knows them, or i like these 10 to kind of 3 months in my my self in the safety. the from the for child, north side of the island, we travel along twisting roads through the mountains to the south. the a distance of about 40 kilometers. the port of mug
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on each east provides a glimpse of just how extraordinary the place is. the so could i to use and is american guests, catherine and mike, take us along with them to be korea's most exotic beach. the i came here 10 years ago with somebody i knew from the silent family is from here and was blown away to say shell beach. and it was one of the most beautiful beaches i've ever seen in the world. 10 years later, i'm back and it looks exactly the same. it hasn't changed
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a bit. you have the boat there, it's been here forever. and the waters green is clear. it's just on touch the, the socrates can think of a better place to live either. he wants to grow old here. very old. whenever i ask the old people, they are telling me that if you care from how you have to eat like less, don't be stuffed all the time. like the less. the exercise, like uh you have to walk to the mountains and have a wine. and they told me also that 6 you to good like way to have a lovely life. he telling me
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the socrates trusts the old folks advice he wants to introduce us to his favorite and she was born here. now she's $89.00. and as for this official, the to pronounce a sex, it's like a top at 6 am and then i have to go to my god and to water and attend to my vegetables on this for, for the year. so when i'm finished with that, i go to my sons restaurant to cope for the guess like a lot of the rush when we get home. and i do that until about 1 o'clock in the morning. we have to, oh, i'm haven't seen it. i never get tired just said i put on the i've got a big family. oh. and i know for what i do have to have gone through
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the secret of the venetian fortress went up in 1635 large sections of the medieval challenge structure have been preserved. the maria laney and your goes grew up here just like their parents, grand parents and great grand parents playing hide and seek and the fortress was quite normal for them as children. and even today their life in this extraordinary place is rather ordinary. they say i'm going to connect this board best and it's funny when the tourist passed through in the summer and peer into our houses and avoiding them. yeah. little people in the speech of soldiers in the affair and i'm
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going to pushing in for them. it's all very interesting. i like the museum village and, but actually we live here and we're not part of the museum. i actually get the documents . and if these are still a bubble, then we're going to get the book on the book on. and so speed, you have to hold it in front the box and there are anxious arcada guy in the streets. you can touch them, they're not behind plexiglas. they're simply part of the village of the. and if i want to call, every thing you see here is of genuinely old. i always found the old columns and stones under the ground when the village was rebuilt, a god of the whole month. and then they used it all to build the houses and decorate them to be the village of the blast. yeah. and you can also see over the entrances to the houses, you know, very old stones where you know these from they have a history that's going back
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a long time. the re, alaneese grandmother laney next tirelessly for the next generation and cost through a lane has been running the village supermarket for more than 50 years. she's never been anywhere else with her granddaughter take over the store at some point that's yet to be decided the just down the hill, a new come or to the island is putting his twist on traditional greek was him. we hear stories and we make it, this is the
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wait. so i to be really a with then it was a traditional recipe. the flavor of a grid in is all he saw there by the we tried to make it more appealing for everyone. and even the greeks, they know what be a good night when you're late eighty's, but they don't know how i'd feel. dose is restaurant octopus and lentil soup certainly looks different. the we've got that then goes and we put the ceiling side like some lagging. it's very straight here. this is how we do it.
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then the octopus is simmered in red wine for about 40 minutes. and then till 5 uh, with pop rico, cream and tender. octopus. the ghost as these fresh interpretation of a traditional dish. with his fabulous view over the g and sailed doses these restaurant drives on a passion for food who new story telling could be so delicious. food is of the utmost importance here on safe knows. one of the most famous ships in greece, nick allows taylor meant, as was born here. anyone who loves good food will certainly find happiness on seats . most another source of happiness are these rather sad looking fields. what grows here is a genuine sensation. and
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this is the miracle gardner himself, the man who can get fruit and vegetables to grow without water key or a ghost in our lease. the issues wasn't very civil within many with everywhere. but after that, the business that the name exit people did with start the spell that was that and the land that are below. and now we, we, i but in the audio is used as mothers, 80 year old seats to cultivate his own drug resistant plants. the little this is the, the, the fear of an all or that, and make even one very deep root. all new one for go ready the bed for the new, the life. these are all these, the, on the force, the live, not for them a what the middle of the deals. because is that the board of them before they belong to stephen life. because if the,
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if they have not the most possible to steve to make any c, i says here, some of the latest now is the last. but we've got anything. you can see the juices very, very juice or the read them is from of the story. we still new site. is it very, very base to you that the people for the face do these tomatoes is the face, the never, you go stop. never you pay any money because that people now have no tasty. oh my god. is it good? we haven't gotten very nice. he stands firmly behind his approach and he offers tours and courses on his farm. so he can share his know how the yard goes to a certain that his agricultural method is the future. despite its small size,
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shape, nose is a breathtaking island with many stunning features. it also boasts more sign, posted hiking trails, than most other greek islands. the one of the most beautiful pounds leads from the fire rose beach to the crease or p d monastery. the fontose beach invites visitors to wind down and relax.
