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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 12, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news coming to live from berlin called defense calling snap elections. the french president says, going to the polls is the only way to clarify francis political situation after european elections. but can he muster enough support to account for the search and support for the far right? also coming up ukraine's present blogger is landscape, leaves berlin with the process of more military supports. these also have been tasking for financial help to rebuild your credit. plus the militant group from us stop short of accepting a us back proposal for a truce and gaza. neither israel, nor have mazda of publicly committed to the plan. and the world's largest westland
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is on fire for sales, personal. roughly the size of england is saying a 10 fold surgeon while buyers this year, the so i'm terry martin. thanks for joining us with getting in france where france presents been a while my call has depended his decision to call snap elections. his press conference comes just days after he dissolved francis lower house of parliament. the sentries coalition suffered to resoundingly fees and sundays e u elections against a far right national riley, or in his 1st news conferences, calling for a new poll, he explained why he had no choice the city sunday morning, please let me clear this club. it was about europe itself, as i've always said, but the vote cast on the silver have strength and the right of the far right and it
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probably even more then in the task that exists on the security. this was a political earthquake and we cannot simply ignore it and proceed with business as usual, as our citizens have expressed the concern about a security migration, purchasing power. they don't really specifically click what they have shown all the displeasure, so anything like that, it's all about the current situation was it was crossed right over to our correspondence. sony, paul, the car has been standing by in paris. sonya, i know you were following the pros and cons speech show what are your main takeaways from the it was a really kind of sprawling speech where a person mcroy, you know, talked about his, his priorities of parties, priorities, old campaign, but also talked about, of course, the trip of the pod, right? the rise of the experience,
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i think one of the type of the far right and on this. and of course, this is, this is something that is being watched very closely and fonts because, you know, personally macro is kind of, i think, gambling with the fact that calling the staff and make sure he's the only way to kind of keep default, right. a way, the only way to kind of rodney mainstream voters and get them to see just how dangerous apartheid impala could be. but if there is no guarantee that is good, of course, a work. so it could actually back fight on me, could see the fall, right. getting to be on shots of power on the national level in front, which would of course have huge consequences not, not just the products, but also for your so i think press them across of, you know, one of the main things for me was that he kind of quoted on moderate forces to riley, behind what he going the republican front, the parties that share the same republican values to really come together. a betty the differences and, and try and, you know, come to the extremes. what did we learn in that news conference sonia about may cons. motivation for calling the snap election because he was certainly not
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compelled to do so. he's able to stay in power as present until 2020 something to that is right. i mean, he'd really was not constitutionally obliged to to call the snap election to dissolve one moment. but i think what you can afford to bed was the fact that he simply doesn't have a majority in parliament ever since. the last legislative elections in 2022. he besides open a minority government and this was meant that he has been really had strong in parliament 20, struggling to possibilities. he has a, you know, pretty article the result of 2, especially constitutional provision to full legislation through like a very controversial affection for form that we saw last year rate raising the retirement age from 60 to 64 that spot shown shoot for this. and i think what he was trying to see was that the situation was really untenable. i knew some kind of 17, i need to have a better mandate. so we can, you know, kind of,
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i can parcels before. and so i think this is basically what you seem to suggest for some motivation flame of course, according so i can make sure, well, following his announcement of the staff election, a new political alliances are being formed. it may be within the country preparing to get to for the campaign for this new election. what, what's taking shape in france's political landscape right now? sonya as well, there's a lot of frenzy negotiation going on between political parties due to the phone, possible alliances because they simply don't have a lot of time to do this. uh, you know, the, the 1st round, 14 takes place on june took it at the end of this month. what we saw yesterday was the president of defense, right? republican party at 13, suggesting a cooperation with the found right and actually providing leg by marine, the band. this is linked to homes of protestant and go in funds today be heard from
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the far right. national riley president drilled on monday and seeing that it's likely that you know, they will be supporting what he says attends and attends of and peas from the republicans in these elections. we don't have any details on that. on the far right . we might of that would talks of the possible data between another part right of potty, but that seems to be collapsing on the list. what we do have is the thing to write socialists and 3 other parties coming together. they said they would work together . these legislative elections in, in a group think all the pop in the front, and they say the main aim is to kind of defeat what they see is the right for rights waste this project, but also provided with tentative to crested macro. so there's a lot of that, a lot of fuel lines, there's political alliances now crystallizing, i think on the right and the list. sonya, thank you. that was our correspondence. sony found in parents a sketch up on a few other stories making headlines today. lodge wildfire has been forced,
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has forced the back you ation of several villages in southwestern cypress. no injuries have been reported, firefighters have been battling the place since tuesday in the hard to reach, reach. greece and jordan have sent firefighting aircraft apps. the cypriot government, us for 8 authorities in greece have announced that the famous acropolis in athens will close during the hottest hours of the day with temperatures expansion to hit $43.00 degrees celsius braces in the grips of the 1st heat wave of the summer primary schools in the greek capital are also closed. due to the hazy has announced a new government 2 weeks after galle connie was installed as pro interim prime minister. it transitional council made the appointments after the former leader resigned. tate, he has been gripped by a huge surgeon, getting violence, leading to a humanitarian crisis. both the united states in germany have pledged more
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military support for ukraine, president, for a lot of me. so lensky is visiting european allies on tuesday. he delivered an emotional space to germany's parliament, pleading for lawmakers to continue to stand behind team. so lensky was in berlin for a conference together support for rebuilding ukraine. but he also use this platform to call on on his allies to make sure that russia is held to account as the standing ovations in the parliament and one of ukraine's biggest supporters. while the situation on the ground in ukraine remains critical, ukrainian president expressed is hope for victory to german lawmakers. the new model may have the impression that boots in is going to be that forever. and it will not be an end to the war. but that is not the case, it's an illusion. it's an illusion that can be destroyed by leadership and decisions and make success as we will join the chief to boys together with you.
