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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 12, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news live and from berlin tonight is real and i'm also still far away from a ceasefire. the middle of the group i'm boss, has propose changes to the plan announced by us president vitamin but us secretary of state have to be blinking calls the changes unacceptable. i'll say coming up an eye on russia, germany, and build a new plan to boost the number of soldiers in its depleted military. and the trained dispute between china and europe in high year and the european union, swabbing huge import tariffs on chinese electric cars. beijing says that is protection isn't the
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brit golf. it's good to have you. with this, the militant group of boss has called for changes to a proposal for a true steel changes that the us is calling unacceptable. neither israel nor her moss, which is classified by many countries as a terrorist organization, have publicly committed to the plan the secretary of state they have to be blinking is in consorts to drum up support for the initiative. on monday you may recall the un security council endorsed the proposal, calling on both israel and tomas to enact it immediately without conditions. but finding has continued with causes, health ministry, which is controlled by home, us saying another 14 people were killed and is really attacks on wednesday. when speaking of the press conference in doha, blinking addressed the amendments that are being solved by a moss. a mouse has proposed numerous changes to the proposal that was on the table
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. we discussed those changes last night with different colleagues. and today with the prime minister. some of the changes are workable this summer, not. but in the days ahead, we're going to continue to push on an urgent basis with our partners with color, with egypt to try to close the steel. because we know it's in the interest of israelis, palestinians, the region. indeed the entire world. and we all agree that the deal has to be grounded in the principles of the ceasefire proposal that the entire international community supports. for more now i'm going to go to journal is valid . sadie. he is in the northern is really bothering us, getting the senior, you know, yesterday we were talking and you were, you were anticipating the growing pessimism surrounding this plan. and that's what we've got today. now the us secretary of state, he's trying to, to push for
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a ceasefire with or without these amended term homeless. what kind of leverage can he pull to get him off to fall in long? so the us can try to put some uh, um, pressure on the how much do you think the controller reads by uh today to spell the last need us from that though, how about the for me, i don't even see this step as a way to pressure the leader said the inside because this trip, but there was a difference between the leaders the outside because of strep, specifically in doha, and those that are inside because that's trivial. yes. in what the legal say, because this trip is not interested, we're not gonna rush according to some reports to reach a deal. he needs to see some guarantees either from the americans or from things or even themself and announcement that they're ending their war and best. he can, eh, but actually amounts of victory over as well, or as to what they happened to, but 7th, so the best thing about them is here. i don't see that the,
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the 2 parties can reach a deal while both of them are not willing to give up on the main issue here, which is where the uh, uh, accept dental visit. all that's the last day is that because of the trip or and the other side, that's how most accept that the to, uh, basically this, the arm themselves of this method themselves. and because mr. n with talks at the stage the are right now is really prime minister benjamin at yahoo. we know that he's been pressure to formerly commit to this deal, but i'm considering what, how boss wants that pressure seems lighter tonight. does it as well, i guess the, the nothing you all who sees this as a positive thing because the americans already said yes, the last week to me and the also today and that the israel gave lots of concessions after all the israel has already agreed to many things that the american demand, that is, it goes as a basic reg, i've read through the same draft that's almost agree to say on the 6th of may with
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minor changes. it's specifically on the idea of uh, transferring come praise one to try to phase 2. i'm on demand the some more clarification on that. the part is royal. they wanted to stay this way by just saying that the media is, will do whatever it takes and who the to pressure would be to part is to reach a permanent ceasefire. so the only pressure that is on a benjamin the day on right now, as i see it is internally from families of the hostages that process every week on every day, basically. and the, or the to pressure think of them to reach of the let's talk about why you are in the north of israel to night. the lebanese militant group, hezbollah has launched one of its largest rocket attacks on israel, one of the largest. it's the start of the world in gauze. um, tell me what you're seeing, where you are to well been here since the today's afternoon,
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215 rock us with fire from south and the what the, the, it's already been looking community is that in the military sites here, from what we understand there are no casualties, but lots of damage. what's called the as the you can see here on the screen. fire broke out to in many areas in be a little bit lower than the upper delete also and type areas, the area that haven't even heard sirens before. since that silver age windows. so this started here. so what we're seeing here is a clear escalation. this is coming up to destination yesterday. apparently a top commander uh was uh, apparently he was actually killed a man. is there any error strikes an image, who by himself in the lab and on the among good be along with some of the 3 other top officials. so that was apparently a very important meeting for his beloved senior leaders there and the all of them were killed. that's why we're seeing this escalation here. and we've been saying escalation escalation for the past the, a few weeks now we can start school,
