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tv   Las hermanas Pathan  Deutsche Welle  June 12, 2024 11:15am-12:01pm CEST

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good all sides to sign up to is made up of 3 phases in the 1st, the release of some hostages to return to the palestinian prisoners and partial troop withdrawal during a 6 week truce. the 2nd phase includes a permanent cease fire, which is you have to be negotiated. that would mean the full withdrawal of israeli forces from the strip. the 3rd phase would focus on the plan to rebuild costs. so mass of pressure on is real time us to approve the un back seatbar proposal for garza. earlier i spoke about this with middle east dental assignment. may bon lancaster university in the u. k. i asked him how likely it is that the warring parties will sign off on the troops deal? but yeah, you're right to say there is a huge prussia here on all sides. it is pretty clear from the un making this commitment, that security council person this resolution, the, that risk growing pressure on israel, on come us to actually get
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a ceasefire. not surprising. give them a scale of the humanitarian suffering, the scale of the devastation across casa. now the likelihood of it actually coming off, however, is i think it's pretty difficult to assess the 1st phase of, of, of the plan as you've just out. one is perhaps the most probable and the most likely, but it gets both fully and far more complex when we move into phases 2 and 3. and i'm particularly worried when we get to those stages. now kata has been hosting these truce talks and other arab countries, like egypt and jordan, are involved to how much influence and simon to do these countries have in the negotiations, especially with respect to homos, a what's about putting pressure off from us and i think in the sense that the cutoff has has. ready loan being an ally, host of how much, not necessarily as
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a pulitzer, but they've been open to, to play and how to some of the semester, because like holiday massages, it's like gods are in the past. so it has a good deal of influence and not respect. and also perhaps more important thing is that it has the money and commodities obviously, particularly concerned about how god is or is going to be rebuilt. the money has to be found somewhere in the gulf states, in particular, is going to have a big role to play. so i would imagine the doha is got the ability to accept a good deal of influence. but it's not so much the homicide that, that i think is the concern here with regard to accepting this deal. we've heard key figures suggesting that they all, they are willing to accept. it is more on the as ready side. i think that's why things getting really complex that will tell us more about how the home us leadership is dealing with this situation. is it? is it clear to you what their strategy is?
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a lot, particularly. i think the from the, from the very offset. all of this on october 7, it's clear that the how much leadership has, has set how on a particular trajectory and found itself in water. so they didn't necessarily want to find itself. and we've heard that the actual attack that was planned was far more limited than, than what actually happened than that the, the devastation of thought terrorist attack was not what was originally intended, or at least so we are led to believe. so that tells us that there is a lock of coordination. there was a lack of a clear strategy. and that certainly coming out with regard to what has been happening in regards to, in the, in the months sense. and that's not surprising, given the political situation in gaza, given the realities on the ground of life and gaza in this conflict. there is intense speculation assignment about what will become of gauze after the war. and
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what do you think is the most likely scenario for how that territory will be governed as well? it depends who you're asking. yeah, because the international community wants to p a to be the main sort of driver of politics in house that are in the gaza. strip israel post amino 30th. sorry. this riley's a, perhaps a little less inclined to do that because that opens the door from last influenced and benjamin netanyahu a set that that can be know how much in, because that he's, he's hug his house on this idea or this be 10, come us. and eradicate thing it and that the leaves a bit of a problem. a conundrum because of this comes of late. that is why he's doing don't want to how much presence in gaza because they have just enjoy this absolutely devastating powers the talk. but at the same time, the international community wants a democratic space for people to engage politically in gaza. and boston could
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potentially, as it has been in the past, lead to how much and that would be on pallets of both of many and as well. and indeed many in the international community. so there's a, there's a real conundrum here as to what happens next. but i think in terms of the most likely scenario, i would imagine it would be some type of by the hour or international peacekeeping force that would serve as a transition or re sort of role. but then what happens after that is the big question is kicking the question of the quote unquote the day after just a little bit further down the road. saw me. thank you very much. that was simon may bon middle east analyst and professor at lancaster university in the u. k. now to the us and hunter bindings has become the 1st child of a sitting american president to be convicted of a crime. a jury found him guilty of lying about his drug addiction when buying a hand gun in 2018. the dates not yet been set for sentencing,
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but it's expected to take place in the next few months. and emotional moments between a father and son watched by the world's media. us president joe biden flew back to his home in the usa to delaware, to see his family off to his son. home to biden was convicted on firearms charges. the verdict caps a turbulent period and hunter biden's life. when he struggled with an addiction to crack cocaine, the tourist just took 3 hours to find the president's son guilty of lying on a screening form about his legal drug use to buy a revolver. come to bite him, was also convicted of possessing the gun. legally. no one in this country is above the law. every one must be accountable for their actions. even this defend.