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german angry and ukraine will always be grateful for this. he also issued this dark warning against making peace with vladimir putin legally silly number along with the united. if somebody wants to try him, not food to him would always destroy any hope of coming to an agreement. you don't know what these mean. parliament was well attended to, so many members of the left is b. s, w, and the far right a f, d. and boy, you called at the speech due to their pro russian sympathies. so lensky is parliament address followed the conference in berlin, focusing on ukraine's reconstruction. this could potentially be financed by frozen russian assets. if leaders reach an agreement to the lensky did not end the day empty handed, he secured a promise of additional german ammunition for ukrainian weapons. this pledge was
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made as he visited ukrainian troops and germany were being trained on surface to air patriot missiles systems. they are crucial to enable keys to locate and shoot down russian missiles, which is also what makes them a target. germany has delivered to so far and pledges, and one more to few for zalinski to see if it's possible to bring to train more equipment to defend the assistance i will support. for now, germany will only deliver additional missiles for the ones already in ukraine. or for more on this, we can speak with our chief international editor, richard walker, who joins us from the ukraine. recovery conference here in berlin and dw corresponding to connelly who joins us from key. welcome to you both. richard. what pleasure this had been made at the conference here in berlin to help ukraine's recovery. yes, sorry. so we should stress that the ukraine recovery conferences. don't worry about weapons, of course, weapons have come up. and this is really, of course,
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the main priority of the ukrainian suited to, to get enough weapons to be fighting this war with a particular focus on the defenses. and, but everything is connected across those air defenses. of very, very important to pub protecting ukraine's power system, which has be knocked out substantially in recent months. and part of this conference has been about trying to find ways to make sure that you train can keep its power system really working. so that's investments in, in both gas power plants, but also the kind of distributed energy production that you can get with things like solar. but i think one of the most interesting comments that i heard here as the last couple of days was from one official. if you said, you know, at the end of a panel discussion that the road to freedom is paved with technicalities. and i think that's been a lot of the discussions here that it's about mechanisms to try to encourage international corporations to invest in ukraine. of course i can be thinking, well this is a country at war, is our investment safe?
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so funding mechanisms, insurance mechanisms to try to provide that insurance, that assurance to those companies that it is with making those investments. so a lot of discussion on that kind of technical level here, but also the organizers saying that in essence, this is a networking event. it's a way to bring together ukrainian, not just politicians on the national level, but also municipalities companies and international companies. and also international municipalities also taking place here. and for what i've heard from delegates here. they do appreciate that opportunity. nick in key for delegates of the conference. richard mentioned here in berlin, are talking about recovery in ukraine. but russia's war and ukraine is continuing, is that premature to talk about rebuilding the country? it was certainly, terry, if he's these people here in ukraine, lots of them will tell you that this is more about your opinion countries. germany of the you states being more comfortable talking about economic aid,
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rebuilding schools and power structures and talking about weapons. this is partly due to the fact that when this was planned about a year ago, it seemed like the will was going to some most stable direction that there would be some kind of maybe freezing. and that this would be more acute in terms of priorities rather than being situation where at the front lines are as kind of unclear and as in stable, unstable as they have been recent months. so this policy, that aspect here, but obviously ukraine's government needs the money to keep paying its pensions. it's wages, some of that stuff from outside, but also needs to raise tax inside the country. so it has to have a function called me to pay for its own me. and certainly that have been success is that ukraine was able to basically restore export of its grains to the world to address. so that was something that no one really thought possible at the beginning of the wind rush, it was locating those ports to happen. so you have some success story, some proof that it is possible to grow and you basically run the economy under russian attack. but certainly terms of investment, it is a very difficult sell back in 2014. when you have the conflict in the east,
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you could tell invest as well in their lives to 1000 kilometers from the front lines. nothing is going to happen in the, in the west, the country where you might invest, but now with russian solar tax itching all of the country, pretty much all the time. that is not something that the crane government can sell to investors. w. that was our ukraine, corresponding to connelly, there they, you just saw him before him dw as chief international editor. richard walker was speaking to me earlier saying here in germany, the country's defense minister is set to propose a new model for military service to prepare for a potential war morris. the story is says, if we revive compulsory conscription, 13 years after it was suspended. according to his plans, young men would be obliged to fill out forms, detailing their willingness and ability to join the army and to actively serve if necessary. the story is that germany should be ready to fight in