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think this a war. and although that's, we're still officially a police the a below the, the threshold for work generally is probably exciting tonight in whether it is real with the latest on. yeah. to conflicts following, thank you, you know, from one conflict to another. ukraine's military says that it has destroyed 3 russian surface to air missile systems and russian occupied crimea. is the 2nd report in strike on air defenses on the peninsula. this week. your grades as the strikes targeted, a russian s 300 system and 2 more advanced s 400 systems near bill back military air base. and so basketball, new arms deliveries from the us are increasing ukraine's ability to strike russian targets further away. analysts say it's only a matter of time before keith might attack another vital target in crimea, the bridge linking the occupied peninsula to the russian mainland. let's see how
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that might work and what that might mean for the conflict. this video from ukraine's military intelligence service allegedly shows c drones attacking russian ships off the coast of crime, in just a few attacks out of many in the past month on the peninsula and the russian naval forces dr. there, including drone and missile strikes, attacking the navy of crimea makes it harder for russia to blockade. ukrainian ports and attacking land based forces weakens rushes ability to wage war on the ukrainian mainland. crimea has served as a russian stage in grand since 2014, when russian forces legally annexed the peninsula from ukraine. the move led to international sanctions and isolated russia from the west, but also allowed russia to station tens of thousands of troops there, as well as tanks and troop carriers. it's blacks. the naval fleet was docked at the
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port is the vast apple, and it serves as an air base as well for bombing raids on ukraine. for much of the war, the cap street bridge, the connex crimea to the russian mainland was russia's main military supply route for the peninsula, making it a prime target for ukraine. the bridge has been attacked multiple times and the legend truck bomb in 2022, as we see here. and again in 2023. it's status as a major target, came back into focus in march of this year when german military personnel debated, striking the bridge with a german bill. taurus, missile. a recording of that conversation was linked, creating a scandal until recently, ukraine's western backers forbade it to use long range weaponry on russian territory. but that has changed both of us and germany have specifically authorized keys to use their weapons to hit targets just inside the russian border to defend
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the city of hockey. in the northeast, new deliveries, including attack comes missiles from the us, open up a whole new range of possible targets. however, attack them have a range of 300 kilometers, put in crimea, well within their sites. the camp straight bridge is a no brainer target, and russian military planners have built a new railway line to transport hardware overland to crimea. possibly in anticipation of further attacks on the bridge. ukraine were to destroy the bridge. it would be a blow to moscow's ability to supply its military, but its impact on public opinion in russia would likely be greater. and next thing it from ukraine to russia has been a major point of pride for russian president vladimir putin. part of what he sees as his historical legacy. if a more now enjoyed by military analyst, marina rome, i mean it's good to see you again. ukraine has successfully destroyed russian
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surface to air systems in crimea. that happened overnight. do you see this as a sign that ukraine could possibly be putting in or be lo, looking at other targets and i'm thinking of the bridge we just saw in that story. could that bridge be targeted again? a good evening rent. well, what we have to understand here is at this juncture, in the war before ukraine is going to get at sixteen's, ukraine needs to make sure that they can operate with impunity. meaning that they are right now, hunting russian area defense systems. and we're seeing it not only in the wrong crimea, we're seeing it across the northern border. and so me and heart cube. so i think that um, targeting those air defenses as part of that strategy to basically make the skies safe for, for the f. 16 set might then be deployed, and yes,
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the courage bridge could be a potential target. however, given the shortage of long range missiles, would it make sense for ukraine to focus their entire efforts on the courage bridge, which will be very difficult to destroy, difficult to destroy. but with these new us weapons, with this weapons, would they be the right ones to be good? they in theory destroyed the curse bridge. right? in theory, what do we mean by destruction of the bridge of what it destroys the apo layers of the bridge or? and they kept all basically temporarily. destruction beyond repair is something that i would consider as a complete destruction. and i don't think that ukraine has that ability, but basically what they can do is damage the apple layers of the bridge,
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but not the columns. meaning that this, these oper leers can be repaired. it's just a question of time. and in order to, to fully destroyed, i think a lot more fire power would be needed. and of course, would have to understand that the russians are ready to reacting to that and, and directing their own defense to make sure that the bridge is very well protected . because it's a logistical supply route, aside from being a very symbolic construction being put into old project. the new approval by germany in the united states, when it comes to using their weapons to hit targets inside russia. do you, do you see that as possibly altering the course of this more as well, i have just mentioned that what i think is going to happen is that ukraine will be trying to prepare as a ground floor is that arrival of f sixteens. and so is the use of these weapons
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will essentially help ukranian forces to take all the russian air defenses. also those located across the border in combined strikes because the problem that you create has right now as assume searching for objects that are dropping those wide bombs, which are essentially this for you creating and for structure you creating an air defenses. so for the f sixteens to have a chance in the ukranian era space, they need to make sure that the russian air defenses up taken out using the likes of har missiles, for instance, and then timers of the accounts and brooms in order to destroy them. so what i think that the principal focus on using these long range capabilities is weakening russian lee or the air defenses which could make a difference. the competing is justin folding. we have to see how it progresses.
