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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 12, 2024 11:00am-11:15am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news coming to you live from berlin, the matter what am i calling to appeal to voters? the french president is expected to hold his 1st press conferences, calling staff elections with ken emanuel mccomb, muster enough support to counter the search and support for the far right. also coming out, you claims me as the landscape leads berlin with the promise of more military support. france president has also been asking for financial help to rebuild his country. plus the militant group from us stop short of accepting a us bank proposal for a truce and gaza and no other israel, nor from us have publicly committed to the plan.
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the hello, i'm terry martin. thanks for joining us. we begin in france where a president, amount of, of my call is due to speak in the next few minutes is this comes just days after he dissolved francis lower house of parliament. his central. busy lucian suffered a resoundingly, feet and sundays e u parliamentary elections at the hands of the far right national riley, across france, protests against the far right have again taken place. the 1st opinion polls the head of the june 30th the election project of victory for marine la pens. national riley, their hopes of governing were given a boost when the leader of frances conservative republicans announced he would form an alliance with the whatever the election outcome in
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france present. my call is expected to stay on as president until 2027. so let's cross over to our correspondence. sonya panica in paris. sonya present because i was about to get a press conference. what to expect once, i mean, we heard from the eliza yesterday, but in this press conference 3, my call is when, you know, kind of give the direction i quote, he believes is right for the nation. provide some political kind of cation about this kind of shopping on some of which came right off to his body, suffered this losing defeat in your opinion, actions. and i think he is really expected to set the tone for him. the battle with the far right in the selection of the and he's a said yesterday about the mission by both with, with the choice before the french people of what they called republican forces on one side and extreme is forces on the other. and i think beyond, of course,
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to switch off the fall right, mccaul will probably talk about some of the priorities for his simplest talk. he's campaign in the selection we heard yesterday from french appointment is still gotta be in the tub. who said he would be needing this, the routing parties campaign and he said, you know, health schools, purchasing power and environment would be some of the priorities. is it at all clear? sonya what president may call is hoping to achieve with these shock snap parliamentary elections. well, this assembly is foster afraid of the off of speculation and then alice's here in fonts as you can imagine, i think what a lot of people seem to agree on is that you don't across calculations seems to have been that he was probably likely to face kind of schools to call a fall fresh fall and winter elections, which he could not have ignored, you know, his government. besides, he decides of minority government. and he has really struggled to possibilities and
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parliament without a because he lives in other parties. and that is really meant to create new york. he is really kind of headstrong in parliament. he has often resulted to a constitution provision to rank to legislation like this very controversial function or form that we saw. and each time that happens, of course, it exposes this government into a new confidence portion. so i think what i'm the c o r c r is that by developing parliament macro essentially try to make the best of this week a political position and tried to kind of in a way force the far right national ready into an election board in the foster them the that they would have really liked felt new political alliances are being formed in preparation for these elections. sonya what's shaping up there in the political landscape and friends to when we really seen in the last few days or the up ending of the political landscape. i'll have to say here in from
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somebody yesterday we had this shock announcement by the president of the same to write for public and spotty eric. so t, uh, he said he would, you know, consider he suggesting, he suggested a cooperation essentially with the far right national rodney and this is really, you know, kind of triggered the file stalled within his own pocket. because this essentially breaks a longstanding trouble in france for decades of traditional parties and farms have, you know, elected the support battery or port on funny to around default, right? where they essentially see, you know, we will not enter into any kind of agreement to coordination with you so, so to use a call that had a for, for doing this with the far right, because really sparked outrage field is there also lots of quotes, sort of the resignation which we heard yesterday from the president of the far right nation by the georgia on monday. not he has welcome to school. so these move and he said last evening that his fucking would be some 4700000 outgoing or nominated republican empties on the on in these 2 rounds of the voting. now we have
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no further details on that. but another thing that happened was your info on some of the political landscape is on the far right, there was a potential deal shaping off between the far right and actually riley, another party called the recall place, which is even further to the far right of that the different to be do that is the nice of money to pay money and my the shuttle and she, the spotty agree conquests assaulted my over to be funded. it exhibited was very controversial and then i was using the data could have collapse. so we're not going to see any kind of super grouping on the right if you like, as get a loss of maneuvering going on there in france. sonya, thank you very much for now. uh sony public. a r corresponded in paris and uh, we'll be bringing you the press conference with friends present amount of, well my call live with it begins now moving on to ukraine, both to us and germany have pledge more military support for ukraine. no,
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the countries present blogging is a lensky, is visiting european allies on tuesday. he delivered an emotional speech to germany's parliament, pleading for lawmakers to continue to stand behind. keep polanski was in berlin for a conference together support for rebuilding ukraine, but he also used his platform to call on his allies to make sure that russia is held to account standing ovations in the parliament and one of ukraine's biggest supporters. one of the situation on the ground in ukraine remains critical. ukrainian president expressed is hope for victory to german lawmakers to be numerous. so may have the impression that polluting is going to be that forever. and it will not be an end to the war. but that is not the case, it's an illusion. it's an illusion that can be destroyed by leadership and decisions and make success as we will join the chief together with you german angry and ukraine will always be grateful for this.