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lovely time. arrange trees provide shade and thanks to the bays location, there's often no wind at all. the, there are many wonderful base on this island here in children. these us time seems to have ground to a halt like generations of was family before him. coast still makes pottery here with its deposits of play. see from those he used to supply islands across greece with ceramic cooking pots. apollonia the capital of safe most is the quintessential socratic village. it's quiet here off
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season that khaki is the oldest and most popular local calf. any yo for greek cafe. it doesn't get busy until after sundown. 10 years ago, jani is saying that they need to that khaki pass the coughing new to their grandson sneakers, and be honest. it wasn't an easy step for jani junior in particular. after all, the young islanders generally moved to the mainland, but the brothers agreed and renovated the old, copper, neo with love and respect for its original character, the . yeah and the center they need like to pop in for
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a visit. they say it feels like the old days, they've just gotten a bit older, a thought, maybe we ask them a little my zale, but the i did find it challenging because i do this, i'm a man. i really didn't want to disappoint my grandfather. the government at the mall for me was a famous man here with a very well known cafe that was always full. i'm of the family to get but it's a works out fine. tourism also gave us a boost of cost, a little bit more johnny single lane. he are grateful and proud that their life's work is being continued in their spirit. the chief knows is an island bursting with stories, traditions, and renewal the
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full moon over the g, and makes leaving see if knows a little easier. the journey continues. this time to came, i lost the key with those keats it's combine. even during the high season, vacationers coming here seek relaxation, natural beauty, and the authentic grease, the much like on the neighboring island, giving me those on key mallows. you can live closer to the water than almost anywhere else. and you're in good company, the
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test 50 not that. don't know much. know what the, my god, these houses are called see them at the jack the guns broke their caves, dug out of the rocks and they were built as a secure place for the islands fishers to store their boats in winter or in bad weather. that is pretty soft turtle gloves. first let them take him on a deal with them to go to them because there aren't as many efficiency as they're used to be. there aren't as many fishers here, i believe. so as a result, there are only a few boats and others of the logical school bush to are now tourists convent, the houses in summer as your there's simply being put to a different use thought about the gotten the old days. they'd be both and the see them at the now holidaymakers sleep and then the cities just the houses all have different features. the house, the only most shows us has been given the luxurious make over by his son.
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out of bed, straight into the sea. the erroneous is samantha is right next door and still houses his boat in the winter has neighbors go. he's a lucky catch. he goes fishing every day in the summer and always shares part of his hall. but the guest is through this fee, you know, must have's eating and they made friends with many vacationers side is good on the yeah. so good friends all over the world and must have been good because all, most of those, they like it here. they keep coming back, like you might use it together outside our houses and i grill or cook something. so i make if you appetizers to see portal good, we drink wine or to put all that and then we just have a good time together. smell is due to me, if it is the last,
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when the guests leave, we messaging, so they're on facebook. yeah, that's really nice on those bus. the the see around the key. mallos is also on 3. is his favorite place with his parents. he has an old fishing boat, he enters coast keeper, george offered tours to the most beautiful spots around the island of milos and cumulus. but the place he loves the most is probably, i goes, the largest uninhabited island in the g. and the probably i go see, is greek for many goats. and andrea loves them all the
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a long time ago. people lived here. when they left the baron island, they simply left their goats behind the. the goats are very shy, but went on various arrives, the venture onto the beach. this is called the police here is more on the get the i have of the are to the girlfriend. the under to the mind. i think is least they think for safety then come now because of the season and for a visit isn't they? don't come back for years now. on 3 us has been bringing the goats carrots, melons, and amaze. if it doesn't rain for months, the animals on pulley i goes have nothing more to eat. sundry as vivid memories of
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his 1st encounter with the goats of polly i goes, i saw them behind some youth before goats their thoughts. okay, i have some mail order to send the 2 feet to them. they don't come down. but the moment that we took the arm to go this moment, this moment, very walk down a 10 minutes. and after the 5 years they come so close fully i goes is a magical place. george thing. so to he's been here countless times with under a us the i felt the connection with a say. and i really like to be around it or he needs or on it. so that's why i
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really loved believe so it's really amazing and beautiful water the. the rocks are amazing everything there. why live the how often? sure. the side on these is really, really amazing. and you will not find it and a lot of places the boat towards to probably i goes, orange, unforgettable experience. no one knows better than andre as how to safely navigate the shallows and the rocks to reach the most beautiful spots the on key motors, andreas plans to drop in on a very special person. when it comes to seafaring knowledge. this is the man who
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taught him everything. he invites us to join him and suddenly were standing in the bedroom of cumulus his most famous resident, captain, oh goose. this 96 years old, local hero, and andre is mentor. the 2 men meet regularly and reminisced together to go as long as that mass i spent 70 years of my life see brief in the salty after 70 years girl and i've never been to the doctor who did you bought the car. the keys will be
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the ones that patterson put that in spite of this paper from cumulus to port on every morning, his start at 6 therapy from came almost to bring the paper to the doctor. as in may most of the doctor hear somebody. she was sick, he made the night on the float, full flow, cute on with a boat to bring him to the doctor, or somebody needs the pharmacy, the words, those pharmacy of those a bottle. i always took my boat out of it regardless of the time of day old a with a bad the air when it was 8910, and even the left and on the boat for its kyle, the campbell, and the come over to explain a living on the boat for it scale means gale force winds and waves that are meters high. their shared love of the sea has made the 2 captains friends for life.