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shortly off to the verdict, the us president was in campaign, moved, highlighting his record on gun control as an event which he made no mention of his son. you're changing the nation, you really or you're changing the nation. the bills upon the doesn't have executive actions mind restrictions taken to reduce converts more than any of my predecessors . and i suspect more than all them. combine the preston to ready face is a tight race for re election in november, and it's not clear of his son's conviction. will 10 potential votes away from joe biden. he's off against donald trump, an opponent whose own conviction for falsifying business records, and many criminal prosecutions have not dented his popularity. now to brazil where the world's biggest wetlands is on fire, the plant and the all region which is about the size of england is prone to
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wildfires during dry seasons. but this year the wild tire season has started earlier and is more intense environmentalist. war and that is more, isn't done. nearly all the wetlands will be gone in a few decades time to know should be flooded. right now. instead, it's burning the fires in this wetland have increased tenfold compared to last year . the intensity of a mix, residents uncertain about the future. anytime it feels sadness when i see the destruction of sinus to see a century like this, come to an end, almost life ends in these claims. this wetland is home to wild life like alligators, jaguars, and,
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and eaters. they're also breezing grounds for nearly 4000000 title own by farmers like jose who rely on ranching for income the fires threat and not only his health, but also his livelihood. were trying to think i've got to do the other side of the base so that they have a better chance of surviving the day. so move in the way the fire is growing. it could still set on them london level by in the course of the home theater. the blazes are spreading more quickly this year due to low rain fall. the hot dry conditions along with strong winds are making it harder for firefighters to put them out. authorities, once the situation under control before the real wildfire season begins in july, returning now to our top story, we're just waiting for our press conference to begin in paris with french present demand. well, my con this be his 1st news conference since announcing snap parliamentary
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elections on sunday. we've got our correspondence. sonya father ca standing by there as we're waiting for the press conference to begin. sonya remind is how we got here. uh, what, what happened to cause the french president to dissolve the lower house of parliament and called the snap elections. the essentially, you know, caused a political us quake really in front of right off to the they go to collections ended 2 days ago. this was off to, you know, his spotty, the interest of ruling in his own spot to see some of the cult crushing defeat at the hands of the far right. national grubby children funds, which was made by marine the pin. and hopefully she showed on by the law was seen as kind of the new face of the french fault. right? so i'm a scrolling, you know, kind of a, just literally a few minutes off of that to me. the meat of the graceful tv appear to national tv
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and said he was, you know, kind of drawing lessons from this. and that he was, he had taken the decision to, to this all of, of parliament and, and i was afresh, parliamentary elections. and that was really easy that, that, that was really caused um, you know, absolute shock here. i now have 4 students group policies, a scrambling to, to really kind of been off with alliances and, and, and seeing the candidates and draw up 9 if i suppose, because they really don't have a lot of time to do that. you know, the 1st round of the, it's not a fundamentally like she would be hands on at the end of the month of june 30th. and the 2nd job would be held on july 7th. so, so everything here now has to be a sped off in pockets of really kind of in a frenzy discussions. know about how to, what's the best way to go about it. so now we finally have my call in about to make a, a press conference. the to hold a press conference and what,
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what can we expect from that? what's expected to tell the nation a while i think we will hear some kind of classification. okay. sonya understand. it's just begun, sorry to interrupt you, but we're going to go straight to parents were and then one of the con, the press producers exchange we wanted i would like to express my respect to the members of parliament right now they've worked under difficult conditions. well, we have made under some decisions, we've been able to improve some laws and this is good in the that's the bit. because however, we must be under no illusions that us for the we are the let's have not been visible enough with what we have achieved. we have not been able to create a coalition that is really robust despite our efforts and are just being an