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okay, military analysts, marina monroe, we appreciate your time in your analysis to not read. thank you. thank you for having me. for germany, it's depends. administer, boy is the story is outlined a new plan, a bit increasing the number of army recruits to prepare for a potential more. according to the plan, 18 year old men would be required to fill out forms, detailing their willingness inability to join the army. suitable candidates would then be selected to take part in military service every year. story as a stress that nobody will be forced to serve germany effectively, ended compulsory conscription back in 2011 and has struggled to recruit soldiers. the story is says that urgently needs to change because of the threat posed by russia. the do not the reference or limit as massively increased the defense budget, which the of off of this russia is increasing its weapon stocks and a switch to
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a war economy. what do you have on a truck and get and the verbal attacks against nato members in other neighboring countries as noticeably increased the onset so according to the assessments of all international military experts, you may have to assume that from 2029, russia will be capable of launching a military attack on a nato country or a neighboring country and not to stop the bus stop until guy from dw is political correspondent, alex garrett has more in now and how the plan is supposed to work. yes, so it is a voluntary service for a $100000.00 young men and women will be contacted every year by the german defense ministry. and they will be asked to fill out a questionnaire about the motivation of joining the german military omen. have to reply to this to this call, women can reply if they want to and it all out of all these ons is coming back to the ministry for to 1000 young people then will be invited to undergo medical
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military examination. and the one suitable and willing to join the german military then can do so for 6217 months. and the only compulsory element of all this plan is basically that the man a half to on. so that questionnaire that they have to send that back. and the story is already has without any additional compulsory element in this plan, that is, at least for this current governing term, that was like squares reporting there. let's take a look now some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world rushing warships and been participating in military exercises in the caribbean. they were seen sailing into the cuban for different vanna on wednesday. u. s. military experts say the vessels may also stop in venezuela. another long time ally of russian, members of frances conservative republicans party say that they have else did their leader, eric sealed after he pledged to make a deal with the far right and national rally. seals,
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he insist that he is still in the post president mac wrong. the french president says that he called snap elections to help the rise of one of the far right parties in the country. the judge cord has sentence 3 men to decades in prison for their roles in the murder of the crime reporter paid to are the free. the journalist was gone down in broad daylight in amsterdam back in july of 2021. the killing of one of the netherlands most prominent reporters shocked the nation. the european commission has threatened to drastically increase import tariffs on chinese, electric cars. chinese car makers, good phase duties as high as 38 percent. that's up from the current 10 percent. european union is reacting to china whitening it's rich in global electric vehicle markets. chinese brands have been expanding abroad, mostly due to their lower prices. both the you and the united states are choosing
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beijing of illegally subsidizing chinese carmakers. the commission says it's open to talking to beijing to a bird. the terror of heights. and the chinese government is accused of european union of protectionism. city if i'm with the anti substitute investigation is a classic case of protectionism. it goes against the principles of market economy and international trade rules. it undermines shine that you, you cannot make and trade cooperation as well as the ability of the global, all the production and supply chain. it will ultimately harm europe's own interest . so we don't. yeah, we so okay, hold on. well, our brussels correspondent rosie birch odd. she joins me now, but she is good to see you. we know how much trade there is between the european union and china. so what is the, what is it trying to do with these terrorists? some frank brussel says this is simply all about fair competition. so the idea that businesses, producers compete on the market. and if one has
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a better idea or becomes more efficient, they will gardner more customers bought. that idea of a level playing field would be disruptive if one company or one set of companies was getting an unfair advantage or a helping hand, particularly from a government. that's what the european commission suspect suspected was happening with chinese electric vehicle producers that were, that they were being on fairly subsidized by the chinese government. and therefore being able to under caught european producers. they therefore launched investigation into those suspicions a few months ago. and officials briefing us here in brussels of told us they discovered what they called a subsidies across the entire supply chase, where that was tax exemptions grants, access to critical role materials, etc. so therefore they've decided to move forward with these provisional terrace, which could come in, in a few weeks of less than the solution is finding between china and the european commission in the meantime. so brussels basically says, this is all about re balancing unfair competition. china, on the other hand,
