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tv   HER - Women in Asia  Deutsche Welle  June 12, 2024 3:15pm-3:31pm CEST

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a message from me and the new scene for now you're off to dates. i will have a novel williams program for you at the top of the all the way up next to look at the everyday challenges of being a single mama gab office in berlin. near the new see the they were brought together by chance and they roots in the early ninety's on independence, free woman, and the mother of 10, in a strict patriot. to make elaina assess team doors has been of saving the lives of hardy on who doors is ever since
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the 2 is a wasted life. is this katia and her daughter's stuff? june 22nd on d w. the radio photo thing you don't want to be label 6, my size. i think almost that's only for me. okay. it logged in as far as the sidebar, which ever since i got pregnant to what makes you have the
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the, the failure to and we know that, oh no. i mean, if you're dealing with an yoga yankee, my, i'm all of, i'm not holding my people multi to all these on a book. i don't know why that they tell me the moment it will, matthews, who i know the movie the way this all. i know that throughout the by the
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on the off i'm looking for know holding tell me more new to the link. all you'll calling to do now will wait. let me do now this whole time the, the site is video photos hang on. one good thing for you all to do. uh, ever which is always something i mean i like or is it presence a sense all feed on a sense, all mean fearless, that is fine with english, the video freed else. so that only when should house on fire we
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see from the india economy. feet on the right top, i'm very proud, single alonda off. so on to lead on a, a 6 year old friend of mine bought 2 that i'm expecting i started crying. i started crying out of joy. the little one, the one it was a did i think that the i don't want this jack and i knew the child is that i was wanting to freeze from the society. the
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got married quite young. i was 26 years old, and i had my son when i was 28. there were more fights than good times. and then we agreed to go our separate way. my name's maureen here to view. i'm a community manager from jakarta, indonesia. i was lucky to have my family support. i was worried, i was scared. what's going to happen to my son? he's going to be labeled as a broken home kids the
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when i went in to naval, it was quite empty. go sophie. because the little lady was ready to be in a box with so i usually had to learn a little hard to get caught as well as at the beginning because the lady will offer shoes at the office was so offended by the fact that i don't i'm not allowed it, and i have the, it would have been fairly nice if i had someone by my side, right? i was having the context for the scan of guy to let alone a stranger for them on the special meetings. and then so you mentioned him to visit attendance taking so long story short, the last thing that it was going to have is stress or any kind unfortunate
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t l t, it's pick up on those things. was since the ad in your was so i unfortunately fast that trauma on the board shade and i wouldn't want that to happen to any kind of scared on any of them are the ones that don't have to the single moms you know, neisha started 2014, the, our community is become a safe house, basically online and offline. sometimes through our events, we're members can support one another, ask questions. the
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you don't want to be labeled, they don't want to be stigmatized. they just want to focus on their children on creating their own future the, you know, i'm going to say at the moment we see it with me on, you know, the mean time my home means that i need something to do that or to make on guide on the line,
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i hit the to me, so right in front of me mind me can call me what was it? i mean, i need to talk on chat, some i so the, the know haven't gone to them to check out. maybe there's something hon. hold you much at the, the
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i was in a constant so far, which ever since i got pregnant because i had to make sure that i'm keeping this as a secret from last time. and because i didn't want to give them a show on there and i and the same time started tonight, then i'm born che i'm going to get to a, to search for these kind of b. and then to find out that she's on the spectrum, she has some sensory issues and now to headphones. at the 3rd reason, everything years that our boss and the get the, i think i put a $100.00 to read because i know most send and what allowed the
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spelling of on leaving. it's about letting yourself say, what do i have been going to and just finally allowing yourselves to feel that on the names that people have gone to on the things that they have said to you and don't know if it will, behind your back. and the we then to have state or do you and wait until you to from can you for that not though the wound up on the news. i just the one thing that i just want to leave it one match i am that's on the,
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on the new or what i, they will have the main is that a boy no hold on. i thought was said in java, so new ways of my new like oh no, i mean almost i'm with matt and i'm calling and we will make voice almost response . i'm good. no worries worth it. yeah, the my message for other immunization single months out there and just focus on rebuilding your life and being the best mother you can be for your children. don't feel pressured by what society dictates out of you. so you can
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be the best version of yourself to do what makes you happy? the chico africa. see if it's a clean,
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healthy field that doesn't smooth like and even be used in the home. like go sky san antonio and cameron is turning food waste into renewable energy there. eco friendly charcoal is affordable and good for the climate. and it's just the beginning. africa, next dw brand new design stage of the arts engine. soon as the future is all electric. after struggling for years, the story brand is looking to make a fresh start. will the new strategy pay off for the german automaker? made in 1060 minutes on d w. we are all set with what seemed closely
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for him to bring you the story behind the news. we're all about fund bias information for 3 nights. the we are in these together that applies not just us humans, but also to a wildlife out vegetation. if you're going to make life better, we need listing solutions. welcome to equal off, because i am sandra holmes, that we nobody right here in comp. hello uganda. and i am crystal mc legal, some idea area. once again, we have lots of ideas of how we can all leave responsibly and allow plotted to
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flowers. here's what.


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