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attitude from some parliamentarians that have caused disorder and parliament again and again. and i'll tell you those seen who doesn't want to receive disney decision about the another. there's a position where young we have not seen a reflection of what we've been trying to do in our institutions. and the same as true in parliament if the situation has not been tenable. we've often heard that the vote of no confidence would come about in autumn. the opposition has been calling for this and the government has not been able to act the way it wanted to have. and this isn't dangerous for front unable soto. and then if we look at the election results from a blessed city sunday morning, visible to clear this club, it was about europe itself, as i've always said. but the vote cast on the silver to have strength and the rights to the far right and is behaving more then in the task that exists on the security. this was a political earthquake and we cannot simply ignore it and proceed with businesses
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usual as citizens have expressed the concern about a security migration, purchasing power. they don't really super stipulate the goods they have shown all the displeasure. don't even look at it. somebody is on the current situation that it's not difficult to pay their bills by the end of the months because inflation is so high. in berle, friends, english, the cities of france, our citizens have felt that they haven't been heard miss. they have not felt city really taken seriously, and this does not leave us cold. and indeed it must not lead us cold. we need a democratic response to this, and i am firmly convinced that it cannot be about a change in the coalitions that are no longer possible in recent days. have shown that it isn't possible far more than they wouldn't be no more than if we can just
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reject the things we have to dissolve parliament. because that is the only way that we will achieve clarity about the situation. we find ourselves in a situation with many challenges in front of it. ok, and we do not want a sandstone. you know, at the end of the day it is about people having faith in democracy. it sits about ice, it gives you commonsense to the people of france are silver and people. and this is the only possible democratic response we require clarity. we find ourselves at a historic cross roads in front of me. so the multiply putnam entry election, the system must generated especially your option to just move onto since sunday evening and you the init plus the very day the masks have fall in the field. and the last or 4 values has emerged more clearly than ever before.
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and this is a turning and talk if you begin to point in history, we need to know who is merely pursuing their political interests for egotistical reasons and who are truly em. so to serve front of the republic control section, the right wing republic with the president has said for the 1st time we are going to enter into a coalition with the national rally. what's interesting that you don't to the leaders of these parties are still talking about their being real french talking to people and false french people getting out of the vote and the need for this everyone listening to mr. c. o t. the quick thing that goes has turned away from the legacy of suckers, the unit, just because i'm just trying to go in and you're all set companion. if i look to the left, the republican last and the 2 forces to
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very clear position on this during the retain elections on social democracy, on social, not with the economy on europe. i don't think the most obvious. and now they have joined together with extreme left wing and they stand for anti semitism and anti parliamentarian isn't your telephone and breaking with many of the values of our republic. yeah, everything, this is sold as if it were simple pieces on both extreme sides of the spectrum. there are coalitions also intensive on mississippi. and if we really didn't want to move on to this is all since i connected together without any clue program. i mean, if we talk about pensions, if, for example, the republican party wanted to go even further, then the government, they wanted to allow people to go to retire even earlier. now with le palm, he suddenly wants to go to retirement, age of 60 or 62 years old,
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public financing the city and visit their public can todd t. o makers have long said that once so many young, my majority is too generous. and now all of a sudden they are working together in a coalition, and they're talking about $500000000.00 euros that the tax payers have to generate . and none of this has any consistency. so it just simply doesn't calibrate what they said before i get it printed. that's nonsense for me. so the kids told me that in times there's nothing to do fun. and most of it on the socialist and social democratic empties, working together with us. so nice people, someone to help you train someone to help russia. okay. so what decisions are they going to come to with regard to the middle east?