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captain o, boost east wouldn't think twice about setting, sail in conditions like these. but the modern fairy to meet those is much less robust and service has been suspended today . the anyone hoping to get to the neighboring island? we'll have to wait until the winter drops. the, in the south of the island, there is a place with barely a breeze. this, despite the region strong winds known as bo tammy, color meet the beach, is a little paradise exuding and almost meditative calm and serenity.
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the chemo rose is one of the few remaining unspoiled islands in greece. in total contrast to our final destination, the the, the mika knows billed as the most expensive island during greece. up to 8 cruise ships, dont here every day. the narrow streets of the old town are packed with tourists from all over the world. it's a place on everyone's bucket list, it would seem the mika knows town is absolutely beautiful. if only it wasn't so full.
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but there are places on meeker nose with no crowds or cues be on the farm. less than 10 kilometers from the bustling old town is the perfect spot to experience a very different side of macintosh. the farmer's founder, nikos, runs this tranquil place with his daughters a small restaurant with its own wine, its own cheese, fruit, and vegetables. demetrius because son in law takes care of the farms, live stock, and the bikes the he and his wife demetrius, offer cycling tours off the beaten track. the finger ties my
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part of his life. and so i think and says, or so the founder and owner of young adults. so technically i'm working for my wife and it says, yes, here's my boss. and for seasons of re demetrius wants to take us to the north of me can most far away from the clubs and the power of sol covered beaches. the north wind does merciless and reservoir water levels are pitifully low. when i 1st came on the island 4 years ago, the level of what it was after that were linus who was older flu with water. now every, every somebody gets emptied in time to i guess this is set a good example of climate change. so that's why i know this because the other way that we're using, it does not come anymore from our what there was, there was my died from this and i may say, so from the, from the see, we have a 2 or 3 plants producing water. now the,
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the that this dustin suppose that the wisdom suppose basis like that, the ones i liked the dates, of course, i believe that those people that come on make on those that are looking for some quiet times some my favorite, they said to say something different and the bars and the night life and the base clouds. so this is not so that's my office actually the the view here is not quite a spectacular, but the authenticity of this workplace on beaker knows makes up for that. how your show and i'm gallows were really keen to blue craft beer on their whole
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mileage. even though mika nose has neither hawks nor mulch, nor spring water, we have a fully, a fully beside the nation. seen the southern nation plant on site. so we decided that the water and with us water we blew beer. so which is perfectly possible fresh water, which we have to do from scratch. okay, so the main ingredient is actually from making us, which is the water uh 93 percent, the various water. so that is, that is uh, definitely meconium beer from sea water uh your shirt and i'm yellows. are 2 very creative people. the 2 also offer tours of the brewery and of course bure tastings meeker noses though great love, even if the islands jet set live style is a far cry from their own. i'm used to this, i grew up here. so i've seen nicholas in general. it's always been a jet said since i was a child because in the 60s it wasn't just the little fisherman's island very for it
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. but then i just sit there started coming and then it's a it will be more the . there is no question that mika knows, relies on tourism, but the small island has over extended itself. during the high season, it's full to bursting, and prices are sky high. we can only hope that the most expensive island in greece doesn't squander its special magic. the magic, that's a part of all the greek islands generated by a strong sense of community,
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magnificent bays, and beaches, and the people who live there with all their ideas and passions. the the next one is the biggest ship graveyard in the world. and she took on the dash giant vessel that has been phased out of the strip down this has been criticized yet, despite prohibitions spread from european ships, also in global in 30 minutes on the w eco africa. see if it's a clean,
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healthy field that doesn't smell like anything to be used in the home. like sky mt on camera room is turning food waste of renewable energy there. eco friendly charcoal is affordable and good for the climate and it's just the beginning in 90 minutes on d w, the data groups together by chance and they roots in the early ninety's on independence, free woman. and the mother of 10, in a strict patriarch. children, can they not assess team doors has been observing the lines of hardy on the doors has ever since
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the to a wasted life. katia and her daughter's stuff, june 22nd on d w. the the this is dw news and these are our top stories from us has given its response to the gaza cease fire proposal, which was announced by us president joe biden. you ask atari and egyptian officials to say they're looking at the militant group expressed what it called. it's readiness to positively reach a deal to ends. the war and gaza ukrainian president of a lot of mere zelinski has made an urgent appeal for help in rebuilding ukraine's power grid which has been battered by.


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