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a war by 2029. the w political correspondent, matthew morris. following the story, i asked him why defense minister if the stories would revive conscription now terry, um, defense minister bar is the stories. when you try to take the boo by the horns in a way that no defense minister has done in years. and he said, since you came into to the, to the roll into the office, which was in the aftermath of rushes and vision, he said he really wanted to, to, to turn around the button this rather gemini misfortunes after years and decades of, of basically on being unloved, neglected, underfunded, and just clothing alone. he really wants to turn into a fighting force again. and he's talks about missing get war ready by 2029. analogies in his palm that one of the targets that he said is about increasing the number of soldiers from around 880002200000. and he's been sco ring around for a ways to do that to get people interested in the all me again, i'm one of the, the kind of the idea is set to go and appears to be this conscription light model.
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what, what this new conscription law looks like, matthew, can you give us some specifics? so, so late at the day, he will, he will, uh, on view his big, his grand plan after months and months of research. but we've get, we've learned some of the details this morning through links to the media. and as it says, as we had there are some of the goals basically have fallen free questionnaire or other questionnaire sent out to you. and jim. yeah, 1400000 people were talking about here on a partly fear we are from what we know fear. we have to feel that i could lead to a fine. i'm from not 400000 that the britain display of hoops to west a lot done to around 10000 new soldiers every year. but terry, this assuredly controversial not least because there are people who to celebrate to the end of conscription in 2011. as you say on her feel that it's not the right model for 2024. however, there are also concerns and the despair because they've, they're there. they're worried about how you kind of, how you, we then this, this,
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this, the, the new court, especially some of them who may not want to be there. and so the, it's, it's a kind of, it's a very control, controversial topic in germany. but we will see today whether you know the detailed run that we'll learn later today. and it seems to me that borders the stories is going for a kind of general approach as he, as he kind of as young deal with this project. as for his plans later today, matthews, thank you. that was our correspondence. matthew moore know a couple other stories making headlines. they have, he has announced a new government 2 weeks after got economy. it was installed as interim prime minister. a transitional council made the appointments after the former leader resign hayes. he has been gripped by a huge surge and gang violence leading to a humanitarian crisis. the heavy rains of calls tales on the spanish tourist island of my york. uh, the airport and palmer, the more your temporarily suspended the whole take all send landings after parts of
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the runaway were in terminal, were flooded space, transport minister and several flights to the upsets several places. the ellen had to be rerouted to other destinations. now for the war and garza and her boss is called for some amendments to the us bank proposal for a truce deal. neither is real nor have boss of publicly committed to the plan. the united states had been hoping for an outright acceptance of the deal by both sides, secretary of state anthony blake and has spent the last few days travelling across the middle east to promote it. on monday the un security council endorsed the plan calling on both is real and have us to enact it immediately without conditions for for so there is massive pressure on israel. it him, us to approve the un back seatbar post for gaza. earlier i spoke about this with middle east l assignment, maybe on at lancaster university in the u. k. i asked him how likely it is, but the warring parties will sign off on the true steel or well yeah,
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you're right to say that was huge pressure here on all sides. it is pretty clear from the un making this commitment a security council pass and this resolution that, that was growing pressure on israel, on how much to actually get a ceasefire. not surprising, given the scale of the humanitarian suffering, the scale of the devastation across gaza. now the likelihood of it actually coming off however, is i think it's pretty difficult to assess the 1st phase of, of, of the plan as you've just out. one is perhaps the most probable and the most likely. but it gets off fully and far more complex when we move into phases 2 and 3, and i'm particularly worried when we get to those stages. now kata has been hosting these truce talks and other arab countries, like egypt and jordan, are involved to how much influence and simon to do these countries have in the
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negotiations, especially with respect to homos of what's about putting pressure off from us. and i think in the sense that the cutoff has his loan being an ally, host of how much, not necessarily a sup pulitzer. but they've been open to, to play and coding to some of the, from us. because like harlot massages, it's like guns are in the past, so it has a good deal of influence and not respect. and also perhaps more important thing is that it has the money and commodities obviously, particularly concerned about how garza is going to be rebuilt. the money has to be found somewhere in the gulf states. the in particular is going to have a big role to play. so i would imagine the doha is got the ability to it's a good deal of influence. but it's not so much the how much sides of that, that i think is the concern here with regard to accepting this deal. we've heard