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so what about their commitment to parliament? what are they going to do about nuclear energy? when we discuss the question of the future of energy in this country for, for this, it is rife with contradictions. these are alliances. i think a couple of together can be, they cannot possibly last, but it seems like, you know, he don't do. and then there is the democratic problem with public and values. these uh, political families, office with identity, with legacy and for over 7 years now they have been working together well. and the position is clear, the priorities are clear, the attitude to europe is clear, this is a bit of coherent foundation. so to build on for the future, friends, naturally, we haven't done everything right. but we have generated real results accidentally have help with the french in a cries of us and we are capable of action. we want to strengthen industry,
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we want to employment, we want to strengthen the public sector, but we want to achieve the energy transition. we want to combat hatreds. we want to ensure that don't read the public debate itself is conducted on a basis of respect without hatred and we want to strength and ukraine. this that the majority of this presidential majority is one there to sit aimed at engaging in dialogue with personalities and important forces in this country. that measure we could put in a. so this is for now somebody election to be on the 13th of june and on the 7th of july and the people in the front, you need to have a range of m. p 's to choose from from the presidential majority of men and women with firm convictions need to be able to get an extra in for them to, to join forces and create a common projects. i mean,
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that serves france and it's beneficial for france and the center coalition after the parliamentary elections issue, but we can still and indeed we must enter into a dialogue, a constructive and to, and i'm precious a dialogue and we need to decide together how we can best serve front of it. and now i would like to say that we must join forces and we cannot play one against another off against another. naturally, there are differences of opinion on various different issues on the, into, in the individual political groups. but the social democrats and radicals see in collage michel, a christian democrats, the goal, se, and so many of the people of friends who are in positions of how to make decisions, do not a z, z themselves in this extremist figure. sure. they need to have
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clear presidential majority positions, and together they can create a new project and do that, look it up sort of the data you can put, we might say that it's kind of federation of individual projects for friends, for the people of friends, what ideas are where you pursuing from yet allow me to touch on a few of the some of the issues were addressing a message and we need to get them set up with the actual pnl. the but again, if i so not the politics from men. so how will our majority be positioned for dialogue and the weeks to come? it is about communicating the republican values and how to strengthen them. the rise of the far right and the messages of many of the people in this country who has taken the floor in various context, unexpressed,
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their doubts. i'm concerned to leonard him on because it's shown suppose that many have said they feel powerless, they feel disrespected, they do not feel they've been heard. and if we want to counter this and solve this problem, then we must have a week with a strong voice against those who believe that french citizenship is an entry of tickets, oregon to not have any obligations to there's on down the emissions because in many of images, it goes both ways or not much has happened once, and it will be a 2 and a afterwards. well, be able to respond to a question. we have the hired more police officers and more public prosecutors. we've had to have more than we've ever had before. we need to go against a divide and rule approach. we need to come back drug. so we see these are all things that we have at the gun, but we haven't seen the efforts that have already been made. so we need to continue
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to this is doing something to have more security, still more resolute nose and, and, you know, be, we want to contain a legal migration as an old agent of certainly instead of the public administration of the, you know, mean the states i think the most, you'll notice it'll be tough to offer support. there's also also the question of unaccompanied miners, which we have to tackle as well. and just see what's on the violence against miners must be coming back to it as well. initial measures have already been put in place for this. there's this sense of impunity that judicial system that it has been focused on the drug fund. but we need a court to make decisions more quickly and say that the results have to be better understood by everyone. we need to clear elements, good new purpose across the board to the family. as i've said, it's about just drink seeing strengthening the silver entity of