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such as the naked act of protectionism, german, all the makers, they're responsible for a lot of jobs here. they make a lot of their money in china. they are against this terra hide. how could it be harmful to the european car manufacturers? it's, well, the 1st thing to note is the european manufacturers themselves would be implicated in this terrace if they're producing in china. so if they're exporting from china, but also it could have a bigger, full load on european markets, more broad. we, if they escalate into retaliation, and we know that china said it will take retaliatory measures in some form of another or direct me to do so at least. and some of the areas facing could be, i might include the asian sector and you were for european farming exports. so the german car industry certainly has been a comment this very skeptical of this warning of the possibilities of an escalating trade war. the german government to has been pretty solidly against this e. u. member states. we'll get some sort of a sale next before there are any final measures taken. what about mitigating
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against climate change? i would think that cheaper electric cars would be something that the european union would, would welcome for consumers to, to buy this is really part of this and balancing act the your thing condition such as trying to strike between on the one hand, the carbon icing the economy racing toward clean technology, but on the other hand and other goals they have here, brussels which is decreased to decrease dependents on china, on the way one e official put it today when he's briefing prices that they kind of build efforts towards achieving claimant neutrality on unfair competition. so this really is something that probably will have to grapple with moving forward, not least because the european union has put in place laws to bind the sale of new combusting engine cars. so 2035, and if not to come into place, we'll expert said they would certainly need electric vehicles. would need to become cheaper in order for that to happen. so some they'll really have to continue on this balancing act. moving forward. yeah, they got
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a couple of squares to circle that's for sure. where dw rosie birch are the latest from brussels to night. rosie thank you. of violence against children during more reached extreme levels last year. that's according to the united nations in the annual children in armed conflict report that you, it has blacklisted tomas islamic jihad and the is really military for the killing and maiming of children and for a tax on schools and hospitals. the more in sudan is also highlighted in the report which blacklist students army and the rival paramilitary forces for crimes against children sedan. so a 5 fold increase in violence against children in the past 2 years. the civil war has caused mass displacements and a threat of famine. 7 year old red tag, she's doing her daily tools. she fled to the refugee camp in the full with her family to escape the caches in the city of al sasha. give me
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a lot of room for the work we used to play. i came here with my, my dog brought this in on goods. my dad, us back home on a small family, seek refuge from the violence, food and resources being stretched nutrition rates and children on the 5 and this refugee camp a twice as high as in central the full like how does it has to our lives has become difficult as the $99.00, you can see we don't have anything. not that i'm like, i gone people to make dinner for my kids. i single the conflicts began every year. we go and rages across ways of the country as a power ministry group, the rapids support forces, bottle for control against the sudanese on me. this is a recent attack by the reassess them a village around a 100 kilometers south of the capital. how to left
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a 100 people dead. the ongoing functions have sparked condemnation from the un under pledge by the international criminal court to investigate. i don't want that to be any doubt that the information being collected by my office on a daily basis from da 4 seems to disclose an organized, systematic kind of profound attack on human dignity. and i believe, based upon the information we are receiving, that we are on the precipice of something even less the i c. c is appealing for as much evidence as possible from witnesses and see done as the violence continues. it is the country's children who are the worst effected as an influence are known as the polish spider man has been arrested in point this
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hour is for free climbing a 30 story building using no equipment are seen by no, almost them needed to the top you see him right there. he got to the 25th floor and that's when rescue workers forced him into a safety harness. he's currently sitting in police custody for the 2nd time because he tried to scale the same building last week. the local government and board as our, as it says that they're asking the courts to make him pay for the entire risk of operation. it involved creating a hole in the buildings facade, and it took more than 30 rescue personnel to make it half alright. he was reminded the top stories were following for you this hour. her mazda has deliberated the response to the ceasefire. proposal announced by us president biden . the group expressing that it's ready to positively reach a deal to in the war in gaza. but it once changes to the plan, neither is real nor how much it publicly committed to the proposal. this is
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dw news of next. we have a documentary on how the new mans of the need are coping with extreme doubts. i'll be back at the top of the hour with normal news. i hope to see you there. the, the,
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the people are fighting over water in the name the struggle has increasingly painted herders against farmers. everyone needs this precious resource to survive the day as a new man who wants to mediate these disputes to stop the vicious cycle of violence and 3 and residents before it's too late. next on d,
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say like good everyone to okay, retiring into the market for i'm sorry, check out the award winning outcome. don't hold back the the indiana and let me do this is where the stream used to be and yeah, that's why i brought you here.


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