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key figures suggesting that they all they are willing to accept it is more on the right side. i think that's why things getting ready to complex that will tell us more about how the home us leadership is dealing with this situation. is it? is it clear to you what their strategy is? is not particularly i think the from the, from the very offset. all of this on october 7, it's clear that the how much leadership has, has set how on a particular trajectory and found itself and, and what is that they didn't necessarily want the find itself. and we've heard that the actual attack that was planned was far more limited than, than what actually happened than that, that the devastation of that terrorist attack was not what was originally intended, or least. so we are led to believe. so that tells us that there is a lock of coordination. there was a lack of a clear strategy. and that certainly coming out with regard to what is being
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happening garza and in the month sense. and that's not surprising, given the political situation and gaza, given the realities on the ground of life and gaza in this conflict. there is intense speculation assignment about what will become of gauze after the war. and what do you think is the most likely scenario for how that territory will be governed as well? it depends who you're asking. yeah. because the international community wants to p a to be the main sort of driver of politics. and that will say that or in the gaza strip israel post amino 30th. sorry, this riley's a, perhaps a little less inclined to do that because that opens the door so much influence and benjamin. that's now who set that that can be know how much in because that he's, he's who gets hacked on this idea or speak to him come us and erotic hating it. and
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that leaves a bit of a problem. a conundrum because of this comes of late, that is why he's doing don't want to how much presence in gaza because they have just enjoy this absolutely devastating powers the talk. but at the same time, the international community wants a democratic space for people to engage politically in gaza. and boston could potentially, as it has been in the past, lead to how much and that would be on pallets of both of many and as well. and indeed many in the international community. so there's a, there's a real conundrum here as to what happens next. but i think in terms of the most likely scenario, i would imagine it would be some type of by the hour or international peacekeeping force that would serve as a transition or re sort of role. but then what happens after that is the big question is kicking the question of the quote unquote the day after just a little bit further down the road. so i'm good. thank you very much. that was simon, maybe on middle east analyst and professor lancaster university in the u. k. now
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the brazil was the world's biggest westland, is on fire at the pants and all region which is about the size of england is prone to wildfires during dry seasons. but this year the wildfire season has started earlier and it's more intense environmentalists for and that it more isn't done. nearly all the wetlands will be gone in a few decades. i tend to know should be flooded right now. instead, it's burning the fires in this wetland have increased 10 fold compared to last year . the intensity of a mix, residents uncertain about the future. any comment? feel sadness when i see the destruction? no sign is to see essentially like bisk i'm doing and so much life ends in these claims. this
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wetland is home to wild life like alligators, jaguars, and, and eaters. they're also breezing grounds for nearly 4000000 title own by farmers like jose who rely on ranching for income. the fires threatened not only his health, but also his livelihood. were trying to think i've got to do the other side of the base so that they have a better chance of surviving the day. so move in the way the fire is growing. it could still set on them london level by in the course to get home to the blazes are spreading more quickly this year due to low rainfall. the hot dry conditions along with strong winds, are making it harder for firefighters to put them out. stories once the situation under control before the real wildfire season begins in july
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and influence are known as the police spider man has been arrested in what is iris for free climbing, a 30 story building using no equipment machine, but not the almost space to the top you got to the 25th floor before rescue workers forced him into a safety harness. he's currently in police custody for the 2nd time after he tried to scale the same building just last week. local government and when his irises they're asking the courts to make him pay for the entire rescue operation. it involved creating a hole in the buildings facade, and they don't supply more than 30 rescue personnel, or you are watching dw news up next. it's close up with a report from the philippines about children putting their lives at risk, to dive for gold. don't forget, you can get all the latest news and information around the cost on our website. that's the w dot com or check us out on our social media accounts. we're at the w.
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com dw their i'm terry martin for me and all of us here at the w news. thanks for watching the
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beach. small mistake could be face, child gold. mine's the outlaw practice is still wide spread in the philippines. families across the country are digging in mind without any supervision or safety measure are only a few make a good living from those up next on dw brand new design stage of the arts engines soon as the future is
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all electric. after struggling for years, the story brand is looking to make a fresh start. will the new strategy pay off for the german automaker? made in germany. been 16 this on d w. the data brought together by chance, and they roots in the early ninety's on independence, free woman, and the mother of 10, in a strict patriot to make elaina assess team to testing of saving the lives of hottie on who doors has ever since the chosen
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a wasted life is this claudia and her daughter's stuff june 22nd on d w. the news .


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