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a country. and let me say very clearly, we are in favor of more resoluteness but with the, in the framework of republican values sort of. and that's what distinguishes us from the far right. lot because it kind of the far less than the block as well because what the front left is proposing. now the social group is so it gives you the show on this picked on pretty close to the impossible and the far right is responding to an so certainty. but it's also giving up on the values of our country. there are no longer reasons for asylum proof before that kind of the right. of course, we have to say in no uncertain terms that the constitution applies the window that says we must be buried in mind with reference to security. we need more resoluteness. we need as heartless as well within the republic, but within the framework of republican values in france,
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we need to address the question of them at the so you did with some of our citizens feeling helpless or good. but this is something we can tackle from the centrist party. it doesn't have to be that sort of right wing, but they must not leave the foundations of the french i use in everyday life. there's a polemic tone in the debates that we have here. obviously that you and liz, this is something that is often not searching properly. and as you're at, let's see of, did a number of years ago, is this successful? what we need to have is a real effort we hung on where we are the old debate on them as you could have in the parliament, in companies, in voluntary organizations, we need to have a large scale the public debate on the question as a society and we have to look at the issues that are important. they just go down
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this to you in the discipline, i'll reprint, protecting the company cannot value yours is a long term project. some of the shovel kids may need to have fry the 3 citizens and we need to educate them so that they have literacy in terms of and sufficiently done art. digital literacy, many different aspects of literacy, important to you, savant as long. and there's another point i'd like to make in this context as well . we are experiencing a high level of tension in this country do. primarily that was to the fact that our model of integration has been questioned. that it starts at school as a whole, say a bit more about this in a moment. but it's about the integration of everyone in adjusted manner into gainful employment later. we must say the 1st step of the battle against
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discrimination, even though much has been done, but they're still far too much discrimination in terms of access to the labor market. and that in a country around let's see, that is enriched by diversity. and for this, we need to have a real public and value approach here, and we have a feeling sometimes on this we need to france where people join forces to give a response to the question of integration through our republican values. that leads me to focus on that i could be, what are the other political offers that we're hearing? well, on the one hand, we have the far left on it, which leads to a fragmentation of the republic. and then on the far right, the approaches excluding many citizens and the whole debate about who is a real french person and who isn't system. that cannot be the way for which, and that is the universalism system, which is the response of apache. and is it requires and eventually they don't. so
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don't know maybe another response to the future is the sauce economic, not the logical them into the transition, but that we don't agree mickland and so on. every point within our majority. causation. but we do believe that an independent friend, this with a strong social model means that we get everyone into gainful employment. this one this and this one's on. obviously i'm not just when i trying to promise everything, but we created 7000000 jobs in recent years. we haven't really industrialized our country what lease begun the process. we have strengthened rule of france and agriculture. we have passed laws on the agreements with economy issues. and i hope that the majority of people in france can place their trust in us. we want to do much to re industrialized countries because we want to
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have the energy sovereignty. also say that we want to be in dependents when it comes to the supply of agricultural committees, use these things of crucial device and they require fiscal measures. this must be in place of if we need to streamline the things for small and medium sized enterprises and our country and do some of this. we need to encourage economy a quarter. every one or 2 that are similar to the crew is not working. this means we have to invest in the university, so i'm guessing education as well. getting more people into university education. we want to make progress in terms of the economy and ecology because we want to combat carbon emissions, increase prosperity, and create a trade in industry. able to create this and then this transition into a green economy and we need a new nuclear power plants. they are crucial if we are to add some of these goals,
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and the use of patients will make it possible for the states difference of to be reduced by creating wealth only smells is yvonne your compliment, come to work through french business lookup. those are the, these are things we must achieve for them as otherwise. we will be as long as you are saved versus no longer having and also the savings. and that will just push them towards the far right. we will, we can the country if we don't achieve this, i believe most firmly that it is possible to forge alliance with all of the political forces that i have referred to. you then what, what is the other options? i think the far right is telling us we have to decide between either business. yeah . the, the environmental steps for the far right. is that a, did you say that in the far right there are no projects to strings and business until the report, because as long as they don't drops every single that makes our country attractive