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he also issued this dark warning against making peace with vladimir putin with silly nimble ami. um, you know, if somebody wants to try him, not to, jim would always destroy any hope of coming to an agreement. you don't know what these mean. parliament was well attended to, so many members of the left is b. s, w, and the far right a f, d. and boy, you called at the speech due to their pro russian sympathies. so lensky is parliament address. follow the conference in berlin, focusing on ukraine's reconstruction. this could potentially be financed by frozen russian assets. if leaders reach an agreement, lensky did not end the day empty handed, the secure to promise of additional german ammunition for ukrainian weapons. this pledge was made as he visited ukrainian troops in germany were being trained on
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surface to air patriot missile systems. they are crucial to enable keys to locate and shoot down russian missiles, which is also what makes them a target. germany has delivered to so far and pledges, and one more to few for zalinski. if it's possible to bring to obtain more equipment to defend the assistance i will support for now, germany will only deliver additional missiles for the ones already in ukraine or for more on this, we can speak with our chief international editor, richard walker, who joins us from the ukraine recovery conference here in berlin and dw corresponding to connelly who joins us from key. welcome to you both. richard. what pleasure this had been made at the conference here in berlin to help ukraine's recovery. yes, sorry. so we should stress that the ukraine recovery conferences, don't worry about weapons, of course, weapons have come up. and this is really, of course, the main priority of the ukrainian suited to,
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to get enough weapons to be fighting this war with a particular focus on the defenses. and, but everything is connected across those air defenses of very, very important to pub protecting ukraine's power system which has be knocked out substantially in recent months. and part of this conference has been about trying to find ways to make sure that ukraine can keep its power system really working. so that's investments in, in both gas power plants, but also the kind of distributed energy production that you can get with things like solar. but i think one of the most interesting comments that i heard here as the last couple of days was from one official. if you said, you know, the end of a panel discussion that the road to freedom is paved with technicalities. and i think that's been a lot of the discussions here that it's about mechanisms to try to encourage international corporations to invest in ukraine. of course i can be thinking, well this is a country and war is our investment safe. so funding mechanisms, insurance mechanisms to try to provide that insurance,
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that assurance to those companies that it is with making those investments. so a lot of discussion on that kind of technical level here, but also the open. those are saying that in essence, this is a networking event. it's a way to bring together ukrainian, not just politicians on the national level, but also municipalities companies and international companies. and also international municipalities also taking place here. and from what i've heard from delegates here, they do appreciate that opportunity. nick in key for delegates of the conference. richard mentioned here in berlin, are talking about recovery in ukraine. but russia's war and ukraine is continuing, is that premature to talk about rebuilding the country? it was certainly, terry, if he's these people here in ukraine, lots of them will tell you that this is more about your being countries. germany of the you states being more comfortable talking about economic aid, rebuilding schools and power structures and talking about weapons. this is partly
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due to the fact that when this was planned about a year ago, it seemed like the will was going to some more stable direction that there would be some kind of maybe freezing. and that this would be more acute in terms of priorities rather than being situation where the front lines are as kind of unclear in this, in stable, stable as they have been recent months. so this policy, that aspect here, but obviously ukraine's government needs the money to keep paying its pensions. it's wages, some of that stuff from outside. but it also needs to raise tax inside the country . so it has to have a function called me to pay for its all me. and certainly that have been success is a ukraine was able to basically restore export of its grains to the world to address. so that was something that no one really thought possible at the beginning of the wind rush, it was locating those ports to happen. so you have some success stories, some proof that it is possible to grow and you basically run the economy under russian attack. but so in terms of investment, it is a very difficult sell back in 2014. when you have the conflict in east, you could tell invest as well in their lives. the 1000 kilometers from the front lines. nothing is going to happen in the, in the west,
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the country where you might invest, but now we're rushing. so tax itching all of the country pretty much all the time. that is not something that the crane government can sell to investors. and that was ukraine corresponding to connelly, and before him dw is chief international letter to richard walker. but speaking to me earlier, now the some of the other stories making headlines around the world today, haiti has announced a new government 2 weeks after the con. you was installed as interim prime minister . a transitional council made the appointments after the former leader resigned. hey, t has been grouped by a huge surgeon, gang violence leading to a humanitarian crisis. stories in greece have announced that the famous acropolis in athens will close during the harvest. hours of the day, with temperatures expect to hit $43.00 degrees celsius freezes in the groups of the 1st heat wave of the summer. primary schools in the greek capital are also due to
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close. a large wildfire who has forced the evacuation of several villages in southwestern cypress, no injuries have been reported. firefighters been battling the place since tuesday in the hard to reach region. greece and jordan have sent fire fighting aircraft after the cypriot government, us for fate. now war and gaza, tomas is called for some amendments to the us back proposal for a true steel. no other israel nor him. us have publicly committed to the plan. united states had been hoping for an outright acceptance of the deal by both sides law and secretary of state has any blinking has spent the last few days, travelling across the middle east to promote the deal. on monday un security council endorsed it calling on both israel and i'm asked to enact it immediately without condition. so for, for take a closer look. now the original deal that blinking is trying to get all sides to
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sign up to is made up of 3 phases in the 1st, the release of some hostages, the return of palestinian prisoners and partial troop withdrawal during a 6 week truce. the 2nd phase includes a permanent ceasefire, which is you have to be negotiated. that would mean the full withdrawal of israeli forces from the strip. the 3rd phase would focus on a plan to rebuild garza so massive pressure on is real time us to approve the un back seatbar proposed for gaza. earlier i spoke about this with middle east dental assignment. may bon lancaster university in the u. k. i asked him how likely it is that the warring parties will sign off on the troops deal? but yeah, you're right to say that was huge pressure here on all sides. it is pretty clear from the un making this commitment a security council puts in this resolution.


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