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to attract investors into our country as well. the success you put that in on the other number. i mean you cannot attract investment into the country if you refuse to undertake any reforms the far left and it was not supposed to be the 5th street . i should my quarter. he has, he left it at missouri plans for the increasing the tax burden, sits on the voice mail, and at the same time. so by refusing most of the expansion of nuclear power, they make it even harder for us to make the jump into a green transition. so the far right on the far left of just going to ruin our country. the other option is, is an option of progress on it. it come back inequality. so it could be funding is all we need. his social system at this moment is just that simple form has accountability for 7 years. now we've never seen so much in investment in the
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public secretary. we've been investing in the judiciary in new law enforcement and our schools hiring more and more teachers. and we've been investing in some kind of children by hiring so many new teachers as well. we've been investing in the, the health system, so we want to dismantle injustice an inequality. and this is key for the future in the years ahead of us. there are some straightforward things that need to be done. we need to strengthen our capabilities is wonderful, but to fight again of the your the, the place you live deciding about your fate and your future. these are unbearable. any qualities for the people in this country and the future government must come up with a plausible response assignment to this clearly telling these folks of that it's not least in terms of the question, as of right to health care,
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access and mentally business people. and when it comes to protection and education of children and young people more must be done with those all 5, very much hope that we will be able to reach a platform for action then. and we'll just get on to and we'll make it possible for our children and young people to participate in society. we need new public measures for children and young people, our children and our young people today who live in rural areas. and i don't, we don't live in paris east and are disadvantaged if they come from the wrong southern and i'll be sending kids in your same towers as well. so we need a new state and policy that ensures that of children. have them see a real opportunity for themselves in the future wherever they live. would you think
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we need to create the best school based on republican values or we have increased the size of classes that we really want to ensure that our teachers have more latitude in apple classes with don't to adapt to the situation that they find on the ground 0 contracts, we need to do this and enter into with parents in order to improve the performance of the children. there's a great deal that needs to be done, not least in terms of the school buildings as well. after all, children failed and our young people are the key to come back to any quality and in just a success. and all parents are confronted with the same problems and it was, this is the more, naturally, this is one class. there's the problem of social media and smartphone dependency among children who sold parents complain about these things. we need to protect our children as well by ensuring that they cannot
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access certain content on social media. they need to be age restrictions on this, on certain media and the social media is that and there's that aspect of improving our everyday lives. some people send me your link, then you're able to we have done much so i don't cook in this regard already, but our citizens need to hear a clear message from us. they want a better life in the everyday lives to combine. so they just don't to put in it was you always see that and we need to have specific policies in place a. mrs. with too many things, it has not been begun to have. another issue we must have tackle is energy prices and purchasing power must be improved. this will work must be the best of reward is financially show much must be done to ensure that the wealth in this country is
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distributed with more just sort of in the specific tell me just the need would be the sort to cover it. if i found a set of bonuses that don't, people are not taxed at the moment when, if we need to look at again after all, we want to improve the lives of the working people in this country. so the approach on it really makes sense to work financially, and this can be something that is a burden on the public systems. we also need to ensure that companies are able to pay better wages as well. and that's the point of how the photos i me for the whole thing i like is to, let's see what additional we also need to tackle the question of statutory, a minimum wage and the low wage sector. and part time works for our young people, the needs to be a real access to housing. there's such a need for housing and the scarcity of housing. we haven't done enough in this
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regard. i mean must make progress here very well. here's what we need to redefine the responsibilities for this, and you've been if you're just joining us here. indeed, nobody knows we've been following a live news conference with friends president and minor will not call his 1st press conference since announcing snap parliamentary elections on sunday. the prince president, they're giving what sounds like pretty much a, a stump speech for an election. the outlining his policies for what he describes is the center of french politics. vilifying the par rides in the far left. he said that france is out across roads and he described a bottle of values being under way in the country. well, joining us of also from paris is our correspondence. they're selling you found that goes, she's been following that speech with us. sonya your main takeaways from what amount of when they call and had to say or what's heavier, right. i mean, there was
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a typically stalling wide ranging us each my, my call way or some kind of talked about, you know, all kinds of issues as priorities for his parties, campaign, but also the kind of issues of the problems that he sees in phones. but i think the overarching issue sure, of course was his kind of took tripped off the far right because this is essentially what the snap and make sure has done. macro has gambled. the fact that the snap collection is the only way that he can, you know, change the tight of the fault, right. and he can riley main screen waters behind him to, to make sure that they don't comfortable. but of course, it's a very risky gamble that has a lot of feel sure that he is opening the door and giving the far right to the other shot at follow up at the national level. so i think this was really his way of calling and all these kind of mainstream republican mainstream parking is wondered, parties who can share republican values to, to kind of, you know, driving around a republican front to try and keep the far right out of spotlighting. this was,
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this was the main takeaway for me. this address so far, so new that we heard at the very beginning of that speech of the men when the con, vilifying the rights. but also attacking the left is saying that the center right has been lining up. now with the, with the far right that the central left has been lining up with the far left. tell us more about what's going on within france right now in anticipation in anticipation of this election. the listing. well, according to the forwarding there, of course, to the president of the same, to write letter for pickup on the attic suit to yesterday, essentially saying he could uh, you know, uh, envision it kind of cooperation with the fault, right? and this is really breaking a tab who would fonts this is really crossing a followed red line because in front of course, you know, all mainstream parties have specific this kind of code on sonya to
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a barrier around default, right? that was just no way that they can, you know, enter any talks or, or, or into, into any condition for them. because of the far right. of course, the national riley is an actual stick up in the spotty that spend decades on the political fringes. because it does associates, of course, and the boss with a lot of racism and anti semitism. and that was supposed to be also unsafe. but if it goes in those in that box eastern standard around, but of course that party is undergoing, you know, some people for consummation under, but even the pain she's, she's cleaned up its image and she's trying to re, bonded as a mainstream party. i'm used to be at the expertise suggestions, the head of the call has really sparked huge angle sure in front because you know, this is the party of the opponent, precedence nicholas aqua z, a jock sheet, rock oppressive macro mentioned. this is also a party decreases. it's a history back to post warranty the child is the goal. and so this is, this is really a big deal. it's sonya,
11:57 am
thank you very much. that was our correspondence on you follow up in paris. you are watching dw news. we'll be back again at the top of the next hour. i'm terry martin . thanks for watching. the each small mistake could be for a child gold mine and the outlaw practice is still wide spread in the philippines. families across the country are digging in mind without any supervision or safety measures. only a few make a good living from snow stopped in 30 minutes on dw brand new design state of the arts engine
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the stories, shadows of german colonialism. sometimes the right how that you out to the highlight. every week, not the not exhibiting champion. a goal for a is ali john peck, test 179 of everything is simply designed so i can do this, which gives me extreme freedom meals this time. devin townsend really stays on the boat a dish mice and i've never thought i'm giving up but lives sometimes thought that i just can't take this anymore. what drives them to keep going and the sound of the people you associate on the d w the
12:00 pm
. this is the, the news coming to live from berlin called defense calling staff elections. the french president says, going to the polls is the only way to clarify francis political situation after european elections. but can he must, through enough support to account for the search and support for the far right. also coming up ukraine's president belong, is landscape leaves. berlin with the process of more military supports. these also have been tasking for financial help to rebuild the crate plus the militant group. i'm us stop short of accepting a us back proposal for a truce and gaza. the other israel north.


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